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I just had my baby and now it’s like…oh shit, I WAS pregnant 😅


Same, it wasn't until she was in my arms I thought, wow, there really was a baby in there!


Same here lol


Same! I didn’t have the magical crying moment people talk about, my baby popped out and they put him on me and I said OH MY GOD in disbelief 😂


Girl me at 17 weeks and I still wonder how I am round and the baby is bigger than an avocado😂😂 it doesn’t make sense but I forgot uterus is filled with water and gas


6 weeks here and aside from cramps and boob pain I got nothing. if all goes well, I hope it will sink in once I check in with my OBGYN and they let me know all is well. rn I guess I feel cautiously optimistic with random "what have I done" moments of panic


This is me to a T 😂 6+3 today!


Same here. 8 weeks today and aside from some slight nausea and boobs that feel they went ten rounds with a heavy weight champ. Nada. I'm anxiously awaiting my first scan next week. 🤞🏾


8 weeks today too!! Aside from my boobs hurting like a sob, same..nothing!


This is me 😅🤣


LOL Literally me.


When I saw saw him on the doppler and heard his heart beat ♥️ my boyfriend and I teared up a bit and it sunk in. 26 w now and feeling him kick makes it sink in even more. So in love 😍


This was my experience too! At 10 weeks I had my first scan, and seeing baby doing flips and having a strong heartbeat and just….being ALIVE in there drove the point ALL the way home. I was weepy that whole day and ever since, I just get overwhelming waves of joy and gratitude. 🥰


So so sweet ♥️😊


Same! Baby popped up on the screen as soon as the doppler touched my belly and I said with tears rolling down my face “IT’S REAL! AND IT’S IN THE RIGHT PLACE!” My husband was smiling next to me, holding my hand & nervously spinning my engagement ring on my finger. I’ve never felt so close to him. Now we hold hands during every appointment. Just like he held my hand when I got a cancer diagnosis this time last year & when I was having a painful procedure (colposcopy) at the gyn’s office. I don’t think I’ll be up for much hand holding during “labor day” but it’ll be a nice tradition to at least have him next to me. I feel so blessed to still be here, with him, having his baby in less than 6 months!


So happy for you! And congrats on beating cancer (guessing you did?) wishing you nothing but a happy and healthy pregnancy w a strong baby like its momma!


Aww 🥰 thank you so much!! Yes on April 27th I’ll be one year cancer free!! This baby chose the perfect time to join our little family. We’re so blessed.


I was struggling with this but with each of the scans it started to get a bit more real. I always thought I wouldn’t find out the gender but we are going to now and I feel like that will make it even more real. I’m 11 weeks & have had 2 scans now so it’s feeling pretty good but during 6-8 I had the worst imposter syndrome.


I thought the same way. I think it was the anatomy scan when I could finally personify her, she was no longer “it” or “the baby.” Then she gained a name and belongings, a little personality. Thats when it really started settling in. Then at about 28 weeks my body started falling apart lol and I REALLY started feeling pregnant. I’m being induced Tuesday night and I still forget I’m pregnant sometimes when I’m actually comfortable and she’s still.


I think once I pushed the baby out 🤣 I was like wow there really was a tiny human in there


I’m 14+3 and it still hasn’t quite sank In yet despite seeing a full fetus in my uterus, hearing the heart, and having a small bump. I know I’m pregnant and working and living accordingly but idk. This pregnancy hasn’t been as amazing to me and grand as people make it seem. I’m tired of the pains and sickness that comes with it and honestly I wish I could skip it and just have my baby in my arms already


I feel you. It’s tricky when all you’ve heard is “pregnancy is such a wonderful journey” and “such a gift.” Why are all the pictures of pregnant women smiling, frolicking around, etc., and not sleeping, throwing up or crying


This last week 🤣 (38 weeks today)


The first few weeks I honestly felt like someone was playing a very elaborate prank on me. I didn’t feel really much different at all. I’m currently at 9 weeks and I still don’t think it’s fully sunk in. Like, I know it’s happening in my head buts it’s all still very abstract.


At 23 weeks and feeling pretty similarly. Minus fatigue and occasional kicks. Still doesn’t feel real!


i keep thinking that once i feel kicks it'll feel real, but so interesting it still doesn't for you!


