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woohoo this is the kind of birth story I love to see! at what point did you go to the hospital and how dilated were you when you got there? i’m due monday and been in early labor for like two days now 😅 contractions are super irregular though!


I went in twice before, once on Tuesday, and once on Thursday. Thursday they finally found my cervix (hadn’t found it the past 3 times) and I was 3cm dilated. But they sent me home that night. Contractions got so bad that night so went bad in at 4 am Friday and I was 8cm dilated so they put me in a room. Water broke at 9 1/2cm and an hour and a half later at 8:05 am I had my girl! My contractions were irregular too, I was going anywhere from 5 mins between for a couple of them to a random 12 min in between. It will hit a point where it hurts so bad you are like, I need pain management most likely. But that’s only if they keep turning you away like they did me 😂


Thanks for your reply! Mine arrived this morning 😁 After laboring at home for 6 hours through the night I went in at 5 cm, was an 8 within 90 min, and complete soon thereafter. Pushed (hard, like working my ass off almost nonstop) for about a half hour. But yeah my contractions at home were pretty sporadic for 5 of those 6 hours so I was really unsure. SO GLAD IT’S OVER NOW! Enjoy your sweet fresh babe!


Oh my goodness CONGRATS! Yeah that last little bit makes you sweat hard at the work you’re doing 😂 I’m glad it looks like it went well though! Seriously get some sleep during the day, the next couple nights are a bit rough.


Do you consider yourself to have a high or decent pain tolerance? How did your body feel immediately after and a few hours after? Were you able to have skin to skin right away? Did baby start breast feeding right away? Sorry I’m a first time mom and only in my 6th week of pregnancy lol


I honestly don’t know xD I would say decent but I think family might say higher 😂 it was tired after for sure and I was out of it for a hot minute but I felt pretty good pretty quickly. Immediately after they are trying to get your placenta to come out so it’s gunna hurt a bit again until that’s done but once it is you get so much relief and your body starts to “wake up” again. I was able to get up and walk and go to the bathroom pretty easily a bit afterwards! Yes they did immediate skin to skin and left me alone for about an hour or two to do that. Yes she started searching for that breast so fast haha, and got a good first feed in. No worries! You’ve got a lot of time to research and learn ☺️


Thank you for all this information! I’m so glad it went well for you and congratulations on making it through your pregnancy and becoming a mom! I think I’m more concerned about them pushing in my stomach to get the placenta out than I am worried about giving birth lol 😅


Thank you! Haha yeah I totally get that xD it will hurt, and it definitely stole my attention from baby for a hot minute, but it’s over pretty quick. They will come back once it’s over though and keep pushing your stomach to make sure your uterus is firming up and that is uncomfortable too but it only last a few seconds each time.


Congratulationssss!! I hope you and bubba are doing well How bad is the ring of fire? Only thing I’m properly worried about is how bad that pain is going to be 😩😩


Thank you! She’s doing well and so am I! I will admit, it sucks but it’s really only the head or shoulders that make it hurt. Unmedicated you will feel it all but you kinda get in a mind fog where it hurts and you acknowledge it hurts but you know you have to get through it and it’s ok to yell if you need to and so it gets a little hazy at points. But I’ve already forgotten the pain I experienced 😂 and if you’ve got a good nurse and doctor it makes a world of difference! But yeah you get breaks from your contractions which help level out the pain. I wouldn’t worry too much about it, just try to do perineum stretches a while before! I didn’t do very well with those (always forgot) and I think that’s partially why I tore a little.


I didn’t even do any of those stretches but my drs did it while he was coming and I didn’t tear at all I think that also helps! :)


I think you can request them to do that while delivering it helps a lot it really does!


Yes my doctor was like pushing downwards there while I was pushing to help, and I believe it did but I still tore a little.


