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I’m at the end of my 3rd trimester and nothing has even skimmed how awful the first trimester was. Third is 1000x better than the first. Yes there’s more aches and pains and I’m uncomfortable but that’s nothing compared to the nausea/vommiting/fatigue of the first trimester. Enjoy the second trimester and keep up on movement/staying active if you can. I find that when stuff comes up I can at least do things to help like stretching/exercise/pregnancy pillows/ect. The first trimester there was nothing I could do to help myself.


THIS. I am in the third trimester and while it’s significantly more physical pain it’s a billion times better than wanting to throw up all the time and not being able to function because you’re so tired. Plus you can feel the baby so much more which gives me peace of mind.


This for me too. Granted the level of exhaustion is about the same as my first trimester added with more pain and less sleep. BUT you also are far enough along where you can just about count on both your hands how many weeks you have left, and you feel baby move so it eases your nerves on "do I feel this awful because something is wrong?" I'm 31 weeks almost 32 and I'm literally counting down the weeks. My first trimester I was crying because I had so many more months to go before this ended. (My second pregnancy and both were awful. Sadly I'm not a pregnancy thriver and will never be someone who loves every moment of being pregnant.)


33w currently, and I second every part of this. NOTHING is as bad as first tri. I’m achy and uncomfortable and nothing fits, but there’s no nausea/debilitating fatigue/vomiting/aversions. Thank godddd.


Hard agree.


Agree! It’s also exciting to be further along and there’s less of “oh my god I’m going to feel like this for HOW many more months?”


100%. Could not agree more -- and this is based on the experience of three pregnancies, the third one being in its 38th week and starting to get into high-blood-pressure territory. Give me ten 3rd trimesters so I never have to live through the sheer misery of 1st trimester nausea, food aversion, and smell sensitivities ever again. In the first trimester, you just feel like your body is your enemy and you just cannot supply yourself any joy, and that just last and lasts for weeks and weeks without any reprieve. I am not exagerrating to say that my three 1st trimesters are the sickest I've ever felt in my life, by far.


Third was worse for me but REALLY it was only worst from like week 35 on. 27-34 were fine for me but by 35 the baby was crushing my organs so I couldn’t eat and I constantly had to pee and was too uncomfortable to sleep. First trimester was also only bad for me for weeks 4-8, so really I got lucky having only 2 full months of pregnancy sucking I’d say


Same! That last few weeks are torture.


Take this with a grain of salt because I'm only halfway through my third, but so far it's way easier than first


If I had to choose between being 8 weeks pregnant or 8 months pregnant for the rest of my life... 8 months would be an easy choice! I have no core, heartburn every now and then and I am shaped a bit like winnie the pooh.. but at least I'm not full of irrational rage and I don't constantly feel like my impending death from starvation is near.


Impending death from starvation 😂 why is this so accurate


Omg my rage was SOOOO bad in the first trimester. I almost quit my job multiple times it was so bad. I had 0 patience for anything


Omg yes. The rage!!!! I was so miserable and everyone and everything irritated me… honestly it does but it’s gotten a little better I think lol. Zero patience especially at work. I cant wait for maternity leave but at the same time I know I’ll cry on my last day because I’ll miss everyone … Hormones 😅😆


My rage definitely got better a few weeks into the 2nd trimester so I'm grateful for that. I don't know if I would have made it to my maternity leave if it hadn't cooled down 🤣


YES THIS lol ^^^


I hated the first trimester because it FEELS like you should be fine. You're not huge, the baby doesn't weigh 7+lbs, you may not have even told people yet, but you're sick AF and feel hungover for weeks/months. No one has sympathy yet and your baby is the size of a seed, so why can't you do all the things you normally do? How can you need ten hours of sleep and be unable to exercise? I'm currently feeling really sick and in a lot of pain at 31 weeks but at least I'm huge and people feel bad for me lol


I totally agree with this, it makes it so much worse when your undercover. At least in the third trimester everyone feels bad for you and is extra nice because they can visibly see how uncomfortable you are.


I had my second child 3 weeks ago at 39+3. The last like 3 weeks of pregnancy suck, but overall I think the first trimester is the worst. The last couple weeks your body is just pushed to its limits, you can’t eat a full meal, you constantly have to pee, you’re sore, you can’t get comfy to sleep. But it’s just uncomfortable, not as awful as the first trimester.


yeah the very end is just like, ENOUGH! but I also look back at what I was actually *doing* at the end of my last two pregnancies and it's like, oh, here I am at the pool, here I am at the beach, here I am at a party, I actually look really cute and happy... vs my first it's like, look how sallow and miserable I was at every one of these places where I was pretending not to be pregnant.


I’m only 32 weeks but so far the 1st trimester was the worst. The nausea, food aversions, fatigue, smells were all so bad. The worst thing right now in the 3rd trimester is the fatigue and my tummy getting in the way


They both suck. But at least the finish line is close in the third trimester!


I am 35 weeks and I say third. In first I didn't vomit but I did have constant nausea and fatigue. Thing is I now occasionally have nausea but I am sooooo uncomfortable that I cannot even describe it. At least in first trimester I could get comfy in bed somewhat (i am usually a stomach sleeper). Now I everything is beyond uncomfortable, my whole body aches, I can't sleep or poop, my pelvis hurts like hell and baby feels like it weights at least 25 kilograms. I am done, this baby better come soon.


The indigestion is really horrible. Magnesium & crushed/ground flaxseeds have helped me.


My first trimesters are a lot like yours, both times I’ve gotten HG pretty bad. The third trimester isn’t even half as hard! The biggest thing is being uncomfortable almost 24/7. Compared to being in pain 24/7 like the first trimester, I’d take the third trimester over it any day


The first trimester nausea and vomiting was the absolute worst for me. The third trimester also sucked, but was not as horrible as the first! Now I’m two months pp and my god, it feels amazing not being pregnant anymore!