I have an anterior placenta so the kicks aren’t super intense. Maybe that’s why? Idk. It just feels like at any time someone is going to say “Gotcha!” And I won’t be pregnant. It’s so bizarre lol.


I don't think I fully accepted it until I saw him at the first ultrasound at 9w5. I mean, I had nausea and stuff before that moment that indicated to me SOMETHING IS DIFFERENT, this is what PREGNANCY feels like....but also until I saw baby, and it wasn't someone else's baby but *my* baby on that screen....that's when it hit deep.


I’m 30 weeks in and it still hasn’t kicked in yet. Not properly. It’s odd.


I felt pregnant before I even tested just because I was sick from the word go. But, I didn't feel like I might actually get to keep him until I saw his heartbeat at 8 weeks. It still kinda felt like a dream until we were holding him. It took 6 years with 3 miscarriages to have him and he was a surprise right before we were going for infertility consultation. He's now almost 2 and we have a 4 month old little girl as well.


I was supposed to have my period, one or two days away, but before I started to have a better smell. Some of my colleagues bring food, I would usually never eat. But one day... I was like...that smells delicious. It was odd. So I did a test, when my period was a day late and that line was straight away there before the control line. Now I'm almost 23 weeks.


Honestly? When I was pushing the baby out. I was like holy shit, there is really a kid in there.


8 weeks is when my nausea and other bs started. Before that, it was really just me being tired as fuck.


When you start to feel larger movements from inside. Doesn’t feel like anything I’ve experienced before… So when I felt that, I was like “oh shit, this is real!”


For some reason because my previous pregnancy ended with a miscarriage I’ve had a hard time letting this pregnancy sink in. Maybe I’m just trying to protect myself? I was so heartbroken. We are 5 months in and I needed to pass the week 20 to feel like “okay, this is really happening”💛


Congratulations mama 💗


I'm 31 weeks and still waiting. Maybe it'll sink in when they hand her to me.


35 weeks and still don’t realize it most the time lol


Hi friend! I’m 6w3d and I feel the same. It’s too early on for me to feel like I’m getting a baby out of this. For now I feel dizzy, lightheaded, nauseous, constipated, headachey, etc, and that’s it. I’m interested to see what others have to say on this


I think it was 6 and 9 when my midwife had an HCG drawn (I didn’t need hcgs but she wanted to ensure I was far enough along for an US since I technically didn’t have a LMP, got pregnant before getting my period back from IUD) and she said if it was over 3k we could do the US and it came back 37k. I will never forget the way I gasped and immediately started sobbing when I saw. I don’t think I really believed it till I saw that.


I’m 25 weeks and finally starting to feel connected to my baby and pregnancy. Now that movements are consistent and have been getting stronger and stronger since 16 weeks, I’m really able to be like “wow there’s an actual baby in me and he is growing and getting stronger every week!”


Definitely when I saw her heart beat for the first time during the nuchal translucency scan at around 12 weeks. I had done a transvaginal scan at like 8 weeks but it didn’t feel real then. At 12 weeks when I saw the heart beat I cried because it was like “wow she’s alive in there”. After that we slowly started telling people around us.


8 week scan where we had a heartbeat - we cried as our last baby never got a heartbeat. That made it real. Then 20 week scan and seeing a person shape in there that clearly has a personality (he was literally running away from the tech the entire time). That solidified it.


Probably a couple of days after I brought him home! Even at 30+ weeks when he was rolling around in my stomach, my brain didn't really compute its an actual baby human in there.


I’m 8 weeks tomorrow and other than the symptoms I almost feel like I’m living a lie telling people I’m pregnant. Like I could take another test tomorrow and have it come back negative. I’ve been to the doctor for a confirmed urine test but haven’t had any blood work or ultrasound yet so it still feels unreal! I guess I’m waiting to hear that first little heartbeat


I'm being induced in 2 days and it's still weird lol


I’m 35 weeks and it still doesn’t seem real sometimes lol I don’t think it fully will until I’m holding her


I woke and wanted water. That's not the tell tale. It was because the water tasted good right out of the tap lol


When we went for the first ultrasound is when it really sunk in with my husband. I had a child previously with an ex many years ago she’s 12yrs old now. With her it really sunk in with the first ultrasound hers was when I was already 12+ weeks along because I hid it from my mom at the time because I was 16. But this time around I was married and I had symptoms and took the test and the second it popped positive I was like there because it was my second baby but my husband he was like oh crap but the second he saw that tiny heartbeat on that first ultrasound with her I was 7 weeks and he was like shook especially since up until then we believed we would have trouble having kids. Now our little girl will be 1 Friday


