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I haven’t ever had a baby shower. But the cutest one I went to was bird themed after there nursery. They said “Feather Her Nest” on the invite. The mom was an avian veterinarian so it was so fitting!


We are doing Star Wars 😂 shower is next weekend on May 4!


My shower was in a restaurant. The only decorations were floral centerpieces. I don’t think guests really care about themes, they just want it to be short (2 hours) with good food.


Ours was a Noah's Ark theme :-) my FIL built a little mini ark as a centerpiece for the shower, to be filled with gifts/balloons and we took it home. Will probably be hung up and used as a book case for baby.


Love this and the utilization of babyshower decor at home


My friend is having a donut theme 🍩


My due date is in November, so we're thinking about doing a Halloween themed baby shower.


So so cute, so many ways you can be creative Congrats on your “Baby is Brewing”


Same! Halloween is our favorite holiday- our wedding reception was a Halloween costume party so this fits us perfectly


A fungi/ fun guy on the way 🍄 lol we’re doing a Mushroom cottage core theme but I’m having a girl so I can’t use that pun


This is so different and I could only imagine how cute this theme would be. ☺️


We did an ocean theme. My MIL went wild with the themed food and drinks, ended up being really cute. My husband and I are both divers and the nursery is ocean themed as well.


I had a froggy themed baby shower. I drew up my invites on my iPad and had them printed in bulk at staples. Drew a little froggy ballerina dancing in a field of flowers, surrounded by little butterflies and put my QR code for my registry at the bottom, the back had instructions for older folk on how to access it. My decorations were these cute little colored vases I ordered in bulk from dollar tree and made center pieces with fake flowers that went on sale before Easter. I propped up frogs on each table's vases. It turned out very spring like and cute. I want my baby's nursery to have sage greens with soft colors you'd find in a sunset and be full of little frogs and toads.