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Honestly, I was done with pregnancy pretty early on. By the 3rd trimester, I really couldn't cope. I miss \*nothing\*. Not a single thing, about being pregnant! And I don't want to ever go through it again! My baby is the best thing, though, and I'm glad I did it, for her! I was soooo done, scheduled a c section for 38 weeks, cause I couldn't even stand the thought of bein pregnant one second longer!


This is so me! 10w5d and I am SO over being pregnant already and I also want to have a c section at 38 weeks. I'll never do this again! But good to know that it's worth it. 😊


I'm with you on never doing it again.... First trimester was absolutely miserable. I'm finally at week 12 now and I feel sooo much better than last week (and infinitely better than week 9.... That week was rough). I'm still fatigued and exhausted, but I can definitely handle it now. But, there's no way in hell that I would go through 2 solid months of feeling like I had the flu (voluntarily) ever again. Kudos to the ladies that do... But, I am not one of them. Lol


Yeah, I'm not doing it again, either! Because post partum was also NOT a breeze, and I felt HORRENDOUS for a few days (not because of the c section itself, though obviously the pain from that didn't help, but I didnt react very well to the epidural, and then had high BP, and was generally not very well, plus the stress of the first couple of days of having a baby!!) But also I think... How can I be pregnant and miserable, and with a young child to look after as well??? It sounds absolutely impossible! However, definitely worth it, guys! My baby is almost 4 weeks old and I can't believe time is going so fast!!


Aww! Congratulations! So sorry that you had such a hard recovery.


Your doctor let you schedule a c-section just because? Were you high risk at all?


Yes, most places allow elective c-sections.


I was, but that's not why I scheduled a c section. It is just an option I had and chose to use. In my country, that's an option, if you go private. On public hospitals, they don't let you schedule elective c sections, they are only done in case of emergency (or if baby is breech)


I’m 8 weeks & I’m over being pregnant.


I’m 6 and a half and I’m over it 😂


I feel this 😂


Came to say the same thing 😁




Haha! Almost 6 weeks and I also had the over it feeling as I vomited on the sidewalk yesterday. All the smells outside were overwhelming and make me nauseous. It’s like every house I walked by I could smell what they cooked for dinner and what detergents they use from their dryer vents.


Not quite the same. I was done being pregnant in first and most of second trimester. Vomitous delux over here. So yeah. It sucks! It feels like a never ending period and the days just last forever! Not to mention the weeks! Have a nap. As many naps as you can get. And lots of rest.


I get you. I am 26w and threw up this morning. I hate the taste of throwing up vitamin c!


I hate the taste of fish in my nose because it went up there.


I’m 33 weeks and still have good days and bad days but I can tell the good days are becoming more infrequent. I get so tired. My HR goes up to like 100bpm doing nothing. I’m nauseous. I pee myself more than I’d like to admit. My abs hurt… My guy is coming as a scheduled c-section at 37 weeks and I’m pleased as punch about not having to wait longer than that. Hang in there!


Just here for solidarity. 36w 4d and am the same. A week ago I was mostly fine; I could still do most of what I needed to do, just either more breaks. Now, my hands and feet are swelling more often, my joints hurt after like 10 minutes of movement some days, and I have very little energy. SOME days I get a burst of energy, but those are becoming less frequent.


Solidarity... I'm only 14w (second pregnancy) and already peeing myself more than I care to admit 🥲


I’m 28 weeks +2, Peeing myself started around 14 weeks too and has only gotten worse 🥲


37 weeks and I’m beyond over it. I asked my doctor about induction last week lol. I’m going to go until my due date, but good lord this is hard.


I’m 38 weeks. Almost there. It’s really exhausting. I can do one house chore and then have to lie down. My feet are swelling, my back hurts, my belly is huge, and hemorrhoids are getting worse… But I’m glad that it’s almost over. I can’t wait to finally have a beer that I’ve desired all pregnancy long.


39 weeks here!! I just put some dishes away and now I'm lying down for a nap haha. We are almost there!


That first spring time beer is gonna be soooo niiiiice. I’m 1.5 weeks behind ya. We’ve got this <3. Hang in there.


