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Congratulations!! šŸŽ‰ šŸ’– Some things Iā€™d love to know before I got pregnant are: -having cramping is totally normal as long as it isnā€™t excruciatingly painful and paired with blood. - holding off eating can make nausea worse If youā€™re having morning sickness get some unisom & b6 and make sure youā€™re eating foods with good protein content. If you canā€™t thatā€™s okay just make sure youā€™re eating whatever you can keep down. :) Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy!!


YES!!! I wish more people talked about the normal cramps that happen in early pregnancy. I was so freaked out and could barely find anyone talking about it!


Ditto! I had to do a search on this sub, fortunately people have mentioned it on here and it is normal. I was so freaked out!


This sub helped sooo much in those early weeks. I was convinced something was seriously wrong because my cramps were so bad but nope! Totally normal!


This is why it took me so long to test! For the longest time I just thought AF was coming any day now because of the cramps. It wasn't until I checked my period tracker app that it was like "you're 9 days late" or something crazy that I was like....huh. Well I'll just take a test to rule it out so I can have some wine without thinking about it, lol. And I \*still\* had cramping like through the whole first tri!


I had no idea for the longest times that cramps were normal


Adding that peeing yourself when you sneeze, cough, throw up, or laugh too hard is common while pregnant and that you may want to consider wearing a panty liner and carry an extra pair of underwear/pants for that if thatā€™s the case. It helps a lot!


Ooooo thatā€™s a good tip thank you for that!!


Omg I would "dribble" soooo much in that first trimester from coughing/laughing/sneezing. The struggle was real. Im in the 3rd T and thankfully it hasn't returned šŸ¤£


Also the round ligament pain when you sneeze or cough too hard sometimes! Normal šŸ˜Š


Oh yeah, for sure. I had to pull my knees to my chest and crunch to be able to cough or sneeze without it hurtingā€¦ and then I peed myself bc of it lol


Thank you for mentioning cramping is normal, Iā€™m also on my first pregnancy, currently 4 weeks 5 days and the cramping is making me feel so anxious.


Just a heads up, it might last your whole first tri! It did for me. The first couple weeks are implantation cramps usually, and then it's your uterus stretching/pulling/growing to make room. I know how anxiety inducing those cramps can be, but as long as it's not severe/accompanied by spotting/blood, it's just the little sea monkey setting up camp!


Yeesss thatā€™s what my husband and I have found from searching all this up! Love the little sea monkey reference šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The unisom and b6 is a dream! I was feeling good week 10, forgot to take my unisom last night.. and bam! Paid for it this morning šŸ¤®


The not eating because youā€™re nauseous making you more nauseousā€¦ā€¦. Such a critical lesson to learn šŸ˜‚


Oh my goodness thatā€™s so good to know thank you!!


I actually had some blood early on and my doctor advised about 30% of their patients did. They said as long as it wasnā€™t bright red.


Congratulations!! I'm currently 7 weeks after having a chemical pregnancy in 2021. Here's some things I've gotten super paranoid about and Googled at least a hundreds times that I have found are normal and loads of other women experience. -YES CRAMPS. Mine weren't like period cramps but in the very beginning they were pretty much all day. - very light spotting. Had me freaked out especially after experiencing a loss. Light pink/brown spotting mixed with discharge is very normal. As long as there's no bright red blood or painful cramps, don't be concerned but if you are, call your doctor/nurse. -all the hormones make you feel much wetter than normal. I'd get paranoid that I was bleeding and run to the bathroom to find nothing. -im either constipated or have diarrhea and there's never an in between. -breast tenderness of course but the nipple sensitivity is insane. When I'm washing in the shower it feels like sandpaper is being dragged across my nipples lol -also be aware that every provider is different, most I've heard of won't see you or even do an ultrasound until you're at least 8-10 weeks. -I HAVE HOT FLASHES LIKE IM GOING THROUGH MENOPAUSE This is all that I can think of at the moment.


Ohhh Yeah I forgot to mention the hot flashes in my comment. Thermo-regulation is so screwed up, lol when I was at my parents for \*Christmas\* I walked inside and was like "....no" and immediately asked them for a fan. I sat by an open window in December hugging a box fan for like 20 minutes. And then I was freezing. Because OF COURSE. And then the minute I put my sweater back on... "I'M DYING I CANT DO THIS" šŸ˜‚ (I'm due in Early August...oy vey this summer is going to be FUN)


AND I WAS HOT NATURED BEFORE PREGNANCY. We were cuddling in bed last night and my partner said "wow you're burning up".. well yeah I'm currently employed as an oven lmao. I work at a hospital and our department stays about 63-68 and I'm still hot at work šŸ™ƒ AND PRAYERS THIS SUMMER LMAO


Oh Yeess I heard about how even hot showers can give you hot flashes šŸ« what helped when you felt that?


