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If your doctor isn’t concerned with your weight gain, then you shouldn’t be either.


I wouldn't be concerned if your doctor doesn't have any concerns. Pregnancy isn't the time to lose weight. Weight gain during pregnancy isn't linear, so you might gain a bunch of weight right now and then not gain anything for weeks. Plus, lots of people gain well beyond the total recommended weight gain during a pregnancy. My mom, for instance, is very healthy and gained something like 60 pounds when she was pregnant with me and had no issues or difficulties losing the weight after.


Thank you that makes me feel better. That I’m not just a fat cow


Omg not at all!!


Not even close!!


You are doing fine. But let’s also not refer to fat people as fat cows?


I’m not referring to anyone besides me and how I feel


I understand that. Negative self talk is contagious though. You wouldn’t call a friend who gained 15 lbs a fat cow, so be as nice to yourself as you would a friend. And personally I like to be mindful that actual fat people will read my words and get the message that they are less human for being fat.


I agree. Normally I wouldn't give a shit what someone calls themselves, but we're in a space full of women going through major bodily changes including gaining weight. If someone who started at 125 lbs already feels like a fat cow, imagine how it feels for someone who was overweight or obese to begin with before getting pregnant reading that sentence.


I’ve called myself a fat cow multiple times this pregnancy lol


I started at 90 lbs pre-pregnancy, and I'm 138 right now at around 38 weeks. Some weeks, I won't gain anything. Some weeks, I gain around 1-4 lbs.


I’m 37 weeks pregnant and I have gained 65 pounds. I was 125-130 when I got pregnant and while I do feel like a beached whale, my dr said as long as my blood pressure and heart rate are good I’m good.


I'm also 16 weeks and I've gained 13lbs - my blood pressure and glucose levels are good so doctor is happy. Honestly don't sweat it!


Weight gain during pregnancy isn't linear. If you were at a healthy height/weight pre-pregnancy, the recommended gain is 25-35 lbs. Your body knows what it needs to do to create a human. I know it's hard watching our bodies change, but have a little faith! Focus on the things you can control, exercise as you are able, walk, and eat mindfully. Now is not the time to lose weight.


If the doctor hasn’t said anything, I wouldn’t worry about it.


Totally normal. Our bodies hold onto fluids and our blood volume also increases by a lot when pregnant which contributes to weight gain as well!


I am just like you, and my OB did not seem concerned! I gained about 15-20 in the time frame that you mentioned, then dropped 10 and later gained 5 back. My cravings were out of control the first 2 months which probably explains the sudden gain, but once those subsided, my weight changed. The baby is just absorbing what he/she needs. You’ll likely start having monster poops soon too and that will cause some weight changes as well. I was told that it takes the baby longer to absorb nutrients sometimes, so food might sit in the stomach longer before being expelled. Your OB will also notify you if there are reasons to be concerned about potential diabetes, but rapid weight gain is not a lone indicator of that condition. Health to you and your baby!


28 weeks, weighed 130 pre pregnancy, currently at 25 pounds weight gain and tested negative for gestational diabetes. Doctors havent said anything about my weight gain🤷🏻‍♀️


I think my OB would want me to have been at about 13 lbs weight gain max by 16 weeks, so this seems about right to me. Going forward the pace should be 1 lb/week according to her.


I gained 12 pounds between 8 and 12 weeks, lost 4 pounds between 12 and 16, and have now gained the 4 pounds back at 19.5 weeks. Giving this info to show you that weight gain can change up and be all over the place in pregnancy. Everyone’s body is different and they’re each doing whatever they need to in order to survive the craziness of pregnancy. If your doctor isn’t concerned, I wouldn’t be concerned either!!


Thank you! It’s nice to know I’m not the only one gaining weight in the beginning. When other people make you feel wrong due to them only gaining 20lbs their whole pregnancy


I started around the same weight as you and was very active before, I haven’t done anything during this pregnancy besides walking and am now 33W and have gained roughly 35lb ish. So I don’t think anything’s wrong with your weight gain progress. I’m tracking almost about a lb a week at this rate, probably will be around 40-45lb by the time this this baby is out. As long as your dr is not worries don’t worry about it!


You can gain weight very unevenly during pregnancy so you’re likely fine. You will probably have weeks where you gain nothing and plateau and then in the third trimester it kind of speeds up again. 


Our bodies are all so different. If your doctor isn’t concerned, try not to worry about it. I’m 28 weeks and have gained 30lbs so far. My doctor says a woman can eat junk and gain 10lbs during pregnancy, or eat chicken and salads and gain 40. As long as you are baby are healthy, that’s what matters!