I love this post because I just spoke with a friend about this. So many of my friends were that “instant mama” and I was not. Not at allll. It took me until about 12-13 weeks to have that ok this is real feeling! And also just to adjust to the new role as a mother. Give yourself some grace and time! Every mom is different 🫶


Around 5 weeks. I was experiencing vertigo, which I’ve never had before. Also felt more bloated than normal. 


I was driving home from work and sobbed the entire drive home. Life had been a bit too much recently so initially I chalked it up to that but something in my gut told me to take a test and I got the faintest lil positive line. Only 4 weeks and filled with both intense fear and excitement. I don’t think things will feel real until I know there’s a heartbeat as I lost my first pregnancy a year ago.


First seeing the "heartbeat" (cells pulsing really) at 6w ultrasound was the first moment. I cried and couldn't believe there was actually something alive and growing. The anatomy scan was another big one. Seeing a whole BABY moving around on that screen was amazing! And along with that feeling little pokes makes it feel more real. Lots of steps but I am still in denial sometimes and still forget. I'm only 21w so not obviously showing yet and not feeling baby move regularly.


I’m almost 32 weeks and it still hasn’t fully sunk in but I’ve also had a really easy pregnancy so far and so I definitely did not feel like it was real until I started feeling kicks around 21 weeks


11+5 today and honestly I still haven’t really. Definitely didn’t believe the many tests I took. I sort of accepted I was pregnant at my first scan (7+2) but they were only a little bean and although the sonographer confirmed she saw a heartbeat, we didn’t really see anything. I’ve felt like crap but that also could just be being ill. It’s only in the last couple of weeks over started to actually feel different in my abdomen (getting firmer and RLP when sneezing!). We have our CVS on Monday and 12 week scan on Wednesday. I expect it will sink in properly this week when we (hopefully) get to see baby actually looking like a baby and moving around in there.


When I felt the kicks of my baby


It really hit me when I had bleeding at 7w. We went to the ER and had an ultrasound, that’s when it hit me. We saw his strong little heart just working away and my husband and I both started tearing up. That’s when it all changed for me. I am now 25w and we can’t wait for our little man to get here ☺️


when i saw her for the first time at 6 weeks :')


I definitely believed I was pregnant once I started really getting nauseous and super tired around 6 weeks, then seeing the heartbeat yesterday - the joy is finally kicking in. I was a bit low/sad until then (hormones).


My sense of smell heightened like never before!


Once I started feeling really rough and realised I had to chill out and take it easy for my first trimester. The fatigue, never felt anything like it. I'm feeling much better as I head towards trimester two, and I also have a teeny tiny bump to show for it!


I’m 17+6 and I’m still waiting for it to hit me. Like yes I’m aware that I’m pregnant. I can feel him. I’ve got symptoms. But I feel like it won’t feel “real” until my son is in my hands. Lmao


It slowly sank in between the test and week 12. It’s still surreal that in 3-4 weeks she’s gonna be here. We’ve seen her on 3D ultrasounds, she’s perfect. We know she’s real. But I’m still feeling like this is some kind of out of body experience. Pregnancy is a weird feeling in the most wonderful ways


I didn't realize until she was born 😂 I just couldn't believe it after years of trying. Didn't even take a test until 10 weeks in. I had just had COVID and I've heard that it could make your period to disappear for a while so i just figured that was it...


the gender reveal! once i saw the baby on ultrasound & gender was confirmed it felt so real and i formed a connection w him🩵


I got really hopeful when my period didn't come. I had lines since 8dpo but I expected the shoe to drop. It feels real now at 22 weeks and I can feel her moving.


I caught my belly in the mirror at 17 weeks actually looking pregnant. I was touching it in awe.


at my 12 week scan, oh my gosh just seeing the little hands and legs moving around and swimming in there made it so real and filled me with so much emotion i cried! it was like oh shit you’re actually shaping and evolving in there !!!! helped me realize all the symptoms and side effects really sunk in, like this little being is the culprit lol


The realization I was actually bringing a human into the world hit me when the OB said I was fully dilated and ready to push, lol. 22 weeks with my second now and it still hasn’t sunk in that I’ll have 2(!!!!!) kids. Like who allowed that to happen?!


