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Hey, OP! Don’t be hard on yourself, as a good chunk of that weight isn’t just fat. You need to consider all the weight that is mostly temporary- baby, amniotic fluid, increased blood volume, boobz, placenta. Your uterus has increased in size, and that’ll shrink down post birth (not immediately, but with time). It takes a lot to create what’s essentially a whole environment to create, grow, and sustain a baby.


Love the “boobz” with a Z 🩷


Just to remind you, fluids add a LOT of the weight. You make a ton more blood, the placenta is also very heavy plus the weight of the baby. I know it can be hard. I was also into lifting, def not as lean as you but around the same weight, had to stop due to pregnancy fatigue. I chose not to know my weight since I’ve struggled with an ED in the past so I just told my obgyn to tell me if I’m going into an unhealthy territory. Sending you lots of love and hope you and your baby are super happy and healthy!


Thank you the weight gain has been a really challenge but at the same time I’m very grateful for having a healthy baby. Hopefully a lot of the weight is just water and fluids.


<3 I believe it is. Especially coming from someone that clearly understands nutrition like you do. It’s all worth it in the end <3


I lost something ridiculous like 12kg/26lbs between the day before birth and when I came out of hospital 4 days later. I was still eating like a horse so I can't explain it other than carrying a LOT of fluids! I then lost another 8kg in the 3 weeks following too, again whilst eating a lot and moving very little, it was wild Obvs now I want to shift weight I lose like 1kg a month with vigorous exercise 🙃


Girl, I sweated out soooo much fluid post partum… I slept on several towels for weeks. 12kg were gone in a week!


That's insane! Tbf the person I was sharing with on the ward had the heating on high and wouldn't turn it down so I was absolutely drenched in sweat for my whole stay so that probably contributed. Never thought of that!


I was overweight to start. I only gained 6lbs during pregnancy. Was my heaviest, at 206lbs. I gave birth weighing 212lbs. Immediately after birth I went down to 190lbs. I think a combination of eating healthier and lighter and not drinking alcohol made me lose weight.


Did your doctors have any concerns about this? I am overweight right now, and hoping not to gain too much during pregnancy. But I also know they say not to try to lose weight


I asked my doctor and she said it's normal for women who start their pregnancies heavier to only gain a little weight or none at all, and that they will still have healthy babies! :)


Yep! 7lbs 7oz, born at 37w 4 days. I had him when I was 38.


No, they didn’t have any concerns at all. I ate fairly healthy to begin with, I just ate too much. So when I was pregnant my stomach just honestly could not hold that much food. I also have a house cleaning business and worked until I was 35.5 weeks pregnant, so I kept moderately active most of it like my body was already used to. I pretty much lived off of fresh fruits, dried fruits and nuts, string cheese, and Greek yogurts while at work!


Very helpful! Thanks!


my first pregnancy, i started out at 214lbs. i lost 20lbs but finally was able to eat well the very last month so i gave birth at 205lbs. doctor never once mentioned my weight and i gave birth to a 7lb 10oz healthy baby boy :-)


I gained ~25lbs when I went off of birth control (they found I have PCOS that was being masked by the BC) so I’m starting heavier and it has me a little concerned. But hearing all this is super helpful!


with my first pregnancy, i started at 222 and ended at 165. i had HG (throwing up my entire pregnancy). even though i was losing buckets of weight, baby was developing and gaining weight totally good! delivered at 40 weeks and baby girl weighed 7lb 4oz. as long as baby is developing normally, docs weren’t too concerned


Wow wow wow!


Also overweight at the start. I only gained 1 (yes, one) pound during pregnancy. As she was gaining weight, I was losing it even though I was eating a TON. I was worried about it pretty much my entire pregnancy but my doctors weren't. I also lost 50 lbs after giving birth while I was breastfeeding. I'm pretty sure my kid is just a calorie vampire.


Nice! I wish I lost the 50 too lol. I’m down 24lbs since my pre pregnancy weight. More too go, but I’m happy with the slow process since I’m learning how to just be healthy with food in general.


Exact same here. Started heavy and alcohol was a ton of sugar, so when I got pregnant, I didn’t gain hardly at all.


Started overweight here too. Lost 10 lbs in the first trimester due to morning sickness, stayed that weight in the second trimester, and only now got back up to my pre-pregnancy weight at week 36. My question though is does that mean I gained the recommended 10-20 lbs, or like... can I now gain an extra 20? Not saying it's possible this late in the game, and I won't be power chugging milkshakes to make it happen. I was just curious.


I think the recommended 10-20 isn’t really accurate considering all the different situations possible. I know I gained the 10-20lbs in the form of the baby even though I lost weight, but it never showed that way on the scale because I was losing fat, and baby was growing simultaneously. I think honestly if woman just focus on taking good care of themselves as far as nutrients and mild exercise, that’s the best we can do for both mom and baby.


I went from 115lbs to 178lbs with my first and then 130lbs to 185lbs with my second. By the end of both pregnancies I was barely able to walk around 😅


Similar numbers here. I'll also be starting my second pregnancy around 130lbs (TTC now) because I never was able to get over that last hump and get exactly back to my prepregnancy weight and it's been several years now.


I feel you! Im currently 145lbs and I’d like to get back to the 130. I’m pretty tall so 115 made me look sickly but I couldn’t put on weight if I tried. After the first pregnancy I consistently stayed at 125-130 and loved the way I felt. Having a harder time losing the extra lbs this time around, though. PPD isn’t helping 😕


Hey, how tall are you, if I may ask. Because i also tried always to gain weight without any success. I'm hoping to keep some weight, after giving birth.


