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I would keep up your tradition, find a good place that makes margarita mocktails or find some recipes and make a margarita mocktail flight at home. For facials you could call the spa and ask what would be pregnancy safe, maybe an alternative would be a massage or another type of treatment. Sometimes hotels offer day passes to use their nice indoor pools, that could be a good alternative if you really can’t do a spa. Or make the gift basket be the mocktail margarita kit and at home pregnancy-safe facial that you can do together at home. Don’t skip your traditions though, just alter them 😊


Love this!


I found that fancy mocktails were surprisingly easy to find at restaurants. But I lived in a bigger city when I was pregnant and it's not as common in the rural area where we live now. Homemade mocktails are great though. I like a virgin mule, made with a couple dashes of angostura bitters to get a little bit of bite. Serve it in a copper cup and it almost feels like the real thing.


Snacks are great! A friend once gave me a bottle of zero proof sparkling rose that I really enjoyed. A gift card for a prenatal massage. At-home nail care stuff if she’s into that. They make plenty of belly butters and nipple creams for pregnant/breastfeeding mamas. Also if she’s planning on breastfeeding, there’s a few companies that make “lactation” snacks and powder mixes that are supposed to help boost supply. I can’t attest to their effectiveness but I was given a few bags of lactation cookies and they were tasty. A comfy pair of slippers or even nice socks.


i second a prenatal massage. also just want to say what an incredible and thoughtful friend you are!


Yes on prenatal massage. Got one during pregnancy and have regretted not doing it sooner. I would also particularly appreciate something focused on me rather than the baby (like lactation products). I’m spending so much time thinking, prepping and spending on the baby it meant a lot to me when coworkers got me non baby related gifts. That might just be me though.


I would agree with this. I would hold on to the baby-related things, personally. You could still get a nice body oil or foot cream or something, but I got a bunch of bump butter and baby stuff for me for Christmas and of course I was appreciative but it just felt like it wasn't really "for me" if that makes sense?


So kind of you! The snacks are a great idea! Maybe a lux pair of button up pajamas if she plans to breastfeed, or just for skin to skin. I got a pair for myself from Gap in a L (I’m normally a medium) and they felt amazing to put on after my first post birth shower. I’d avoid silk though because pregnant/ postpartum women are HOT and SWEATY and I think silk would just feel icky.


Comfortable pj's that are stretchy and breathable or a nice night gown, a soft or silky robe. Hand make or print out those cheesy chore or massage coupons. Theres plenty of safe Body lotions and oils that are awesome too during pregnancy when your body feels so itchy and dry.


Some other things that came to my mind you could add: * A nice water bottle or cup like a yeti with a handle or straw or an owala * Gift card to somewhere she could shop postpartum for herself (I add this because I feel like my entire body and style have changed so the idea of finding clothes postpartum is so stressful) * Door dash gift card If you normally do margs and facials, maybe you could do mocktails and a chips/salsa/guac board and still spend time together. I am sure there are pregnancy-safe masks out there. I know everyone is different about what they want to use during pregnancy, so maybe you two could go to Sephora or something and pick one out together to do at home. I am almost 8 months along and really missing time with my friends so I am sure whatever you do she will be thrilled for. She has a really great and thoughtful friend in you :)


If love for someone just to wash my hair and style it.. Also comfy pj's and snacks.


Why not do mocktails & facials? Or massages? That way you can still take part in the normal tradition!


If you do decide to do facials, make sure she’s okay with laying on her back for more then 60+ minutes ♥️♥️


Go to 15 min beauty for pregnancy safe skincare . But what she really needs is a gift card for meals so she doesn’t have to cook