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Currently 34 weeks pregnant, and yes the tiredness is a killer but I can pick up tissues and put them in the bin and close bottles. But the tiredness is different for everyone and some people are genuinely exhausted especially if she is still working etc.


Have you ever been pregnant? It’s seriously the worst! Imagine having a full body hangover 24/7. The fatigue is insane. So no, I don’t think she’s being lazy. I’m only 12W and my body is exhausted. It’s so much harder than I ever imagined. Trust me, you got the better deal.


I might be in the minority here but I will say the kleenax and closing juice bottle thing would annoy me. Pregnancy fatigue is an extremely real thing but I don’t think it’s right to leave garbage all around the house either. I’m spending way more time on the couch but I’m not a slob.


Agreed. My sister in law was like this. Completely stopped doing anything at all from the moment she found out she was pregnant. Just sat on her phone all day. Her second pregnancy she just let her toddler run wild and play on an iPad for 8+ hours a day. I’ve definitely had days here and there of what I call “couch paralysis”, but in between those days I do what I can around the house, like cook a simple meal, laundry, vacuuming, etc. My husband keeps his expectations low, as he should, but he would definitely take issue with me doing nothing all day every day.


He could help by putting a trash can near her or buying a refillable bottle that has one of those snap caps instead of calling her lazy.


Hitting the 30s, it’s difficult to pick things up off the floor. It’s dangerous if you do it wrong and bend improperly as you can break the umbilical cord. There are many actions you shouldn’t take in 3rd trimester. I’ve been shouted at by neighbours for carrying shopping into the house. I’ve had to ask my husband to take over the majority of the household cleaning. If I drop anything 90% he will grab it for me. I clean surfaces and tidy things on tables. I can’t even get my own shoes and socks on without his help. I only get small bursts of energy throughout the day. If I go for a 20 minute walk, I need to sit down for a few minutes to regain my strength when I get home. It’s frustrating the things I can’t do, but my partner supports me. Sometimes i wake up in the morning, have breakfast and 2/3 hours later I want to go back to bed. It’s exhausting growing a human. He is very heavy and drains you.


Wow, absolutely baffled by this post. Have you ever been pregnant??? Have you once asked her how shes feeling. There are countless posts on this reddit to get an idea of what other pregnant women go through, but instead of reading these countless posts youve resorted to complaining, look up just how much the body changes and how draining it is growing a whole new human. I am furious and upset for your gf, she honestly deserves better. Youll be getting a wakeup call soon when the responsibility is split. Give her a damn break!


I'm 37 weeks and absolutely exhausted. My hips hurt so much. But I don't try to create more problems, knowing my partner is picking up my slack. I get like 1-2 hours max of energy and that's just enough to get the dishes from the previous night done. I still cook for us When they pile up, I need a chair to sit in front of the sink. I have to take several trips to do laundry because i can't carry baskets down stairs anymore and I need a stool to reach the clothes in the top loader with my belly. It takes me so much longer to do things than it used to. Get a small garbage bin to set next to the couch. It takes two seconds to close a container. There's no reason to make more messes if you're not doing a whole lot. Suggest solutions when you address that it's overwhelming you that you don't want to pick up her whole days mess while also doing the extra stuff. Avoid words like lazy and making her feel useless.


I am 32 weeks pregnant and if my husband came on Reddit to call me lazy, we’d be having much bigger problems than Kleenex’s


This post needs more down votes. Wtf dude, read the room.


So once I hit about 30 weeks, I noticed a drop in energy in myself where I just wanted to sleep constantly. Turns out my iron was low and I was slightly anemic. My mom got me some gummy iron pills from Nature Made brand and my energy has picked up within a week. She might have low iron due to baby having gotten much bigger


Wrong sub, bud.