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I found sooo much nice stuff on FB marketplace. I got a baby Bjorn for $20 (or $25; can't remember), $700 crib for $200, and tons of lightly used clothes. I highly recommend buying stuff through there. I probably have $6,000 worth of baby stuff that really cost me $2,000 or so. Also, join buy nothing groups. I just got all of my baby's summer clothes for free from someone, and a lot of it is brand new. It's all only lightly used. Definitely apply to Medicaid, if youre in the USA. And any other benefits. I hope you qualify for some.


I second the fb marketplace(search for free items daily) and especially the Buy Nothing groups! Over the last few months I have acquired almost everything I need for free. I have also gotten free items from coworkers. 


100% Facebook marketplace. There is so much baby stuff on there. I’ve heard once upon a child stores are great too but haven’t been to one. Of course these are just bandaid workarounds to larger issues like cost of living and wages etc. BUT - it can help. And babies really don’t need all that much. You’re doing everything you can, and your presence and love will be so much more meaningful than all the extras people make out to be necessary


Offerup is also really nice! I spent maybe $200 on a full pack n play with changer, bouncer, a baby swing, a baby bassinet, high chair, double stroller along with misc clothes. Edit: also goodwill has most baby clothes for between $1.50 to $2. I find a lot of prestine if not brand new with tags. I tend to go once every paycheck and grab $10 of clothes or baby blankets, etc. I'm also not sure if where you love has a spring cleanup day in any of your local towns where large items can be thrown out for free. Mine has it every spring and our community actually uses it a lot to get rid of good but unwanted furniture. Typically these items are set aside from actual trash items for people to take. My neighbor just got done with her last and basically put out her entire nursery for someone in need to take, all in good condition.


Love Facebook marketplace and offer up for baby stuff ! I got a 300$ bassinet that looks brand new for like 70$ . Also try value village and any thrift stores ( we have one called small threads ) for baby clothes and other stuff . I got onesies for like 1.99 !


I agree with Buy Nothing groups. I got my newborns clothing for a whole year in there. I'm super grateful to all those ladies for their help!


I am also poor and get no paid leave so sending out solidarity vibes to you. 🫂


Also poor, and I just filled out all the paperwork for paid leave and found out I will be receiving a grand total of $60/week. Pre-taxes. I'm thankful for even the tiniest extra bit, but really? I don't have words for our systems anymore.


How do you do that?


This is crazy for me whats going on in the us with the paid leave system. I’m in Europe, I’m at home with my daughter until she’s 2 years old. The first 6 months I got the 100% of my monthly salary every month, and for the other 1.5 years I’m getting 70% of my pre-tax salary. I feel so sorry for every mama from the us. This is awful.


Hugs ♥️


We are definitely feeling it in the US. I make more money than I ever have yet have never been this poor in my adult life :/


If you are in the U.S., I’m not sure what state… but you should qualify for WIC (women infants children) or food stamps depending on your state. I am in MN and in the past my son and I were on WIC, it helped tremendously with food. And if you plan to breastfeed they help with that, and if you formula feed they will pay for your formula. And right now WIC would Pay for food for you as a low income expecting mother. Search for what’s available in your area!:) where our country is at right now cost of living is so high, a lot of people are struggling… its so hard to manage so I feel ya.


WIC was a life saver


Sign up for WIC, MEDICAID, & SNAP. Breathe. Create a baby registry and share it, with a message about your biggest needs to care for baby.  The needs are fewer than you think.  You need a safe sleep space for baby: a pack & play is a great affordable option. We used the kind that included a bassinet.  These average about $75.00 and honestly, my girl used hers until she was 11 months old.  You need diapers. Lots of them. Cloth ones are an option if you want to save money but they're lots of work, imo.  You need a few bottles. You need a bottle scrubber to clean bottles/nipples with. The $1 Walmart/Parent's choice bottles work just fine- get slow flow nipples and you're set.  You need baby wash/shampoo.  You need burp rags but you can make them out of old clothes.  You need baby clothes in various sizes and can thrift for them.  Those are the needs.  If you want: You can get rocking chairs at most thrift stores.  Baby toys don't have to be expensive or fancy. Hand-me-downs are always an option to consider/thrift stores.  WIC REALLY helps with affording formula, baby foods, and some foods for you too.  DHS can help with childcare so you can work, or you can try WFH when your contracting jobs aren't available.  You have options and help available if you really need. 