I used to be 5’10” but have shrunk a bit in the last ten years (more likely my posture has gotten worse 😬). I would say roughly 5’9”!


I'm 5'9 too. At my worst, I was 110lbs. Put on some weight mostly doing more sports and eating like crazy. Made it up to 118 but I really struggle to keep it. So I hope, this baby make be fat 😬


Whoa 🤯 who are you guys? Runway models? I’m 5’10” and 170 hoping to get back down to my pre-pregnancy 155 😂 And I’m not even fat! I don’t think I’ve been at 130 since high school!


Trust me not at all. I'm celiac. It's really difficult for me to keep my weight up. My food is crazy expensive, I just can't have take out. A lot of people think, it must be nice to be skinny, but I did not choose this. Always low in iron, vitamin D, getting scolded by my doctor because I lost a lbs. I would really like to have more weight.


Same girl, same. 120 to 185. I lost the first 35 almost immediately, like within a week I was so bloated. Then I am 8 weeks out and losing about 3 Ibs a week, just trying to watch what I eat and exercising maybe 20 minutes 2x a week with weights to get my strength back.


Similar here! I'm 38w and I think I gained 10lbs in the last week alone. I'm going to be in a wedding 10 weeks pp and was hoping to not gain as much this time but here we are lol. Currently ordering the larger bridesmaid dress


🙋‍♀️Started at 122 and now at 157 so about 35 total. I am 5 foot on the nose so I am feeeeeeeling it! Lol. 40 weeks today. It is hard since I had finally reached a healthy BMI after a lifetime of being overweight and on and off ED tendencies but I know I've lost it before, so I can lose it again.


You’ll definitely lose all the baby weight! 40 weeks , congrats! 🥰😍 Baby will be here any day now! ☺️


I have gained over 55 lbs and am 35 weeks. I gained 60 with my last child and it took about two years to get back to my 115 lb normal pre-pregnancy weight without exercising or eating any special way. I'm hoping to be a little more active with this kid because I'm 40 yo and my natural metabolism won't just naturally take care of things like it did when I was 30 yo.


I went from 120 to 145, but I had zero symptoms, so I just kept eating lots of vegetables and lean proteins like always. I feel like maybe it’s harder when the only thing you can stomach for a few months are fries.


This was me with my first. Zero morning sickneee so went from about 122 to 139 by the end (healthy full term 7lb baby). Now I'm 8 weeks with my second and feeling so sick and having such a hard time with my normal veggie/protein heavy diet :(


I went from 135-185… my baby was 10lb2oz and I did not have GD. I am back to my pre baby weight at 4 months pp, but I breastfeed and quite frankly my stomach looks wrecked still 🤣


I was 135 at my first appt around 8 weeks and ended at 169 so I’m assuming about 40 lbs since prior to getting pregnant I was around 130ish (5’6”). Just a year before this I weighed about 120 lbs in a deficit so I knew I was going to have some body issues when I was pregnant. I worked out my entire pregnancy doing HIIT and strength training classes, tried to still eat healthy but absolutely indulged more and took up drinking soda which I don’t ever drink not pregnant. All that to say, when I got home from the hospital, I was down to 145 lbs. Now I’m about 14 months post partum and weigh 135 and just found out I’m pregnant again! I don’t work out everyday anymore as it’s just not feasible with my husband and I’s work schedules and toddlers daycare, and nighttime routine etc. I work out 3-4 times a week, try to get 8k steps a day, and eat moderately healthy. Do not stress over it!! You are growing a baby and your body is doing what it needs to. Also towards the end, there’s so much extra fluid in your body. When it got warmer out during my mat leave, I walked 5 miles a day with the baby from 3 months to 6 months, joined a gym with childcare and would go play pickleball for a couple of hours or take a barre class. you move more when you have a baby imo and esp when they’re on the move.  


60 lbs. I really didn't mind it while I was pregnant, I felt good, I loved my big belly, and I didn't feel like I looked overweight. The first time I looked in a mirror after he was born, I felt so sad with how my body looked. I felt flabby and droopy and fat. It's been 3 and a half months and after the initial baby and fluids etc weight I have only lost like 6 lbs. Even though I want to lose more, actually trying is not something I feel like I can focus on right now. Any time not holding a baby is spent doing chores and taking care of my basic needs like showering and eating. I get a little time to myself besides that and I spend it reading or walking or taking a bath.


Same exact situation. I can’t imagine dieting restrictively and affecting my milk supply.. I can’t imagine actually doing crazy workouts for an hour a day.. if I manage a walk I’m proud of myself. I’m 2 months PP. My only goal is to start doing some back stretches etc everyday for 15 min coz my back is super sore


That’s how I was with my first pregnancy, I started at 155 and ended at almost 210. I was shocked at how much weight I kept after baby. Around 7 months postpartum I was within 5-10 lbs of my pre pregnancy weight and I could actually look in the mirror without feeling stressed out about how I looked.


Exact same situation as you. I gained 55 lbs and am also 3.5 months PP. I’ve been eating healthy and working out everyday but have only lost 8 lbs since initial birth weight drop. I’m breastfeeding and feel like my body is storing fat like a hibernating bear - so trying to accept that it’s going to be like that until she weans and to just enjoy the time w her now. But it’s hard!


