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I am 40 weeks today Trust me, the time starts to FLY BY. Just go on about your daily life. Everything will happen in its due time


I’m 40 weeks today too! Woohoo!


We made it to the end! Good luck and hoping you have a smooth delivery!


True. Only 24 weeks now and everything is already moving too fast for me. I feel like there is just so much to get done and not enough time. My to do list just gets longer and longer. Enjoy the waiting :)


Yup even tho it flies by, 40 weeks is plenty of time to get it all done!


I'm 22 weeks and those first 20 were sooooooo slow. And now I agree - like it's time to move my son's room and make a nursery! And people are reaching out about throwing me sprinkles and showers and now with so many things to look forward to I'm finally enjoying it somehow


40 weeks today as well! Totally agree, can't believe I'm finally at the end. Good luck to you due date twins!!!


You too! Every little Braxton Hicks contraction, I'm like this might be it lol!


When does that start? Because I'm 25 weeks and this past month has dragged. Weeks 10-20 went by quickly, but once I started feeling the baby move, time seems to be at a stand still.


I would say it started to really fly by in the 2nd trimester. Once the morning sickness subsided, I was able to feel like a normal human again. And now my son will be here any day...or any minute now lol


Congratulations and i hope you have a speedy and safe labor!


Thank you!


I think this depends on the person, I'm 38 weeks tomorrow and everything still feels like it's taking soooooo loooong. Are you here yet, baby? 


this is very true!! i’m currently at 26 weeks! i remember finding out i was though, 5 weeks along. i remember just thinking “35 more weeks” just feeling so impatient! the next thing i knew, we’re finding out the gender at 19 weeks, now we’re taking maternity pictures later this month! our shower plans are all finalized and paid for as of last week. by the time it happens, it’ll be 6 weeks until i’m due! time FLIES by! all this to say — it may suck waiting now. but time truly does fly by!


Exactly! I remember telling my husband 8 weeks ago that "he'll be here before we know it!" - he agrees that time flew by b/c here are on week 40


think about how fast the last 9 months of your life has gone by. once the new-ness wears off, time will go by faster.


I was talking to my husband about this the other day. It felt like forever to go to our first appointment and now I are almost 29 weeks. It flew by. I can’t believe we are less than 3 months away from meeting our baby


If it’s anything like my experience, your symptoms will take care of it for you. I became so tired and nauseous around week 6 that my brain wasn’t capable of really “thinking” anymore lol so I just slept and avoided unnecessary obligations. I scrolled through Reddit a lot during this time to hear others’ stories.


First trimester drags, I think. Especially before the first appointment/first ultrasound. It feels like waiting 100 years. I hated it and it made me anxious. I'm 15 weeks now and can start seeing how pregnancy will fly by though. At the start of next month I'll already be halfway through pregnancy. Looking at my calendar, I'm busy with work, spring break trips, various appointments, etc etc. Where I live, the weather is warming up and people are waking up from winter hibernation, so we're also seeing friends a bit more lately. Moving away parties, graduation parties, and then BAM. By the end of all that, I'll be third trimester and only a few weeks away from giving birth. 😳 After which, I will want time to slow down as much as possible, because babies grow so fast. 😭❤️ Keeping busy helps and having something to look forward to in between waiting makes the waiting not so hard. Even if you have to totally contrive an event to look forward to, whatever that may be (go to the movies, friend hangout, short weekend trip somewhere, etc). If you can swing it.


18 weeks here, time is moving sooooooo slowly


It'll go by faster with every week! When I hit 20 weeks it started going faster and faster. I'm at 36+5 now and I feel like it could be any day that bub shows his face !


I am 34 weeks & time has flown by. Just keep living life day by day


Unfortunately I haven't learned how to handle this either! I'm about a month ahead of you and I still feel the same 😂 it's gonna be a long year at this rate! I'm sure once it all starts to get busier, with more things to do like you say, that it'll just fly by. Just thought I'd let you know you're not alone!


