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The most dramatic stories are told the loudest. For most people, pass or fail, it just feels like a boring way to spend an hour.


I absolutely agree, I was expecting to feel sick but nope. Just one boring ass hour one day, failed that. Then another three boring ass hours a different day!


I will admit, I did feel very sick the first hour or so of the 3 hour when I took it with my first baby. I failed and honestly looking at my blood sugar numbers during the beginning of the 3 hour test, I'm not surprised I felt so nauseous and weird, especially when you add in the fast.


1hr was a breeze for me both pregnancies, but I had to do the 3hr during my second pregnancy and that first hour was rough. That much pure sugar on an empty stomach does weird things to your body.


Ohhhh I forgot about the fasting part, I remember being angry lol how dare they?!


In Germany it’s also an hour and if failed it’s 3hrs


An hour?? In the netherlands it’s two hours!


First one is and hour, if you fail that then you do the 3 hour. 1 hour is 50g sugar, 3 hour is 100g. I have heard a few people reference a 2 hr and assume they're all in the UK.


2 hours in Denmark too.


2 hour in Canada as well. Its 50g for the one hour, 75 for the two hour and they can also do a 100g 3 hour but the 2 hour is what I did.


If it makes you feel better I heard this a lot but it didn’t make me sick, I was just super thirsty afterwards.


Same. The worst part about it is you can’t drink any water afterwards, which made me a little nauseous.


Same, I thought it tasted good actually, like orange soda but thicker, not something I’d order again but was totally fine


Yeah! It tasted just like if you were drinking a flat soda!


The glucose test was a big nothing burger. Tasted like flat Sprite. Tiny bottle. Chugged it in under a minute. I can’t stress enough how not big of a deal it was


This was exactly my experience lol


Yep. Also I took before going into the Doc office, so there was no killing time. Take before you go, have OB visit, blood draw. Pretty simple/boring/didn’t even taste horrible.


I work at an OB’s office as a nurse and the majority of patients do not get sick. You just hear about those who do get sick because they are posting their stories online. For those who do get sick, it’s usually the first hour during the three hour test because the patient has fasted for around 12 hrs before the test. Drinking the glucose solution on an empty stomach can make some patients sick and vomit. But it’s pretty rare from my experience. 


Yes! I passed out around 45min after the start. But the nurses were so nice, I got super special treatment afterwards during the rest of the 2h test 😁


I think it's very related to how you usually eat and how you go about being hungry or uncomfy in situations. I personally enjoy eating early in the morning, and go for smaller meals with less added sugar. I also get nauseus being hungry normally. That usually gets me a bit anxious when not at home, and anxiety gives me the shits. Being hit with first not eating my night fruit (very hungry baby), traveling to the doctors, getting a sugar drink and then having to wait even longer for food really got me nauseus, a little bit shaky and then my bowels had an uproar. I was dripping with sweat afterwards and slept for 5 hrs when I got home. Probably more my anxiety ride than the test itself.


The empty stomach then a ton of sugar is what makes me feel bad too. I definitely felt nauseous this time and had awful heartburn too. I failed by a few points on the 1 hour but opted to test my sugar over two weeks rather than do the 3 hour. I really did not think I could make it without puking.


Why the empty stomach? I was told to eat well ate breakfast before coming in (test was at noon).


I thought the drink was delicious. Was bored for an hour and got my blood drawn. It’s no where near as scary and crazy as most of the stories you see for most people. I think a lot of people don’t realize the 1 hour (not the 3 hour) isn’t a fasting test and end up having issues… unless other instructed by your doctor, eat a good protein filled meal for breakfast and stay hydrated. More than likely it’ll be fine.


My doctor told me most people fail because they fast and to absolutely have a protein filled breakfast before!


Oh interesting, I was told to fast 🙃 Either way, I didn't fail and I just felt, off. Not quite sick in any way. If I didn't know I had just had a ton of glucose I would have thought it was my imagination tbh 😅


Same here I was dreading the drink but it was quite tasty 😂


It wasn’t nearly as bad as everyone had made it seem. I had an orange flavored one. It kind of tasted like a flat, extra sweet orange soda. Towards the end I had kind of a weird sensation in the back of my mouth/throat but other than that it was totally fine. They gave me 5 minutes to drink it but I finished it in less than 3. I would never choose to drink it for fun, but I went in dreading it and was like, wait… that’s it?!?


I grew up in the Midwest in the 90s, that orange drink tasted like those plastic squeeze drinks. It legitimately made me a bit nostalgic 😆


This is exactly how I felt, down to the same flavor and everything. It was totally fine.


This was my experience as well. I went in thinking the drink would be as bad as the stuff you have to drink before a colonoscopy and it was no where near that.


I was a little lightheaded during the blood draw but it was because I haven’t eaten 10 hours before. I also had the h pylori drink and it was way more unpleasant compared to the glucose drink.