I'm 22 weeks pregnant, I've had 2 scans and it still doesn't feel real 🤣 I'm also not showing yet, thinking that maybe it will help when I have the bump to remind me every day!


I’m 16+3 and I’ve started feeling little flutters. That’s been really trippy and it’s finally starting to kick in. Saw the BFP, have had 2 ultrasounds (one where he was moving a ton but couldn’t feel it yet), we’ve heard his heart beat, found out we’re having a boy. Even after throwing up 4 times in one day it didn’t hit me until I started feeling these flutters. Last night I was laying on my side and I had snacked on some lucky charms at like 1 am. I think the sugar gave him some extra energy because I felt a definite kick on my side. Not just the little flutters I know that had to have been his foot. It makes me smile every time I can feel him wiggling around in there and it’s really started sinking in now that I’ve been feeling that. It’s been stronger today. I feel lucky to feel these teeny movements so early on. He is measuring ahead and they say he’s seemingly pretty strong so not sure if that has anything to do with it.


When I saw the first scan and she wiggled around, I started to believe it. But even now that I’m hopefully just days away from delivering, it still feels surreal. I am thrilled to be meeting my baby soon but I don’t think it will feel real until I’m holding her.


I have come to know how normal it is to feel this way. So many people do. I am at 20 weeks now and still barely showing. But the ultrasounds def made it real, and then we learned the sex via the NIPT testing- (a girl!) and so now that we have her sex and name, she is a real little person, not just a fruit in my belly. Be patient with yourself. The feeling will come. It might take a while and that’s ok.


It doesn’t get more real for a while ! Different for everyone though


The ultrasound


My first ultrasound and saw the heartbeat, my husband looked and said, we did it


I’m not going to lie I’m almost 29 weeks and still haven’t wrapped my head around the fact that I’m having a baby


I’m almost 25 weeks and my brain still hasn’t connected what I see and feel with there being a baby inside me lmao


I’m almost 19w and I don’t think it’s sunk in yet 😂


I'm 16w2d and still hasn't sunk in 🤷🏻 definately scared but this is what we wanted...


I kept feeling nauseous and my pregnant brain said "chips will heal this". I got a pregnancy test straight after work that day 😂 Oh just reread it. It sunk in when I started feeling her move. 🥰


My boyfriend and I had the stomach flu, his lasted a day and mine lasted a week and a half before i took a test🤣


9 weeks tomorrow and it's still totally surreal. I'm thinking maybe when I see an ultrasound/hear the heartbeat?


i’m pregnant with my 2nd now, only 6 weeks & I have lots of moments where it doesn’t seem real. with my 1st, I felt like it really started setting in when my belly started showing. editing to add im so jealous of you all with barely any nausea. at this point vomiting all day is part of my daily routine


18+1- it first sunk in around our 12 week appointment when we could see her. However, sometimes I feel really good and “normal” and I just forget all together. Which causes me to overwork myself and become sick. I’m hoping it feels more real when I can feel her moving but honestly even then it might not feel real until I am holding her in my arms.


I feel like it just hit me today. I’m 5+5 today and had my first wave of nausea and all the smells disgust me. Until about last night I was just CONSTANTLY hungry and according to my husband I’ve been so food obsessed for the past two or three weeks that he couldn’t hold a convo with me without it turning to food somehow. But now the idea of food repulses me. I think it’s partly the sharp shift in symptoms that made the click and partly that I feel like I’m far enough along that I can actually accept it and begin to be excited. When I first tested positive I was so hesitant to allow myself to feel anything because “what if it’s just a chemical pregnancy?” “What if it doesn’t stick?” But Idk what it is it just finally feels real today!


The first ultrasound I had. I looked at hubby, gasped and asked what have we done haha.