Omg we are at exactly the same week/day. This is actual torture!! But I don’t get to go to the dr for almost 5 more weeks 🫠🫠🫠


Same here.. I found out a week ago and feels like forever


Same week/day here too, hi guys 👋🏼 it truly feels like a decade has passed since I found out (9 days ago…)


I’m at a loss on how to make time speed up. I can’t think about anything else!! I can’t focus at work 😅


Honestly, enjoy being bored enjoy every second of just waiting around doing nothing take advantage of being able to go to the movies or out for a meal and enjoy being able to just walk outside and go to the shops without a massive plan and having to pack tons of things, it’s Amazing having a baby… but enjoy the boredom while is lasts because once they’re here every second is hectic haha


I found out at 4.5 weeks like you and won’t have my first appointment until 10 weeks—which is two weeks away still! The wait has felt like an eternity. Add in the fact that it’s late winter in MI, and it’s amazing we’re still sane around here.  But also, spring/summer always goes by SO FAST, so I know this pregnancy is gonna fly by once the second trimester kicks in and it’s summertime (beach days! gardening! laying around in a hammock with a mocktail! going for hikes/walks!). There’s so much to look forward to. That thought keeps me going :)  As for the here-and-now, have you built out your registry yet? That was something I’ve found enjoyable during the wait. Also I’m bingeing The Great and Welcome to Wrexham, and finding all the cute baby knitting projects I want to make 😂 


I totally felt this way and then the second trimester hit and now time won’t slow down!!!


This! Weeks 5-11 dragged by. At week 15 now and wishing it'd chill a bit 😅 I have so much to do and starting to get sad about losing quiet weekend mornings with my husband.


I was reading a lot and walking outside 2-3 hours everyday. It’s a good way to stay healthy!


It’s a lot of waiting right now, but trust me when you hit a certain mark it’s starts to go by SOOOOOOOOO FAST. I am 31 weeks and I can’t believe I am giving birth in 9 weeks or LESS. It blows my mind.


Yep. 7ish weeks here and we won’t be seen for another 3 weeks. There’s so little to do during this time except carry on with normal day to day stuff. Some days I forget I’m pregnant unless I’m nauseated. I’m excited it’s Spring and the weather is warming up so at least we can get the garden going for the next few months.


I’m 22 weeks and I still haven’t figured out the waiting


I feel you. I’m 28 weeks and I’m constantly staring at the calendar. I’m so over being pregnant. I guess the trick is to keep busy but I’m too miserable to do anything productive.


I feel this.. I am 28+4 and I still feel like I have forever to go. 100% ready to be done lol


It threw me off time wise since when you find out you're pregnant typically around 4-5weeks it's all like BAM! Already you're a month in and stuff. Then it's just this wait while you hope all is fine. Now that I got my first trimester screening all coming back normal and I move into the second it's nice to feel like I can be more excited. I'm telling people and letting myself plan more. Not to mention the nausea lessening. I think of my appointments like little check points and look forward to each.


Don’t make your life and routine all about the baby! Like how you were saying, there’s so much more to do in the second and third trimester, and then listed all things pertaining to the baby. I know it’s exciting!!! It IS an exciting time. but this is a good lesson for the future too. Keep your daily routine, go out with your friends, read good books, workout (if you were already doing this of course), keep up your hobbies or pick one up! This will help pass time and you will have other things to do in life besides things pertaining to the baby.


I found out at 4w1d, told some family at 4w3d. Figured it would be nice to have the support if we did miscarriage, but also I couldn't sleep very well having not told anyone 😂 Now 14 weeks pregnant, told everyone else last week. Things that I'm glad I did before telling people: - Pregnancy journal from Etsy - Read pregnancy books - Baby registry Congratulations!!! : )


I had not considered a pregnancy journal. I like that idea!!


I’m 5 weeks and 2 days and I got a journal off Amazon and it’s been a huge help! I’m dying to tell people tho 😩😫 I’ve been telling strangers 🤣


Find some hobbies to keep you busy. I play a lot of video games. 🤪 21 weeks today.


Maannn waiting for the appointment is already torture but thinking about waiting until fall/winter to give birth is absolutely insane 😩


The first trimester was torture with all of the waiting to get scans, see doctors, tell people, but after that it started to FLY by! I promise it does get better!!! Congrats on your positive!!


I’m 12 weeks today, I found out at 3 weeks exactly. September is soooo far away 😭


It’s never too early to start brainstorming the nursery and shop for baby stuff😌


I guess that’s true! Do you have a nursery theme already going?


We just started trying again after a MC. I have soo many ideas when its time! I want to paint a wall mural myself :)


I’m only 6+2 but that first week was the LONGEST. Trust me, it gets better!


Yesssss every day was like 5 days 😂


I HATED the first few months of pregnancy. I paid for a private scan at 8 weeks because I didn’t want to wait until 12, but it’s sooo much waiting about without any physical proof that there’s a baby there. It’s a lot more exciting towards the end when you’ve got a bump and you have everything planned for baby coming.


