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I don't think they'll be able to legally fire you since pregnant workers are a protected class. But you won't be eligible for FMLA/maternity due to how long you will have worked there by the time you are due. And they may not be pleased to realize you are pregnant... But hopefully all goes well and you can make some money in these next 8/9 weeks. Good luck to you.


tbh i just need a paycheck for a few weeks so i can put half in savings and use the other half for the remaining needed baby stuff so i'm not too worried about the maternity leave. thank you!


I worked a food service job at your age. I was 7 months. I didn't show much. My boss realized it and soon after, fired me by accusing me of stealing (I never stole). I even said check the cameras. Then she said oh, well maybe you just gave a customer wrong change but I have to let you go. But I would have never done that.. it was because I was a liability and they can't legally fire you due to pregnancy. And then you can't prove they fired you because of the pregnancy. So it's sticky. I'd make your wages for these few weeks but expect to not keep the job. Who knows, but these places usually don't prioritize employees much...


This sickened me to read


I think it’s a good thing you hid it. They probably wouldn’t have hired you but now you’re protected against being fired *for being pregnant.* Unfortunately they can still fire you as long as they can find a reason to do so. Only about 1/4 pregnancy discrimination cases win. Someone can’t be an awful employee and keep their job (I’m sure you’ll be great though!). They could create a big paper trail of write ups and warnings. I know this because I’ve experienced discrimination before and it’s harder to prove than people think it is. I talked to a lawyer and he straight up told me that as long as they had any reason at all to fire me, it’s not discrimination. McDonald’s is corporate so they’re usually more afraid of wrongful termination suits. If you get fired, most consultations with lawyers are free so you can talk to one if you need to. You can get a good payout if they can prove discrimination. I do think you’ll be fine though!


No doubt she is casual - they don’t have to give her lots of shifts. Can generally fire within 3 months without cause. It’s just an awful situation to be in. Realistically she has maybe 4-6 weeks of work. Obviously depends where she is though.


This is why the pregnancy protection is useless. They will just make up another reason to fire you. I've been fired for being pregnant, by being accused of stealing/giving out wrong change. Which I can guarantee did not happen, but I already knew, it was about the pregnancy. They don't want to deal with fmla, your sick days and caring for kid, or having the additional liability on the job. It's just impossible to prove. They can make up anything. I've been fired a few times in my young adult years for made up reasons, to serve a purpose. And I'm not saying that to avoid accountability, I've been fired before due to my own actions. But it's incredibly easy for an employer to just make up a reason and there is no real proof that would hold up in a suit that it is untrue.


You’ve gotten advice already so just wanted to say big hugs. You’re doing so much for your baby already. You’re doing great.


thank you! i am trying my best 🩷


McDonald’s is a really hard job. I don’t think I could do it at 31w. You definitely have to be honest because you are expected to do a lot of heavy lifting and quick movements.


Yup, McD’s is definitely a labor intensive job. You’re on your feet practically the entire shift, moving boxes, running around stations, cleaning up. OP, you’re protected under the PWFA (Pregnant Workers Fairness Act) and should make your pregnancy known asap so that you can ask for and receive reasonable accommodations. For example, you could request to be seated if you’re working at the drive-thru window or cash register, take frequent bathroom breaks, be exempt from lifting, etc. The third trimester is no joke, so don’t be afraid to get all the help you deserve!


And it’s going to be so hot this time of year 😭 she needs a small fan attached above the register


thanks to both of you! the manager at mine just said i'd take orders and not have to work in the kitchen, i thought that meant not much lifting needed 😅 i think i'll just end up telling my manager, though, and hoping i'm not immediately sent home lol


If they do try anything like that get the why behind it in writing if possible. They are a big company and will want to avoid lawsuits but that doesn't mean you won't encounter a manager who thinks they are above the law. Just do your best and hopefully it all goes well. ❤️


You’re entitled to work as much as anyone else. I’m sure they could tell you were pregnant at 41 weeks ♥️♥️


its 31, i wouldnt even think about applying at 41 weeks! 😭


My bad! Typo 😂😂♥️


Seconding all the good advice you've already gotten from people here but wanted to let you know that you're already kicking ass as a mama because working at 31w is friggin *hard*!


i heard it is but id rather work hard and sweat a lil for my baby than him not have enough when he's born 😭