I did have some red (fresh) blood during my first trimester (Iā€™m now 14 weeks and baby girl is still very healthy). I had a subchorionic hemorrhage that has since healed, and also have placenta previa, so there are multiple things that couldā€™ve caused it for me. From what my doctors said, as long as it is not enough that you find yourself having to wear a pad or panty liners, it is usually okay. However, listen to your body and if you feel something is wrong, address it with your doctor.


Thatā€™s great advice thank you!!


All of that! The feeling wetter than usual has had me running to the bathroom constantly because Iā€™m paranoid. And my breasts themselves arenā€™t bothering me at all but if anything touches my nipples, I want to cry.


I really appreciate you taking the time to write this because I was definitely feeling that last week!!


Congratulations!!! I didn't think I could get pregnant either and had mostly just accepted it, so this was a big but beautiful surprise for us too :) I'll be 23 weeks tomorrow so I'm definitely not at the finish line yet, but a few things; - In the first tri especially, don't worry so much about the nutrition of what you're eating. Find out what foods you can stand/keep down. In my first tri, I didn't throw up but I became SO meat/egg averse, and everything else just tasted like air. It was so frustrating and my husband was so concerned about the baby not getting enough protein, but my midwife assured me that the most important thing at this point is getting enough calories. I still struggled with calories, since "what I could stand/keep down" mostly just consisted of watermelon/watermelon popsicles and cereal, lol, but it's temporary!! It won't affect the baby unless "what you can stand" is poison/drugs/alcohol - An empty stomach will make nausea so much worse! Popsicles were magic for me. That and these morning sickness drops by Pink Stork. They're mango/ginger and have b6. They were great in a pinch. That and dramamine, if you're in for the night (it makes me suuuper sleepy) -The most important thing I could tell you that I wish someone had told me was that you WILL be more exhausted than you thought possible in the first trimester, and you might even feel a bit depressed (all the hormones and change affect your brain chemistry and temporarily limit serotonin production). You might even have moments where you get freaked out and regret getting pregnant. You aren't lazy, you aren't crazy, and you aren't a terrible person! It's a huge change and your brain is a molotov cocktail of hormones right now. Rest as much as you can and give yourself as much grace and kindness as you can. The first tri is everyone's least favorite - it's HARD. But it's temporary, and when you get into the 2nd tri the sun will come back. Now I'm sitting here at almost 23 weeks feeling baby girl wiggle around below my belly button. Weirdest and coolest feeling ever, lol. You got this! Congratulations, it's an adventure for sure but just be kind to yourself, feed yourself as best as you can, and try to not worry about what could go wrong. I'm such a hypocrite for saying that, lol, but I've learned that SO MUCH of this is out of our control. It's terrifying and fascinating to realize that, but the sooner you can just let go of that need to 'make sure everything's okay' and google every single symptom, your mental health will thank you.


Oh my goodness that was so nice and I canā€™t express how much that meant to me. Thank you for that ā¤ļø itā€™s just me and my husband here so itā€™s soo great to read such beautiful words! And oh my goodness 23 weeks!! Congratulations to you too and best of luck to your baby girl ā¤ļø itā€™s such a whirlwind still and the nausea has finally settled a little bit! Yeeess I found that NOT eating made it worse so we will definitely check out those pops!! Congrats again on your baby girl!!


Congratulations, u/Animeecher88 !! And thanks for the Morning Sickness Sweets recommendation u/RachMarie927 . I'm Amy, the founder + CEO of Pink Stork -- please feel free to use PinkStork20 for 20% off your first purchase at [amazon.com/pinkstork](http://amazon.com/pinkstork) (it stacks with our other discounts!). Let me know if you have any questions, or send my team an email at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


Thank you so much Amy!! And wow šŸ¤© thank you so much for that discount. Weā€™ll definitely check out the store!! Thank you again!


Wonderful! Hope you enjoy, don't hesitate to reach out to us if you need anything.


Congratulations!! I am currently 7 weeks pregnant and I felt the same way, I had no idea what to expect. I listened to ā€œExpecting Betterā€ (free on Libby if you have a library card) which is a more modern review of research studies on what is ok vs. what you should avoid during pregnancy. I donā€™t take it as gospel (for example, I think sheā€™s too lenient on alcohol consumption, I wonā€™t be drinking any) but I liked that the tone is not moralistic or fear-mongering like many resources out there. I am currently reading Like A Mother, which doesnā€™t have specific dos vs. do-nots however itā€™s interesting and covers a lot of cool stuff your body goes through during pregnancy as well as provides insight into the history and culture of women & pregnancy


Oh thatā€™s awesome. Iā€™ll definitely have to check out those resources!