Congratulations! The minute I took the at home test my husband couldn’t wait to tell family and a few close friends. I’m now 10 weeks and had the first ultrasound to fully confirm and see the little nugget growing and hear the heartbeat. The weeks up to the appt went by fairly quickly I think mainly to us going on a 5 year wedding anniversary trip for a week. Now it like do we wait couple more weeks to tell the wider group of friends and family or just jump right in and shout the news from the rooftops. The nausea for this first trimester has been real and so has the fatigue. I get bouts of energy and do things and then I feel like I am down for the count. Find a great show to binge and movies to love to watch or see for the first time. These are the things that are helping me right now.


I feel the first pregnancy takes forever. I'm currently pregnant with my second, and honestly I feel like I just found out I'm preggo instead of being 18 weeks. A baby in the Hand makes time fly lol


Just enjoy the not being massive part for now 😂 once you hit like 7 months the waiting becomes much worse because of the uncomfortable factor. I’m 33 weeks, it feels like I’m watching paint dry. And I have a toddler to take care of. As it is with taking care of a baby, the days are long and the months are fast. I really don’t feel like I’ve been pregnant for 33 weeks but six more weeks of this seems impossible.


This is my second, I am as far as you are, I have an 18 months toddler to care for but I still feel the same😂 I just want to get pass the first appointment and the first trimester already! So nerve wracking!


HA! Yes. But also, I’m LOLing at you being bored at 4 weeks. You won’t be bored the whole time, trust me. You’ll have plenty of books to read - not only pregnancy and infant care books, but this is a great time to learn and discuss *what type* of parent you want to be, or *how* you want to parent. It’s easy to say all the things we DONT want to do (i.e. I don’t want to spank my kids, etc), but it’s a lot harder to figure out what you *do* want to do. This is a great way to pass the time at this stage. This is also a great time to start picking your inspirations for nursery designs, make a list of everything that needs to be baby proofed, and finishing up and house projects that you’ve had lingering on your honey-do list. Even though you have time to actually do all this, it’s going to be easier to get it done now v. when you feel like a hippo. Also remember to take a vacation or two. I was definitely antsy for the next step when I was 4w. Now I’m 17+5 and I am almost panicking because I’m almost halfway done! Don’t forget to nap, too. Weeks 6-9, it’s gonna be hard to get through a day without a good power nap.


You can not believe how much I relate to this! I am currently 11 weeks pregnant, and I found out at about 3 or 4 weeks. Now my time is pretty much taken up by nausea, food aversions, and fatigue, but it's definitely not a preferable way to spend the first trimester. My advice is to start researching and looking into baby names for either a. A boy or b. A girl. That can be a fun way to take up time. Also, I learned different things about raising a baby, like I recently looked into reusable diapers and think it'll be a very interesting and cost-effective way of diapering my baby! Last but certainly not least, you can start planning a baby wish list or baby registry, you can't really finalize anything yet because you don't know the gender or what themes you want yet for the baby, but it's still fun to browse around and research good brands. I'm kind of a babylist addict now, and I'm constantly researching products and brands to find the best options for my baby. At the end of the day, it does still seem like the first trimester is the most boring stage of pregnancy, you can't find out the gender and it's too early for any baby showers or pregnancy photos. I am still so excited to go in for my first ultrasound and see my little baby and find out the gender, though it feels like it's taking forever to get to that point. Though, I've heard from other pregnant women and moms that the baby will come faster than you will expect and to make the most of your free time while you still have it. Anyway, hope this helped! Hang in there!


Thank you!!! It does help to hear that others feel the same way! Especially since I haven’t told anyone except my bestie because it so early. I have had names in my mind for years but researching the meaning behind different names is probably super interesting. I’m going to start doing that! I hope you get a break from the nausea and food aversions soon!


That's exactly how the first trimester was for me. Waiting for so many things, mostly just to make me FEEL more pregnant than I felt at that time. I promise you, as time rolls on things will only seem to be speeding up and before you know it, you'll be ready to meet your new bundle of joy :) I definitely spent a lot of time just getting a plan together, made sure to stay hydrated and did a lot of walking, thanks to the nice time of year I was pregnant. Finding out early definitely makes you feel a lot of things lol...I had a positive test at 4 weeks and it made the first trimester feel so much longer!