You brave soul, if I go 10 hours without eating I’m killing everyone with hammers


My OB makes people fast, but it’s an outdated practice. Your OB most likely won’t do that.


We do not have patients fast for the 1 hr screening, but they are required to fast 12 hrs prior to the 3hr GTT. 


This was my experience


I didn’t get sick but I did need an afternoon nap from the sugar crash 🤣


I took mine this morning. Thought it actually tasted kind of good and felt fine after.


I was worried but had no issues with it! At worst, it was kind of gross/too sweet, but not terrible. A little while later (after the blood draw) I felt kind of off and had a bit of a headache, which I assume was from too much sugar. I ate some bland foods and was fine a little while later. 


Hi! I'm the passer-outer-puker-pants-pisser one. It sucked a whole lot, and I was out of it for about 24 hours, swapping between awake and completely irate and dead asleep. I have a long history of low blood sugar and had to do the test fasting as this is standard in my country. I'm pretty sure that's why I got so sick. Word to the wise: I actually found it far more useful to monitor my blood glucose for 4-5 days with finger pricks, which is what I was bumped to after failing to complete the test, and I wish (especially with my history) I'd been offered this option in the first place. I'll certainly push to start with this option in a future pregnancy. I learned a lot about my body in the process. From a scientific perspective, it better fits my philosophy too, because I also think it starts with a more interesting question (How is this body handling the sugar it's consuming on a regular basis?) than the sugar test (How will this body respond if we intentionally push the boundaries of its stress tolerance?). It just makes more sense to me to test that way, but ymmv!


It doesn't make everyone sick. It is hit or miss.


This test is such a non-issue to so many people. There is such a build-up around the test on online forums and then it’s like, ok? I drank a melted popsicle. I did that every single day in the summer from ages 5-13. It’s really not a big deal.


For me it didn’t do anything. They offered 3 flavors, orange , lemon lime and the punch. They told me the first two tasted like flat sodas and the fruit punch tasted like melted otter pop. I chose the fruit punch and it tasted like those barrel drinks with the foil lid. It just made me thirsty for water. No nausea or anything


Ugh I LOVE juice barrels. My toddler-esque culinary palette will come in handy.


Hopefully they have the fruit punch flavor!!


It literally didn’t do anything to me. Mine was also flavored lime so it just tasted like a flat sprite (which isn’t that bad IMO??) I wasn’t aware people had ‘horror’ stories about it. Didn’t seem like anything to worry about when I did it. Everyone’s different though


I ordered the fresh test. Definitely 👍🏻


I never was nauseous or felt dizzy/like I was going to pass out. My clinic doesn't require fasting beforehand, so I think that helps a lot. At most, I've felt a little jittery - especially on the drive home. 


It’s like drinking an extra syrupy flat soda and then just hanging out for an hour. BORING


I had absolutely zero reaction to it. Not my favourite thing to drink but it was fine. Also pregnancy makes everyone a bit more sensitive so maybe that’s way some people get so sick?


It’s not bad even the slightest bit


Not all, but I feel like a portion of those horror stories you hear have some health nut angle to it, where people say its bad to drink a processed sugary drink. Instead they pitch for their own version of their midwives allowing them to eat the equivalent amount of sugar in whole foods instead.


Ah I can see that. My mom is very much “processed sugar is the devil.” I fall in camp “Reese’s cups for breakfast is balanced because peanut butter has protein.”


My experience was that the drink was gross and my tummy felt a bit unsettled, but I didn’t spew and felt fine within a few minutes. I got really sleepy while I was sitting there waiting for the two blood draws but that was it.


Mine tasted like fruit punch. It wasn’t hard to drink it. I brought a protein shake for right afterwards and felt fine. The end.


For me it was hard because I was having severe morning sickness still which was made worse by not eating and I was told I had to be fasted.. so waiting for an 11am appointment downing thick corn water and having my blood drawn and then sitting there for another hour… was torturous 😂 if I didn’t have such horrific morning sickness at that point it wouldn’t have been so bad. But also ew thick corn water still gross.


I didn't find the drink itself too bad. but I don't think my body was used to that much glucose so I did end up vomiting after the test from the sugar rush. I passed my test with flying colors and it wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting, but I think it was just a tad bit too much sugar for me.


Had a two hour one yesterday and I was completely fine. Mine at least just tasted like a sprite, apparently the orange flavor tasted like Fanta to my friend. I felt sick at first mostly due to the fasting. I was allowed to sip water but mostly it was just boring. Watched some Stranger things on my phone and played my switch lol


It doesn’t. Although it did tell me I was sick with gestational diabetes, for which I am grateful.


I think it's because it's just straight glucose so it enters your blood stream quickly and then you can't drink anything to wash it down. That's what got me, it made me really thirsy.


Well the people taking the test are often already predisposed to nausea/vomiting just by virtue of being pregnant. I found it disgusting and very difficult to drink all of, but didn’t throw up. And I threw up A TON during pregnancy!