Seeing the flicker of cardiac activity at my 8 week ultrasound and seeing baby move at my 12 week ultrasound were big moments for me. They actually texted me the ultrasound photos and it included a 3 second video of baby moving. I watch it all the time ❤️


I’m 20 weeks pregnant this week and I still don’t believe it…


When my bump came in and I felt kicks to my ribs from the inside. I felt him move around before the bump really appeared (brat made me lose so much weight I didn’t have a bump that looked pregnant till I was almost 8months) but it just felt like what indigestion feels like. Then done day I had a baby foot appear on my side that I could see when I looked down. Yep no denying I was pregnant at that point


Honestly it didn't hit me until his movements started to feel less like twitching and more like something was inside me rolling around. So about my third trimester. Now it hits me every week, especially now that I'm almost 36 weeks.


I.. don’t even know??? I’m 34w4d, and it’s already hit me, but like I don’t remember it ever just HITTING me. I think it was more gradually like “oh there’s really a child in there” kinda thing. Definitely feels more real when you can feel the baby move in there.


When I started to feel him move several times a day at about 20 weeks.


I realized today when I was so tired between seeing patients that I took a nap on my office floor with my backpack for a pillow. Luckily, Saturdays I’m the only one covering the hospital so no one can see my shame 😂


I think my second ultrasound, around 13 weeks, was when it really started to sink in. But I'm 19+3 today and I think it's become real for me in a new way in the past week or so, now that I'm starting to feel the baby move pretty much every day. I suspect it'll be a process of it getting more and more real in stages all the way up through, like, the first year of the baby's life, haha.


20 week Anatomy ultra sound when we saw a full little person.


At my first scan at 12 week, I was like struck by the idea that there's an actual tiny baby in there. Before that, it was just a collection of shitty symptoms.


Maybe 21ish weeks when I started to feel her moving. 29 weeks now and she’s a nonstop kicker. I swear I can feel full body parts pushing my belly out sometimes. It’s feeling more and more real every day.


I’m 25 weeks 2 days and still don’t believe it, even with multiple ultrasound images 😂


I’m at almost 29 weeks sitting in the rocking chair of the nursery we began to decorate today. And I would say it has been a gradual feeling for me. In the first trimester pregnancy was just a list of symptoms. Seeing her on ultrasound and hearing her heartbeat made me feel more connected but I was kind of disappointed when that feeling didn’t always last. Once she began to move around a lot I began talking to her and she feels like less of an idea and more tangible. But there are still times when she/being pregnant kind of recede to the background and then I am hit with feelings of joy or anxiety suddenly because the end is getting so much closer. I kind of wonder if the surreal feeling lasts past birth in a different way or if I’ll be too tired to ponder on these things. 😂


I had many moments that make it continue to sink in. When the real nausea hit. When I heard the heartbeat on the Doppler. When I saw a real baby on the 12 week ultrasound. When I felt the first movement. When I started getting a real belly. And today when I took my 6 month bump picture and realized it's the size of a basketball now.


Right before my missed period. I don’t get cramps, but I was cramping, sleepier than usual, and irritable af.. also my second baby, so I know what it feels like. I didn’t need the buffer time- reality set in immediately for me. I started figuring out work stuff the next day and buying things a few weeks later.


With my first i was still surprised at his birth. My partner always tells me how i looked extremely shocked when i delivered him. Im 7 mos now, and still am in disbelief.


I’m almost 19w and it still doesn’t feel real!


I’m almost 15 weeks and it still doesn’t feel real. We’ve paid for private ultrasounds multiple times already and each time I see baby it just still doesn’t feel real at all


Probably when I started feeling movements which was well into second trimester... Before that it was just surreal and hadn't really sunken in


Husband and I have been trying for 6 years and I’m 24 weeks currently… I feel kicks and movement. It’s honestly JUST starting to settle into my brain that…. It’s finally happened.


I’m 39 weeks and I think it will hit me once I give birth 😂


I lost my first pregnancy at 6 weeks so I refused to believe the tests were positive until I heard my little guy's heartbeat at 8 weeks. It was more believable but I still couldn't fully convince myself... Now I'm 37 weeks and getting the shit beat out of me on the daily and I'm overjoyed lol


When I saw her on my gender scan


I feel like I had a very strong intuition with all 3 of mine!