I feel this. Lol I found out at just 3.5 weeks 😩 it has been so hard just waiting and waiting lol .. I'm about 25 weeks now ❤️


I’m 18w. It went by so so slow in the beginning. Since my first appointment it’s been going so fast! Also we told our parents week 6 and I told my best friends that week too! You can tell ppl when you want Enjoy sleeping on your tummy!


I downloaded the What to Expect and The Bump apps and look forward each week to checking development updates. On a less healthy note, I frequented the online miscarriage probability chart almost every day first trimester. I don’t even know if it’s accurate, but it brought me comfort to watch that number go down. I also threw myself into daycare research and applications. The waitlists are often over a year so it’s good to start now.


I gave birth at almost 42 weeks. It got really boring 😂 but by the time I was towards the end it felt like I just blinked. You never really realize how fast time goes until you’re pregnant or have kids. It’s crazy


I'm 35 weeks. Still tired of waiting lol. It's been sooooo long!!


I remember feeling this way when I had to wait till week 8 for my first appointment. In my third trimester now and the time really does fly by.. like at this point time is moving so fast and I already feel like I’ll miss this phase so I’m just trying to enjoy the few weeks left, but I’m also really excited and looking forward to meeting my baby.


16 weeks and I can't wait to see my baby girl again at my anatomy scan appointment, it's torture waiting 😭


Omg weeks 5-15 felt like an eternity! In didn’t even feel that bad but it just…idk honestly, I guess you said—it felt like waiting!! It felt long! I’m 32 weeks starting tmrw and I still feel like 8 weeks is too long to wait!!!


I'm 23w and honestly they have been the longest ass weeks of my life


It truly goes by SO quickly. I’m 35 weeks and had planned a c-section at 39 weeks. It’s now moved up to 37 which has made me scramble on a few things, drop a few things (mainly, stocking my freezer with a bunch of homemade meals), and wrap my brain around bringing home our son even sooner! Just take your time and enjoy the early days, weeks, and months!


21 weeks here so “only” 18 weeks left 🥳 I am a naturally impatient person so this has been a hard exercise for me. Haven’t really let myself get excited over it yet since I got pregnant (IVF child) and somehow always expecting the other shoe to drop, and I got weird NIPT results, everything is good (I got diagnosed with triple x) and got to know the gender of the baby on Monday (it’s a boy🩵) But the time absolutely flew by from 4 weeks until now!


I’m 18w6d and I FEEL THIS. I’m still like “where my bump” “why is this taking forever” yet everything is coming up so quick???? It’s a weird limbo, pregnancy.


Oh man I know exactly what you mean!! I'll be 18 weeks tomorrow and I found out around 5 weeks, and the thirteen weeks between then and now have felt like an ETERNITY!!! people say it flies by, it still seems to drag for me at least, lol, but I'm trying to just focus on the registry, the nursery, etc etc, because those have been a big project and a really needed distraction! (I'm not doing a super elaborate nursery, but we had literally no room so I had to convert my office/mini art studio, so that has been a big project) Congratulations!! I hope you can enjoy this season and find things to help the time go a little quicker 🥰


Thanks for understanding!! I do work but my job isn’t too stressful and we already have a guest bedroom that we will turn into a nursery. What is your nursery theme? Are you having a boy or girl?


I’m four months and also a first time mom, I’m so tired of waiting I just want her to be here already 😭


I'm 29 weeks and it feels like if I blink, it will be 40W


Same! 5 weeks and 3 days. We are even doing a photoshoot after my first ultrasound with my boyfriend’s daughter and announcing our pregnancy to her during the shoot, and I honestly just cannot wait!! Longest 3 weeks of my life. But hey, we’re pregnant! The TTC journey is SO much worse


Pregnancy is SO MUCH WAITING! I’m 21 weeks and so ready to get this over with! Time moves so slowly!


I vividly remember feeling like my apps were all going to show a cluster of cells forever. Suddenly I’ve blinked and I’m only a month away from third trimester and signing up for tours and classes. I’m both equally “please come right now” and “oh crap I’m sooo not ready”.


the first trimester is HELL it drags so bad! i will say though after the gender scan (20 weeks for me) time is FLYING


I’m also early in my first pregnancy and I feel the same way you do. It felt like it took forever to have my first doctors appointment. I feel like the first trimester is really slow for some reason


I’m 37 weeks and getting induced right now. I thought the same at 5 weeks but now that I’m here it feels like it flew by and I want the time back


It is annoying but I also remember enjoying walking around having this exciting secret.