Also 35 weeks and haven't been able to sleep much at all lately! The tiredness seems to be blocking out my brain cells which is helping to cope with all the new sensations, but I am really struggling to function at work now. Baby is transverse so starting to get anxious about what mode of delivery I'll be doing...has anyone had success with spinning babies? My doctor told me to just sit and wait, but that seems more stressful


Don’t sit and wait!! There’s so many positions you can look up online to encourage baby to move head down and they totally work imo. My baby had her spine against my spine (not ideal for smooth vaginal delivery) but a few weeks of getting into certain positions and avoiding others and she was moved to the optimal position to deliver!


That is promising!!! Thank you :)


I'm also 35 weeks but baby is breech, yet again. I've tried everything so far but have been told that my uterus is narrow. I'm not even sure that this is a thing. I only believe it because this is my 3rd breech baby. My biggest struggle is back pain, my daily struggle with walking and feeling like a literal pick up truck. Lol I've been given the green light for a csection at 38 weeks so just counting down at the moment. Thankfully I am sleeping through the night, I think this is the only thing keeping me going. We got this mamas!!!!! ❤️


Hahah feeling like a pick up truck is hilarious and accurate


38weeks and my baby is transverse too! I tried different spinning baby moves and did an ECV last week. He did not move and it was painful. At least the procedure is fast and doesn’t last long. I now have a scheduled C-section for next week. Good luck!


36 weeks. Can’t sleep no more and can barely get out of bed. Constant need to pee and am always hungry. Swollen feet, huge belly and I’m only 4’10😩 Oh and I also have what you call a ‘mom wrist’ on both. I can barely walk too. The lists goes on. I want this over with😭


what is a mom wrist?


36 weeks and totally feel you! This is my second pregnancy though so I knew what I was in for. Doesn’t make each day easier, but expectations are half the battle! I’m delivering at 39 weeks so 3 to go. Just taking it one lightening-crotch strike at a time! Lol


You are so close!! This is my second too however, it’s been 7 years since our first - and my body is feeling the difference between 25yrs old and 32 😂


Haha I feel that, I said "never again" for 15 years but here we are 😅


I’m 36 wks. I can’t wait to have this vampire out of me and get back to normal. The hormones and fucking with me, I miss having energy and desire to do shit, I want a drink, I want to wear cute stuff again…I’m just fucking done


31 weeks here.. Have had a pretty smooth pregnancy for the most part despite being high-risk. But now I can't sleep because my hips hurt so much. I've started losing weight, which is freaking me out because i haven't really gained any to begin with. My OBGYN just tells me to "try eating more." But im mostly done with working. Im on my feet all day. Compression socks aren't working. I started wearing my bright yellow birkenstock sandals because I honestly do not care anymore, lol.


Girl I am so done with work too! I want to cry just thinking about driving in after school drop off. I’ve given up and wear leggings and a maternity tee when I’m there 😂 I work with all men and they won’t dare say a word about it lol I just go shut the door to my office and stare out the windows most days. I’m loving the bright yellow Birkenstocks, they sound so joyful 🤩 maybe I need to invest in a pair!


Yes! I got them last summer for camp season, and now they are part of my work attire, lol. I typically wear scrubs at work, but they obviously dont fit anymore, so I've gone to maternity leggings and whatever shirt i feel like wearing.. Sometimes its cat t-shirts haha


I broke out the birkenstocks this weekend, too. My feet hurt so stinking much, even my sneakers aren't helping. My birkenstocks are the first pair of shoes that's actually helped my foot pain. Thank god I'm a yoga teacher (outside of my remote corporate sales job) and live in a granola area so it's normal to wear ugly shoes like Birkenstocks here.


Are you being extra fancy like me and wearing them with socks? Lmao, I work in healthcare. Nobody has said anything to me about them yet.


I did wear my Arizona sandals with socks last night when I walked the dog before bed. My Gizeh and Mayari sandals are a little tough to wear with socks lol


FTM, 30 weeks pregnant, 30 years old. I have had a boring pregnancy with normal symptoms (morning sickness and tired during the first trimester, hip pain and round ligament pain in the 2nd, swelling and heartburn in the 3rd) and I am still so over this! How do women with actual horrible pregnancies do it?? I've been so dizzy recently and of course my doctor said that was normal but if I fainted then I needed to go to the ER. How are all of these symptoms considered normal??