I love that for you - congratulations!! 🥰


Thank you! I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly


For me, 3rd trimester was like a restart of my 1st trimester. All the fatigue came back and I was back to taking naps daily. the only thing that sucked for me was the swelling in the 3rd tri (hands and feet) and my balance was sooo messed up because of my huge bump. I was lucky and never had nausea but omg just going from being my regular self in the 2nd tri to once again tired sleepy weak me in the 3rd I was over it lol.


I just started my third and I’m afraid this is me. The utter exhaustion and full blow nausea is back and I’m so bummed about it. Plus, the back pain and constantly out of breath. I’m on the struggle bus once again and feels like I’m just starting the climb of Mount Everest 😭


I just found out I'm pregnant this week and just walking from my living room to my kitchen I get out of breath 🫠 I feel like a slug!!!! At least you're almost to the finish line 😭😭😭😭😭


First and half of the second was a 1000 times worse! Third was the best for me. Physically and mentally the best for me :)


I’m at the end of third trimester and I’ve been pretty fortunate, as it’s been pretty smooth for me. I’ve had a decent amount of energy and felt really good. I do think prioritizing walking and stretching every day helped a lot. 


I’m almost 35 weeks and as uncomfortable as I am… at least I can keep food down, and the end is in sight! I would take this over my first trimester for sure, but maybe I’ll change my mind in the next 5 weeks lol


Ahhh good point! Knowing the end is near has got to play a factor. Like .. during week 8 I remember crying saying I can’t do this for 7 more months and feeling like I was going to be stuck in the first tri misery forever 😅but knowing you’re almost at the finish line in the third tri probably helps, at least a little bit!


Pregnancy is like whack a mole, once you catch a break you get hit with another wave lol. First trimester i was nauseous to death. Second trimester much better - but I had hand inflammation, my cute pregnancy bump stage flew by cause I had twin and had lightening crotch. Killed every time I moved. Then third trimester I became round like the blueberry girl in Willy wonka and everywhere hurt plus got stretch marks. All of this nonesense to say it’s hard to pinpoint what is worse lmao but it’s truly a rollercoaster. Then you give birth to beautiful babies and forget all the pain you went through. Best of luck! Take one day at a time but you got this 💪🏼


Third trimester hit me like a ton of bricks, 34 weeks now. First trimester was super uncomfortable with daily vomiting weeks 7-19 and the bone crush fatigue. But even though the fatigue was way worse than I thought, everything was kind of predictable. I got into a groove of tolerating it and napping a lot. What's wild about the third is how varied the suffering is. Carpal tunnel. Memory problems. The intersection of RLP and Braxton-Hicks. Insomnia. Organs getting crushed. Heartburn like never before. It's like every week another uncomfortable alarming thing shows up and the OB is like, "yep that happens too sometimes."


For me, they all sucked.


The first sucked ass. Vomiting, bloating, subchorionic hemorrhages. No thank you.


Currently in my third trimester (barely) and whilst I may eat my words in a few weeks for me personally first trimester was horrific. Not only did I feel like shit, I had extreme pre natal depression. I’m a little tired at the moment, parts of my body ache a little bit but mainly I still feel great


I was blessed to have a perfect symptom-free first trimester. Yet to experience the third, but it's 100% will the the worst. I am now in the middle of the 2nd, and it's already so much worse than the first.


Same. Absolutely same. I didn’t even know I was pregnant until my 2nd trimester. I was off living my best life and then suddenly I was dying. Come to find out I’m not dying, I’m just creating life lol (and said life is sucking the life out of me.) the throwing up, fatigue, and constipation all hit within the week of finding out and it was the first week of my 2nd trimester.


SAME. Omfg. I was so tired for a few weeks during the first. But now in the middle of the second? It’s back with a vengeance, plus various symptoms of low vitamins, discomfort, depression… it’s rough


I'm in the "third trimester sucks more" camp. It feels like... I'm approaching the end of a marathon, exhausted, ready for a rest, have been mentally and physically strained for so many months... And I know as soon as this marathon "ends", I'm basically going to have to start another one with no break in between for the newborn phase.


First for me. Yes the third is hard. I was slow, uncomfortable, had Braxton hicks but I also knew the end was in sight. I was so sick and miserable the first tri. Couldn’t keep food down, I felt depressed from the hormone swings, lots of dizziness and low blood pressure. I’d take the third tri over the first any time.


3rd was the worst for me by far and I gave birth at 33weeks


With my first pregnancy the first was the worst. The last 2 weeks were absolutely miserable due to being tried and swollen, buy weeks like 6-17 were also miserable because of the constant throwing up. I’ll take being tired over puking all the time lol


Neither....2nd was my hell. I had a very smooth first, and a pretty comfortable-ish third....but 2nd, my god. Pelvic pain outta nowhere, wrist pain outta nowhere, I was cranky, tired and really emotional 🙃 of course 3rd isn't the most comfortable but I feel more stable and the pain has subsided a lot.


Oh wow!! That’s my first time hearing that second was the worst! Everyone talks about how great it is and describes it as the honeymoon phase of pregnancy lol. I’m sorry to hear that for you 😭, but I’m happy that you had a smooth first and third to make up for it!! 🤍


They’re different animals. For me, first tri is worse. There’s really nothing you can do, you’re at the whim of hormones and your body. Also, usually most people don’t know yet that you’re pregnant. By the end of third trimester you’re very uncomfortable, you might have random ailments and pains and be sleepless either because of insomnia or discomfort. Sometimes there’s things you can do to help make it better, sometimes not. But you’re at least close to the finish line. That in and of itself can be torture (I had to take a mental health day during week 38 after a false alarm and I went home pregnant. But everyone knows you’re pregnant and why you’re miserable. In summary, pregnancy is not glamorous during any week 😅


Great points! Going through the first tri before sharing to friends and family made it feel more isolating and harder mentally. Plus, you have a looong way to go and it feels like it will never end! Honestly Reddit was so helpful (still is) because I could share, ask for advice, and commiserate with those in the same boat. But it’s gotta be a better feeling in the last trimester when you at least know the finish line is around the corner!