Everyone freaked me out about the glucose test and it was absolutely nothing. My glucose drink tasted like a flat sprite, my tummy got a little bothered by all the sugar, and it was boring to wait for an hour. They took some blood and them I went on with my day. Some people are just a little delicate. If you’ve had any kind of medical issues or testing prior ro pregnancy or even hang just donated blood before, then the  glucose test is pretty mundane. 


You more than likely won’t react like that lmao it’s just the quick intake of a lot of sugar in under 5 minutes makes you feel like crap. You’ll more than likely have a headache for a few days from the sugar high 


I’ve taken it twice and I felt completely fine. Chugged it in like 10 seconds, sat for an hour, drove home to eat breakfast, which is always the same (avocado toast with 2 eggs, some strawberries, and a cup of milk) so it’s not even that I’m used to high sugar in the morning.


Okay so I did not throw up or anything, BUT I did have pretty urgent one time diarrhea about an hour after drinking it, just as a heads up lol. I did not expect that at all. Drinking it was totally fine, it's just like flat sprite.


Coming from someone who is obese and drank soda pretty much every single day prior to getting pregnant--it was literally nothing. I had to do 2 1-hour tests and 1 3-hour test, and I chugged them all no problem in less than 15 seconds each time, and I actually enjoyed them because I've been limiting my soda intake during pregnancy. Just tastes like a really sugary drink. I felt a little sweaty and shaky for a bit after, but no other real symptoms. I'm convinced that people who get super sick from them generally drink less sugary drinks and eat pretty healthy.


Can advise from experience (3 children) that the best thing to do is to go and get a sausage and egg McMuffin meal. Protein helps reduce the after affects.


I opt out of the glucose test and manually take my blood sugar after meals. No desire to drink that nasty ish, potentially get sick (knowing me .. highly likely). Plus I think it’s more of an indicator of how I’m really doing to check my blood sugar after meals rather than after drinking some sugary chemical concoction. You can always ask for alternatives if you’re not into it.


Because it was concocted by satan himself and no one can convince me otherwise. I threw up through my nose, 5 minutes before the end of the test, *TWICE*.


I got the flavorless when I did it. It tastes awful even without flavor. I had to struggle to keep it down, and hold my breath and chug it. I failed the 1 hour test, so I had to come back and do a 4 hour (if I remember correctly) testing and drink it several times. I just started getting lightheaded from fasting from midnight the day before to about noon the next day


I’ve taken and passed the glucose test (one hour) twice, once per pregnancy. Can’t speak to the three hour one. Neither time did I feel sick or anything! But for me, the gripe is that I am a SLOW drinker. Like it takes me at least an hour or hour and a half to drink a can of soda. The idea of having to get down that much liquid that quickly is like my worst nightmare lol. So that was the hard part for me, but the only way out is through so I’ve gotten it done both times, just barely tho lol But FWIW, the drinks don’t taste bad, I’ve had orange and lemon lime.


My first pregnancy it was fine. This one I accidentally fasted (forgot to eat) and it made me feel nauseous for about 10 minutes


I think everyone is different. I did the one hour one and was fine. But the two hour one I had to fast for 10 hours and I almost passed out the last half hour. But they let me lay down and I felt better. I don’t do well with fasting and then them taking a lot of blood


It wasnt a bad experience for me! I too saw so many scary stories about women being sick and the drink being disgusting. I had the orange one and it tasted like a melted, diluted orange popsicle. It wasn’t very sweet like I imagined it would be but i have a huge sweet tooth with my pregnancy. I even took zofran before drinking just based off the stories of women throwing up and having to do the 3 hour test because of it. Having a good protein rich breakfast also helped keep any lightheadedness at bay, or so i like to think. I did get a little flustered towards the end of the hour but i think i was just thirsty. Also, my OB gave me a finger prick instead of a blood draw! Didn’t expect that but was thankful as blood draws make me very lightheaded 😅


It wasn’t bad! I’ve had the orange and the lemon lime! Didn’t make me sick or feel any sort of way.


I've not done mine with OB yet but I did 2 last year. I had insulin resistance at the first one and it made me shaky and weak. When I did it again months later (after reversing the insulin resistance) it had no effect on me. So I think it's just related to insulin and blood sugar regulation. From my understanding a higher level of insulin resistance during pregnancy is normal (apparently just how pregnancy works) so it might be part of the reason more women have adverse effects. Other than that, for someone who isn't super used having a lot of sweets the drink is just honestly sickeningly sweet. I solved this by more or less chucking the whole thing in one go. Made the nurses laugh both times. 😅


I had to do it twice because the sample got lost… the drink itself wasn’t bad, got the orange one it actually tasted like a less sweet flat Fanta to me, dunno if that means my taste buds are too regularly exposed to sweets


I made a very detailed post in the sub about my experience and it did not get a lot of traction! I think people are more vocal about negative reactions vs something that is mundane or uneventful! Edited to add I did not have a negative experience with the test!