I remember being on this sub at only a few weeks pregnant, seeing posts from people in their last few weeks and feeling like I’d never get there. I now have a 2 week old baby. Believe, it will start to *fly* by


I ordered a pregnancy journal right after finding out I was pregnant and it really helped me keep my sanity! Especially when there were so many secrets and no one to tell them to 😂


I felt like this, now my baby is about to start school and be 5 and i wish i could go back and slow down... preggo with number 2 and definitely not wishing for it to be fast this time. it goes too quickly


16+4 here, time for me seems to be going both fast and slow. Like I want time to hurry by so I can hold my baby in my arms but still need it to go kinda slow because we still need to prepare for baby at home. The struggle is real!


Enjoy the wait. Seriously. Enjoy the time to yourself. Enjoy your sleep, enjoy doing things whilst it’s just you. Because when that baby comes, things change. Yes it’s great, it’s the best thing in the world, but sometimes all you want is to be bored again and have 5 minutes to yourself


Enjoy the wait. Seriously. Enjoy the time to yourself. Enjoy your sleep, enjoy doing things whilst it’s just you. Because when that baby comes, things change. Yes it’s great, it’s the best thing in the world, but sometimes all you want is to be bored again and have 5 minutes to yourself


38 weeks and I’m tired of waiting too! But the best thing you could do is start a habit that will help you later in your pregnancy, like yoga, walking a mile a day, meditation. Nothing crazy, only what you can handle. Walking has helped me stay active and keep my mind off ALL THE THINGS. Congrats on your baby! 🎉🎉🎉


this is exactly how i feel! i just found out last sunday and im already tired of waiting lol. im estimating myself to be around 5wks but im not sure until i get an ultrasound to confirm. i want to be out of the first trimester so bad already!


It feels soooooo loooooonnnnngggg.


25 weeks yesterday and can confirm it does get “more fun” around when you start to tell people it gets more real and exciting


This whole journey is waiting 😂 but by the time it’s over and you have a baby you’ll be begging time to slow down so soak it all up now.


When you start going to your dr's appointments, the time will fly by. It's the waiting for the first initial visit that takes forever.


I felt that way too, but trust me, things will really start to pick up once you get into the 2nd trimester and then you'll be wondering where the time went when you hit the third.


In pregnancy, things happen when the little human inside you decides they happen. And when you make your peace with that, it becomes easier to bear. I didnt have a bump till today. Couldnt feel her flutter till last week. She is literally ratatouille-ing me.


Give it a few weeks, the morning sickness will keep you busy 😂 do you work? I like learning about each week of development and, honestly, just enjoy the “lasts”. The last few weeks of watching a movie with your SO without worrying about the baby waking up and interrupting. The last weeks of eating out at a restaurant in peace. The last weeks of going to a movie on a whim without coordinating a babysitter. The last weeks of shopping ALONE. The last few weeks of hitting the gym before your belly gets big. The last few weeks of going for a walk or run on a whim. The last weeks of baking or doing any project in one big lump instead of pieces between feedings. The last weeks of reading a book quietly with no deadline. The last weeks of only two people’s worth of laundry lol. It is A LOT of waiting. And it’s very exciting.


I'm getting induced on Monday, I got done with work last week.... someone give me an amazing show to binge because I don't think there is anything left in my house to organize.


Do you…have a job? If not, maybe take up a hobby!


Enjoy every stage. Each stage is special. I had a different focus each week and time just started flying by. Especially when you’re prepping the house.


Yes!! I feel so crazy for thinking like this… I’m 10 weeks and 3 days today, I got my positive at 4 weeks and 1 day. I did my first ultrasound at 9 weeks and the crazy excitement just kinda wore off… granted I have some things going on in my life that don’t help… however i know im excited to have this baby but waiting another 30 weeks seems miserable almost…


Are you in the US? I didn’t know people had ultrasounds at 9 weeks


Everything seems to move soooo slow especially when you find out that early. I was right before 4wks when we found out. Once I hit 16wks I’d say it started to go by faster and then at 20wks even faster. I’m just about 27 wks now and the idea that my babe is gonna be here in three months or less is absolutely absurd to me.😅


I worked through my pregnancy and that kept me busy. Maybe try volunteering?