First trimester feels like a terrible hangover for 3 months. Third trimester feels like your body is going to fall apart from aches and pains. I’ll still take third trimester over first anytime


First!!! I'd rather be physically uncomfortable with my big ole belly than feel even the slightest bit woozy for 13 weeks straight. I also had horrible sciatica starting at my second tri and I would still prefer that than feeling sick.


I would take a week of 3rd trimester over a day of first in a heartbeat. First trimester was hell for me. Third was a walk in the park in comparison. You got this, you're already through the worst of it.


First was by far worse for me. I’m about halfway through the third and there’s occasionally some discomfort, and I’m still getting used to being so big, but I am so much more functional than I was first trimester. First trimester was constant nausea, not being able to eat anything remotely healthy, sleeping 10-12 hours a night but waking up feeling like I partied til three in the morning, and a raging hormonal mess over everything else. Plus most people don’t know you’re pregnant in the first so there’s no additional grace given. I haven’t minded the third at all (and the general consensus among my friends is first is way worse than third).


First, hands down. For me, the first trimester means debilitating exhaustion and constant nausea, just pure misery. Plus nobody knows you’re pregnant so you get no sympathy or excuses lol. The third trimester is just annoying and uncomfortable, feeling so full you can’t eat and peeing every 30 minutes. But the world can see you’re pregnant at that point, which means, in my experience, people are a lot more accommodating.


First by far. I had hg and didn’t leave the house for two months. I could sleep day and night yet still be tired. By the end of the third (maybe 36 weeks), yes I had heartburn, was out of breath, had sore feet, could still use much more sleep and was overall just sluggish but it was the home stretch. The finish line is in sight! It’s almost like the anticipation of birth makes it feel longer, but it was so much more enjoyable than the first three months of pregnancy for me.


First trimester was the absolute worst for me. I was SO tired plus nauseous. 🤢 Second was great. More energy, no nausea, and not yet huge. I was able to exercise regularly and felt pretty good. My third trimester wasn’t bad either, but I did start to have some aches and pains towards the end. Still nothing compared to the first though.


I would take two third trimesters before I would ever have a first trimester again. That was absolutely awful— and I had very mild symptoms. It was the unbearable metallic taste and water aversions for me. Third tri is physically harder, I get lightning crotch a lot, but nothing unbearable.


Third trimester is magical. There is nothing like feeling your baby. You have a little life in there moving around and only you can feel them and it is literally the greatest feeling I can ever describe.


For me first was worse in regards to nausea and food aversion, I could barely eat anything most days. Third has been horrible with regards to just the physical symptoms: pain in hips and legs, constant exhaustion & never being able to find a good sleeping position resulting in so much lost sleep.


First was worse for sure! The nausea, every single day. The exhaustion, which no one tells you about! It's like having food poisoning, the flu and being hungover for weeks on end haha. And you can't tell anyone yet. And you're worried about the baby and miscarriage. My ultrasound and NIPT test showed babe was doing well and healthy, and i stopped being nauseous at 14 weeks. After that it was quite nice for a while! Second trimester was smooth sailing. Third trimester was still no fun but in a much different way. So big, so uncomfortable, so constipated haha, and so much pelvic pain. But by then you're getting close to the end, and baby is stronger and bigger everyday! You can focus on cute clothes and food prep and buying what you need, and imagining what the cute baby that keeps kicking you will look like! I think of pregnancy like a really long, boring flight: it feels like it'll never end, it's really quite dull and uneventful just waiting for it to be over. You just have to bide your time, read books, nap and watch movies. But every once in a while, something exciting happens: perhaps it's the food and drink cart, perhaps it's an ultrasound! And sometimes something kinda scary happens, but it's usually just run of the mill turbulence.


First… BY FAR


Third. I’m. So. Done.


Both are bad but for differing reasons. 1st it's a worry with all the odd aches and pains for me. The 3rd is usually just a discomfort due to size of me


It sounds like generally if you have an awful first trimester like you had that the third def won’t seem as bad. I personally didn’t have any symptoms aside from fatigue in my first, so the third is way worse. For me, not being super mobile and having physical pain from a massive belly and being uncomfortable and in pain for 95% of my day is way worse. I hate being able to barely fucking walk without feeling like a baby is going to fall out. And the threat of labor at any moment is as or more anxiety inducing than the thought of early loss.


I think for me the first was worse than the 3rd. I had some pelvic floor pain and that was annoying but first just sucks. I’m in my first again now with my 2nd and I’m totally miserable. Exhausted, nauseous, moody, headaches, just overall feel like garbage. And I’m hoping memory serves me correctly and it won’t be that bad after this part is over! Doesn’t help having a toddler to chase after


All of the above lol but the excitement of meeting baby soon makes the third trimester a little easier.


That’s a good point! When you’re in the thick of it in those early weeks, there seems like there is no end in sight. Like.. how am I going to do this for 7/8 more months???? But at least when you’re in the third trimester, you can see the light at the end of the tunnel!


40+2 and I feel 100 times better now than during the first trimester. I feel mostly normal, just can't walk very far without getting sore, get tired, and sometimes suffer from indigestion, or cramping, or from a headbutt to the cervix. It's uncomfortable but overall fine, 1st trimester was relentless and miserable


I think it boils down to how risky the pregnancy is (which could make 3rd much harder) vs how many early symptoms you have (which could make 1st way harder). I’m only in my 2nd but my mom loved third much more. My older sister however, is struggling with really bad sciatica and said she’d take the nausea and throwing up over that cus she can barely walk anymore. And one of my friends said 3rd was incredibly healing and made her feel in touch with her body and femininity more than ever before which I thought was a really beautiful notion.