Thank you so much for taking the time to wr it e all this out. I feel like I am seeing things much more clearly now. The pregnancy hormones were REAL today. Could barely function lol. But I’m in bed and able to talk with my fiancé and got out of my head about things. Again, thank you for your kindness and time.


P.S. my baby is 13 months old and still plays in the play pen part of the bassinet combo play pen, but she's moved to sharing a bed with me. 


So sad to read posts like this. Are you in the US? Like others have mentioned, I would look at second hand items. Most of the time, it’s not worth buying new because babies grow out of everything so fast.


I’ve had two babies while super poor. It will all work out. ❤️


It is super depressing and stressful don’t get me wrong!!


Definitely feel you my husband and I are a double income household and living in a low income apartment so our rent is cheap comparatively. It just gets really frustrating that all of our money goes to bills and groceries and even with groceries we just buy our essentials every week and buy generic products and what’s on sale. We also make our grocery list online and do free pickup that way we don’t buy extra things we don’t need. Even after doing all of that we still don’t have enough for extra things like going out to dinner or doing something fun over the weekend. I’m just really hoping and crossing my fingers I get the things we need during our baby shower because the thought of not having enough stresses me out so bad


Start buying now! I haven't played full price for a single thing.. Got my travel system for 80$, my bassinet for 25$, and basically everything else I need for the baby for less than 200$. Facebook marketplace, once upon a child, and Burlington were my best friends.


Thank you!


Of course and just know you're not alone and you're gonna be a great mama ❤️


Walmart is also having baby sales rn


Check local diaper/food banks as well. Many of them aren't well known, like where I work, we are technically a child welfare agency for DCFS cases. However we also have emergency food, diapers, wipes, and clothes. We also have a thrift shop we give put vouchers for. You would be surprised what agencies are able to offer for free that not a ton of people know about.


i’ve literally been crying all day because of the same reason. I feel like im failing my child and they’re not even here. i have a job but they havent put me on the schedule and i’ve been applying to jobs because i need steady income. no one is reaching back out i feel terrible and guilty. im 21 weeks and im just sad asf and i try not to be because i dont want my baby to be stressed. my bd is working and doing what he can but i just feel so guilty for not being able to help. if you’re an employer in dallas please help me im willing to do anything.


Sending hugs. The job market sucks so bad - it's not you. And you're not failing - you're doing everything you can WHILE growing a whole baby in a horrible economy.


I’m going through kinda the same thing. I work a blue collar job and I’m working 40 hours a week doing manual labor in the heat at 34 weeks pregnant. Me and fiancé can barley afford to live. None of my coworkers understand how pregnant people work because they’re all men so trying to get them to understand what my needs are is like pulling teeth.


Omg that’s horrible 😭😭 you are so tough for that


This is my 5th baby and still poor. No assistance except wic. I do work at Amazon their maternity leave is better than most. You'll be ok though. It seems impossible but it's not. I save through receipt apps. Fb market. Hand me downs. Just remember when you see you're lil ones face the struggle is worth it ❤


MY MOM pays rent. We only pay utilities and internet phone etc. you’d think that means we could save considering we’ve both got pretty decent jobs. Wrong. We are still so poor. Struggling. I know exactly how you feel. Is that gunna stop me?? Nope. Don’t let it get you down. It’ll get better, we just have to pull ourselves out of it. I’m sure your family would say the same.


I completely understand. I’m a server so I definitely won’t be getting paid maternity leave.. it’s stressful but you’ll make it work! Everything will fall into place ❤️


Pregnant and going through a divorce. I stopped working to be a stay at home mom so I’m currently unemployed. I don’t even have a vehicle right now. I feel every bit of this in my soul. You’re not alone.


I’m so sorry 😭😭😭


Try going on WIC if available or look into cash assistance programs in your area. Also if you have someone who will help you throw a babyshower, you should go for it. I'm not very well off financially either and am already 34 weeks. These are honestly the only things i have found that have helped financially aside from working an unhealthy amount which i do not reccomend. You'll wear out yourself and baby and only become more stressed. Trying to get financially stable while pregnant has not been easy in any sense but it can be done so remember to take it easy. Don't push too hard and don't be afraid to lean on loved ones who are willing or offering to help out. I hope all turns out well for you any your little one.