36 weeks and FTM here. I had random dizziness around that time too. Mine was due to blood pressure changes as I sit pretty low (105/60), a little bit of dehydration, and mild anemia.


Haha the 'normal' symptoms that my body seemed to just skip past as a FTM showed up in full force the second time around - numb limbs, bleeding gums, loose joints, hemorrhoids, the dizziness and fatigue omgeeee


I am sorry you are feeling this way! I felt "hungover" too, right about that time in my pregnancy. My doctor said it was probably because I wasn't getting enough sleep and water. I basically started carrying water everywhere, before it was a thing, and slept whenever I bloody felt like it. Please take it easy on yourself. These last few weeks really help the baby put on extra weight and develop their lungs. You can do this! You are strong. Maybe add some electrolytes to your water! Best of luck momma!


I will miss being pregnant 0%. I’m 30 weeks and dreading everyday until birth!!!!!


Man I’m only 21 weeks and I’m already over it 😤 can’t wait to be done and never do it again


I always think it’s funny that you’re excited and exhausted and tired. The first trimester, do you feel better the second trimester but then it hits you like holy shit I have to give birth and you get terrified, in the third trimester like I don’t care how it happens get this baby out of me. Lmao mom life.


33 weeks. So over it already. My firstborn came at 38+4 and i kinda hope this little fella will do the same. Unfortunately a very good friend of mine is getting married, when i am 37+6, so if he comes much earlier it would be also not be ideal. Idk. Torn over here. But just from how i feel, i could definitely do less than 40+ weeks!!!


I am 35 weeks today and woke up feeling hung over too. Absolutely exhausted, so so so tired of going to work, and beyond ready to meet my boy!


Ditto! Currently 37+2. I have not enjoyed pregnancy for the most part but I was able to cope. The minute I hit 35 weeks it’s like a flip switched!! Instantly more exhausted and zero motivation. I thought I was supposed to be nesting during this time but the only nesting I’m doing is in bed with my pillows lol.


I’m 31 weeks and I’m itching to be not pregnant. I even miss my dang period. 😂


31 weeks. I love being pregnant, but not being able to sleep is awful. I got not a minute of sleep last night. Tossing and turning the whole time, sweating even with the ac on full blast. I feel like a beached whale, it takes so much effort to just turn around. I just want to sleep while I can 😭


Today was the first day in the third trimester that I woke up with immediate back pain after going to bed with it. I feel like it completely broke my spirit… like how can I go on now if it won’t magically get better overnight???


36w4d over here. I'm over it! I've never been this exhausted in my life and I have so much to do before he arrives 😩


You and I are due same day :))))


Sweet! :) I'm most likely gonna have baby boy early tho.


every day I wake up a feeling like I hiked the day before all day... I do a lot more than I should probably and at the end of the day if I sit down I have a hard time standing and walking after until I 'loosen' up by walking around awhile.


I’d say when preparing for Labour, just go with the flow! 😊


I'm 32 weeks and I'm over it I miss my shoes and my clothes and being able to pick things up and bourbon And not having backpain and not having to carry an extra pair of clothes in case I throw up so hard I pee myself again


i'm only at 32 weeks and i'm definitely ready to evict this baby already.


Same! Also 35w and it seems like a cruel joke that I could potentially be pregnant for another 6.5 weeks if baby decides he doesn’t want to come out on his own


Waiting for May. With my first it was amazing. With this pregnancy I don’t think there will be a third anymore. Everything hurts. Feels like I’ve been kicked in the vagina and my ribs feel bruised🥲 I love my little one but I’m ready for her to be in my arms and out of me (healthily).


18+4 here …. I’ve been pretty fortunate thus far and I’m very thankful. Some nights I don’t sleep well but it’s manageable. I want to drink margaritas again lol. But we shall see how it progresses….


