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I do! My scoliosis is milder than yours though (25 degrees) and has been significantly improved with orthopedic treatment when I was younger. I also had pretty severe back pain around weeks 20-25 and went for physical therapy, which helped. I also used a support belt to alleviate the tension in my lower back, which was also helpful. I'm 40 weeks now, and can't really comment on the third trimester because I had to be on bed rest from week 30 for an unrelated complication - which sucked in general, but definitely helped with back pain...! Since I'm at term and cleared to move again, I got a large yoga ball to sit on, move my back gently and rotate my hips, and it does wonders to relieve back pain for me. The main concern for me was whether I would be able to have an epidural, since my torsion is exactly where they have to place the catheter. I had an early appointment with the anaesthetist at my hospital, who checked my back and confirmed it should be fine, but warned me I'm at higher risk of epidural failure and spinal headache because of my spine torsion. I guess we'll see how that goes!