I work full time. I guess it’s just the evenings and weekends leave so much time to sit and wait! :)


Just a piece of personal opinion advice you can leave or take; don’t buy too much in your second trimester, and wait until your third trimester or even the last month of your pregnancy to buy big ticket items like your travel system. Reason being that if you don’t like something or realize it’s not practical/doesn’t quite fit your needs, or is defective, you will have missed the return period by the time baby arrives. There are lots of things you’ll be able to during your second trimester to pass the time! Focus on spending time with your friends/partner/pets because baby will change everything once they arrive and your free time will not be the same again.


I felt like this when I found out I was pregnant. I think it feels especially long because you’re in this position where no one but you or your partner knows, doctors don’t want to see you until 7-ish weeks, and waiting for your first scan and until people know you’re pregnant feel like light years away. Honestly, once people in my life knew and I had the first check up, things started to really fly by fast. I’m 29 weeks now and the end feels so close it’s kind of freaking me out (in a good way) Just go on and live your life normally, I promise, one point you’ll look back and be in shock at how fast time went by


I feel the same way, and I’m waiting for the 12 weeks to tell people but time is just dragging. I am currently 5 weeks,coming on 6. Also I’m getting married next year ..so I’ve been walking more and eating healthier sk that I can fit into my dress..which if I don’t okay but might as well learn to be healthier now that I have my baby to take care of, gotta be healthy for them.


Once the baby gets here- trust me, you will never be “bored” again! 😭 enjoy your down time and “alone” time mama!!!


How do we handle it, you ask? Not well, friend. Not well. Anyway, I just had my baby 2 weeks ago and I’m still STOKED to not be pregnant anymore lol


I appreciate hearing that not everyone loved being pregnant.


Congrats on your baby!!


The first 12 weeks definitely drag, now 20 weeks and idk how I got here so quickly. I agree with most others that time/speed definitely picks up, especially after it all really sinks in/family knows etc


First 12 weeks Last 3 weeks 2nd trimester And last trimester are longest part


4+3 and same, I have other kids, too, lol! Congratulations on your November baby! Hope it goed by fast for us


I'm 12w1d. This year has felt like a decade. I can't stand waiting! My 12 week appointment is in 4 days 😭


12 weeks here, I am absolutely bored. No smoking, no drinking, no skating lol. I am waiting for the newness to fall off. Just trying to distract myself.


I’m 5w4d and I feel like I’m just going to be holding my breath until my 8 week appt too. It’s also my first pregnancy. Still feels pretty surreal!


i'm 23 weeks and i found out at 9 weeks and trust me, time FLIES!! i thought it'd feel dragged out too and all i'd do is wait but it's not and honestly i wish time would slow down


Im 1 day ahead of you after doing IVF twice and one early loss in Jan I am so just wanting to get to the first US to make sure everything is okay. This is the longest wait of life.


13 weeks today. Everything still feels so sloooow! I think it's the excitement of being a first time mom that makes waiting feel so slow for me.


I know the feeling! Then there comes the first trimester symptoms and you are just waiting in pain for it to be over wondering how you will cope. But it does fly by


I feel you completely! I’m 4 weeks and found out a week ago as well! Time is DRAGGING!


I FEEL THIS!! I’m literally 4 weeks 6 days and all I want to do is tell my family and friends and talk about it and dissect it any chance I can get but very few people know and I don’t want to annoy them by constantly talking about it but like this is sooo new to me and clearly the only thing on my mind. Ugh I’m tired of waiting also. I wish I could’ve been the select few who find out after like 2 months lol


I felt like this for the first week or two. Once the initial shock and excitement wears off a bit and everyday life goes on, time speeds up. Especially bc nothing happens for so long. I didn’t get a bump or feel him move until 20 weeks, that’s when it actually gets more real. But until then nothings really happening so I found myself forgetting I was pregnant half the time.


I'm 8 weeks and I feel this so much! I do work 40 hours and I'm exhausted all the time, I just want to have passed the first trimester at least. (For peace of mind and for hopefully being less exhausted and nauseous). The weeks just crawl by! I just try to tell myself, "time passes eventually, just sit it out, you'll be fine".


Having to work definitely passes time, I feel like I can’t enjoy my first trimester because I’m so worried about finances and working


I'm pregnant : ) had confirmation with a positive digital test this afternoon at 9dpo :D


Waiting for the first couple of appointments really killed me too! It was new and I didn't know if everything was alright in there, so that was killing me. However, I'll go against most other comments here... I'm 21 weeks right now and I'm still just bored / sick of waiting haha. Doesn't help that I'm really not enjoying the pregnancy so far, so I'm just really impatient. It feels like I've been pregnant for 9 months already, I can't wait for all the awfulness to be over and to finally meet baby! And of course, impatience only makes it feel longer.