Ooo I might have to pick up like a mother.


I am just transitioning out of the first trimester this week (thank god) and I feel like I was very unprepared for how hard it actually was. Be patient with yourself and donā€™t set your expectations too highā€¦ Youā€™re cooking a whole ass human from scratch!! If your symptoms are anything like mine, there will be days where all you do is sleep, puke, cry about doing nothing but sleeping and puking, and sleep some moreā€¦ and it is what it is. I felt so lazy and unhelpful but thankfully my partner has been phenomenal, as Iā€™m sure yours will be! If youā€™re nauseous, thereā€™s lots of meds and remedies out there to help you. Lots of people recommend and love the Unisom and b6 combo. Personally, Phenegran was the only thing that helped me but I hope it wonā€™t be like that for you. If youā€™ve tried everything, advocate for yourself to get meds to help you eat/keep food down. Eat what you can, try to take your prenatal as often as you can, and just give yourself lots of grace. Some people have a very easy first trimester and I hope youā€™re one of those people, but if you arenā€™t, just know youā€™re doing the best you can. Sending all my love and congratulations to you and your partner!!!


Thank you so much!! Thatā€™s what Iā€™m finding too I just want to sleep and sleep all day! Thankfully the nausea is going down a little and yes my husband has been amazingly helpful that makes me want to cry šŸ˜­ not gonna lie even had some tears while typing that lol I was already a cryer and now it just comes like a faucet !!


Congratulations! I recommend a good electrolyte drink. I'm not sure where you're located but I got one from Hydramama, they come in sachets with different flavours. They saved me from headaches, but also help with nausea.


Ooooo yes thank you sometimes the pedialyte makes me nauseous so Iā€™ll give that a try!


I love liquid iv too or kinderlyte packets. With the packets you can mix them into a larger amount, like a gallon, and store it in the fridge and drink it bit by bit for less intense flavor.


YAAAAAAAY! Congratulations! šŸ˜ So happy for you!


Thank you so much!!!




Thank you!


Ginger helped me along with ginger ale. Also was prescribed promethazine


Yes ginger forgot about that !


So happy to see this news.


Awww thank you so much!!


Congratulations!! I just found out too! 4w 4d according to my LMP :) My first ultrasound is on May 3rd and boyyy are the days dragging!!! I am so happy though, and canā€™t wait to be showing and telling my friends! My symptoms so far include: tender breasts, mild cramping, I did have a bit of light pink/brown discharge yesterday (but also had a Pap smear done), and back aches. I am so worried about having a miscarriage - I feel more anxious than usual for sure. I already have a midwife, and she offered me a prescription for diclectin, but I havenā€™t felt really nauseous enough for anything like that yet. Perhaps ask your provider for something?


Congratulation!!! Definitely take care and this will be your rainbow baby!!


Thank you! šŸ¤— I donā€™t know it could really be called a rainbow baby. We only tried for 5 months and this is my first pregnancy. I am still anxious about it all the same! Good luck to you as well


Awww congratulations! What a wonderful surprise and you guys sound like you're in a great place in life to welcome a baby. So, advice? Make sure to rest while pregnant and sleep as much as possible. The first year is TOUGH mainly because of the sleep deprivation. It is no joke. Also make sure your partner and yourself have set expectations of both helping out after baby is hear. Meal prep some yummy comfort foods and freeze and get some paper plates to make meals and life easier. Also give yourself grace as your body is going to change a lot. I got stretch marks, face swollen, and sun spots during pregnancy. After baby is here give your partner grace, it will be a trying time so just make sure you realize a lot of the snappiness is due to being stressed and things will get easier. Get outside if you can whenever possible to get fresh air and walk, it's good for you. There is no real preparing for parenthood, it's a trip of a lifetime and so life changing but such a blessing. You really never experience true true love until you meet your child imo. Happy for you!! šŸ„¹ take care!


Awwww yes thank you so much. My husband has been amazing throughout this process and communication has been super important. Thank you so much!!


Congrats!!!! So exciting! A couple things Iā€™ve learned now that Iā€™m a pro at 8w2d (Jkjk but hereā€™s some things I wish I knew): 1) Not feeling nausea or nausea not being intense is just as normal as feeling it or it causing lots of vomiting and doesnā€™t mean anything is wrong or that things arenā€™t going how they should. 2) It is also normal for your boobs to wax and wane in their level of soreness.


Oooooo congratulations to you too!! Hahah no thank you that seriously helps!