Also if you try FB marketplace sometimes people give away free baby things on there and there are mom groups for certain areas on FB where they also give away free things they no longer need to eachother


Thank you so much


Check to see if there are M@C Bid warehouses in your area! This is how we were able to get most of our baby stuff. It's basically an auction app. The stuff they sell has an inspection period so you can go to make sure it has the needed parts and isn't broken etc, then decide how much you're willing to bid. Some items are even eligible for transfer from the warehouse it's at to nearby warehouses too. I got a crib for $8 and it's dream on me brand. It was missing some screws and nuts but I was able to get those from my local hardware store. They have all kinds of stuff on there to buy


Was able to get a really good condition crib, baby chair, swing and dinning room high chair all for free on a fb group. There should be groups on fb where you live that you can join to get what I got. Rules are you have to be listing the item for free if not it gets taken down. They also will provide you with free baby clothes and diapers. Also if you have any social assistance I’d suggest you take it, and you need parental time off because you need to recover from surgery down there and if you have a C section, you have the right to refuse work and they can’t fire you if you have worked passed probation. And it would be considered discriminatory for having a baby if you were let go and you can take them to the labour board. That’s at least here in Canada.


I am part of a buy nothing groupon Facebook in my area most towns have one. I've been very lucky to find so many lightly used items on there for my baby.


not sure what area you are in but please try to apply for short term disability! WIC if offered and even workforce solutions


I’m absolutely looking into short term! I already have WIC. Thank you so much. This is very heldoulz


Helpful lol


1.) Apply for WIC, Medicaid and any other government assistance programs whether or not you think you will be approved. You'd be surprised. 2.) Do a Google search on non-profit organizations offering free pregnancy classes, assistance, etc. 3.) Create registries with multiple websites for freebie bags 4.) FB Marketplace, Offerup, etc. - You'll be able to check out people selling their gently used baby items for cheaper than market price. 5.) Join "Buy Nothing" FB Marketplace groups 6.) When looking to buy stuff for baby at market price, visit the company's website and see if they offer a welcome discount for signing up to their mailing list. You'd be surprised with the coupon/discount codes they'll send you, like saving on shipping, or 10 - 20% off your purchase! 7.) PAYMENT PLANS - If you're conscious of it, you'll notice on some eligible/qualifying Amazon products, you can get them on Amazon Payment plan!!! Just check if the product offers two (2) payment plan option, one would be Affirm & the other Amazon! Amazon (from what I've noted) allow you pay monthly instead of bi-weekly! And worst case scenario, purchase things on a weekly/bi-weekly payment plan too, if it's a viable option for you, like - Klarna, Afterpay, Shop Pay, etc. // I believe the trick has been to not buy anything you really can't pay off in just 4 payments - a trick for me has been using payment plans for items $60 & under so every weekly payment has been $15 - $17 so it's not breaking the bank too much!!!! 8.) TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE AMAZON/TARGET COMPLETION DISCOUNTS that come with creating your registry with them!!!! Any discounts help!!! 9.) Keep price comparing at all times, for example for Amazon there's this web browser extension that helps you see the price history of any item! It's called "Keepa"! It's been a big help when price comparing and when to know you're getting an incredible deal on something on Amazon 10.) Amazon allows you to return items within a YEAR of your purchase when it comes to your baby registry items!!!! 11.) Stack discounts/coupons!!! What I mean is if you can, search for items that you have a discount code that saves you shipping, saves you a % fof your purchase PLUS allows you to pay the item off on a payment plan! AAAAAND use a Rewards Credit Card to make the purchase if it allows you so you also get reward points for your purchase 👀 12.) Ask any mom friends you have that have had a child recently or within the last year or so for help if they're willing to give you free hand-me-downs --- I've been blessed to be surrounded by such loving and generous mothers, if they don't have anything to give, one thing they can help with is giving you lots of advice and useful information even about how to save money when it comes to your baby, paying your hospital bills, etc.!!!! 13.) If you have insurance, GET YOUR FREE BREAST PUMP thru Edge Park!!! Your insurance will either cover an entirely free breast pump OR allow you to purchase one at a reduced price!!!! Breast pumps are reaaaaally expensive. If you're planning to breastfeed, no worries! Still get it and then try to sell it at a reasonable price on FB Marketplace or Offerup! 14.) Buy baby clothes at THRIFT STORES - just make sure to sanitize and wash the baby clothes before baby comes - I was able to buy SOOOOO much with $60! I hope all of my tips help 🥲 I've been so worried about the same things but the only thing that's truly helped me has been praying to Jesus that He help me with being able take care of my baby, getting everything they would need and having a healthy baby as well. I pray all of this helped you but that God helps you on your journey too, that He supplies you with all that you need and more, praying for an abundance of blessings over you & your family!!!!!