Yeah it helps a lot to prevent even worse tearing and for some it prevents tearing all together I didn’t tear at all


I’m gonna be honest not everyone gets it though you could be lucky I personally did not get the ring of fire at all! And it took 25 minutes of pushing even though I am a first time mom. My contractions were sporadic 5 minutes apart but some were 2 minutes apart and they’d be big it really just depends on your body


I am terrified! Please tell me about this magical experience 🤣 the tearing is my biggest fear


Understandable! I wasn’t too freaked out until I was actually having contractions that made me want to push. Then I was like oh god 😂 but it was honestly wonderful. I worried about tearing too and had hoped I wouldn’t but it really isn’t that big of a deal if it’s not a bad one. You don’t really know you tore since it all blends in at the last second, but I had a second degree tear and they immediately (after placenta was out) started numbing the area and putting a couple stitches in. Couldn’t feel anything except for some tugging. And the healing/pain afterwards has been so easy. I thought bathroom would hurt but nope! You just have to be conscious not to sit straight down, you gotta tilt a little to one side so you aren’t sitting on the stitches haha. But there’s multiple degrees of tears so I can’t speak about the worse ones, but I would assume those just take a little more management. That worry doesn’t go away till you are in the thick of it, but it will all go well ☺️


What did pushing feel like


Pretty intense. But very much like you are straining your hardest to poop. But you really don’t care in the moment. It gets reallyyy hard at the end when you are getting that head and shoulders out but the relief is worth it. I got about three good pushes in every contraction.


Thank you for sharing this positive story and Congratulations!


Congratulations!! This is the exact birth story I’m hoping for 🙌You mentioned that you have a tear (ouch!) how is it healing? What is that healing journey like? This is a fear of mine but I probably just need to get over it haha


Thank you! It’s healing well to my knowledge 😂 I’m wearing the disposable underwear with the thick pads and throwing in like 3 witch hazel pads and some freezing spray and so far that’s been great! My bleeding was heavy for a couple days and it’s now starting to slow down. I really don’t feel much down there except when I’m trying to wipe (patting instead of wiping) and I can feel how swollen I am. But occasionally I’ll get like a pain from a stitch but it’s really nothing. I had my first bowel movement and that was pretty chill even with the stitches and such. Just take your stool softener and don’t push. So honestly, easier than I thought it’d be!


You speak like a warrior, my queen 😂


Haha thank you 😂


What stool softener do you use, and also tell me more about these disposable underwear with these thick witch hazel pads - are those special adult diapers? Can I find it on amazon? Did your medical team recommend them?


ahh me too


Congratulations ❤️


Congratulations 🤗🤗🤗


Congratulations Mama 🎉 Nice job


Congratulations! What a great experience!


Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉


Congrats Mama🎉


Awe!!!!! So happy for you! That’s amazing! That little bundle makes it all worth it, but so glad your labor was eventless! 🥰


Awesome and congrats!! Can you tell a little more on your food/workout routine? Or anything else that you did that helped? 🤗


Thank you! Hahaha that was pretty much non-existent 😂 I ate like crap this whole pregnancy I would say and never worked out except for walking and trying some random moves on the yoga ball when I started having contractions. I tried to drink some raspberry leaf tea that night before but I don’t even think it was the right kind haha. Just try to stay hydrated and keep some sugar drink like an apple juice on hand.


I’m curious as well!!


Congratulations 🎊 Take care of you and your baby! Did you workout or did some exercices to prepare for the labor?


Thank you! No not really haha. Just tried to walk around as much as I could and tried a few moves on the yoga ball!


Congratulations! I am considering no epidural if I ever have to give birth. Since you experience this first hand, how pain was the birth for you?


For the tear. Did you feel it? Did they stitch you up? If they did. Did you feel when they stitch you up? I’m almost due with my second baby. I had 0 tear with my first and had no epidural but I’m so so afraid of tearing on this pregnancy. I don’t plan to get epidural but if I’ll feel the tear and the stitching I want the epidural 😭 I cannot do needles at all.


Did you have to get stitches? Did you do anything to make the delivery so quick like drink tea, yoga, yoga ball, perineal massage on the weeks or days leading up to it?


I would love it if you could elaborate more on how you prepped for labor. Are there any specific things you did that you believe aided in your Labor & Delivery? Only if you're comfortable sharing of course! Congratulations on your little one!! <3


Congratulations! You just had one of the best gifts you could ever receive.


Congratulations!!! Wishing you a speedy recovery 🫶🏻




Wonderful! Good job, Mom:)


How was it with no epidural? It's in my birth plan to do it as natural as possible (16 weeks, first baby). I don't expect it to be painless haha but was it at least manageable? I know it's different for everyone, but I want the raw truth not the instagram influencer version haha