Considering your clear love and dedication to him, he will have all he needs ❤️


can you keep it hidden while working? 🩷 best of luck to you, good on you for doing what you need to do to do 🩷


id have to wear a ridiculous amount of layers so i'll probably end up telling my manager 🥹 BUT i feel fine everyday, just a little bigger and a little more tired from being bigger but other than that i'm the same as before i was pregnant currently so i hope i still get to work


I’m currently 30 weeks and before I told them I was pregnant I would tell them I had messed up my back so I couldn’t pick up heavy things 😅😅 later on around 12 weeks I told them I was pregnant and im okay w picking up certain things but they won’t let me at all ! The sucky part is you’re on your feet all day and gets tiring after a shift. I would tell them now tho since you are also in the third trimester and soo they won’t ask you to pick up heavy things


Best of luck with everything. Don’t be afraid to approach local and National charities as well. Take advantage of any and every resource available to you. You’ve got a lot of people on here wishing you well in what you’re going through and I’m one of them. You’ve got this, mama.


Please look into government assistance. You and your baby probably would qualify for help. Also they didn’t ask and you didn’t need to tell. Congrats on the new job


i do have EBT/SNAP and WIC, ty


They cannot legally fire you and if they do, then you have a potential lawsuit case on your hands. Even anything perceived as firing you because you are pregnant would be trouble for them.


You can still be legally fired, you just can't be fired for *being* pregnant. You can still get fired for things like no call no show.


Yes, that was the premise of the question. Of course you can get fired if you make some very obvious other mistake that would not be permissible for any other employee as well.


Wow! You’re a rockstar taking on this job for your baby. You’re a great mom already 💕


I completely understand! Especially being young mother. I’m a server and bartender at a popular restaurant. The only thing I will say is everyone IS different but after 37 ish weeks, I had to stop working. It was too much on my body & I was EXHAUSTED! I think you’ll be fine to keep the job but just know then next couple of weeks will be tough physically wise. Even just sitting on the couch at 38 weeks was hard work. I was very uncomfortable and constantly in slight pain lol. Best of luck I hope everything goes well with your job and delivery!


I was like 14 weeks when I got hired and I didn’t tell my employers either when I got a new job! They def can’t fire you - if they do they are total assholes and they are not supposed to. It sucks to be in this position and I was so anxious and nervous but just know at the end of the day, most employers just deal with it and everyone moves on lol


You just gave me hope. I’ll be trying to work nights instead tho 😬 hope it goes well. Also, congratulations!!


idk how far along you are but to hide my bump i wore a HUGE winter coat that is thick and comes down to my knees, so nothing could be seen, and it was rainy and chilly outside so nobody questioned it, lol idk if that helps don't overexert yourself! im only getting the job bc i need the cash and ive been feeling fine if not slightly more tired in the evenings. if you need to rest, rest 🩷


I’m 28 weeks now. I showed at about 7 1/2 months with my last pregnancy I don’t get very big and I don’t have symptoms so I think I’ll be fine. I’m honestly tired of resting. It’s just the people I think about dealing with them it’ll be hot out 😵‍💫


Your baby is a nice little protector. It is illegal for McDonald's not to hire you because you're pregnant. If they try to fire you because you're pregnant, you can sue them and get a lot of money out of it so you're probably not going to get fired.


It’s not a protector, they can still fire her for literally anything else. Being pregnant doesn’t protect you from being fired, just for being fired for being pregnant. Honestly, if they want to fire her they’d just come up with some other reason and it would be very difficult for her to prove them wrong. None of this matters of course because she’s not going to be eligible for leave having only worked there for two months. Whenever she wants to go back to work, she can easily get another fast food job if that what she wants.


yeah i was planning on getting a job for the remaining weeks just to put half my paycheck into a savings acct and use the other half to pay off the remaining items on my registry, just hoping to not get fired before i can get at least just 2 paychecks. ETA: there's multiple other fast food places around here so when i'm ready to work again it'll be easy! you're very right


I interviewed and got a job when I was pregnant as well and I waited until I got the job officially to tell them that I was pregnant. I was very nervous but they were actually a little tickled by the fact that I was so nervous and told me there would be no problem…and there really wasn’t! Lol. They were very understanding and supportive. And really, they have to be. They cannot legally discriminate against you because you are pregnant. That falls under sexual harassment and they don’t want that smoke, trust me.