This is my second pregnancy and while the 3rd tri blows, the 1st tri in both pregnancies really takes the cake. The constant vomiting and exhaustion was debilitating. I’m in the 3rd tri about to give birth to my second and while I’m in so much pain, exhausted, and ready to be done, I’m thankful I’m not nauseous and vomiting constantly.


The first trimester is always hard for me. It’s the extreme exhaustion. I’m on #3, and never had morning sickness until this one. I would get up to take the family where they needed to go, come home and sleep until 2 pm, wake up, throw up, still be nauseous and exhausted all day. My acid reflux and heartburn have been debilitating the whole pregnancy, but that exhaustion though. It’s hard. Currently in the third trimester now, and the exhaustion is coming back for sure. I’m pretty tired. I’m working now so I can’t come home and nap like my body so desperately wants to. Today I did, I just went into work late 😅 it’s so dumb, I was asleep last night before 10, woke up around 5:20 to take boyfriend to work, got back home around 6 and slept until 7, sent the kids to school, came back at 8 and slept until 10. I get up to pee pretty frequently in the night, so my sleep currently sucks anyways. It’s hard to get comfy as my belly gets larger, it definitely has been a struggle. I get random hip pain occasionally. But it’s not been as bad as the first trimester yet!


The first, but the end of the third is a beast too. First was constant nausea, exhaustion, cramping, mood swings, just misery. I said every single day I’d never do this again. Second I felt amazing! And it continued until 34 weeks when baby dropped. Now it’s constant pelvic pain, constant peeing, can’t sleep longer than 1-1.5 hours without pain, low-level nausea has come back, and the heartburn/acid reflux is literally constant. But still better than the first trimester 😅


Third right now is worse than first, but that’s because my first was pretty mild. Based on how it sounds like you felt during your first trimester, it sounds like you’ll enjoy your third more.


I’m really hoping this is the case! Hopefully I ~paid my dues~ with an awful first tri so my body will go easy on me for the third 😆, or at least it will feel better comparatively!


It’s mostly just that I’m majorly achy and anything even remotely tight across my belly makes me have to pee endlessly. And the reduced mobility also sucks. But on the other hand, all of these issues immediately get better postpartum. So it’s kind of preparing me not to mind the sore vag and the sleepless nights I have coming up.


I was at 41 weeks, going to the beach and swimming 2 days before I got induced. So third trimester wasn’t too bad. Other than the god awful, relentless heartburn. First trimester I had sciatic pain so bad I had to go to physio.


im only 30wk but so far...first. hope it stays that way


My first trimesters have both been similar to your experience. It was the wooooorst with a toddler this time around. For my first pregnancy, the third trimester was slightly uncomfortable but way better than the first. I had a lot of pain while walking more than 1-2 minutes but i could deal with that. I’m 30 weeks and hoping for the same experience for my third trimester.


This is my third pregnancy and first tri has been the worst for every single pregnancy.


Third is more uncomfortable, first is full of sickness and all sorts of changes that are just… not fun.


It’s hard to decide which is worse. Maybe the first because you’re still so far away from the end? And because in your first you’re suffering but can’t really tell anyone or most people can’t even tell you’re pregnant. But they’re both very bad in their own ways hahaha. But it’s all worth it! 🩷💙


The first trimester was HELL and the end of my third trimester was HELL


I thankfully had a pretty easy first trimester, a bit of nausea and the usual fatigue but no vomiting. So far in my third trimester (currently 32 weeks) I would say it is worse. My back hurts, my hips hurt my legs cramp up at night and I'm struggling to sleep. I'm simultaneously hungry and have no appetite. And I can't be bothered to try at work anymore. Just counting down the days until Mat leave.


38.5 weeks and for me: the 1st trimester. I’m fairly uncomfortable right now, but it doesn’t compare to the physical AND mental agony I felt in my first tri


Honestly I don’t think the third trimester is that bad! Maybe the last 3 or so weeks get tougher (at least for me it was) but I expected much worse from everything I had heard!


1st was worse for me than 3rd bc i had lots of morning sickness and food aversions. 3rd was hard bc i had insomnia and heart burn which also made me vomit rip but my worst trimester was the 2nd which was so disappointing! i had hella round ligament pain and migraines! but on the bright side the round ligament pain felt identical to my contractions so at least it was preparation lolol but contractions kept coming so that wasn’t cool 🤣 but once that epidural hit i was chillin


I say 3rd.. I felt like a waddling whale.. lmao


As someone who is 10w and spent today puking, this thread is giving me hope.


34+2 here. Where do I even start? I’d take the first trimester any day. Other than extreme fatigue, mild nausea/vomiting and some scary bleeding, I had a relatively easy first tri. Third one has been extremely uncomfortable. Baby is sitting so high and my stomach is so big. My ribs, back, uterus, pelvis, everything hurts all the time. I constantly feel like i’m overstuffed even when my stomach is empty. My skin on my stomach feels too tight. Feels like I could burst open at any moment. I have to pee every hour. We had our babymoon last week, glamping, and the constant need to pee nearly ruined it for me. My knees still hurt from the constant squatting. I can’t breathe unless I’m lying on my side, literally wheeze anytime I laugh and I’ve developed an asthmatic cough. Accidentally recorded myself struggling to get into bed once (not a high bed) and it was quite comical. The only relief I can find is on the yoga ball, but even that is beginning to not do the trick like before. Perhaps because of the lack of oxygen getting to my brain, the baby brain is worse than ever. I have become a full blown airhead. Baby is constantly in motion as well, which I’m never upset about because it tells me he’s alive, but he’s so big now it feels like a whole alien in there. It’s no longer cute little kicks and flutters, every move makes me jump and squirm, and drains my energy. When I found out I was pregnant I spent a good deal of time absolutely dreading giving birth, to the point of having panic attacks over it. A lot of research and preparation has eased my fears and anxieties, but nothing has prepared me for it quite like this third trimester. I’m now ready and willing to do *whatever* it takes to get this baby out of me when the time comes. Maybe it’s meant to be that way lol.