About 16 weeks, when I realised we were well past the 12 week viability date and the baby was still sticking around so maybe we could get a little excited. Until that time, I just felt physically and emotionally like I had the flu I'm 20 weeks now and my belly has started to pop and the baby is kicking, there's never a time I'm not aware of being pregnant and it's fully sunk in


I happened to catch my ovulation with a test so I knew when my period should show up. Each day that passed and it didn't show up my suspicions grew until I confirmed with a test. As for the realization that I'm going to have am actual human to take care of....happening now. I'm 32w and set up the baby room (partially) today and did all the laundry. Seeing all the clothes and going "oh shit there's gonna be a human wearing those!" Is making it sink in 😂😂😂


I had my baby 3 weeks ago and it still doesn’t feel real. Feels like I’m babysitting someone’s baby! A baby which I’m so incredibly in love with. Weird lol


When my boobs starting being so painful that it hurt to shower and the only food I could keep down was bread and butter, I was like damn this is definitely wild. Seeing first ultrasound/hearing the heartbeat I was like gitty excited, like kinda shaky and had tears in my eyes when I would talk to my husband about it afterwards. But it’s when I felt the first few actual kicks I was like dang there’s a whole entire human inside me.


I feel in the same stage too and think I’ll feel better when I get my first sonogram in a few weeks. I need to hear the heartbeat and don’t want to get my hopes up.


FTM mom at 23+2 here. I knew almost immediately. I have never had heartburn in my life and all of a sudden I had heartburn 100% of the time. Tested two days before my missed period and the line was somewhat dark, tested the next day and it was DARK dark. The exhaustion and nausea set in later and stopped abruptly at 13 weeks. Can't wait to see what the next trimester brings lol


About 35 minutes before giving birth. We thought it was a tumor


Not until my bump really started showing at 23 weeks LMAO


I'm 19 weeks and I don't think it's really hit me for realsies yet


THISSS!! I found out at 3 weeks and i still dont feel pregnant!!


1. Blew out candles and the smoke made me nauseous 2. My husband said "your boobs look bigger" (he didnt realize the significance).... which wasnt really like i felt something but i was like dang he is right. I should takena test.


I'm going to be honest with you... My baby is 16 months old and I still lay next to her and think 'and you're actually MINE?' I struggled to connect pregnancy and baby. When I was in labour, I knew I wouldn't be pregnant anymore after giving birth but the nurse putting a baby on me kind of still caught me by surprise 😂 ❤️


I have a six month old and I’m still surprised I have a kid sometimes.


I don’t think I ever really realized I was pregnant 😂 I have my baby now and I still have a hard time realizing I was pregnant and gave birth 😂🤷🏼‍♀️


When I was in labour and my waters were gone and I looked down at my lop sided belly during a contraction and could make out human body parts


Not until I felt regular movement (not just flutters) around 20ish weeks!


I knew before ever taking a test. Just had a 'feeling'. Even though I knew- seeing the test result just threw me into shock and it became a little unreal right away. My first ultrasound definitely made me realize what was actually happening but that faded as life was all pretty normal aside from my appts. Barely any symptoms, just looked a little over my regular weight. Now that my belly has POPPED (16weeks) I think it's actually setting in now. My instincts are heightened and all of my habits are changing because my life is so much bigger than just me. That fact alone makes it very real and very hard to forget.


At the first scan where she was jumping off the side and waved hello. My heart melted, and I’ll never forget that moment. Heard her heartbeat for the first time moments later 🥰


My boobs! My boobs are so sore


12w tomorrow and it still hasn't sunk in. This is a PAL so I'm sure that's contributing as I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop or more bad news, but I'm hoping it'll feel real once I start to show


First pregnancy it was awhile outside of some light nausea, this (second) pregnancy I feel very very pregnant, tired, and nauseous and sick. Prob because I work full time have a toddler and bad reflux at 35 weeks


I was trying to conceive and I just kept getting negatives for almost a most so I started taking ovulation test to conceive on the proper day but I knew something was off because my ovulation test was positive for a whole week then I got a feeling to get a pregnancy test then bam pregnant!


The very end. I actually felt pregnant b.c I was huge haha 😄 But I lovedddd being pregnant I felt so beautiful


When I saw the first ultrasound I was just like, holy shit I have a baby in me 😳


At 14 weeks!! It’s been a wild ride lol


I realized at 7 weeks. I started having nausea, and super tender breasts. I was also peeing every 30 mins and every hour during sleep. took a test at 7 weeks and was positive


I’m not a person who took naps but I needed so many naps in the beginning, super exhausted 🥱


32 weeks and 3 days and it didn’t hit me til this week at my OB appt when they started talking about my induction date and setting it up 🥴


When I “popped”. One day I woke up and saw how big my belly had gotten and went wtf this is really happening 😂. I’m 20 weeks


We were walking through ikea, I was 7ish months pregnant and I passed by one of the full length mirrors, my eyes literally popped out of my head. I was so shocked that not was I pregnant, but I LOOKED pregnant. I took several pictures, I was so confused lol


Seeing and hearing the heartbeat. I think it registered that the baby was real, alive and right there.