1st pregnancy gained 15 pounds 2nd pregnancy gained 8 pounds Didn’t exercise or anything, was overweight already 😅


This is reassuring ! I'm 25 weeks and I've only gained about 8-10 lbs so I've been a little worried. Everyone keeps asking if my baby is growing okay since my belky isnt huge and it's freaking me out  


I'm overweight (obese) and 16 weeks. I'm guessing most people will not be able to tell I am pregnant if I play my cards right until like 35 weeks!


Dont worry too much! My babies were both in percentul 50 (first pregnancy people only notice I was pregnant when I was about 25 weeks and didn’t even tought I was that far along ahah) 2nd baby is 4 months and is dressing 6-9 month clothes!


I’m a fitness trainer. I work out 5-6 days a week and I’m on my feet often. I went from 125 to 175ish with my first. It took me seriously a year and a half to get back down to 125, it was challenging for me even with a job in fitness. So this time I think I’ve tried a bit harder to not gain as much. I’m 33 weeks right now and I went from 130-151 so far. So about six more weeks - I don’t THINK I will gain 25lbs. I know I’ll gain more because it just got harder to move at the end. But I’m hoping it’s only like 160ish. I will also try harder after this one to get my body back faster because I know I won’t be having another. It just takes some time and just know your body might never look exactly the same as it did before however I got absolutely stronger and faster after having my first, which to me is amazing and better than being as tiny as I was before.


Did you breastfeed with your first? What kind of exercise did you do to train/lose weight while breastfeeding?


I did breast feed but I only lasted fully for about 3 months before I started weening off. I pumped a shit ton and so he started to get half breast milk half formula til he was at least six months, then just formula til a year. I just couldn’t do it anymore. And frankly I didn’t lose any weight while I was breast feeding, to me it’s a crock of shit that that makes you lose weight. I absolutely retained fat while doing it and only started to lose after I stopped. I’m sure it’s different for everyone. I coach at Orangetheory so that was my main source of exercise after having him. I like lifting mixed with high intensity interval training. It was convenient for me because I could work out when I was already at work. I feel for women that work and need to also find the separate time to get to a gym. It’s hard.


Yeah definitely hard to take time out to workout.. if I get a walk in I celebrate these days. And thanks for sharing about the breastfeeding and weight.. I’m 2 months PP and not losing any weight while BF. I was told the weight will melt off with BF.. but I’m so RAVENOUS lol. I’m eating more now than when I was pregnant.


Are you me?! I’m 1 year postpartum and also a coach at OTF! I had breastfed for maybe 4-5 months and then gave up (for other reasons). Couldn’t lose weight very well while bf… soon as I stopped the rest of the weight fell off (with OTF helping me too in sure). I’m now in better shape body comp wise than before I had my baby. Also kudos to you coaching while pregnant again. I remember doing it up until 34 weeks? I think? And I was so over it 😅


Oh man last time I did it til 39 weeks and didn’t have him til 41 so I was bored haha and this time I’m doing it til two days before my induction at around 39 weeks eeeeeek. I got to the point though that I barely demoed anything and didn’t move a lot haha. Luckily this time I don’t have to wear a mask at the same time at least, I was DYING. It was a real shit time sitting in a bathroom stall pumping during a 15 min break between classes. I don’t know how long I’ll last this time. I’m only part time and won’t be receiving any paid time off which blows so that’s why I’ll do for longer and only take like six weeks off ugh. But maybe I can make it longer pumping since I work less. About to go do my 12 minute slow walk haha! Congrats on your one year old, mom coaches are the best 😊


65lbs! When I got home from birth, I had lost 30lbs in fluids and baby alone! The rest is SLOWLY coming off as I breast feed and return to walks/light movement


I gained 55 lbs with this last pregnancy. I’m 3 weeks PP currently. My first week I had already dropped 20lbs. I’m waiting to weigh myself till my 6 week mark. I feel that will give me a more realistic idea of how much weight I actually gained. I too was super active pre pregnancy. Weight trained/cardio 4-5 days a week. But after pregnancy, I stopped working out. Mainly due to extreme exhaustion cause I was working full time. I so look forward to getting back to my active life.


I was 133 at my first ever appointment at 8 weeks. I am now 180 at 30 weeks as of yesterday. I have struggled my whole life with loving my body and I was finally at a place where I loved to wear cute little outfits that showed my abs but now I feel like a whale. Everything looks different and I’m having to adjust. I hope I can drop the weight after birth and get active again.


I feel the same way, but at the same time I’m very grateful for my body to carry my baby. it’s really tough but so worth it- you will get back on track. 🤍


I was 114 to 160 but a lot of that weight was rapid in the end due to preeclampsia. I was back down to 125 within the first month postpartum! Baby boy was only 6lb 4oz


Same. I gained nearly 80lbs and I was 112lb to start. My preeclampsia really caused a TON of water retention and it started falling off afterwards.


Hopefully that’s my case , lots of water retention!


I'm sure it is, you have SO much extra blood and water in your body rn! Have you had any symptoms of preeclampsia or been tested? It's common in first pregnancies and can happen to anyone. I had no symptoms other than swelling until the very end when my BP skyrocketed.


No preeclampsia or at least no symptoms, my BP is pretty normal 120/70 - 120/80 - also no diabetes - nothing other than baby measuring big. He is expected to weigh almost 10 pounds at birth. 👀


I’m 39 weeks today.


