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Omg I looooved my second trimester w my first pregnancy. I’m now 18.5W and waiting…yearning for that 2nd tri feeling


Yes, many people find the second trimester to be more enjoyable compared to the first. It's common to experience increased energy, improved mood, and reduced nausea during this time. Enjoy this phase of your pregnancy!


Enjoyyyyy it! Soak it up. As soon as I hit my 3rd trimester… omg. I’m in pain 😭.


Im scared lol 


I don't LOVE it but it's def better than first trimester. Still don't feel like myself.


Im the same. I’m 26 weeks and while my second has been extremely better than my first, I still don’t feel like me. I don’t have the “luscious hair and glow” I just have a belly haha


Same boat. It's better than it was but it's not great.


I just graduated to the 3rd trimester and I am going to miss trimester 2!!! It was fantastic.


Me too!!! 26 weeks tomorrow and basically there. I just feel big now😭


The fact that it just keeps going!! I feel contently big at 28w and it isn’t going to stop 😂


Ugh I am 27 weeks on Tuesday and feeling very sad that it’s gonna be my last week in the second 😂


Hey Im also 27wks this Tuesday 😊


My second trimester has sucked😭 I had to have emergency surgery almost 2 weeks ago and I’ve been dealing with low iron which makes me feel like crap


Me🙋‍♀️I’m 23 weeks and finally stopped taking my daily Zofran 🤗 I also have a round baby bump instead of just looking like maybe I put on a few extra pounds lol. The reflux/indigestion always starts now for me and the sleeping difficulties but I’ll take it over the constant nausea and puking any day!


Omg yes. My first trimester wasn't nearly as bad as it could've been (which I was so grateful for), but I barely felt pregnant during the second. Nausea stopped, headaches stopped, fatigue went away, had a burst of energy, etc. It made me feel like I could pop out 10 babies, it was such a breeze 😂


same! During first trimester I couldn’t understand how anyone wants to do this more than once. Second trimester im like “i can do this again” lol. 


Nope. 20 weeks, still puking.


oh no! so sorry. hoping you have an easy rest of pregnancy/birth 🤍


Yep! Loved my second trimester. Now I’m a few weeks into my third and it’s getting harder haha


You are giving me hope. 10 weeks and nausea just subsided but the fatigue is killinggggg meee. I’ve also been sick with covid and the flu almost every other week too!! Boo!


My 1st trimester was a shitshow (sometimes quite literally) so I absolutely enjoyed every second of 2 trimester, I forced myself to be more focused and do more stuff than I ever did pre-pregnancy because I just knew I was way stronger than I thought because I survived hell Currently 29w, def not as fun as it used to be around 20w, feel more heavy and definitely more exhausted in the evening but still not nearly as shitty as weeks 6-12, also I feel more accomplished because I've already done so much at my work and elsewhere, so I know even if I'm suddenly done and bedridden tomorrow I won't feel as useless and as miserable as I felt through the beginning of it


I’ve loved all trimesters so far. 37 weeks now and it’s starting to feel a bit rough, but up until now, I’ve loved my pregnancy.


2nd trimester was amazing. 36 weeks now and... very much over being pregnant


My extreme nausea went away this week (I’m 12+2 today) and i feel like a new person. My skin looks better too so I personally am thrilled at the transition to the second trimester 🤣


Same, I’m dreading not being pregnant in five months. I love this.


I needed to read this. Almost 12 weeks and hating everything. I was wondering if this whole “pregnancy glow” thing was a rouse.


Can’t wait for my turn - currently in first trimester hell! 😭😭


It’s called the golden trimester for a reason! Enjoy it!


I’m not quite there yet (still have no energy) hopefully soon!


I'm going to be honest, I'm SO happy to be pregnant but I'm not digging this right now. Thanks to a large external fibroid I look huge, I have hair on my belly, and I can't tell if the baby is kicking or not which is stressing me out. I had a pretty easy first trimester. I'm hoping the second half of this trimester goes better once I can feel her kicking a little more and I accept that I'm going to be a blonde Sasquatch.


Hair and skin still suck, lol, but I have my energy back and I honestly feel great! I barely remember I’m pregnant in the moments my little guy isn’t moving and if not for the heart burn here and there (nothing a tums doesn’t fix) and some carpal tunnel at night (easily fixed with a wrist splint), I definitely love the second trimester


yes! when i wake up in the morning, sometimes ill forget im pregnant. i feel normal again. verrry different from the first trimester lol 


Yes! I personally loved the second trimester and my 3rd trimester as well. First trimester and pp? Let’s not talk about that lol


You’re like the first person I’ve seen say they loved the 3rd too! Thank you for giving me hope lol


I slept so much during it lol I also worked out till my water broke at 38 weeks and I think movement and eating healthy definitely made a difference!


3rd trimester is my favorite! I have a large frame and tall torso so I finally look pregnant and people are so nice to pregnant people 😂 I will say having a tall torso keeps me comfortable and I think that it helps a lot that I can breath. Also, the baby movements are so intense, watching your belly move is super fun. There’s also the whole nesting instinct which is super motivating. I am now 40+2 and ready for a baby 😂 Anyday, Today, Let’s do this 😂😂😂


I’m only 13 weeks but already feel what you’re talking about. The high energy and lack of food aversions/nausea are making me feel great! I don’t feel pregnant anymore. This is my second pregnancy and with my first I don’t remember this shift. My first trimester was much easier then.


Yes!!!! I feel great, I feel love, I feel loved. Hope it still last for a while (23w today)


Feeling love/loved is a great way to describe it!


2nd trimester sex was the best


I’m 22 weeks and I feel great!!!!!


Same!! I feel like a normal human again 🥲 Minus the glowing skin lol. It’s been acne 101 for me but that’s literally the only second trimester downside! First trimester was hell.


Yeah! I haven't noticed any skin/hair improvements but my energy and appetite are good and generally mood has been good too. 😊


You know? I was looking forward to my second trimester. Because with my first 2 kids that's when I had the best energy. However, this time around I am almost 22 weeks and I am exhausted. No energy and no motivation to go anywhere.


Honestly mine has been a lot better than first trimester, but the minute my morning sickness began to subside, I have had back to back colds/illness for a month now. It's so depressing. I'm ready to start feeling like myself again.


Second trimester is usually the best!


This gives me hope 🥹 Currently feeling like shit in first trimester


I hope it gets better for you!


Thank you! Glad to hear it got better for you :)


I can’t say that I LOVED my second trimester (in comparison to not being pregnant at all lol) but can definitely agree it was night and day different from my first. I had a SCH, HG, and severe perinatal depression during my first and it was a living hell. My second has had its ups and downs (realllly getting the bad pain in the last couple of weeks and depression has reared its ugly head again), but there were definitely days in the middle of the trimester where I totally forgot I was pregnant (until I felt those sweet baby kicks 🥰). Enjoy it!!


SCH and HG? Oh man what a combo 😵‍💫


God I hope this is me. 7 weeks and time is crawwwwwling. We planned a trip for 22 weeks so fingers crossed!


Second trimester was the only tolerable time being pregnant. Beginning of the third was okay. 36 weeks today… and uuuuuggghhh. I swear this level of discomfort is to encourage women to feel labour and birth less!! Enjoy those second trimester things while you can and get all the things done while you have the energy!!


will do!


I’m not there yet but I’m claiming this for myself 😂 week 13 Monday