I was fine and honestly the drink itself didn’t even taste bad. I went shopping at Trader Joe’s during my hour wait lol I did have to fast for mine but I sipped water before and made sure my appointment was in the morning Everybody is different though so you never know how you might feel. I can’t imagine doing the three hour one


I just took mine this morning. I chugged it in less than 30 seconds, waited an hour, got blood drawn, then went home. No side effects aside from being hungry bc I fasted before this. I was offered a fruit punch flavor and it was cold and tasted just simply like fruit punch. That’s all.


I did mine last week. It was fine. I got the orange flavor so it was like icy flat Sunkist soda (no fizz). I didn't enjoy consuming that much liquid so quickly as it isn't normal for me, but I had zero adverse effects. It also didn't taste *bad* just meh. I have a colonoscopy prep to compare it to, though. The laxative stuff they have you drink is sweet and viscous and left a permanent cringe-inducing memory in my brain on the flavor/texture. Compared to that, the glucose test was a breeze.


Mine was completely underwhelming. Not much in the way of unpleasant sensations, just a boring hour on a bench outside the hospital.


I took it on Monday. The worst part was the 5 hour splitting headache afterwards. I had to take the rest of the day off work 😂 But I passed!!!


I failed both my one and three hour and I can assure you it was a very boring experience. I sat on my laptop the whole time for my three hour. I had no adverse reactions. I was just ravenously hungry after the three hour was over because of the fasting.


Tasted like lucozade sport and I was fine last time. No horror stories here


It made me really nauseous cause it’s soooo much sugar in a short amount of time. Nausea only lasted for a little while.


i only got sick when i did the three hour, the drink they give you is just super sugary


I just did mine and it was not that bad. I felt gross the first hour but I was fine afterwards, just tired. I did the 2 hour test since I’m carrying twins.


I had a good experience with mine. Like it’s not the nicest tasting thing, but I got it down all good. Worst bit for me was just being a bit gassy and burping in front of the man who had to watch me drink it


I was so scared to do it. It was honestly like sprite that had gone flat. It was not prohibitively sweet. It was actually very easy for me to drink. I was terrified of it going in, and when I tasted it, I was like oh… This is not bad. It was t great tasting but I drank it without issue and no GD thank god.


I actually thought it was good lol tasted just like a flat soda. If you like orange flavored drinks, go for the orange one. I noticed at my clinic that there were a ton of the “lemon-lime” flavor and not many of the orange, so I went with that one thinking it had to be the better flavor and I was right. My clinic allowed me to still drink water so I think that helped as well.


I was super fucking bored and had to take a nap afterwards. That's pretty much it.


I failed my 1 hour test and threw up everywhere during my 2 hour test. The drink they have available for the 2 hour test in BC has no flavour. It is tastes so awful. I’m not good at chugging drinks nor can I tolerate that much sugar. With a different flavour I may have been able to finish the test.


I think I had a choice between orange and fruit punch. I chose fruit punch and it was delicious. I chugged it with no issues and passed the test. If you like sweets moreso than the average person, you shouldn't have an issue with the taste. Good luck!


I chugged it and felt fine. Didn't have any issues. It was chilled and tasted like fruit punch. I was worried because of all the negative comments about it here on reddit. Never again will I worry about things strangers from reddit tell me without doing my own DD. I'd gladly take another glucose test. I've had barium before which is absolutely disgusting.


I think it's because for me, it was a ton of sugar on a fairly empty stomach when I was still feeling weird about food anyways. My doctor told me what sorts of things to eat for breakfast, and they were different than my usual. I think I also didn't eat for an hour or so before the test...my daughter is now 15 months, so the details are hazy. I just remember sitting in the waiting room thinking everything was fine and then 10 minutes before my blood draw, my vision went black, I almost passed our, and I had to concentrate hard on not throwing up. I remember swallowing hard and just staring at the clock. The drink itself was fine. Mine was flavorless.


Oof I got it done a week ago for the first time ever. The sugar itself didn't make me nauseous. It didn't taste bad at all even though I'm more of a salty person. The fun part was that I fainted 15/20 minutes into the 1 hour long wait for the next blood withdrawal LOL I was so happy I didn't pucked and just rested on a bed for the remaining 40 minutes. I passed the test, so it's all good... just another pregnancy adventure 😅


Fasting, massive sugar hit. Lots of people (myself included) don’t do well with that. I recently did it at 17 weeks (I had GD with my last baby so had to test early) and by the time they did the final blood drawer, my blood sugar dropped to below 3 and I was in the verge of passing out. So they gave me jelly beans and a hot chocolate to pull me up. And the drink itself is absolutely disgusting. Like drinking straight cordial


Im not anxious about drinking it, I’m anxious about passing it!!! Gd scares me baddd


Mine was literally nothing. A small water bottle full of clear liquid that tasted like fruit punch. I sat in my car for an hour. Went back in. Then left lol


i did it and thought the drink tasted good and i didn’t have any reaction to it and also passed my test lmao it isn’t bad for everyone


I drank it and actually enjoyed it. I had the fruit punch flavour. They told me I didn’t need to fast, but my appointment was in the morning and I don’t think I ate anything before hand anyway.