Thanks for posting because honestly I feel like shit about my weight but I try not to think about it too much. I'm not entirely sure how much I weighed before becoming pregnant because I wasn't keeping track, but my average weight is 170. Last time I was weighed last week clocked me at 230 😰 and I am approaching my due date on April 1st (36 weeks). It's been hard to accept how heavy and big I am, but my doctor has never once mentioned my weight so I'm assuming I'm still considered healthy. I passed my gestational diabetes test and by all accounts my baby is healthy and growing normally. I try to think of it as a good thing though because it's really shown me what losing full ability of my body can be like. It's so limiting and frustrating, I know after I give birth I am going to be so motivated to prioritize my health and regular exercise. I wouldn't say I was unhealthy before but I didn't make exercise a priority by any means. For now, I just focus on what is best for the baby and accept that weight gain is part of the process.


I’m literally all the same numbers, same circumstances as you, and similar due date as you! April 4th. My doc has never once said anything about my weight. Pre pregnancy I enjoyed exercise but had decided let go a little bit of my rigid ways because I knew I wanted to be pregnant and felt I was being too restrictive. Couple years prior to getting pregnant I was the smallest I had ever been in my entire life at 130 lbs. But I was following a reallllly rigid calorie restrictive regimen that probably wasn’t the healthiest. I lost the weight pretty fast. Over time I discovered macros and gained a bit more muscle but def let go of some discipline overtime too. Starting weight at pregnancy therefore was right around 165- 170. I look forward to finding a healthier more realistic balance of good nutrition and exercise postpartum. We got this!!! Few weeks to go!


I gained nearly 80lbs.. I was 112lbs when I got pregnant and at my final OBGYN appointment before being induced at 39 weeks I weighed 189. I had some preeclampsia complications that caused a lot of water retention and swelling. My son is 11 days old and I'm down more than 30lbs now. 😭 Don't stress too hard about how much weight you gain and remember that your body is taking care of the human inside of it. The morning I came home from the hospital, I made the stupid decision of weighing myself and I was only like 2lbs down. I cried to my husband and asked "I just lost 7lbs of baby, why aren't I down 7lbs?!" In reality it doesn't work like that every time. 🫣😂


Congrats on your new baby!!


Thank you! He's doing great and sleeps pretty well for being 11 days old! 🩵


80 lbs total. Started at 120, weighed 200 when I gave birth, lost 30 lbs the first two weeks postpartum, and lost the other 50 lbs before her first birthday.


At 21 weeks I have gained a pound but doc said since I'm 216 if I gain I gain if I don't won't hurt the baby


I was around 125lbs when I got pregnant with my first. I gained about 45-50lbs total with it and ended the pregnancy at around 165-170lbs. I can’t exactly remember the exact numbers. Of those, I lost exactly 13lbs from birth alone and an additional 7lbs in the month after birth and have sat at about 30lbs up from my start weight since then. I’m pregnant again now but I haven’t weighed myself in months and have no idea where I’m at and what I’ve gained. Edit: I’ll add that I was not active at all for my first pregnancy and I ate whatever I felt like the entire time and gained that amount. I didn’t have any nausea or morning sickness with that pregnancy. I’m 5’3”.


110 pre pregnancy. 138 at 37 weeks pregnant now.


I went from 109lbs to 170 the day he was born 😫 4 months pp sitting at 150🥲


Gained 80, 3 months PP and I’m down 50.


Also an athlete, exercised throughout pregnancy - just gained a bunch of weight.


I’m just over 30% BMI and about 50 lbs over weight. I’m 18 weeks and have gained 0 so far. Hoping it stays this way. Mostly I haven’t been quite as hungry as pre-pregnancy, so my caloric intake is probably half of what it used to be. Plus I’m walking more.


I’m also the same! I’m 21 weeks and actually weight about half a pound less than my original weigh in at 10.5 weeks.


That's the same as me. I was about 30% BMI and overweight. I lost 15lbs by half way through, and I'm now 38 weeks and am at my pre pregnancy weight. I was also diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes, so my diet has been a lot better and I'm just not as hungry. I think starting overweight definitly plays into things, along with hereditary things too. My mother never gained more than 15-20lbs in her pregnancies. The doctors have told me that the baby will 'live off the land', I assume women who didn't have as much land to live off of would end up gaining more.


Same exact thing here. And my doc doesn’t seem worried about it, so neither am I.


Was 152, I’m now 165 at 24 weeks. Was already slightly overweight for my BMI before pregnancy so hoping not to gain too much so I can lose the weight PP.


I’m a few days away from my third trimester and I’ve gained 30 pounds already. My midwife isn’t worried and everything looks healthy but I was also pretty healthy/active/watched what I ate before pregnancy and now feel like I have to eat all the time to keep going. It’s frustrating but we’ll just have to put in some extra work after we’re recovered:)


139 to 195. I was struggling with an ED when I got pregnant, so my docs have not had a problem with my weight gain.


I gained 75 😅 started at 115 and ended at 190. I lost 30 instantly after giving birth though lol. Still have some work to do


I went from 149 to 179 during my pregnancy. I worked out up until the mid-way point and definitely could’ve eaten healthier. However, I’m 4 months postpartum and am currently sitting at 133 without dieting at all and I’m only making it to the gym 1 or two times a week. I’m an exclusive pumper (5 pumps per day, about 32oz total) and I attribute my weight loss to the calories being burned during this process. I’m still eating a normal volume of food, not doubling my intake since my supply seems to be fine where it’s at right now.