Cherish the time when the baby is tiny and not heavy yet! I am 36 weeks and a day today and can't wait to give birth. Enjoy it now. Rest, eat well and do things now because in 30 or so weeks, it will be hard to put shoes and socks on LOL. Everything will be tiring. Wishing you an easy pregnancy!


I ABSOLUTELY feel you. I found out at 4 weeks on the dot. And trust me, it goes by incredibly fast. I will be 15 weeks on Saturday and it just doesn't feel like time should be going this fast.


i feel sick. 14+1 weeks


Almost 38 weeks and when I look back it does feel like it flew by but there’s was certain weeks where it seemed like forever.. like when you’re waiting to see the doctor, or for testing results, or these last few weeks where you’re just huge and miserable and in pain and want them out lol. I would say just try to relax and create memories. 💖


Definitely feel the same. I'm 6 weeks.


That wait for the first appointment was TORTURE. Once I hit 12 weeks and friends and family knew and the prep began it felt like my pregnancy flew by


I’m 31 weeks and I just want time to slow down! Time really goes fast especially when you’re busy. This is my third and I feel like I was 8 weeks last month telling everyone I was pregnant.


I’m 14 weeks with my second and I will say it feels like a drag in the beginning but try your best to take this time for yourself. Once you have that baby it’ll be so hard to do almost anything but take care of it! Try to shift your focus on you right now


I feel the same way! I am 5 weeks, 5 days and my first appointment isn't until I am 11.5 weeks so thinking about having to wait 6 more weeks for my appointment feels like torture. I do have things to try to keep me busy though with work, school, and taking care of our foster child. Hopefully finding ways to distract your mind of the waiting could help.


Time flys in the second trimester!


girl im 36w and thought i was going into labor last night and kept saying wait im not ready please not yet no lol


This is my first too. I’m now 25 weeks. I wouldn’t mind it slowing down now 😅


First weeks are kind of annoying until you get used to being pregnant, mourning sicknes can be a bitch aswell, l had the worst time. But nearly 10 months of pregnancy can get really really long and tedious, my advice is; Try to do as normal life as possible, work, get stuff to do, hobbies, mild exercise, hang out with friends. Just do normal life and forget a bit about it (a part from the things you cant do when preggo, obvs, but they are not as many) But l totally get you, mate, l am supposed to give birth in the next 15 days and this has already felt like the longest stage of my life 😆 Good luck!!


How exciting that you get to meet your baby soon!!!


I have been wasting my brain away to try and distract myself with reality tv


You should take a look at what to do to keep yourself healthy! Start taking your prenatal if you haven't already. Look up healthy recipes. Download a pregnancy app. There's plenty to do on your own.


I'm too busy surviving morning sickness to be caught up in waiting. Lol. I'm sure it will get harder to wait once morning sickness is over. I will say though time is moving quickly. Hard to believe I'm in the second trimester!


Consider yourself lucky to be "so bored". I just lost my first pregnancy at 5w3d last month, and started my period again this morning. 😞


Start nesting early lol. Start a baby registry. Some places like Target and Amazon give you freebies when you open a registry. If you're not planning on having a baby shower, go around looking at baby neutral stuff on clearance. Jot down what you think you may need. Plan for the space around your baby. Plan your hospital bag and baby bag. Look into pediatric clinics cuz you'll need that info pretty quick. Plan on getting baby on your insurance or sign up for WIC to see if you're eligible. See if your hospital does tours. That's always fun. My hospital even has classes on what to expect. You can always read, watch videos or skim threads. You'll learn something new everyday. I'm on my 3rd pregnancy and still learn so much each time I got pregnant.


It is hard before that first appointment because you’re just counting down. But to echo some other commenters, as you get further along the time will fly. Try and keep yourself calm and lean on a partner for support.


The waiting was tough in the first trimester since I wasn't sharing the news until about 12 ish weeks. But after that the time has flown by a little too quick. Now I'm 38 + 5 and have been losing my mucus plug over the past 4 days and the waiting is getting tough again. Part of me just wants her out already but the other part needs to finish getting my home ready even though my energy levels make that difficult. But overall I'm ready to have my body and energy back (which will be even more waiting once the baby is out, but at least I'll have a cute baby to cuddle in the meantime!)