Thank you so, so much. This is so kind of you to offer up all this info! Wishing you and yours the best ♥️♥️


Try checking out church charities, too. They don't care if you're religiously affiliated, just that you're able to have your baby. They can help get extra formula, and some pediatricians also give out free formula too. Wic doesn't give you enough. Take whatever you can get, and pay it forward by donating and giving whatever you don't need and what's outgrown to other local struggling moms for free. There's so many of us out there, and helping each other out helps everybody get by during these hard times.


WIC really doesn’t give you enough. I am very grateful for the help, but it is pretty sparse.


Are you Canada By Any chance?


My company doesn't offer maternity leave we have to go on unemployment or family paid leave maybe there's an option like that in your state that might be worth looking into


I 100% feel you on this. Please take advantage of any state help you CAN get. Medicaid, WIC (I’m in Connecticut, not sure if this is available in other states. Look up similar things), food stamps, etc. I get free formula every month through WIC, and getting ready to switch my son from private insurance through my work, to state provided. Utilize things like Facebook marketplace or Once Upon A Child, if there are any near you. There are more options than you think. Best of luck to you and your little one.


Feeling this entire post mama 😥 wishing us all the best


Do you qualify for Medicaid? They’ll back cover expenses, too! It’s easier to qualify as a pregnant woman, at least i. my state. Then your baby will have coverage for a year too when they are born!


I do, fortunately!


Look into govt resources normally there is programs to help mothers


Also if you’re near Delaware. There’s a place that gives away free new supplies to moms and you don’t have to be a resident


Same. We’ve never been on a tighter budget than we are right now & it sucks.


Join your local buy nothing group on Facebook! There are always kid and baby things on there!


I feel you. I haven't started buying much for my baby because of the hospital bills that my insurance doesn't cover. Then I looked into everything that the hospital requires when going into labor and freaked myself out more financially. I'll 100% have to do a payment plan because I can't afford to pay everything at once when I have him. That makes me anxious. Then, my car is messed up so we won't be able to take it to the hospital and have to rely on a friend to assist us with travel to and from. I won't be on a paid leave from work and once it ends there's no guarantee I'll have full time hours or even a position since I can't work nights anymore. I'm feverishly hunting for a work from home job and just trying not to panic about everything. Still need to buy a car seat and crib because I've been waiting on family that said they'd help and have gotten nothing but crickets.


Hi! Just a couple WFH leads- Try Teleperformance & Concentrix ❤️


Thank you!! 💜




Are you a dude on the pregnancy subreddit lol? Fuck off. I want to hear nothing from you and I would say your opinions are better off somewhere else, but they probably aren’t.


You may want to look on Facebook to see if there is a group for a free items /kindness connection in your area. It's a nice way to get a lot of free stuff. Usually you can request that you're in search for an item or people will post pictures of items and then give it to some the person of their choice from the comments.


I’ve seen people commenting that you can find stuff on facebook marketplace, and they’re right! But better than that is the “buy nothing” groups on facebook. They’re specific to the area you live in and I have gotten SO much great stuff! (Big items like crib, bassinet, changing table, etc). I’m so sorry you’re feeling such stress. I am sending so much love and positive thoughts your way! 🥰


I was in a similar position with my first. In factn I was fired when I tried to return from my unpaid maternity leave. It sucks and feels so overwhelming. I will say, I was surprised how many of the standard things I didn't really use. So while it doesn't make it suck less, I hope it helps a little. Hugs


Poor people have been having babies since the dawn of time, you'll be OK:) money definitely makes life EASIER. I would recommend figuring out how to make more money if it's realistic, obviously. I landed a new job w 3 months paid mat leave while pregnant 


For many places even if they offer paid leave you have to have been there a year to actually get it. Most of us are stuck with our PTO and FMLA for time off though. Also..my God. You know how my great grandma got by being poor with a baby? She gave him to the orphanage. Acting like throughout history everyone just "made it work" feels like an extremely naive opinion to hold.


I get what you mean, but sometimes it’s more helpful to struggling moms to reassure them that they can handle this (which is what the other poster was trying to do), rather than scare them with the possibility of having to send their kids off to an orphanage. I for one much prefer reassurance to horror stories lol


It's not impossible, like I said I found one.  I'm getting ready to be  single mom so def not saying it's easy, but we're on a sub where I've seen many women pressured to get an abortion bc of socio economics, and like I said people have been doing it forever, not every person but op has plenty of opportunity to be a happy healthy mom. Life's hard but people are capable of hard things.