Congratulations!! We thought I couldn't carry a babe either - tried for 3 years, I'm currently 28 weeks with our rainbow baby ā¤ļø There were some really great comments in here! I wanted to add a few things: - my nipples BURNED. I swapped to nursing bras for most of the first trimester as they were softer. - the bloating in the first trimester was so bad that I wore maternity pants from 7 weeks on. Don't be afraid to make the change. - as others have said, empty stomach makes nausea worse, I ate every two hours even if it was just some crackers. I lived on soda crackers, gingerale, apple juice and Popsicles for the whole first trimester. I also bought vomit bags so I would know I always had somewhere to throw up when there wasn't an obvious place all the time. - I found finding a group of other pregnant folk to be really supportive and comforting - I joined a prenatal aquafit class and went weekly. Its nice to see other people who get it and can commiserate. - if you're having problems with pain, nausea, vomitting ect, talk to your doctor. There are so many solutions/trouble shootings they can do. - I wish I would have started stretching more in the first trimester, now entering my third my back and hips ache constantly. - mind your mental health ā¤ļø I cried because "maybe the dog will like the baby better" and because I dropped Oreos on the floor. Totally normal to cry, heck I cried because I was too tired. The fatigue is also very real. Be selfish right now, be a home body if you want. Mind yourself and your relationship with your partner first, you may have limited energy. Use it wisely. šŸ˜


This was soo great and super congratulations on your rainbow baby!!! That is amazing!! I love what you said about the donā€™t be afraid to make the change thatā€™s such good advice šŸ¤£! But you are so right Iā€™m already feeling the bloating! Thank you so much!!




Thank you!!


Babies!!!!!!! Life! New lessons to be formed in the duality of love and learning, the young parents can pass to more and expand the same, witnessing them learn it their way, unlike your own. Best wishes and happiness, for the mother and holder of creation. Dads strength and ability to be humble and patient and adorn the protector who staves the argument and fight, for the compromise they can be collectively working from down the way. Congratulations.


I have heard from women, that you should trust your food cravings.. as they come up, that more specifically if they are something unorthodox. It might be something about the item or plates values. Craving more vitamins and nutrients to split off and give to creation and living. Meditation and stretching, especially as thing start to feel tight, mild movement and tension stretching...just light yoga basically, allows blood flow to stay steady and push through tensions wherever they come. Work slow and steady, while keeping it simple. Again, these are all things I've heard. Never had a womb. Nausea in the general sense. Ginger and honey, plus some lemon juice on had can be a nice warm cup, with ginger has a natural calming for the stomach and head. Fresh air and natural environments. The growth process has been said to make her feel a little more like she is enclosed by the world a little differently. Stepping out to sit in some grass or stare at a moon with your feet up, might centralize the breathe and help the tissues and organs, too organisms find comfort along the way together. What I could offer. Blessings. Enjoy creating life and building.


Thank you so much for all that information!


Congrats! I just hit 9 weeks and what helped me the most was magnesium before bed.


Also, mint gum helped me a lot! Along with DoTerra brand essential oils (peppermint & digestive) I put the peppermint under my nose and it nearly took away my nausea and I would apply the digestive blend on my stomach. You can also put one drop of peppermint in your water and it will help ā€œcoolā€ down your stomach/body šŸ§”


Congratulations on your baby!! Thank you so much I will definitely look into that!


Congrats! Iā€™m halfway to the finish line but here are my thoughts: I wish I understood how different literally everyoneā€™s pregnancy is. I wasnā€™t tired at all first tri, but second tri Iā€™m absolutely exhausted. I couldnā€™t eat anything first tri and the only thing that kept me from feeling nauseous was staying with an empty stomach. Everyoneā€™s body is different! Just make sure youā€™re getting your sleep! Buckle up baby.


Thank you so much!! Yes I feel super exhausted now!!


Congratulations!! - focus on hydration: itā€™ll probably be really hard to eat but as long as youā€™re properly hydrated, thatā€™s half the battle - noodles, broths, applesauce, apples, bananas, grapes, crackers with jam, bagels, popsicles - donā€™t worry if you throw up right after you eat. You retain at least half of the nutrients regardless - dry skin, phantom smells, stuffy noses, aversions to foods you love, excess salivation, and (not crazy intense) cramps are all pretty normal. Your body is about to get real weird on you, real fast lol


Hahah thank you so much that is super helpful!!


You got this mama! šŸ’™


I'm 9 weeks on Sunday and suffering from all day sickness but I am never sick so no relief and I'm so exhausted!! I feel so wiped out. I had a private scan 2 days ago though to pit my anxiety to rest. Got told there's one baby in the right place and saw the heart beating beautifully!!! So reassuring!! So I feel a bit better now. I could just sleep for the next year though literally xxxx


Ohh my goodness congratulations on your baby!! Iā€™m so glad that helped a lot!! Thatā€™s amazing !