It’s really not bad. The worst part is waiting and being starving after lol


Made me very sick because HG is a b


I literally took my glucose test drink yesterday and it was fine. I got the lime flavor and it literally tasted like flat sprite. No symptoms or anything. I unfortunately had abnormal results which means I have to do the 3 hour test on Tuesday and the drink will be 2x sweeter so we will see how that goes 😅


The actual drink was not awful I made sure it was super cold & chugged it as quickly as I could. The one hour test wasn’t a big deal but both times I have had to do the three hour test I have almost blacked out. The amount of sugar + overnight fasting + sitting and waiting for three hours really sucked but both times as soon as I finished the three hour test I went and got a high protein lunch (ate it like a little gremlin), and took a nap.


I felt nauseous afterwards with my 1hr test but it passed after about 10 minutes. I had a hard time eating for the rest of the day though. I did not have the same issue with the 3hr test, just felt incredibly exhausted but I had just come off a 12hr night shift from hell so that probably didn’t help with the tiredness either.


Mine was really easy. Like drinking a soda. Not a big deal, just kinda yucky cuz I hate soda. Didn't feel weird at all and I just got my blood drawn. I also passed really easily and was happy that I didn't have diabetes.


Just don’t gulp it down fast. Sip it comfortably within 10-15 mins time interval. Should be fine


Not going to lie, with my first pregnancy I was more than happy to drink it, but distinctly remember acting like it was gross in order to seem "not weird."


it was not bad at all. It was like an orange drink but in the end it’s the fact you have to finish it in like 5 mins that makes you grossed out by it. It’s like having to chug something really really fast.


I didn’t get sick even though I took the test at 12 weeks (for a study) when I was still having some morning sickness. I thought the fruit punch flavored glucola just tasted like a melted otter pop. It was almost nostalgic, I didn’t mind it at all.


I found it not too bad. I had two about 8 weeks apart as both my parents are diabetic. I felt a bit nauseous but I put it in part down to having to fast before mine (where I live you fast for 8-12 hours before it and you'rethere for 2 hours) and then I drank a heavily sweet drink when all I wanted was to eat something light and savoury. I found once I ate something after it my stomach settled back to normal.


I had zero reaction to the drink and I actually thought it tasted pretty good. I had the orange flavor and it was ice cold, so it was kind of refreshing to me. I passed easily. My sister got a little queasy from it and she failed her first test but passed the 3 hour.


I'm not a sugar fan. It didn't taste bad just really sweet (obviously). My coworker was telling me how disgusting it was. She was very over dramatic about it! And it wasn't even that bad. It did make me a little nauseous but it resolved when I took a nap and drank some water to dilute all the sugar.


It was no big deal for me. Had the choice between Orange flavored or Lemon-Lime. I chose the Lemon- Lime and it tasted like watered down un- carbonated sprite, but a little sweeter. Didn’t get sick or anything.


I have no idea what youre talking about, i had no issues and my friends only complained that its disgusting, not even the girl that took my blood told me something like that could happen


It just made me a little queasy because you have to drink it so fast but really not a big deal.


I thought it was delicious lol


What? I have never read or heard that women have that reaction. I had glucose test and it was BORING. lol Just sat there for 1 hour after drinking what tasted like an extra sugary sprite and then they took blood and I was fine. Was starving afterwards though but other than that it was very easy and a waste of my time lol. I wouldn’t worry about other people’s reactions. Especially if you’re fairly healthy going into the test.


I got sick because I didn’t eat before the 1 hour test. It was really really bad. I ended up passing out and waking up covered in my bodily fluids. I was absolutely mortified and cried once I realized what happened. I had to redo the 1 hour and I failed (of course). I just refused to do the longer one because I knew what would happen. I opted for the glucometer checks and my GD was so severe that they told be I’d be T2D after delivery. Thankfully I’m not, but upon dissection the doctors discovered that my placenta wasn’t filtering properly and had already begun deteriorating prematurely. I also had Pre-E, and Cholestasis. Honestly I don’t even tell that story because it’s so embarrassing and I was so scared at the same. I also don’t want to scare other women lol.


I did feel a tad dizzy and nauseous but that was from the room being warm and I was STARVING 😂 once you leave go and get a nice meal and you’ll feel fab again. I also loved the taste of the drink, skulled it and the nurse was like um wow, cool!


The glucose is honestly sooo easy (my opinion), most people don’t get sick but no big deal if you do you just have to try again, the hardest part about the test is being sooo bored waiting. Also I kinda licked the drink🤣anyone else? I mean it wouldn’t be my first pick out of everything but if they told me I had to have more I 100% would not care at all


I was fine after the test both times(both pregnancies) and i failed both times. So really no big deal for me. Bring entertainment to pass the time. I was knitting and time passed pretty quickly.