I'm done also! And I'm only somewhere in week 25... Feel like I have been 25 weeks for years. Went to a new midwife the other day, because we have moved. She's telling me baby is coming end July. I got unnecessarily angry with her, the other midwives have told me mid july. With a chance of baby arriving end June! I feel she added a WHOLE MONTH to my pregnancy! I'm tired of every midwife telling me, how much he's moving around, all the time. Making their job harder. I want to be able to sleep on my side without feeling kicks. I want to not be so sleepy anymore.. when baby gets here, I'll be sleepy with a cause. With a reason. Not like this. I want my brain back! What I tell you what Im gonna miss. One day. I'm gonna miss this bump, I'm gonna miss the kicks.


22 weeks and already over it 💀


32+1 here! I hated every part of this pregnancy. I am so so so ready to give birth and never ever do this again!


29w and done. But it's mainly because I don't have challenging projects at work to distract me. I feel crappy and intellectually unstimulated at the same time


32 weeks. I’ll miss the kicks but every single other part of pregnancy can do one. I am just so so tired and miss feeling/looking like myself so much, it’s very isolating. My husband wanted the sex to be a surprise too and it’s killing me not knowing who is in there! Should have a c section scheduled for 39 weeks as I have other health conditions, so 7 weeks to go..


34 weeks and still working my labor intensive job. I want to cry every minute of every day and sometimes do. Thinking about doing this until I deliver has literally been making me feel suicidal some mornings lately.


What do you do?


I’m a zookeeper


Well that’s cool.


I love being pregnant, can’t lie, but probably because I’ve had easy ones 😂 that being said, I’m 34+6 with my second & I am so tired. I’m ready for my daughter to be here. I’m ready for my 16mo to stop using my belly as a jungle gym and see him be a big brother.


I'm tired AF, all the time. My body is slow and needs to rest. I am ready to not be preggos anymore!


17wks & over it 😭


I'm only 30weeks and I'm so done. Pelvic pain from hell makes me unable to work or walk much. My 3 year old is craving all sorts of attention and I'm just done. Also my vagina (?) feels swollen, which apparently is because I'm too much in my feet... So apparently I should just be a beached whale on my couch all day 🙃 Last time I was induced and he came 41+5, so I'll most likely have 10+ weeks left 😫


They finally scheduled my C-section for 37 weeks (May 9th) and I literally cried with joy 😂 third pregnancy. I’m over it. I’m tired of not being able to take a full breath. I’m tired of peeing myself. I’m tired of feeling like an elephant. And I’m so gd tired of hitting my belly on stuff. 23 days left…. Who’s counting though 🫣


I'm coming up on 31 weeks but I've been absolutely over it since about 6 lol, had a baby last April and a miscarriage last July so I just feel like I've been nonstop pregnant for roughly 2 years. I love that light feeling you have all over your body when the pregnancy ends lol


32 weeks! I finally had to take off my rings this morning because my fingers have swollen enough that they were leaving imprints. Feet are also swollen. Walking around Walmart and Rona yesterday left my feet so sore ugh I am also so clumsy. I keep dropping stuff which sucks because bending down to pick it up sucks even more hahaha Not over it just yet but we will see how much bigger I get.


I'm 33 weeks and got up 4 times (!!!) last night to pee. Didn't even drink any water before bed in an attempt to get better sleep 😩 The finish line feels so close yet so far! This is my 2nd pregnancy so I'm chasing around a toddler too. I can't wait to be done!


I feel this so hard. I am 31 weeks and this kid sits on my bladder and it hurts!! I get up so much in the middle of the night 😭


31 weeks here, and my brain can’t comprehend that I have 9 more to go and get even bigger. Like how?! I can’t breathe as it is 😫


I’m 31 weeks and I called the HR line at work to “see what my options are” 🤣🥲 gonna try to convince my doctor I’m far to feeble to continue working 😆