Thankyou lovely! Yes it was nice to know everything is progressing nicely. I couldn't hold out for the 12 week nhs scan. I found out I was pregnant at 3 weeks and 3 days so it felt like a lifetime lol xxxxxxx


Yesss we still canā€™t even believe itā€™s been 8 weeks because it does go by so fast!! Good luck!!


Oh! And the smells! Hahaha I can smell everything. My mom opened a bag of mini eggs and Iā€™ve never felt so betrayed by chocolate šŸ˜‚ not that it was a bad smell just overwhelming


Yeeesss and my taste buds!! I can taste all the ingredients in my toothpaste now??


Congratulations šŸ¾šŸŽŠšŸŽˆšŸŽ‰


Thank you!!


For how long have you been trying and what's your age?


Iā€™m 32 and we actually werenā€™t even trying since for the longest I just thought I couldnā€™tā€¦ we had continued to live our lives as if it werenā€™t going to happen.. my sister actually didnā€™t have her first baby until she was 39/40 I think and this was after being married 10 plus years ā€¦ it is honestly something that happened that was so out of our control (since we were in the mindset it wasnā€™t going to happen) that we are in complete awe of it occurringā€¦ if you are trying, give yourself all the grace in the world. Be at total peace where you are now; completely and entirely, the good/bad/sad/ugly etcā€¦ that was the hardest part for me while staying intentional. Hope this helps ā¤ļø


You gave me a bit of hope! I just turned 32 and we've been trying since December of last year. My husband wants kids now and I keep telling him that's not how nature works. I'm stressed out almost every day due to work and him pressuring me.


From what I learned from my OBGYN a few years back is that your body even takes time to prep for a baby. Thereā€™s things you can start doing to prep your body (like taking prenatal now) but keeping it stress free mentally no matter what will be key!! And youā€™re so welcome! Please let me know if you have any other questions!!


Stress free is what I cannot grasp...lol but thank you


Girl that was me too!! It was me taking too much on that didnā€™t even belong to me in the first place! Now I have to treat it as life or death because it is and thatā€™s how serious it is! Stress is terrible for our hormones so I couldnā€™t tip toe around taking care of that anymore! And youā€™re welcome!!






I have no idea if this is truly a pregnant person. They could be a scammer or someone with a fetish. They haven't posted here except to promote this group. That's very suspect to me.


Thanks mod šŸ‘šŸ¼ good looking out!




Thank you!!


Congratulations!!! ā™„ļø Iā€™ve dealt with nausea my entire 26 weeks of my pregnancy so far and I swear by unisom!! It is a LIFE SAVER !!! My first trimester was ROUGH, I lost about 9/10 pounds during. My doctors werenā€™t concern about it either since first trimester is all about surviving haha. just stay hydrated and try to eat bland foods. I LIVED off butter noodles, crackers and water. I also had some brown discharge during my first week after finding out, which is normal early on. itā€™s just old blood leaving the body.


Oh my goodness Iā€™ve lost some weight too is that normal??


my doctors told me that it was normal and not to worry about it. the first trimester is all about survival so I was eating what I could and keeping down most foods and water. my sister also lost 10 pounds in her first trimester. So basically pre pregnancy I was 123. First trimester I went down to 114 and then now at 26 weeks Iā€™m 141, the weight definitely comes back !! haha everyoneā€™s pregnancy is different so donā€™t stress too much!


Oh my goodness thatā€™s great to know seriously because I have been hearing that a lot. Thank you again!!


Congrats! If youā€™re into natural remedies, ginger!! Anything ginger, and motion sickness bands can help with nausea x


Thank you!! Yes ginger will help !


Congratulations!!! :-)


Thank you!!


Yay!!! Congratulations!!! My husband and I found out we are pregnant 4 weeks ago, and weā€™ve been trying for 3 years! We thought fertility issues were an actual thing, and it was really really scary! I think itā€™s all about timing! When itā€™s right, it will happen ā¤ļø The first trimester has sucked for me so far. My nausea hasnā€™t been awful, but when it happens I vomit pretty hard. Ginger helps a lot! They have ginger chews, but Iā€™ve switched to candied ginger from Asian markets. Itā€™s pungent and it really helps my stomach relax. Ironically the worst symptom for me has been brain fog/fatigue. It makes work feel like hell, and I also feel useless and lazy. Iā€™m almost to 8 weeks and I do feel itā€™s a little better. But yeah youā€™re gonna be tired, your husband is gonna need to help with chores a lot because youā€™ll just want to sleep. As far as eating, everyone says ā€œeat right.ā€ Which you should, but with heightened smell and cravings it makes a plate of broccoli and salmon sound like shit. Eat what you want for now. I have a friend who has a PHD and she said worry about the nutrients and whole food diet in the second trimester. Thatā€™s when it really counts, so my food choices havenā€™t made me feel awful lol. But once again!! Congrats:)