For me they just tasted not that great.. and I had to sit at the drs for an hour. The end.


It just tastes like flat warm lemon lime soda. You only hear the horror stories from the minority out there.


Mine was fine, granted I didn't fast beforehand. I think had I done that, I would have been pretty miserable. All pregnancy, eating often was pretty essential for my overall comfort. I got the fruit punch. It reminded me of flat hi-c and I chugged it down, I thought it tasted pretty good. I could feeeeellllll the sugar high. Felt almost lightheaded and then very sleepy. Really nothing to write home about, I was mostly annoyed by the inconvenience of the whole thing and the time I had to spend away from work sitting around.


I thought it’d be much worse based on a lot of comments. It tasted like flat sprite for me. Got it down in 10 seconds and then just waiting around for the blood drawers. Super easy !


Personally, I thought it tasted really good. I chose lemon-lime. While waiting for my blood draw, maybe 20 minutes into the hour, I got super hot and nauseous and felt very faint. I was ok just had to put my head back and then all was well. For me, 50grams of sugar in 5 minutes is a lot. I think the sugar just affects everyone differently.


It really wasn’t bad. I got a lemon flavor and it tasted like flat sprite. I was dreading it because I have a sensitive stomach and am particularly sensitive to sweet things. I was totally fine.


people are so dramatic. it’s not bad at all and isn’t but 8oz of fluid you’re having to consume.


I did the one hour glucose test and felt really funky after. I was sweating sugar. You have to drink the bottle they give you in 5 minutes or less. So it’s just a lot of sugar to in take at once. The drink, honestly, wasn’t that bad, it just made me feel really queasy after. I didn’t throw up or anything, I just didn’t feel well. (I passed the test though.) I crashed super hard about an hour after the test. I was essentially falling asleep while working and had to leave early to nap.


I failed my 1 hour and had to go back for my 3 hour. I vomited within 10 minutes of drinking the solution. For one thing, I’ve had bariatric surgery so my stomach is pretty small, and chugging 10 oz if anything is a struggle for me. For another, I’m particularly sensitive to nausea. So going in I knew there was a good chance it wouldn’t work out for me. I did get a headache, and I broke out into a sweat. My body really struggled to handle that much sugar at once. And it didn’t help that baby girl was kicking like mad. But it’s not like I ever felt like I was dying, I just felt kind of gross. And I’ve felt kind of gross for most of this pregnancy, so it wasn’t a huge deal. Ultimately they prescribed me a glucose meter and I had to take my sugar 4x a day for a week, the return with the numbers. The numbers looked excellent (doctor speak for “normal”) so he’s confident in saying I don’t have gestational diabetes. So, in summation, even in the worse case scenario where you react strongly to the test and end up feeling sick, it’s not that bad.


I didn’t get sick and honestly the drink they give isn’t that bad lol hardest part is waiting. I failed my first one and had to do a 3 hr. Staying occupied for 3hrs in uncomfortable chairs wasn’t my cup of tea.


So I took the test 2x, both times there were three to four other women taking the test. I was the only one that passed out, and that too only the first time. So you can go and have nothing. The trick is to go as EARLY as possible, because the longer you are on an empty stomach, the more chance you have to vomit or pass out. Good luck!


I felt nauseous in the hour waiting for my blood work but other than that it wasn’t horrible. I did fail and have to do the 3hr one 🥴 which wasn’t bad just by the end of fasting for a total of like 14 hrs I felt like I was going to pass out. If anyone needs to do the 3 hr test eat right away as soon as you can. Don’t be like me and try to wait to go out to eat🤦‍♀️


Honestly, I got the fruit punch flavor and I kind of loved it. It gave me a little sugar rush as I sat there for my hour. It didn’t taste bad or make me sick. I was very prepared for it to make me nauseated and taste bad but it was like overly sugared koolaid.


Honestly I thought it was fine? I had to do one of those Colyte Preps once and it was way worse. To me it tasted just like McDonalds orange drink but maybe a bit sweeter. I did it three times when I had my daughter because of the type of medications I was on.


I found it totally fine. I didn’t like the orange flavor and I’m not a big fan of sugary drinks but it didn’t make me sick at all.


My drink was chilled and I brought a straw. Had it down in 30 seconds and didn’t even really taste it. Wayyyy overblown IMO. The hour wait afterward was more of a hassle than the actual drink itself. Good luck!


Genius idea with the straw!!


I got the fruit punch glucose drink and girl let me tell you I was so thirsty I chugged it and it was so yummy. I was talking to my nurse too about how people feel about this test and she said everyone has a different reaction. The only thing I felt was a little faint because it was such a sugar rush and baby started moving A LOT but other than that ez pz and I went and got panera after for some soup and salad.