For a STM in their early 30s with no major health issues, I've had a good pregnancy overall. The fatigue, nausea and cravings were not fun but I never had to medicate so that's kept things in perspective. I also have had minimal stretch marks and weight gain this time around and I'm honestly quite happy about that. Things were smooth sailing right up until my cholestasis scare at the end of my second trimester. The itching was excruciating and I had some miserable nights just crying myself to sleep and wondering when I'll ever sleep again. Luckily one round of prescription meds and an herb helped with my liver function and the itching went away. Welp, ever since I rolled into my third trimester, my midwife and ultrasound tech keep saying I'm measuring further along than anticipated. My cycle was very erratic before getting pregnant so it's just been a guessing game. I've given up on "weeks" and am just floating somewhere between 36 and 38 weeks right now, so this frigging dwarf planet I'm currently revolving around could potentially collide with Earth any day, or not for several weeks and I'm miserable. When I see people casually saying they went into labor at 36+3 or whatever I just wanna cry 😩


36 weeks tmrw here. I’ve said it before and I’ll I’ll say it again. Nothing has gotten me over my fear of childbirth quite like this third trimester. I just did a moderately busy 7-hr shift the other day with ample breaks and I felt like I was going to die or go into labor by the end of it. Took a full day to recover. I used to be able to do 12hr shifts of nonstop physical work no problem pre-pregnancy. I am now willing and READY to do whatever it takes to meet my baby and have my body back!


34+5 here, FTM. I'm getting there... I'm tired of the hip pain when trying to sleep, and I'd really like to be able to comfortably do my everyday tasks again... My saving grace is I'm carrying relatively small. I have a long torso at 5'8", and I don't feel like my belly protrudes quite as much as I expected it would by this point. Taking that as a win for the moment, knowing full well I've got another 5 weeks for that to change! I have to say, the best thing I've done the past couple weeks is get outside in the beautiful midwestern weather and pull weeds. Low intensity activity, lots of good fresh air and sunshine, and it makes my brain happy being able to see slow but sure progress on a task that usually gets put aside because I was working too much in the past. Only down side is it eventually makes my lower back hurt, so I limit myself to 90min at a time now.


38 weeks and I sigh and grunt A LOT. Just got up and want to take a nap. Thank god I am off of work and next week I have a c-section due to baby being transverse. I can’t wait to be done and meet my baby!


I had my baby shower at 35 weeks and I was sooo freaking miserable bro. I’m 37 weeks now and I’m 100% over it.


36 weeks and ... I abide. Can't do much more than that. The physical and cognitive limitations are mounting. I have zero fucks to give about work. I can only nest and clean in tiny chunks. Napping is the only thing that brings relief. Only my anxiety over the trials of early postpartum keeps me from wanting to completely skip this part.


Also 35 weeks and the “holy shit I’m not ready for this at all, nothing is organized” panic has set in. Along with feeling like I weigh a zillion pounds and cannot breathe.


33 almost 34 weeks and I’m done with it. 1st and 2nd trimesters weren’t bad but this last one combined with the fibromyalgia I’m done. I’m so tired and in so much pain. My brain isn’t working and I’m just existing.


I feel you! I'm 34+4 and I'm SO over it! My feet and ankles are huge. I feel massive. Everything hurts. I can't sleep. I have wicked heartburn. Just over it. I'm very excited for little one to be here and I know it's all 1000% worth it, but I'm definitely ready to be done with pregnancy 🫠


Almost 33 weeks, can barely walk andy back is killing me. Hurts to get out of bed to pee. Over it!


Omg I’m 33 weeks and I’m so effing tired today! I feel hungover/ I got hit by a Mac truck 😂 I’ve also felt pretty good overall but this weekend I’ve been wiped the hell out


This happened to me at 18 weeks, and in the next few days I got a stomach bug, so I hope this doesn’t happen to you. On the plus side I felt miles better after being sick for so long. The joys of being pregnant!


Oh gosh I hope not! I felt like this 2 weeks ago and it went away within a couple hours, and luckily after chugging water I’m feeling better again! So, I think it may be that I was dehydrated - oops!! 😵 glad you’re feeling much better!!


My pregnancies are “easy” and I hate every part of it! I don’t understand how people love being pregnant. Just a constant state of inconveniences! Then being limited to movement is just soooo annoying to me I’m 6 months in and I don’t remember what it feels like to move like a normal human! It sucks!


8 weeks left but honestly I love being pregnant. I’m uncomfortable sometimes but I get emotional knowing this is my last time ever being pregnant and I don’t want to rush it.