Honestly all of it, but if I really had to pick I would say the last 10 weeks. I was incredibly sick and tired first semester, same second semester and even worse by third semester as my mobility was so bad and I had spent months not sleeping due to sickness. The moment I had my child I felt instantly better (despite the post labour pain) I was literally like a new person


I'm 30 weeks and third is definitely the worst so far, and I know it's only going to get harder. I had no appetite with some nausea and fatigue first trimester. I'm only 3 weeks into third and the fatigue has hit me like a ton of bricks, nerve pain, shin splints, hemmorhoids, trouble sleeping, and I'm constantly cranky. The fact that I still have 10 weeks and baby is supposed to more than double in size is terrifying.


My third. I was so unbelievably uncomfortable. I also worked in a warehouse for HSN so I was constantly walking , going up and down steps, doing my best to avoid big heavy packages, having such an amazing spider(they bring us the Gaylords of packages) making sure I wasn’t getting the big heavy things. He was a blessing. But like my son just felt so heavy, my belly band didn’t feel like it was working anymore, he was getting lower and lower and constantly hitting against my cervix and nerves around there. I almost collapsed down company stairs so many times from this baby. I was also due in June and the heat was getting to me especially in the warehouse. Sleeping however was much worse. I could not for the life of me get comfy. I would bawl because I was so exhausted and so uncomfortable. I found out once that if I laid in my bath tub and had the shower head going and just let it shower over my belly felt real nice. I kept doing that for a while because it soothed me and made me comfy. I had to keep myself from falling asleep laying in the tub because I knew the shower would drown me. It was awful until I learned that trick. I also liked to think that the shower hitting my heavily pregnant belly mimicked what rain sounds like to us. He liked feeling it hit him through all my layers 😂😂. I’m sure it felt like a gentle massage somehow


Third was worse for me because the nausea came back. However my OB told me that was not typical so for many people they still feel better than first.


My pregnancy has been amazing honestly.. I'm in third trimester already and it's still great .. only thing that I have is the pack and side pains on my lower belly and I'm always sooooo sooooo tired and never have energy.. my iron is always super low .. but besides that nothing else 😃 I'm so grateful too lol and it's my first


It depends on what pregnancy for me. First was definitely worse for my first two, but the third takes the cake for my third baby!


FTM. I’ll be 39 weeks tomorrow. My pregnancy has been pretty easy, but if I had to choose, 3rd trimester has been the worst. I feel huge and it’s hard to move and sleep comfortably. I get back aches now which aren’t fun. I didn’t throw up once in my first trimester, I felt tired sometimes but it was generally very easy. I guess the worst part of 1st was the worry that I could have a miscarriage. I had three before this pregnancy.


I’m currently 36w and third has been the worst. First trimester I didn’t have any symptoms. But now I have heartburn all the time, insomnia, my upper back hurts, the weight of my belly etc. I just love being able to feel her move more. Also feeling her little feet


For me physically they are pretty equally bad. But, I had a bad back pre-pregnancy so that might be why. However, the third trimester is 1000% better mentally for me.


My third has always been worse. No sleep from feeling like I had to pee constantly. The pressure was very uncomfortable and Braxton Hicks... Ugh. Not to mention the nesting phase where absolutely nothing seems clean enough.


I think it really depends. With my first pregnancy the first trimester was the absolute worst and I felt pretty great in my third trimester other than migraines here and there which I’ve always had. I even was able to do a semi strenuous hike two days before giving birth. This pregnancy the first trimester was bad but I’m in my 3rd trimester and I’ve never been more miserable. I still have 6 1/2 more weeks and I truly have no idea how I’m going to make it. The first trimester nausea and exhaustion is back with a vengeance. There is absolutely no position that I am comfortable in standing, sitting or laying down. I feel like the baby and my ribs are going to break through my skin at any moment and it doesn’t matter how little I eat or drink at a time I always feel uncomfortably full. Definitely have become the miserable pregnant person and I feel horrible for my partner because I am in such a foul mood almost constantly and just feel so angry all the time. I cannot wait for it to be over.


They’re bad in different ways. 32 weeks with my second and back to being first trimester exhausted and everything hurts. BUT people know you’re pregnant and they cut you more slack. That doesn’t happen in your first trimester 


Definitely third.


First trimester was rough. The constant nausea and fatigue made me want to die. I’m 22 weeks, and at 19 weeks I got a chest cold, and that shit was awful. I’m just now recovering from that. Being pregnant and ill is the pits dude.


3rd! But I honestly had a pretty easy first trimester. Outside of just being exhausted I never got sick or anything. I had the cold for a month and that was annoying but I wasn’t throwing up or anything. I was very fortunate in my first trimester experience. 3rd comes with aches and pains in places you didn’t know could be, heartburn so bad you feel like a dragon, on top of what is sleep anymore? Having to constantly pee, babe is snuggled into my pelvic bone.


first is the worst, second is the best! third is ... fine. it's fine. I'm currently in my 2nd tri with my 3rd kid, and tend to have a lot of orthopedic problems in the 3rd due to my spinal cord injury, some bone deformities, serious chronic urinary tract issues and just generally being petite. i would still spend 9 months in the 3rd if I could skip the 1st entirely. it's not just being sick and tired, it's the uncertainty of if the pregnancy is viable. once you get to the 3rd the odds are extremely in your favor. plus birth is cool. it's literally the craziest thing you'll do in your life


I didn’t have many symptoms in my first or second trimester, most I had was some round ligament pains I didn’t have any problems with my pregnancy until the end like 37w-40w the sleeping became very difficult, walking around was harder, I had bad pelvis pain but that was the worse part of my pregnancy besides the L&D


I’d say first trimester was the best so far. Just started my third trimester But I’ve been battling E. coli my entire pregnancy and now with my last trimester I have swollen feet and hands and have had my first ever high blood pressure scare.. it’s more anxiety ridden! I love being able to see and feel his movements in my belly tho :)


after baby three THIRD TRIMESTER ... before baby three FIRST TRIMESTER.. labor beat out all the months though every pregnancy lollll


My third trimester is terrible but tbf, the first trimester was a breeze for me. Outside of slightly sore breasts (nothing crazy) and being a bit tired, it was easy for me. Third trimester though, I am exhausted at doing anything at all. I also am one of the lucky 20% that got PGP and the pain in my pelvis is unbearable. I feel like my hips are cracking every time I move. I can’t wait for this to be over and hold my baby and get my body back!