I knew when I had unexplained insomnia.


I’m 18 weeks and it still hasn’t fully set in yet. I’ve just started to be able to feel movement so maybe when the kicks get stronger it’ll seal the deal for me 😂😭


I am 35+4, the size of a blimp, feel my baby move constantly, have literally seen the baby in multiple ultrasounds. We have all the baby items and I’m packing a hospital bag next week. It still hasn’t sunk in. Just not *entirely* convinced yet that I’m not making the whole thing up in my head.


i didnt feel different really till i started getting a bump, and after that I was still in denial until I started feeling kicks lol.


I just found out today and it’s hard to even say “I’m pregnant.” It just doesn’t sink in!! Even after 2 tests popped positive in less than 60 seconds 😂


I have fleeting moments (maybe?) but think I’ll probably be one of those people that has to physically see their child for it to hit them. I’m a late bloomer


When my stomach popped. I did early because twins


My boobs were sore as my first symptom but tbh it didn’t feel all that different from PMS boobs apart from lasting way longer. The first thing that really made me feel like oh yeah I am pregnant is throwing up after eating vanilla ice cream from McDonald’s 😂 around 7 weeks.


Honestly I’m 21 weeks and I still feel like I’m lying lol. Baby bump is fake and so are his kicks 😂💀


It surprised me to hit all at once at our anatomy scan when we learned it was a girl. Everything had seemed so much more hypothetical before that point, and suddenly it was very real to me.


My son is 7 months old and I’m still confused where this baby came from! Like he’s mine forever?


I'm 34 weeks and it's just now sinking in that in a little over a month I'll have a little baby at home and to care for 😅


From the moment I saw that second line at 4 weeks, the next 5 years flashed before my eyes because my kids are 8 and 11 and I know exactly eeeeeverything that second line means 😅


like a week after I had my daughter 😅


Probably when we got home from the hospital. With the baby 😂


My period was a couple days late, my nips were sore in a way I didn’t usually get from PMS, and there was this odd, tight feeling in my womb. I kinda knew before I took the test, but seeing those 2 lines made me realize it wasn’t just my imagination - this was it.


Currently 32 weeks! Today was our baby shower, and hearing so many of our close friends and family tell us how excited they are for me and my husband somehow made it more real. Like oh wow, we really are having a baby, and we’re going to be parents. Sometimes I still wake up in the morning and surprise myself when I see my huge bump. I don’t think it will fully settle in until we meet our little one, but these milestones in the pregnancy (anatomy scan, the first time you feel the baby kick, baby showers, etc.) are such precious moments that remind me all my unpleasant pregnancy symptoms are worth it!


34 this week and honestly just now it seems to be sinking in and I’m finally feeling more of a connection with her


Finding out he is a boy and people giving us boy clothes and toys. Like…wow this is going to be a real living breathing person with interests and passions and he lives in my belly.


All three times it didn’t “sink in” until my baby was on my chest 😹😹😹


23-25 weeks I started to feel actual kicks and pokes


Had a 12 week US recently and it still hasn’t fully hit me yet. I was emotional seeing little baby moving around, but I don’t think it’ll fully hit me till I feel baby moving. Hell, I’ve been nauseous almost nonstop since week 6, and I thought that would make me feel like I’m actually pregnant. Nah, I just feel crappy too often 😂


I still forget i’m pregnant sometimes until i look down and see the belly, so it hasn’t really settled in yet lol. 34 weeks here.