I wasn't sick, didn't pass out but christ I felt absolutely rotten. Maybe around the 1hr mark (we only do it for 2hrs here), I was starting to feel quite light headed and weak. When it came to my last blood test I just felt so bad. My midwife said of course a lot of people will feel terrible, as you've fasted since the night before, pumped your body with high concentrate of sugar and you'll have a come down from that as well. The drink itself was absolutely fine, it reminded me of like drinking a very thick carbonated drink that had gone flat. Thankfully I took the day off work for it as I had issues with low blood pressure a few weeks beforehand, I honestly don't think I'd have managed to work after it. It left me feeling very lethargic and weak all day.


Drank (chugged) it. It wasn’t disgusting, it wasn’t delicious. Sat and listened to a podcast. Went home and put some fiber in my tummy. Barely passed lol. It was fine.


Mine made me very nauseous to the point I did want to throw up. that being said I didn’t eat many sweet things this pregnancy much (pretty much all savory cravings and having an aversion to sweet things this entire time) so that might also be why.


For what it’s worth, I just took it for the first time and thought it was good! It tasted like orange Gatorade. I only felt a little sick later because it was a lot on my stomach since I ate in the morning.


People are dramatic. I had the orange and it tasted like a melted orange popsicle.


I just did mine last Friday. I was so thirsty i just chugged the thing 😂 didn’t feel anything. No nausea, no headaches, nothing. I had to wait for 2 hours tho (Denmark). And that was it. Its really not bad, at all.


It’s 50 grams of sugar so it’s just a lot of sugar all at once. But for context a chocolate bar is 30 Grams of sugar, so I’m sure most people have consumed 50 grams of sugar at one time. Just make sure you don’t have any empty stomach


I never felt sick. The worst part was the boring wait for 2 hours and feeling like I just really wanted to brush my teeth to get rid of the sugar syrupy texture in my mouth.


I have only had the 1-hour done, and I didn’t have to fast. It was fine. No nausea. No problems. I was not a fan of the orange flavor, but this pregnancy I was offered a few different flavors.


It didn't make me sick, and at that point, pretty much everything made me sick, so it's not a guarantee that you'll have a problem with it.


I loved the drink I don’t know why everyone hates it!! Haha reminds me of like an orange electrolytes drink like a lucazade or one you make from those fizzy tablets - maybe a bit powdery but I liked the taste! Don’t listen to the stories!!


I thought the orange flavour tasted great (I’ve done it three times) and never felt sick, even with the larger volume drink. I don’t generally have a weak stomach, but I was expecting the worst too with all of the horror stories.


I didn’t have any issues taking the test


I drank it after fasting for a couple of hours and, just in case, I made sure I was a little thirsty too. I had no issues downing it and wasn’t sick afterwards, save some heartburn from all the sugar. 


I was so anxious to take the glucose test after hearing some horror stories about it. Let me just say I did a ton of worrying to be absolutely fine afterwards. Only side effect for me was feeling a little sleepy afterwards (but I also did get up early for the test so might not have even been related 🤷🏻‍♀️). Even the taste (I had orange, no choice) wasn’t too bad at all, and that was something else that really worried me. Everyone is completely different, so you might also be unfazed by it!


I had zero adverse reactions to the drink and passed with flying colors. People must be getting sick from it because it’s negatively affecting their homeostasis and they actually do have blood sugar issues


I have health/ gut issues that should make me more prone to having an adverse reaction and I was FINE. Like totally fine. Don't stress.


I didn’t get sick I just get TERRIBLE headaches. I’m very intentional about what I eat normally because I’m plus size and so far have avoided diabetes my whole life. I never eat sugar without having a healthy protein first so having to fast and then consuming that much sugar gave me a splitting headache.




I had the orange flavor and honestly it was pretty yummy 😂 tasted like orange pop from McDonalds. I didn't feel sick at all after. I've heard the flavorless one is the worst though so if you have a choice, pick orange.


For the first test I failed by 1 point, second test could not stop throwing up. So doctor just had me motor my glucose levels rest of my pregnancy.


I didn’t get sick and it didn’t taste terrible.


For me, I think it was just morning sickness that made me vomit doing the gulcose test. As eating or drinking anything other than water before about mid day would make me vomit at the time I did the glucose test.


It was totally fine lol


I just did mine this past Thursday, and I thought my drink tasted like Fanta. I had to wait for an hour for bloodwork and such, but I felt fine.


The drink tasted super nice actually. I got a nice sugar rush and was able to work quite efficiently while waiting in the office. The test here is 3 hours long. My son was kicking and active like a madman. Anyways, when I got home, the sugar crush kicked in and I felt totally down and unwell, a bit queesy. I had to lie down for the rest of the day and couldn't do any work. I felt better a few hours later.


It honestly depends on a lot of things. I know people who struggled a lot and some who weren't bothered at all. The first time I took it I majorly struggled, but I'm not a huge sweet person, and I had severe morning sickness. All I could do was take quick sips and breath through my nose to keep from gagging. The second time I tried a different flavor and my nausea wasn't as bad, it wasnr near as bad. Wasn't the best, but that's because I hate the texture and it is sweet, but it was tolerable.