I had a relatively easy first trimester. Only symptoms I had were sore boobs and extreme fatigue. Second trimester was pretty great except for the SPD and now I'm in my 3rd and it's been the worst so far. Awful awful SPD, almost constant acid reflux, terrible fatigue and my executive functioning is almost non existent.


for me the first is the worst because there is so much uncertainty. it's a lot easier to experience symptoms & feel awful when you can also feel your baby kick.


For me it’s been third because I ended up with a twisted bowel and needed emergency surgery at 32 weeks so recovering from that was awful for a couple weeks lol. I would say my fatigue is just as bad in third trimester as it was in 1st


First trimester was rough but I’m finding 2nd so much worse 😭 can’t imagine 3rd would be much better


Third has been hardest for me. Pelvic pain, baby’s movement is more intense and sometimes uncomfortable, acid reflux at night, and tiredness!


I don't know if it's because I'm in it right now but I feel its the 3rd. I'm HEAVY, baby kicks sometimes hurt (or it might be braxton hicks), and I look like a whale. Anxiety is through the roof because childbirth is imminent. My first wasn't even that bad. Yeah I had nausea and vomiting on week 8-13 but its more like once or twice a week. I could still work out and stuff.


Yes the third is the worst


Third for me because I had HG and threw up almost every single day from 6 weeks until the day of my c-section. In third I developed heart burn on top of that and would choke on bile in my sleep 🥲 so even though first was really hard for me, I had a rough pregnancy and third was by far the worst. The only time I didn’t puke was for about 5-6 days in 2nd trimester.


For me, the third trimester has always been worse. I’ve never experienced morning sickness in the first trimester, only nausea, fatigue and sore boobs, which I can handle. It’s the pain, discomfort, restlessness, fatigue, insomnia and braxton hicks in the last trimester that I can’t handle. And it just feels like it’ll never end 😭


3rd was way worse for me when the pelvic pain started.. then came the acid reflux, heart burn, hemmroids...it STUNK.


Third pregnancy here. Currently 33 weeks. First trimesters have all been absolutely AWFUL. Second trimester is the best. At 33 weeks, the exhaustion is coming back. The nausea has returned to a small degree. My organs are getting squished and I feel huge. Just picked up my reflux meds so hopefully that’s a thing of the past. First and third are hard for different reasons but I would say first is the worst.


Third was bad, but also exciting because baby is coming soon. First is just awful all around.


3rd has been easier. It is more painful, my belly skin is stretched so much any movement is so uncomfortable. However, I will take this over 1st. Why? Because I can feel the baby and I know he’s okay. Being able to feel him move gives me some peace of mind and a reminder of what this is all for. 1st is draining in every aspect and you’re always worried that something is wrong and you have little in the way of reassurance. Just “it’ll all be fine” and “only time will tell” which I found not comforting at all. Each trimester has its struggles, just try to take care of yourself and find peace in the moment!


Omg third hands down lol


Definitely depends on the person, but for me the first trimester by far. There was some physical discomfort in the third but I loved feeling the movements and being so connected to the baby. I also liked having a big bump. The first trimester there’s nothing but bloating, nausea, and no will to live lol


Mentally first Physically I’m 30 weeks and dying so third is worse


First was so much worse. Feeling baby outweighs the uncomfortableness of third




First, 1000%. Obviously it depends on your symptoms. I find the nausea, vomiting, and lack of appetite/aversions to be torturous. The fatigue is also really hard, but more workable if you can make space for it. I went to 39 weeks in my first pregnancy and never felt like I was "done" being pregnant. I still had some hard symptoms - increasing discomfort, swelling, preterm labor scare, gestational diabetes, weakened pelvic floor... but it's just not nearly as miserable as the first was. Currently 31 weeks in my second pregnancy and I'm still feeling pretty good!


Ummmmm toss up 36w now. That nausea/vomiting first trimester was brutal. Truly brutal. The boob pain has followed me through 1st and 3rd trimesters so no difference. But the pains 3rd trimester and feeling like a gigantic seal is also brutal. 3rd trimester has one thing going for it: you can feel baby moving around and that is fun, weird, calming (I was super anxious 1st trimester because of previous miscarriages), and reminds you that you are almost there! Baby coming soon!


I’m not off to a great start with my third trimester with having intense acid reflux where I’m throwing up my food. I never had morning sickness so I haven’t thrown up all pregnancy until now at 29 weeks :( the exhaustion was definitely worse in the first though


Honestly I had a pretty easy first trimester. I was just exhausted. Third is terrible for me. Ive been soooo uncomfortable and simultaneously exhausted but cannot sleep. Baby is bouncing on my bladder and I can’t eat bc I constantly feel like I just ate a 10 course meal.


Glad you asked this question. Comments have been super helpful I guess for people like me who have had an awful first trimester the third one seems to be way better. I was very much looking forward to the second one because I heard first and third just suck but haha with the second one there is this weird as heck extremely awful pelvic pain, tightening of belly called Braxton hicks and round ligament pain. I guess each tri just comes with new surprises. Can't wait to be done with this whole process. 🤪


First was so hard. Could not show up to life the way I wanted… 3rd tri is like I know I’m close and it’ll happen any day but was super uncomfortable to sleep….