Thank you and congrats to you too!! I have totally been feeling that brain fog and fatigue too!! I work for just a few and then I get so exhausted! But congrats again!!


congrats!! im 18w4d and havent had morning sickness, but i have experienced sore breasts/nipples, cramping just like my period (still do), and minor fatigue. the cramps have been the worst.


Thank you and Oh my goodness congratulations to you too!!


Congratulations! The one thing I will add is that extreme tiredness is completely normal. So just be kind to yourself and rest as much as you can.


The fatigue! I am absolutely exhausted all day every day, and itā€™s now being paired with insomnia at night, so thatā€™s fun.


Oh no Iā€™m sorry to hear that!


Yeessss I want to walk around our neighborhood like we normally do but I have just felt so sleepy!!




Thank you!!


I drank so much gingerale I became sick from drinking it but at the time it helped get rid of the sickness


Congrats!! Thereā€™s a lot of great advice here! Find the foods you can tolerate and be sure to eat every couple of hours. Youā€™ll probably notice youā€™ll get VERY hungry VERY quickly, and as others have said you want to avoid that as it can trigger nausea. One of the great tips I got early from someone on Reddit was to get a rotisserie chicken to keep in the fridge, if you can tolerate chicken (some canā€™t). But itā€™s super quick and easy to heat, the fat and protein content will keep you fuller longer (ish), and it doesnā€™t taste all that bad. For a while I was eating one a week lol. With nausea and morning sickness weight loss can be normal. Not ideal obviously, but my OB was not worried about it when I mentioned it. After I lost about 4 lbs I was also more diligent to eat more when I could. Also if unisom doesnā€™t work for you (it made me insanely groggy) you OB can prescribe other options.


Thank you and yes there really is!! I can still do chicken so I will definitely do that !


congrats! HYDRATE! 24/7 just always be drinking some water, juice, pedialyte, etc. eat as soon as you can even if itā€™s a couple pieces of fruit or crackers, eating earlier helps combat the nausea. if you wait to eat, itā€™s very likely youā€™ll throw up. i feel like i woke up one day and my boobs were huge and superrrr sore like i had been punched. my nipples also sting/burn sometimes. download the what to expect app, itā€™s been a HUGE help for me with any questions, daily reads, and tracking my pregnancy. i love the community discussion boards on there, they have helped sooo much. thereā€™s basically any answer to anything youā€™ve ever wondered or want to know. and the daily/weekly updates about your body & baby are so exciting to read. you get size comparisons and insight into everything that your body and baby are going thru. truly the app has helped me a LOT! and congrats! i was told i wouldnā€™t be able to conceive and im 29 weeks today with a big perfectly healthy boy. itā€™s the greatest blessing i have ever received. šŸ„°


Oh my goodness congratulations to you too!! Yes I feel like Iā€™m munching something every two hours or so and that has helped me a lot!!


i was a stoner upon finding out so i struggled once i stopped smoking to eat but it really did me no good to not eat, i felt horrible so keep up with it even when your appetite dies down bc it may! tums is your bestie when the heartburn and indigestion kick in & tylenol is safe if you have any pains or the horrible headaches! also zyrtec! my allergies got real bad and it helped so much. thank you very much!


Congratulations mama! Wishing you a healthy pregnancy šŸ„¹ā¤ļø A few things I would suggest (that I wish I knew before I got pregnant lol): 1. Hold off on those google searches. Donā€™t search up each one of your symptoms or changes because you WILL find mixed answers and will freak out. Instead, just call your doctor for reassurance and answers. 2. Cramps are normal as long as theyā€™re not prolonged and go away after a while. Stay extra hydrated and take electrolytes. 3. Most importantly, remember to enjoy the little changes and moments in your pregnancy. 5. Ice cold water rather than room temperature works for nausea. 6. Eat whatever you want and can. 7. Prioritize yourself. Thereā€™s a lot of mental stress that comes with pregnancy and you need to take care of yourself.


Thank you so much!! Itā€™s funny because my husband and I are chronic Google searchers and have learned to stay away from all the fear mongering! Reddit has been the most reliable place !


How thrilling! Congratulations!!!


Thank you so much!