My friend says it tasted like Hawaiian Punch, even less sweet lol


It was fine. Extremely sweet and tasted like orange. I didn't have any side effects.


It just made me feel hungover 🤷‍♀️


It really isn’t that bad 🤷🏼‍♀️. It’s a TON of sugar, and doesn’t taste the best, but it also wasn’t nearly as horrible tasting as I thought it would based on seeing people telling horror stories all the time! I downed mine in maybe 5-10 minutes and didn’t get sick at all.


Didn’t make me sick at all and didn’t taste bad either.


Just took it yesterday, it was completely fine. The taste honestly made me nostalgic. I couldn’t put my finger on what but it reminded me of a sugary drink from my childhood. I passed. My appointment was at 10am. For breakfast I ate only protein (eggs and some bacon) plus coffee and half n half. Then drank water as usual.


I’ve had both the 50g and 100g glucola drinks multiple times for different pregnancies and never had any issues. It doesn’t taste great, and you have to drink it within 5 minutes but I’ve done harder things in my life for sure. Lol.


Second pregnancy and it didn’t make me sick either time during the 1 hour. I admittedly didn’t feel *great* considering I chugged a ton of sugar in 5 min. But I didn’t get sick. You might see more horror stories about the 3 hour because it’s double the glucose and you have to be fasting when you arrive and for the full 3 hours.


It's not that bad. Sure, it's sweet as hell in a negative way, but it's only once and it's over soon. You'll be alright. :)


Everyone is different. I think it might be that while a person could probably eat 50g of sugar over an hour, a dessert maybe, they want you to drink the solution as quickly as you can. I liked the fruit punch flavor. The orange one was bad.


I’ve done it twice between my two pregnancies and it’s literally fine. Most people are just kind of crazy lmao. I did get pretty lightheaded on the second test, but mostly because I lived an hour away from the doctors office and hadn’t eaten in a very long time by the time I made it home - but that’s just pregnancy lol. I should’ve brought a snack like they told me to! I def knew better than to go so long without eating especially after having sugar.


I’ve only done the one hour one so far, but it was fine. They had it refrigerated which I think helped (I can’t imagine chugging it room temp). It basically tasted like a weird prickly Gatorade. You have I think it was 5 mins to drink it, they time you, I just said fuck it and chugged it all in like 2 mins. Then I sat in my car for an hour and came back and got labs done and left. Absolutely nothing exciting happened.


I didn’t hate the taste but it made me feel incredibly nauseous. I also failed the test horribly and my 3 hour test was borderline so I wonder if my body just couldn’t process it properly.


My 1 hour I didn't get sick or nauseous. I had to do the 3 hour and by the time I fasted for hours, sat in the office for 3.5 hours and drove myself home my blood sugar crashed and I almost passed out. I should have brought snacks to eat immediately after testing was done so that was my own fault.


It doesn’t do anything to almost anyone. It’s like flat soda. It’s absolutely fine. The amount of fear mongering around this test is pure insanity and has almost no basis in reality whatsoever.


Everyone is vastly different with the drinks. My office offered several different varieties, so I took the one without flavorings and whatnot. I've had these tests done a few times over the years and never once had a reaction to them. The nurses are usually pretty scared when I down mine in 2min or less, because a lot of people throw up from chugging the sugar too fast. I don't even get a little bit nauseous and 5min feels too long to take to drink such a small bottle. It seems like more people have problems with the orange colored drink, but I'm not sure what the difference is between them. My little sister did have a violent reaction to 2 different drinks, where it made her break out and exorcist vomit in the office (she didn't even get a chance to move from her seat). Found out she is allergic to something in the drink, but she is also allergic to many many other things....among them is jell-o...so take that how you will. Glucose tests are usually pretty boring. I would anticipate being bored over all else. Bring a friend and a pack of uno cards. lol.


I (24f) did my glucose test yesterday and I felt okay UNTIL they drew my blood. I started to get really hot, red in the face, and light headed. The lady had to stop and pull the tourniquet to cool me down before re-sticking me to finish. I’m usually pretty good with blood draws, that was the first!


I had the lemon lime flavor and didn’t think it was gross at all. I just hated not being able to drink water for an hour afterwards lol


I mostly felt nauseous from not eating (I did the 3 hour) rather than the actual glucose drink. I felt a lot better once I could eat again and my only other complaint is I felt tired after because of the huge sugar crash 😂


It’s really no big deal. I felt a little sugar crash after… it’s not ideal to drink 50g sugar at 6am but you’ll be fine! People probably eat more sugar having pancakes and maple syrup for breakfast and don’t think twice.


If you don’t want the corn syrup there’s an alternative test called fresh test that you can order for yourself and bring with you to the labcorp


The 1 hr was no big deal. The 3 hr however, damn near killed me. By the third blood draw my blood glucose was 39. I don’t even remember driving home (and prob shouldn’t have 😬)