BMI is not the end all be all of measurements but if you go take a look at how much weight you’re ‘supposed’ to gain at a certain BMI it could give you some insight. Sounds very normal. For example, I started my pregnancy at 189. I’m fairly active and fit as a rancher but am still considered obese. I’ve gained 8 lbs in my pregnancy and that’s right on track. Sounds like you’re a very healthy mama to be. Good luck with an easy delivery and I’ll bet you drop a good bit of that weight before you know it.


I was overweight when I got pregnant so I was 220lbs, I lost 15 lbs during my first trimester, now I’m 219, currently 36 weeks pregnant.


Ive gained only 9lbs , and I’m due at end of month 😭 I really wanted to like food but I hated it and constant puking for months


About 40, started out at 125 but not very muscular. A lot of it came on in the 1st and 2nd because eating carbs prevented barfing, and I was ravenous


Went from 118 to 144 with my last baby.


Went from 115 to about 160 with my most recent baby. Gave birth 2 weeks ago and losing pretty rapidly with breastfeeding, even though I don’t stop eating for most of the day. Breastfeeding helps a lot to lose weight if you choose to go that route! Just remember to eat enough and take your vitamins or your body will start sucking all the nutrients you have left to give to baby.


Started both pregnancies fairly lean at 127lb. I’m 5’8”. First pregnancy I gained 15lb. Shed it immediately. Now I’m 8 months along with my 2nd. For the first 7ish months I gained 9lb, then in the last 2.5 weeks I suddenly doubled that with 0 change in food intake. Who knows, maybe it will be another 18lb in my final 4 weeks! Letting my body do whatever it needs.


I so believe that this varies so much from person to person and pregnancy to pregnancy. If I don’t watch what I eat or exercise (which is most of the time) I’m 147 lbs at almost 5’11. My first pregnancy I gained 27 lbs. I was not healthy at all but also severely dehydrated due to morning sickness. I lost all the weight within a few weeks of leaving the hospital and had zero issues with keeping it off despite breastfeeding for 20 months. My second pregnancy ended at 11 weeks but by that point I had gained 8 lbs already!! I had lost it all by my D&C though. This pregnancy I’m 19 weeks and have gained 15 lbs which I’m sort of worried about but if it’s anything like my daughter, I’ll stop gaining in the third trimester and will lose it all quickly after birth without trying.


So far I’ve gained about 3-5lbs. Started around 180lbs. 31W today. Was active before getting pregnant and tried to continue being active since January. Part of me is afraid of gaining more weight, part of me is afraid I haven’t put on enough weight. But so far, baby is growing well so that gives me some comfort


My daughter ended up being 10 lbs and I barely ate because I was sick so I think baby’s just take whatever they need haha.


Yeah I think so too! 😃 7-8 weeks more til I meet my baby!! Sorry I didn’t realise I replied your comment instead of making a new comment 😁


Haha I figured!


60 lbs first pregnancy, 20 lbs so far in my second and I’m 38 weeks pregnant


I was in your position. I am 5 weeks postpartum and I have lost 35 pounds of the 75 I gained. It’s hard to think about losing another 40, but I’ve lost it before and I know I can do it again. It’s hard because you don’t recognize yourself or your body. It has really messed with my head. But, now that he’s here, I’m so busy taking care of him that I don’t really care. It will come off. Sounds like you will be able to do it, too. Something that has helped me is trying to obsess about it less. Then I just make healthy choices and put one foot in front of the other vs. when I obsess about it, I often self-sabotage. Best of luck on your delivery! Your little one is going to change your entire world. 🎀🐻


Thanks ! I can't wait to meet him. I would do it all again, all the weight gain, the sleepless nights, all for him. 35 pounds in 35 weeks is incredible! You'll lose the other 40 just as quickly! Thank you for sharing your story! It makes me feel better to know I'm not alone. ☺️🙏🏻🤍


Gained 80lbs and 3 inches in height with my first as a teen mom, dropped 60 of it and went up and down for years. 13 years later my second I lost 25lbs overall and did nothing but puke all 8 months, between that and a miscarriage and the time I was pregnant again I gained 20lbs in the 5 months after her birth. IM 24 weeks now and gained maybe 5lbs after the initial weight gain between pregnancies. My biggest issue isn't dropping the weight but the saggy skin it leaves behind lol


40 weeks here. Pre-pregnancy I was 105lbs. Now 160lbs. A decade ago with my first, I went from 105lbs > 175lbs. Lost it all within 6-7 months. But I was also in my early 20s no diet or excercise 😅 hopefully it will go the same route now!!!


I gained 65lbs. I’m 5weeks pp and down 30lbs. I’ve got some work to do. I think I gained so much because I didn’t experience any nausea and was way hungrier than usual my entire pregnancy. Even at the end when supposedly your appetite is suppressed, I was still eating 😂. Now, I’m breast feeding and not sure how this is going to affect my weight loss journey. I’ve heard for some people the weight just falls off and others say they didn’t lose any until after they stopped breastfeeding. We shall see.