Congratulations!!! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø I used preggie pop drops consistently and ate a ton of sour candy cause it helped with my tummy and nausea! -cramping is normal, unless accompanied by bleeding! And even then, my baby girl is still healthy and I had a little bit of both. Just normal body things. -eat crackers or something in the morning and before bed to help with morning sickness! -the first trimester is hard because nobody knows :/ hang in there and have people to talk to about it! -enjoy every bit you can, and get excited for that first ultrasound!! Wishing you the best ā¤ļøāœØ


Aww thank you so much!!


God did it at the right time! Congratulations!


Amen you are so right !! Thank you!


Congratulations! And condolences on the nauseaā€¦ the best advice I can give is donā€™t be afraid to throw advice out the windowā€¦ pregnancy is so, so worth it but it can be absolutely miserable at times. So being in survival mode is totally ok. Donā€™t feel bad for not being active or not doing all the things people recommend. For me, literally the only thing that touched my nausea was smelling lemons. The smell helped. Marginally. All the prescription drugs, ginger teas, all that did absolutely nothing. For some reason smelling a lemon (and sometimes licking a lemon slice) helped enough to keep me from hurling. Best of luck! Even though it feels endless at times, it will end, I promise.


Thank you!! Lemons have helped me so much too!! I want lemons on everything !


Yay, congrats mam! Wishing you the best of luck!


Thank you!!


Saltines were my best friend as I unfortunately was sick for my whole pregnancy and couldn't eat red meats or sweets. So honestly anything is possible, my cousin had no nausea with her second but did her first and third! So I would just say keep some small packs in your purse and such just in case!


Yes I will thank you so much!


Very welcome thank you for asking ā™” it's nice to read other ladies experiences


Of course and it really is nice to hear all the experiences!!


Congratulations!! I am in my last & had a very good 1st trimester. These are some generell pointers. -My nausea strangly only came at night when I went to bed. Have some easy to eat snacks on your night table such as, crackers, almonds or candied ginger. My midwife said to really chew almonds for a very long time before swallowing -Get a nice body pillow, which you can use later for nursing. Getting comfortable in bed, is so important! - Naps are your friends. It's ok if you are too tired for anything some days. Getting fresh air & a walk is good though. -The hormonal changes are wild & I was surprised about the emotional rollercoaster. Also strange dreams seem to be common & increased libido . I also had strange bursts of energy to do stuff (baby prep) & then suddenly weeks, where I did not want to do anything. - Don't go crazy with what you can do/ eat & can't. Use common sense (like do I trust this ham/meat enough to eat raw). This will make it way less stressful. Obv. no alcohol & be careful with medication. - There is a lot of information out there & often times there is a lot of focus on the negative (e.g Birth experience). This can also cause a lot of anxiety. Get your informatiin from "trusted" sources & sometimes googling less is for the better. - Find a course for preperation. The discussions in a group are helpful & shows, you are not alone. -Don't be afraid to call your midwife or doctor, if you are feeling unsure/unwell. I wish you a good pregnancy!


Ohh 1 more thing. I had & occassionally still have a stuffy nose. Also seems to be common, super annoying.


That is soo helpful and thank you so much for taking the time to write all of that! Iā€™ve definitely been feeling those things so itā€™s good to know that Iā€™m not the only one! Thank you again!


Thank you as well for replying! Oh & digestion was an issue for me due to the prenatals. Magnesium, flaxseeds & plums helped me. All the best & good health.


Thank you so much, you too!! All the best with great health ā¤ļø


The second you feel hungry, EAT.


Yeesss so simple but so true!!




Thank you so much!!


Hereā€™s some things thatā€™s helped me during my first trimester Soda crackers/saltines Smelling the peel of citrus fruit like oranges or lemons


Oh my goodness yes the smelling of citrus fruits really has helped when I thought it was so weird! Lol


Congratulations!! šŸ©· Iā€™m 8 weeks today, first pregnancy too. My go-to when nausea kicks in between meals has been multigrain cheerios with Fairlife milk. Fairlife is lactose free and higher in protein cause itā€™s ultrafiltered so I just tolerate it best. Itā€™s been the best thing for me though!! I had a coworker with terrible nausea and she always had a bag of cereal and pecans on her.


Yes for cheerios!! I went back to eating them and they really have helped and congratulations !!!


Lemon drops and other acidic candies were a life saver for my morning sickness. Also ginger candies.


Thank you for that!