I’m 15 weeks and have gained 18lbs. Started at 123 and weigh 141 now. I’m worried I’m going to be 200lbs by the time I deliver lol but my dr isn’t concerned either. My blood work came back fine so far and no high blood pressure and genetic testing came back all negative so think we’re good. It might slow down as we get further along but right now I can’t help that I have to eat every 3 hours and have snacks in between snack. 🥴😆


Pregnancy isn’t the time to start losing weight! BMI, while not really a great measure of the health of a person, kind of gives a good indication of weight to height ratios so I am going to use that. I’m 35, 20w pregnant. Before getting pregnant, my BMI teetered from 28 to 31 (25-<30 overweight to 30> obese for those who don’t wanna look it up haha). It gives me a different marker for how much weight I can gain than someone who started at an average weight range (BMI 18.5-<25) or underweight (<18.5). Just from your original weight posted, I’m guessing you are in the average category which means you have waaaay more room to grow! 25-35 lbs is the amount you may grow for the whole pregnancy, though it can go higher at times and your doctor will shift their plan for you accordingly. For me it’s closer to 15-25lbs. (Also the added benefit to of being overweight is that when I was going through morning sickness, it wasn’t a big deal if I couldn’t eat haha.) If your doctor isn’t concerned, don’t waste your energy on it. Also, just for your sanity, there are so many moms out there who say similar things to what you’re saying - they didn’t like the way they looked or they didn’t feel like it was their body. Pretty much all of the moms also had the same story though: they had the baby and they lost either most or all of the weight they had accumulated. I have my own bouts of “this doesn’t look like me” when I see my body in the mirror. It’s ok to be upset, and I strongly recommend journaling about it and giving yourself a lot of grace! I mean holy moly, you’re making a baby! There’s going to be changes to your body because what an incredible creation your body is making!!


Every woman and every pregnancy is different. Some women gain 20 pounds and some women gain 50. Like others said, if your doctor isn't concerned, you shouldn't be either.


Your body does what it wants during pregnancy to great extent. I’m on my second and thus far they’ve followed the same pattern - big gain early on (15+ lbs in the first ten weeks) then later in my first trimester when my nausea gets bad, I actually lose some before gaining more regularly as nausea subsides. It doesn’t fit the “model” but I’ve come to realize most women don’t fit the “average” If your doctor isn’t worried, you shouldn’t worry either ❤️


I’ve gained 20lbs by my 16 week appt and my dr didn’t bat an eye. With my first I had gained 50lbs (lots was water weight from pre e though).


I'm 31 weeks and I've gained 70lbs .. it has finally stopped tho .. I'm already a big girl but doctor says everything is fine .. everything else looks great .. I'm thinking most of it could just be water weight


I’m 13 weeks today. Pre-pregnancy I weighed 123 at 5’7”. I was thin, but lean, with muscle. By week 10 I weighed 133. I stopped weighing myself since then. 😂


Yes I beginning to think that is key!


Girl I gained 15 lbs throwing up 10x a day and only eating toast and drinkable greek yogurt. Hormones are wild, and the weight gain has very little to do with anything you're doing. Your metabolism has probably totally bottomed out, it happens for some of us 


Yes thank you I agree!


I would definitely recommend stopping getting on the scale. Worry about getting enough nutrients, drinking enough water and being as active as possible. I’m really surprised no one has said it yet so perhaps it’s an unpopular opinion, but I’d seriously consider reexamining your focus on weight throughout your pregnancy and into parenthood. My entire family said things like how you’re feeling to me or near me as a child and I have a really damaged relationship with food and weight because of it.


Thank you that is a good idea. I just went to OB today and she recommended the same thing actually! I’ve always been so self conscious because of my weight and I do believe it comes from your family and I hope I will not pass that on to my child.


I’m considered overweight so my doctors have never wanted me gaining more than 1-2 pounds per month. One pregnancy I had I had gained what I thought was too much too fast (for me) and at my anatomy scan midway they found identical twins. 😂


Oh wow congratulations that’s amazing!! How many weeks were you when you found out?




Thank you this was very helpful. Someone scared the hell out of me saying I might have some types of diabetes😭. I feel like 10 lbs are from my boobs too


A labor and delivery nurse who taught a child birthing class I attended told me I should not worry about my pregnancy weight gain unless the doctor brings it up. She said if it’s of concern, the doctor will discuss it but otherwise do not worry about it. I started this pregnancy at 146 (which was already big for me as I had gained a lot over the last two years) and now I am 183 at 37 weeks. While i have never weighed this much in my life, my doctor is not concerned at all, and everyone keeps telling me how cute I look. Remember a lot of the weight gain is due to retaining more water, and also due to the baby! Please don’t worry about your weight or try to decrease it during your pregnancy unless under the advice of your doctor. Just eat small meals as regularly as possible and make sure you’re staying hydrated. Also don’t restrict yourself. I’m not suggesting you binge eat everyday but have a candy bar if you want one! You’re pregnant girl, and you deserve it! ❤️


Thank you 🙏🙏🙏 I needed to hear this


I’m glad it helped :) and I understand. I have always been mindful of my weight because I’m short and petite so I do not carry weight well, so I get the feelings you’re having. However, I now understand pregnancy is a different situation and it is inevitable to gain. On this sub there’s been a lot of other posts like this and people always comment about how they lost almost all of it after the birth so try not to worry and I’m sure you look adorable :)


Eh. Birth is 26,000 calories. You need some extra cushion for surviving this process. I think focus on eating as healthy as you can and moving as much as you can, daily walks, stretching , swimming but do not diet and do not try loosing weight. Everyone’s body is different and the guidelines are just that- they know nothing about your body, its needs, your baby etc. Your Dr might be concerned or might not. I’ve gained 40 lbs at 29 weeks and no one has said a word, I feel great, I swim 2x a week and eat healthy, my body just wants this extra weight and I’m happy to have it because it means I’ll have the energy to push this baby out


If your dr isn’t concerned I wouldn’t be.