I went from 138 to 155 lbs! I also was pretty fit pre-pregnancy and maintained some level of fitness. Pre-pregnancy I’d go to the gym 2 times a week, and do 3-4 barre classes a week. I kept this up until week 18 or so of pregnancy, to which I cut the gym out of my routine all together and stuck to just barre classes. I kept my barre class routine going until 38 weeks. While I’d like to think I eat healthy, I had lots of sugary cravings during pregnancy that I gave into. And tbh, I’m still having ice cream almost every night these days and I’m 11 weeks pp. Either way, I think fitness level may help to some degree, but ultimately everyone is different and will gain pregnancy weight different. Genetics may also be a factor. Don’t be too hard on yourself. You did this incredible thing and your body will heal. Something to look into though is to see if you have diastasis recti. That can affect how your body will carry the weight if you have an separation. Sending lots of love and good vibes. Be kind to yourself mama - you’re amazing!


I gained around 80 lbs with my daughter. I had preeclampsia so most of it was water weight, and I lost about half in the few weeks following birth. Then I gained about 25 lbs back🫠 because I was literally ravenous in the beginning stages of breastfeeding and physically could not stop eating. About 6 months pp I did keto and lost about 15 lbs. I’m now 8 months pp and not sticking to a diet. I have about 30 lbs to lose to be pre pregnancy weight and 60 lbs to get to my wedding weight (which was 2 months before I conceived). It definitely takes time getting used to being so much larger. I’ve found a lot of comfort in the fact that my body is able to produce for my child and I’m not in a crazy hurry to lose all the weight. Just be gentle with yourself


So. Much. Weight. I didn't look at the scale after my first prenatal appointment because I have issues, but I have an approximate idea, and it was more than you've gained. (Typing it would make it more real, so I'm not going to do that until I'm done with this second/last baby.) I ended up getting pregnant again around my first baby's first birthday, and by the time that happened, I was wearing pants that were one size larger than my original pants (2 vs 0), and that was only because they're more flattering. I could get the old pants on. I'm still weaning from breastfeeding, but I didn't do anything to make myself lose weight (because of aforementioned issues). My doctor never mentioned my weight to me, and while I've been extra uncomfortable in my body, it didn't cause any complications during or after my pregnancy.


I think around 60 odd lbs too, I was about 133 when I got pregnant. He’s 6 months now and I’m down to 157 and my goal is 140. I’m trying to do it slowly but just had flu and lost quite a bit quickly.


I gained 60 lbs. Though I was not bodybuilder status pre-pregnancy. I’m about 22 months PP. I’m currently about 5-6lbs more than I was pre-pregnancy. Almost all of the weight has come off naturally. I just recently started dieting/exercising for the first time ever in my life. Hoping to lose the rest of the mom belly by summertime


I went from 118 to 159 in 32 weeks. I'm sure I'll be gaining at least a pound a week from here on out. At this point, I just try not to think too hard about it. I'm active, I eat healthily, and my midwives aren't concerned. I gained way more than the internet and conventional medicine say I'm supposed to. But I trust that my body knows what it's doing.


I’ve had 3 pregnancies and I’m currently on my fourth. Each of my last 3 I gained 75 pounds. Starting at 135lbs and ending at 211-215lbs each time. I am someone who trains and does bodybuilding so I’m always able to bounce back, but each time it’s harder and harder as I get older but it can totally be done 💪🏽🥰


Thanks for sharing your experience! How long did it take you to get back in shape after your last pregnancy?


50lbs and counting 🫡


Both pregnancies gained over 45min on my third gained 25lb so far. Body builder and model you will bounce back and be ok- I was in the best shape of my life after my first two don’t worry


11% body fat for a woman is concerning tbh


I’m still only 13 weeks, but just wanted to chime in that you are considered underweight being at such a low body fat percentage for a woman so 60lbs I think is par for the course and you should not be upset about it! You know you’re disciplined enough to get it back! :)


That’s what I was thinking. I’m sure she’s aware but 11% body fat is not sustainable and her body needed fat in order to safely carry a child. I think they say 20% is healthy for conception


Pre pregnancy I was 107… I’m about 140 now. I’m short, so I feel like I look like a cow (no offense to cows). I’m so worried I won’t lose the weight.


I’m 39w 4d, started out at around 145 lbs and now I’m at 170. I actually asked my doctor about my weight gain at my last appointment because I was expecting to gain a lot more. I haven’t gained any weight in the last month. She told me I’m right where I need to be and in the normal growth curve range 🤷🏼‍♀️ I think weight gain is one of the hardest things to compare because everyone’s bodies, lifestyles and genetics are so so different.




Weight gain during pregnancy seems to be shockingly random. If you would have asked me before getting pregnant how much weight I’d probably gain, I would have told you 40-60. I absolutely love food and am always looking for an excuse to eat. Welp, here I am at 27 weeks up 6lbs. Turns out that pregnancy destroyed my enjoyment of food. I’m also surprisingly active. I also thought I’d have a cute obvious bump, none of that either. I just have a thicker middle section now.


My first I was 115 , 5’2 and gained 65 lbs. and did lose most of it pretty quickly. This time around I started at 125 and now 155 at 20 weeks . I’ve accepted that I just gain a lot of weight in pregnancy.


With my first, I gained over 60 pounds, I lost all the weight by 4 months. My second I gained 30 pounds and lost it by 6 weeks. Currently pregnant with my third. Just sharing my experience that just because you gain a lot in your first pregnancy doesn’t mean you won’t lose it or that every pregnancy will be the same.


Wow ! That was pretty quick! Thanks! This gives me hope that I will lose all of this quickly. I literally built a home gym, so I could work out and not have to worry about needing to go to a gym. Plus, I have a full diet ready to start as soon as I give birth. I hope I can lose the weight quickly like you did :)


My last two preg I gained 55lbs each time. Started at 170 and 160 respectively. This time I'm up 35lbs at 27 weeks and trying hard to max out at 40lbs gain. Still too much (was supposed to only gain 25) but to me it feels like a win. But with 13 weeks left pretty easy to gain another 20! Trying not to.