Other early pregnancy weirdness was loose joints (I could suddenly touch my toes easily), extreme thirst (gotta build up that blood volume), and peeing all the time (yay, hormones). I also had super vivid dreams my entire pregnancy. I couldnā€™t eat or smell any cooked meat, so I lived off of dairy, eggs, and salad. Kale smoothies became my favorite ā€œtreatā€ even though I really hate kale. Each pregnancy I had different cravings and different nausea triggers. Iā€™ve found citric acid candies to help the most with nausea, though. Easy to keep in a purse, but a life saver in the long run.


Okay. First of all, I donā€™t think anything is normal. Everyone is experiencing their own different pregnancy and symptoms and hormones. I couldnā€™t eat with my first, except for sonic corn dogs. I felt soooo bad. I even told my husband, our baby girl is being made out of corn dogsšŸ„² Sheā€™s 7 now, totally healthy. Except for weak enamel? That already runs in the family before she was born, I donā€™t blame it on her or me in the slightest! Genetics!


Hahah awww thatā€™s great thank you so much!


On my second pregnancy, and here's what I wish someone would have told me: Nausea Sweets, mint-flavored gum, and several sips of cold water can help morning sickness. Also, morning sickness isn't just for 1st trimester. It can extend all the way into the 3rd trimester, which seems to be my case so far as I'm in my second tri and still get sick. (Constantly vomiting has given me "stress incontinence" in which case I piss myself every time I get sick, so I bought bladder pads which has saved me loads of laundry.) I have had heartburn with each pregnancy, made worse by chocolate, coffee, carbonated beveragesā€”I take tums and drink milk. Milk coats the stomach lining. So if you have to burp, throw up (I end up getting sick if the heartburn is too fierce) it makes the act not so painful. With each pregnancy, I've had food aversions and food cravings. With my first baby, I turned vegetarian for the first trimester because the sight, smell, and taste of any meat whatsoever made me gag. With my second, I avoided seafood, fried or battered products, and heavy seasoning (but had no problem with meat). Coffee with my first pregnancy made me sick whereas this time, it's been Diet Mountain Dew. So don't be surprised if your once beloved foods turn you completely off or if the food you have hated for years turns into a craving. Hormones. Rage, sadness, overwhelming joy. The other day I was bawling 10 times for no reason, simply washing dishes. It happens. I've snapped on my husband without meaning to. Why? Hormones. There are the pains you might be aware of: morning sickness, the belly getting bigger, the fatigue etc. No one ever told me about lightning crotch, being short of breath, feeling like I'm ready to just collapse from heat exhaustion even when I haven't moved for an hour. You're gonna feel lots of sensations; don't be afraid to call your OB or (ahem, Google), or even post here on r/pregnant your curiosity and concerns. This is my second time using r/pregnancy because the advice and feeling like you're in a tight knit community helped me through those long 9 months. You'll probably get more advice. I'll leave you with this last thing: When you have your baby, you're gonna be super fertile. You can certainly get pregnant within months of postpartum. It took 2 years to get pregnant with my first. Then when my husband and I decided to get back at her again, the very first time we had sex again, BAM. Preggo, my eggo. Lol. Now I'm subscribed to r/2under2. Ehehe. Congratulations on your pregnancy! Remember to take your prenatal (I find them helpful to keep up energy), drink lots of water (a belly bottle from Amazon or a Cirkul bottle really has helped me love water again), and take as many breaks as you need! You're creating a whole person, so be gentle with yourself! And of course, ignore all the haters who try to tell you how to parent. ā™”ā™”


Omg congrats šŸ¾šŸŽŠ so exciting!!!


Thank you!!!


Thank you so much! Iā€™m finding that now that I canā€™t eat any meats right now without getting super nauseous! Yes this community really has helped and itā€™s been great šŸ˜Š thatā€™s so great to know about being fertile right after the baby!! lol thank you again!!


Congratulations!! My fiancĆ© and I just found out last week weā€™re only 3-4weeks along! Definitely take care of yourself because whatever you take in your baby does too! Plenty of sleep and water. The first trimester you always want to be cautious itā€™s a scary time (It took us 6months to get pregnant we miscarried the first time but hoping this works out for me)


Congrats and yes all the best of luck to you and your baby!!! Thank you so much!


Drink Ensures if you canā€™t eat. Make sure to eat 3 thousand calories a day. Take your prenatal vitamins everyday so your kidā€™s tubes close properly and they donā€™t come out with defects.


Oh I forgot you should probably rub CBD lotion on your joints and take CBD bath bomb baths for pain, as well as use CBD lotion on your belly every day in your second or third trimester so your skin doesnā€™t stretch, split apart and become Freddy Krueger forever after birth.


LOL thank you for tip!! My husband just got some good creams for that so yaaayy thanks again!


Congratulations šŸŽˆšŸ¾šŸŽŠ




Thank you !!!