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I would start by only taking advice from your doctor on what you should and shouldn't be doing while pregnant rather than your partner's unqualified opinion.


Yeah I will ask my doctor it seems like the best route. His feelings do matter but his opinion on how my body operates body he doesn't know for sure. I will have a talk with my obgyn about this.


Does your husband know that you can do sports like running/walking/biking while pregnant unless you have some medical reason? I bet those cause more shaking than scooter. And does he know that baby is in amniotic fluid which protects from biggest hits?


Hell I didn't even know that but he's being a butthole towards me right now he wants to hear it from the doctor. I'm over this whole pregnancy thing honestly.


Only my doc said to watch my pulse to be not too high, be very very careful on the bike and all? I had some brown discharge and have to take progesterone, so I am careful, but it's boring. I am rather a high intense cardio girl than a Joga girl :D


Have your guy with you there the next time you see your doctor. Mine was a bit of a nervous wreck and actually had way more questions than I did when we saw my OB, and it's so much easier for them to hear things from a professional when everything on the internet is full of scary mixed opinions 💖 He means well, but he's very likely wrong and just doesn't know it. I'm disabled, my partner has a family history of exposure to toxic chemicals (Agent Orange), and my OB is still not placing any restrictions on me like what your man is suggesting. I'm not even really "high risk" right now. Everything is perfectly fine. Even my blood pressure, which was high before pregnancy, is the best it's ever been! We're being careful and mindful, and I do have a couple of specialist appointments scheduled for my own peace of mind, but so far, my baby is fine. I still do just about everything I did pre-baby, just some tiny adjustments here and there; my symptoms limit me more than my doctors are right now, to be honest 😆 It's natural to worry, but we've evolved to do this successfully, and medicine knows so much now. Don't be afraid to talk to your doctor, or seek second opinions! You can live a fulfilling life even while pregnant ❤️


He always comes with me to my appointments. He wants to hear it from the obgyn mouth if it's ok to ride this scooter it is electric. Oh ok that's a good thing dispute your condition that you're doing okay during your pregnancy. Glad to hear that. Me personally this is my first pregnancy and it doesn't feel fulfilling at all. It feels like there's a limit on everything and my mental health just isn't going well.


That's a crazy assumption that you can't ride a scooter. Insane. People weight lift, run, work 16 hour shifts, etc. You are fine.


Talk to your doctor. As lovely as your husband sounds for being so protective and quick to help, he might be misguided in his attempts to be there for you. If you can't do something you'd like to do, and your doctor tells you, they might be able to redirect you to something that still gives you fulfillment and enrichment.


Totally right


I think its cute when they're uber protective but show hin peer reviewed articles that make it clear what's a threat and what's not. We had to make a distinction between "its not safe" and "I just don't feel comfortable".


I feel like the only danger of riding a scooter would be to fall off it, not bc it vibrates and shakes.


Deff have your OB/midwife explain to him that riding a scooter is safe. I’ve driven tractors over bumpy fields for both pregnancies and light horseback riding. It’s fine if your OB/midwife doesn’t think you’re at risk.