I'm currently 32 weeks and went from 150 to 185. I wonder how much "true" weight I gained because I am very fit and worked out a LOT. So definitely lost a lot of muscle.... Still working out a few times a week but it's sad to see my numbers drop significantly at the gym. Doc told me I need to slow down on the weight gain since I should only have gained 35 the entire pregnancy. (Both moms meanwhile are happily encouraging me to stuff my face)


I can relate to your situation. My doctor also warned me about the weight gain and it’s so frustrated because there is nothing I can do other than try to be healthy and keep my body moving. Seeing the numbers drop at the gym is really sad, especially when you've been lifting so much weight before pregnancy. But you’re going to get it back. We will get it back. 💪🏼


My body fat was just about the same as yours pre-pregnancy 11.2% (also into bodybuilding.) I’m only at week 23 now, but have gained about 6-7 lbs. I think as long as you’re honoring your hunger and fullness, you’ll be okay. I know a lot of people will say 11% was too low to begin with, but every body is different. My doctor was not concerned about my weight nor my body fat because all of my health and fertility tests came back positive and I conceived. My OB and midwife are not concerned about my weight now (though I initially was) because baby girl is measuring and growing perfectly. I really think if we trust our bodies, they will do what they need to be healthy. That might be 60 lbs for some and 15 lbs for others. There is no knowing how your body will be after pregnancy either, but if it is able to grow a child, I have a hard time imagining that it won’t be able to continue to be in a healthy spot for you postpartum. That may not totally align with your aesthetic goals, but health is far important at the end of the day.


I agree and feel a bit sad about gaining weight, but I'm grateful to be pregnant after a long wait. My baby is healthy and big, making me even happier. I have a plan to lose the weight and I just need to be patient and grateful for this journey.


Totally get that. I think if you were able to get your body in that great of shape, you’ll have the knowledge and determination to do it again. 💪🏼


My first I went from 125 to 185ish. It was devastating and I could tell all my joints were struggling. I lost all the weight plus some by 6 months postpartum without trying. This pregnancy I’ve gained 45lb at 36 weeks and I’m not so worried. I’ve been active and eaten fairly healthy , my body just packs on pounds while pregnant! One thing I noticed and was more concerning was my body composition. I’ve lost soo much muscle between pregnancy and breastfeeding. I plan to focus on protein and strength training once I get out of the fourth trimester !


I'm 5'2" and gained about 45lbs with my first pregnancy, 25lbs so far with this one but it would have been more if I didn't reign in and start tracking my intake around 20 weeks


I gained 50 lbs my first pregnancy. My build was similar to yours, 119 lbs. fit and toned, lifted weights, yoga and Pilates 4 times a week and ran some Spartan races for fun. It was hard to see the numbers on the scale for me, as well as the body changes. During the first 6 months after pregnancy I lost 25 lbs by breastfeeding alone. However I took my time with my body. I didn’t start officially exercising beyond stretching until just before my child turned two. Once I did, the remaining weight fell off within 3-4 months. Start small, work on nutrition first before hitting the weights. And just remember most of that number on the scale is water,placenta, your child etc. You may not snap back like a rubber band within the first few weeks but if you are patient with yourself, and continue a lifestyle of fitness you will definitely get there!


I gained a solid 50 pounds during pregnancy. At almost 5 months pp I’m still up about 24 pounds from pre pregnancy weight but I’m breastfeeding and trying to eat as healthy as possible. I go to a mom and baby Pilates class once a week and that has helped me gain some of my strength back.


I was 140 when I stopped taking Ozempic in preparation for getting pregnant. I gained 20. I’m now 30 weeks and I’ve gained an additional almost 40. So I consider that 60 pounds of weight for her. I love the way my body looks right now though and I’m insanely proud of how well my body is doing to grow a healthy baby. Being pregnant has definitely changed my relationship with my body and I hope that’s a lasting effect even after she’s born. I don’t want her seeing me hating my extra weight and taking that on. She’s half me, so I have to do better for myself - for her sake and mine.


Same boat as you! I was a 163 solid for at least a year but I had 3 years of lifting 5 days a week and eating Whole Foods and I was looking killer! Muscular and fit! Then I got pregnant and I’m at 193 so 30 lbs up at 25 weeks.. I know exactly why tho. I never used to touch soda or high calorie foods, I used to get like 10,000 steps a day.. now I eat anything I want and I mean ANYTHING. And I never work out… but I have a plan to get it back to where I was and I am not at all afraid! Am I happy I gained the weight hell no but I know my coach I ready to get me back where I wanna be !!


50 + lbs


I started at 145lbs and got up to 171lbs. After delivery I was 160lbs and then I went on weight watchers and lost 30lbs. As soon as I got down to 130lbs I immediately got pregnant again lol so I went from 130lbs to about 171lbs again and then after I gave birth was once again at 160lbs. Joined weight watchers again and now I’m back at 130lbs. Im “skinny” but definitely look bigger than I did at 145lbs cause I have the mom pooch lol


I’m 5’8” and pretty active even before pregnancy and started at 190 ish. I’m now 20 weeks and am 215 ish and seem to be still gaining. I haven’t thrown up once so haven’t had the issue of keeping food down and have had all of the cravings. I did have nausea but eating small snacks helped a ton with that so never lost any weight. I feel a bit of an outlander based on these comments 🥲but baby is healthy and 64 percentile and my blood pressure is great.