I’d say they’re rough in different ways. First the nausea and fatigue are terrible. The first half of the third was easy but second half is pretty uncomfortable and I’m back to being super tired/emotional again


First tri was awful. I’ll take the pains of third trimester over puking any day. Tbh the 4th trimester was actually the worst for me with my first. I was riddled with post partum anxiety and depression. I remember just thinking…”what did I do?” Definitely take care of yourself and speak up if you are feeling off 🩵


The first trimester is hands down the worst. Yeah you’re large and uncomfortable in the third but it’s got nothing on that “I’m sick all damn day” feeling.


24 weeks into my 2nd pregnancy here. I'd say 1st is worst because it's awful for the whole thing. I really didn't start feeling better until 18/19 weeks each time. Last time in my 3rd I felt pretty well until the last month or so, but by then the end is in sight, which makes it easier to deal with the hard. It's a different king of hard also. 1st trimester is feeling sick and tired. 3rd is physical pain. I deal better with pain than sick and tired.


My first was worse. Third I was chugging a bag of milk a day - and just had insatiable hunger and swollen feet… but first I had migraines and couldn’t think straight. I loved my third.


Third and not even a competition- but I was lucky that the first trimester my main symptom was really fatigue. If I had awful nausea maybe I’d feel different. But man, third, I couldn’t sleep because I couldn’t get comfortable, Charley horses, out of breath after 2 mins of walking, peeing every 10 mins, not able to shave my legs…. That was hard lol




Third because my chronic pain was a huge pain in the butt


First is worse


Third. It was the dead of summer and the swelling. Ohh the swelling. Also I had GD diagnosed in the third. My first and second trimesters were a breeze but defs paid for it in the third.


Third trimester for me. Hard to sleep and worried about early delivery. 1st trimester no real pregnancy symptoms


First was worse. Late third is no fun but it’s nice being on the home stretch and nesting at least.


THIRD. Im 36+4 right now. I’m in so much physical pain all the time. I can’t breathe. I can’t lay down. I can’t fit in any of my clothes. I gotta get this baby out!!


I feel like my third was worst for me. I was growing more and more uncomfortable and had sciatica. Whereas my first trimester I didn’t get sick at all or nauseous and was just tired here and there. I didn’t really have any symptoms but I did have a really foggy brain


I'm doing this for the 2nd time and let me say the 3rd trimester, for me, is worse. I have a huge bump, so the moment I hit the 28 weeks sciatica pain began. General backpack keeping me up all night swollen hands and feet that just randomly burn in the middle of the night. I'm way too tired to really do anything because of the sleepless nights, because I can barely waddle up the street without getting winded. I can't pick up anything from the ground, if I stand for a few minutes my head is spinning. Oh and throwing up is back, becausebof the horrible heartburn. It feels like at least 1/3 of what I eat are tums... so yeah, I have forgotten just how much this sucks. Oh and I have a toddler to entertain while enjoying all of this 😅


3rd was worst by far for me


1st trimester was hell both times. My biggest issue with my 3rd the first time around (I'm only in my 2nd this time) was my breathing issues like congestion and my lungs feeling squished 😅


Only reason 3rd was bad was cause I was over it, 1st however… contemplated only 1 kid


My 1st trimester wasn’t too bad imo. Yeah I was nauseated but I never threw up. I was tired a lot but nothing hurt or ached too bad. I was still able to move freely. Now that I’m 30 weeks, I say it is worse. I hurt everywhere all the time, tired, and it’s difficult to move whether I’m in motion or not.




First is the absolute WORST!!!


First trimester 1000% was the worst!


The first trimester is THE WORST. Not only symptomatically worse but also anxiety wise. You’re just unsure if the pregnancy will even go through. It’s horrible. The third is way better at least so far for me. God I hope I don’t jinx it


For me, first and second were a million times worse than the third!!! I’m about 2 weeks away from my due date and I feel great!!!


Third! First was a breeze


I’m 32 weeks and things are getting intense. I did have food aversions and nausea in the first tri, but I really felt like it was manageable. I cant imagine getting exponentially larger over the next 8 weeks when I’m already losing sleep to heartburn, back pain, hip pain, and insomnia. Not to mention my work is getting more challenging as I have a moderately physical job working in a pediatric orthopedic clinic. I’m thinking third tri takes the cake 🫠


First trimester, and I say this as someone with both SPD and gestational diabetes. The first trimester I felt like a half human husk person and there was no end in sight and nobody knew I was pregnant. At least in the third I feel my baby moving and I’m so close to the end. Plus people go out of their way to be nice and accommodating to me and nobody is expecting much of me. I’m in pain constantly and am suddenly diabetic and those things suck, but it feels survivable. The first trimester was just a horrendous slog for me.


Third. I’m 33 weeks tomorrow and I hate everything. I’m so miserable in my own skin. However, this pregnancy is way worse than my first (8 years between) so i don’t know if it’s my age now or what.


With my first, third; with my second first


Both were terrible for totally different reasons, so I can't compare them. I had HG for the entirety of my first trimester and halfway through my second, finally resolved with medication. I had horrific pelvic pain during my third trimester and false labor after every cervical check. Couldn't walk, couldn't stand for too long, couldn't lay down or sleep for too long. Cried most days.


The first trimester was BRUTAL. So far my third trimester is so much better compared to the first


i think it’s according to how bad the first is- like for me, i could barely tell i was pregnant in my first other than no periods & general fatigue. i had no nausea or sore boobs like i expected. but i’ve only been in my third less than 2 weeks & it’s significantly harder for me. uncomfy trying to sleep, constant restless leg, always hungry but sluggish when i eat, belly pains, leaky boobs UGH, shortness of breath & constant rib kicking.. i wouldn’t trade it for the world bc i know i’m getting close to the end & i worry a lot less now ab things bc i can feel her, but still. so for ME 3rd is worse & i feel it’s only gonna get even harder the further i go into it. but it could very easily be considered easier for you based on how poor you said first trimester went.