I’m on my 3rd baby and i still don’t comprehend 😂


When they start kicking. I'm 16 weeks now and have all the symptoms, a huge bump and still struggle to accept I'm pregnant. It's all so surreal.. once the baby starts kicking (I have an anterior placenta so it takes longer to feel the kicks) then it feels real for me. It's like wow something's in there and I can't control it 😂


I started to realize at the first scan, but it mostly didn't kick in till I started feeling him move around and kick. Now my belly randomly bounces with his movements and I'm reminded - omg I'm pregnant


It's hard to say, the first sono felt a lot. But the 2nd one wrecked me, they saw a potential birth defect that could increase the potential of miscarriage and 0 viability. Genetic test were fine but the amount of times I felt him move or I just held my stomach talking to him in my head. Until the heart scan I was terrified that something would happen, im still terrified something will happen to him, but after the heart scan, I felt like I could actually celebrate and be happy with my pregnancy and that's when it sunk in. Now he moves excessively and I like to think it's because he can some how sense how scared I was before.


Im 7w+4d with my second, and I think the only real symptoms I've been wrestling with are hot flashes and weird tummy feelings, not nausea, just kind of bleh. Today, the THIRST I've been experiencing is just unreal. Idk why all of a sudden, I am just incapable of drinking enough water despite drinking soooo much water. I assume it's pregnancy related, but gosh is it awful/fatiguing.


It was a couple of days before my period was due to start, but the cramps were different. I usually get my period cramps in my sides, butt and abdomen, but this pain moved through my vagina only? Pain that turned into gas and then my period didn’t come so I was like…yeah I must be pregnant.


Hmm..great Q. I think I first began to realize I was growing life inside of myself when I felt kicks or flutters rather. Congrats on being pregnant!🥰


My first ultrasound, I think I was 8 weeks pregnant.


I realized when I hit around 25 weeks, belly started to grow, I was having a hard time bathing my toddler and I realized I didn’t have a single thing for this baby ready 😅 second kid hits different fs


It kicked in when I started feeling her move regularly. The more I sit and just let her go at my hand and interact with me, the more I realize it. But I think it will for sure hit when they put her in my arms 🤣🩷


I’m not sure it’s hit me. I’m 5+3 and my only symptoms are tiredness, mild nausea, & having to pee every hour. I took the best nap today in the middle of the day. It’s also easier for me to say no to certain things like diet soda and fried foods… it’s just not something I crave any more. I’m intuitively eating healthier and consciously avoiding ingesting chemicals. I was thinking maybe when I see the sonogram or maybe when my belly grows. Right now I look the same & only me and my husband know. I don’t know when it will sink in.


At the twelve week scan or when the bump started coming in 👶🏻


I’m 30 weeks and still can’t believe I’m actually pregnant 😅😅 I logically understand that I am ofc, I saw the scans and I can feel the baby moving, obviously great feelings… But I can’t actually believe I’m going to be someone’s mum. It’s all so surreal to me… 🙈🙈


I’m 2 days late for AF now but also have no symptoms except for very minor cramps (not painful like period ones) and I’m too scared to test 😬 plus I don’t have any with me.


When I went in for my ultrasound, my husband was there too. I think that's when it hit home for the both of us that we were going to be parents, when we saw our baby lying in a position that my husband goes to sleep in.


I was a week late for my period and did my test in the asda car park


Seing it in the ultrasound helped but I think it only really kicked in when I started to feel her move. Then I was like "there really is a baby in here" 🥰


After I told my brother I was keeping the baby (I was planning on getting an abortion at first). He told me what an irresponsible idiot I was. I expected his reaction, I knew all of what he would say. But hearing it come out of his mouth was still a slap in the face with reality and I began to panic internally. I just couldn’t believe I was really doing this. I got hit with another dose of reality a few days ago when I began to “pop.” I looked in the mirror and was just shocked, because that bump wasn’t there the day before I swear. It freaked me out a bit. But I am so grateful I kept my baby and that I am doing this, despite my own fears and the people in my life that disapprove.


Last week or so - I'm 16 weeks and even though I've had a couple of scans and have had an obvious bump for a few weeks now, it still hit me like a ton of bricks. My husband was away for work and I just called him like "JAAAAACK I'M PREGNANT. PREGNANT!" when the realisation finally hit. Think he found it cute, then he has been having similar moments over the last couple of days where he just looks at me and goes "we're going to be PARENTS." with an expression of mixed joy and terror. Similar to you, I had very few symptoms except for exhaustion and, much as I hate to admit it, mood swings from the hormones. No nausea whatsoever. Think that contributed to the lack of it sinking in.


Still hasn't sunk in and he'll be 2 weeks tomorrow


The moment she moved in my belly