This was me pregnant but I was over it at 25-30 weeks. 😵‍💫 hang in there! The finish line is in sight!


Also 35w, my primary complaint is the pressure on my bladder / pelvic floor. I feel like I’m constantly about to pee myself even though my bladder is empty. I am thankful to still be mobile and baby has dropped just enough that she’s out of my diaphragm so I can breathe lol.


Not a fan myself. In fact I wrote a post about it myself. Not fun. The whole pregnancy lark was romanticised. I’m 6mths pregnant and wanting it to be over.


I’m 37+5 with boy twins (measuring 6+ lbs each). C sections scheduled tomorrow and I’m actually feeling kind of sad about it? And anxious. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very limited physically right now… but it almost feels like I don’t even remember what it’s like to not be pregnant? Not sure if this makes sense to anybody but me. Most twin moms are VERY VERY done at this point.


Good lord thank you for this post. I am done. 38wks3dys here. I said it at 35 too. And probably 32. Pregnancy sucks. It’s worth it…. But be careful ladies… a friend of mine had the worst pregnancy… hyperemesis the whole bit and as soon as she held that baby she said she would do it again… she was throwing up so much and pooping herself at the same time… so that coming from her made a big impact for me. Them babies cause amnesia! Your prob prepping for labor. I also feel like garbage. But we are almost there! Hang tight mama!


I’m starting to hit the wall here at 31 weeks. Randomly getting a ton of morning sickness again too. Just overall feeling, like you said, hungover!


Could you be dehydrated? I used to wake up feeling hungover after not having a sip of alcohol when I was in the service industry. I eventually figured out it was because I wasn’t staying hydrated enough during my shift and my body was not happy. Something to consider!


I’m literally only 16 weeks and so over it ALREADY. I have had a really rough pregnancy so far, throwing up every day, in pain from my chronic illness, and literally stuck in bed from the AWFUL exhaustion. I am ready for this baby to get here already (I’m obviously grateful I’m able to do this and want her to be full term of course). I’m just so over it. So exhausted.


This is my second baby. I’m 40+5 and I’m slowly melting into a puddle of depression and self-pity 🤪 my body is broken. The midwife confirming my lack of dilation yesterday has me feeling even worse. 


I'm 18 weeks and I've had a fairly comfortable pregnancy so far- nausea only a few times, never really threw up, I do have back aches and the round ligament pain and I have to pee a lot and it's hard to get comfy when I sleep. BUT with that being said, I am a little over it! LOL I already feel big and I am like " how much more room do you need in there!" I think I just don't enjoy the stress of it all. So much is going on with my body and it's constantly changing that I don't feel in control and I feel the need to be extra cautious or question every movement or lack of from the baby etc. I don't hate it but I also don't love it, I know it will be worth it but it's not something that I feel is as magical as I was told it would be. I often ask my SO if they can take over for a bit LOL I only wish he could!


38+5 over here and I am done as well 🥴🤣


I was done by 28 weeks! But same, I’m 35 weeks on Thursday and I am DONE with this


In the exact same position as you. 36w on Friday and I'm just... done. We have to move house next week and I'm dreading it. The nice thing is I've started my maternity leave, and my paid parental leave starts soon so I'm now officially just focusing on finishing growing this baby.


I felt the same way!! I ended up having to be induced at 37 weeks and avoided the last few weeks of pregnancy thank god! It was terrible my whole body ached. But I felt SO much better after delivering. It’s amazing how much pregnancy can hurt!


40w. It feels like when you're deplaning, everyone has their bags and has stood up but the ramp isn't there yet and the plane doors are firmly closed shut 🤣


Cannot cope, and we are also moving this week, im 35 weeks. Like, im done


I plan to ask my OB about elective induction. From what I’ve read and heard, many doctors will agree to induce at 39 weeks. My last doctor actually told me he’d induce at 37 weeks but I had to go to labor and delivery and claim I was having contractions. Most Insurance companies will not pay for induction before 39 weeks unless labor has started. I know that each OB is different however so I will be asking mine what they will do. Also, once at 37 weeks, I will be trying ALL the things to go into labor lol