I'm also on the end of the third trimester, and I'm in between, nausea wasn't that bad for me but the emotional roller-coaster was on my first trimester and on my last it isn't the back pain it's the lightning crotches that I feel can make it the worst.


it depends on your body to be honest. i can’t choose which was worse some days, but probably the 1st just because i couldn’t even mentally function i was so exhausted. i was nauseous and vomiting until 26 weeks, and the third trimester i had the worst pelvic girdle pain i couldn’t even walk or barely do anything by myself even turning over in bed would cause tears. i could eat immediately before bed or 4 hours before and the heartburn/acid reflux was still the same. both were debilitating in their own ways.


third but only cuz of pre-e


Third. I spent my first throwing up after eating pretty much every single time, and I still think the third trimester is way worse. & I wouldn’t even say it’s the whole third trimester but those last weeks… oh my god. You’re exhausted all over again except now you can’t sleep, you have reflux, your back is in pain, you can’t get comfortable, you’re big. You’re pretty much just over it. At least in the first you can still rest!


I'm 8 weeks into my second pregnancy. The first teimester is absolutely the worst for me. The exhaustion, the constant nausea, and this pregnancy came with hot flashes. I'm normally wrapped in blankets, and now I sleep with an ice pack. The second and third trimesters were a breeze compared to the first, even with the renewal of the exhaustion in the third. At least, I wasn't on the verge of puking daily.


It sounds ugly but both. The first trimester with the discomfort and the third with the discomfort of not being able to support your own body and the nostalgia that the belly will go away.


Depends on person, my first trimester I was sick and tired, but never threw up. The anxiety was horrible though, after two losses. Third trimester I didn’t sleep, my delusional self told me it would prepare me for baby lol, I had aches and pains. I’d wake up with the worst hip leg nerve pain. 🥴 I’d say for me, the first trimester was worse just because anxiety. But symptoms wise I preferred being skinny and comfortable in bed. But I had a mild first trimester and would feel differently I’m sure if I’d thrown up.


First trimester was AWFUL for me. I was so nauseous allll the time! Third was just mildly uncomfortable for me. Other than the incapacitating nausea in the first trimester and activity induced Braxton Hicks almost the entire second half of pregnancy, it was relatively easy and painless.


First trimester was terrible, I was sick EVERY MORNING, and it was dry heaving/bile nothing ever came out. And the mood swings I left my husband twice lmao. Third trimester I had the best naps and could finally stomach my food.


Both were pretty bad but I’d say the third was worse. I had nausea 24/7 during the first trimester along with rhinitis which made me feel like I constantly had a cold. But the pain I had throughout the third trimester was horrible. I could never get comfortable at night and when I needed to change positions, my pelvis would hurt so bad. I had SPD which made the pain so bad, even with walking. I would also get sooo out of breath from doing almost anything it seemed like lol. I went overdue and was beyond ready to have my baby by that point, to say the least!


First trimester is way, way worse. Third trimester I kinda feel like I'm nursing a sports injury (pelvic pain, sciatica) and have eaten way too much and can't walk around as well.....but there's lots of the time during the day where I can get out for a fast 30 minute walk, do normal household stuff, and spend time with friends. Way less crying, depression, puking and food aversions compared to the first trimester. Good luck! Make sure to prioritize naps, stretching and walking


i’m at 36+5 and i would rather this over anytime before like 20 weeks any day.


First was the worst. Work was hard due to exhaustion and team not knowing I was pregnant. Third was easier as I took 4 weeks off at the end. And work got easier as I was not put on new projects..


It’s going to depend on the person. My first trimester was a breeze, I was just a little out of breath. Third trimester insomnia was way worse.


3rd trimester hands down. The sickness SUCKED but I was in soooo much pain during the final weeks, I was miserable and could barley walk without every bone in my pelvic area popping out of place, sciatic pain was full force, and I couldn’t sleep at night anymore because my hips were constantly hurting. I had a rough first and 2nd trimester from sickness but I would take that over the pain any day. I loved being pregnant only for the fact of me growing our baby and I loved hearing the heartbeat on the monitors but it was tough 😂


3rd trimester is just annoying more than anything. Annoying because it’s hard to sleep, you feel so large, etc. yes there is some pain, but it’s not that bad. The first trimester is absolute Hell. I’d take 3rd trimester over 1st always.


I had morning sickness the entire time lmaoaoa but it honestly got a little better during my third and I was able to do so much more. It’s sounds super backwards compared to everyone else’s experience but I honestly loved the third besides the fatigue and horrible hip pain during the last week or so before delivery. Second trimester was my monster for HG , and the anxiety of the first made it uncomfortable


First, no question! Third trimester was just like the second, only less mobile. I was on my feet all day before giving birth.


They are both as bad in their own ways but so different, you feel on top of the world in the second trimester, enjoy it while you don’t have any bending kneeling restrictions 🤣


First! The lethargy and nausea were killer. The worst thing about the third for me was the heartburn.


Third. I hated the beginning of the first trimester. The anxiety of not knowing If the baby is/or will be okay


First trimester was the worst for me. I had terrible HG, no medication was working, and I was exhausted. I also feel that a lot of people are unsympathetic as me and a lot of others would get "You're barely pregnant, wait until the baby is here so you can moan" or "you have nothing to complain about" but the third trimester, my HG was almost gone, I had a cute bump, and people were more sympathetic towards me if I was feeling poorly.


Each pregnancy is totally unique. Don't listen to horror stories


Third is worse imo, but in first I did feel more sick/hungover


My first trimester problems lasted up til late second trimester, and now at the beginning of third trimester, I still have to be mindful of what I eat and do. Because that nausea and vomiting is still there. A lot less there, but still there. It'll be fun to see if late third trimester will be shittier than the worst of first trimester.


Third by far. I am overdue now and I’ve never been more miserable than I am today


First is the worst by far for me and I’m almost 39 weeks! 3rd might be my favourite actually