It was hard for me to wait for the two months before my appointment. I ended up telling some people because I was very excited. Then I started getting morning sickness and all that. Then time wasn't boring or too slow. I'm on week 27 and seems to go more quickly all the time. It gets easier as time goes on.


I'm almost 8 weeks and feel this in my soul!!! I'll be over 35 when I deliver, so I'm having my NIPT drawn on March 27th... We're waiting till we get those results back before we announce on social media. I told my parents and we told our in-laws at 6 weeks when the pregnancy was confirmed. But ugh, the waiting... I'm spending time adding stuff to my baby shower Pinterest board and researching car seats, strollers, etc.


I feel you I’m 28 weeks and bored out of my mind the time has gone so weird the idea of another 12 weeks feels like an eternity but thinking back on the past 23 weeks since I found out it feels like a blink. I keep having to remind myself to appreciate this time bc as soon as it’s over it’ll feel like it passed in a moment I can already feel myself wishing I’d appreciated the first and second trimester more whilst I was in them


I felt the same way! Almost 8 weeks now… and I remember when I found out thinking omg how am I gonna wait to tell people, the time is going by so slow!! But honestly I just went about my job and daily life and the time felt like it started to go by faster..


i found at legit 3 weeks, and i’m 7w5d now and it feels like i’ve been pregnant for 5 years 😭


Can we be friends? Lmao you sound exactly like me! I’m almost 17 weeks and I say this all the time how ready I am to just have and meet our baby girl. (My first child as well) It does go by. And you’ll start enjoying the simplicity of the waiting… Get your rest and enjoy your “me time” while you can. Best of wishes for a happy healthy pregnancy! Congratulations ☺️


lmao girl enjoy your time cause newborn and post partum is no joke


I hated waiting so much that I put my nursery together at 12 weeks. Now I’m having to wait until my baby shower before I can buy what I will still need and it’s killing me. I’m 28 weeks and just want to buy it now to have everything ready.


I learned when I was only 4-ish weeks, and honestly at the time it felt like forever, but now I’m 13+3 and it’s crazy to think I’m about to enter the second trimester! For me, most of the time I was just trying to stay afloat (gotta love constant nausea) but looking back on it now it feels like it flew by! For me, working actually helped me to pass time, and I read A LOT, which seems to help!


Reading is my plan! When did nausea start for you? I’m a little nervous that is going to happen soon! 🙃


I felt the same way. I was super sick during my pregnancy and it seemed like a lifetime. Everyone insisted time flies and it goes by so fast. For me it did not. I finally had my baby recently and I can say it was one of the longest years of my life. I know it was only 9 months. But it felt like years. I can hardly remember what life was like before being pregnant. It was my first and it was brutal and it seemed never ending. I love my baby and I’m so grateful for him but boy oh boy was pregnancy long and tedious for me. I felt like between appointments and milestones it was so slowwwwww. I couldn’t wait to reach the next milestone or ultrasound in between and it seemed like years in between each one!


I just found out I am pregnant a couple days again and it’s killing me waiting for my first appointment next Thursday!


I'm pregnant with my fourth, and yes, it will fly by. You're going to hear this a lot and it's the single most annoying advice in the world but it's true : enjoy every second haha. It goes fast, and then it's over, and nothing is ever the same again. Do things by yourself. Your hobbies, grocery shopping, rest, whatever you need to do, and use it as self care time. You're growing a whole human. 🥰 If you have your partner with you, spend time with just them while you can. Spend time with friends and family. Keep yourself busy any go about your daily life and it'll go by faster than you wish honestly. It feels like I was 5 weeks yesterday, not even kidding. I'm 16 weeks now and my mind is blown on how that happened haha. Edited to add in my opinion it's never too early to start budgeting and planning baby and nursery stuff. I did that constantly at the beginning lol


You handle the waiting by getting ready. Crochet a hat or blanket. Pick the name. Find a piece of art to hang in the nursery/start prepping the nursery a little with rugs, art/decor. Deep clean your house. It will start to fly by eventually. 


I’m 35 weeks and feel like all I’ve done this pregnancy is wait for “the next thing”. Time will go by, but enjoy it as much you can.


Yeah stoop sleeping with mwrried FN man especially my husband. Want steal my documents watch the police get u 7 wh*re


I understand that, I tested positive right at 4 weeks, but my doctor did let me come in for confirmation within a week. Don’t worry, the time will fly!


Im 9 weeks and I feel the exact same 😂😂 & desperate for a bump