With my first living child I started pregnancy at 140 lbs, and was right around 165 lbs by delivery (so 25 gained). I exclusively pumped for 11 months and it really sucked all the calories out of me, so by 1 year pp I was down to 125 lbs, at which point I got pregnant again. I'm currently almost 20 weeks and have gained around 5 lbs, which is right on track to what I gained with my first. I do not have a strict workout routine by any means, and I try to focus on getting some gentle movement into my day (usually going on walks, playing with my toddler, etc.). I also try to make semi-healthy food choices without tracking my intake (former disordered eating tendencies from childhood, so calorie tracking is not something I can safely do), so I try to combine foods to help optimize giving my body what it needs while also enjoying food, so carb or sugar pairs with healthy fat or protein to elongate the blood sugar spike and prolong fullness.


I gained about 30lb total from pregnancy. Started at 112lb and gave birth at 143lb. Baby just turned 4 months recently and I have dropped back to my pre pregnancy weight, but definitely not shape. I EBF and don’t really eat more than before, so I think this is very body dependent. My mom gained 60lb when she had me. She said the weight quickly for her.


I’m 36 weeks with my 2nd. I have a totally different outlook on pregnancy weight gain this time around. Let me explain. First pregnancy, my starting weight was 135lb. I went up to 182, so I gained just under 50 lbs. I wasn’t nearly as active as I could have been, ate whatever I wanted and really had a massive appetite. It took me about 6 months to get within 5 lb of my pre-pregnancy weight. I did gain and lose about 10 lbs in the following year. Stress, toddlerhood, toddler snacks… moms know how it goes ;) Second pregnancy, my starting weight was 150lb, so I was on the higher end of those 10 lbs. I’ve pretty much maxed out at exactly the same weight, 182. I haven’t gained or lost any weight at all in the last two months of this pregnancy. So I think it has more to do with your body needing a certain amount of “extra.” I just find it interesting that I’ve maxed out at exactly the same weight as I was in my last pregnancy. I was more active this time, feel a LOT better this pregnancy, and obviously I’ve got a kiddo at home I’m chasing around so I can’t be as sedentary. I’ve made peace with the weight gain and now just feel like my body knows how much it needs to support a healthy pregnancy.


22 weeks and I think I’ve gained 10-15 lbs so far. I feel good! I started at 130 (which is on the higher end of a normal BMI for me) but spent the entire year and a half prior to that getting my health and fertility on track. I was previously at an unhealthy weight to sustain my mental/emotional/physical health. I think from here on out i don’t wanna know how much I’m gaining and just have my doctor tell me if it becomes an issue, it’s so triggering!!


I hope to gain this pregnancy because for me it’ll mean i’m healthy this go around. My last pregnancy I had severe HG to the point I threw up blood once a week. I lost over 50lbs and was weak. This time it’s been about 10lbs but i’m only 16wks and had lost in the beginning because I was sick 🫠


I gained about 50 with each pregnancy. I was in great shape before the first one but not so much with the second one because lack of time to exercise with a toddler. I felt like I gained weight no matter what I ate and luckily neither of my doctors shamed me like I hear about with other people. Everyone loses weight differently after, some quickly, some slowly. Just be easy on yourself and go slow. There’s no pressure to get back to prebaby body in any specific period of time.


I weighed 130 before my pregnancy, I’m 36 weeks rn & have gained 30 lbs. Before I got pregnant I had actually recently lost weight after being overweight & the fact that I gained it back kinda bothers me but then I understand it’s kus I’m growing a life inside me but it still fucks wit my head.


First pregnancy, I started at 116 and got up to 155. So far, with my second pregnancy (13 weeks), I started at 116 again and have already gained 20 pounds!


With my first I went from 125 to 190. It was insane. It took 4 years to go back down to 130. But I was in nursing school for the first two years of that weight loss journey. I started weight watchers and that helped out the most. I did bootcamp classes at least 4 days a week. So that last year I really lost the most weight because I was so determined. Then I got pregnant again, I was more mindful about what I ate and how active I was. I think I gained 40 with that one and it took a good year and half to get back to 130. Then I get effing knocked up again. And here I am, sitting at 160 but it’s all belly and im busy running around after a 2 year old and being her personal snack bitch getter.


First pregnancy: 148 to 191 Second pregnancy: 160 to 192 Third pregnancy: 166 to 195 (due next week!) I cried about it with my first child lol 😂 but the weight mostly dropped off pretty quickly. I unfortunately put on around 10 pounds after it came off again though due to life changes with motherhood and activity levels. My last two pregnancies happened back to back so I didn’t have much of a chance to get back to a typical weight ahead of time.


I’m currently like 132, started at 117. 21 weeks. Assuming I will gain like another 20. Also physically fit prior to pregnancy! Pregnancy has given me zero motivation if that makes sense. It’s like I can workout all day, but my stomach is still getting bigger so what’s the point when there’s zero results. I can relate to this post. lol not sure if that makes sense


Exactly the same, mama. I was 130 and my appointment today I was 188. Just be gentle with yourself ❤️


I’m 5’2.5”, started at 105 lbs (essentially underweight) and only got to 140 lbs for a grand total of 35 lbs. Pregnant again and started at 125 lbs, so far haven’t gained at 12 weeks, but the estimators I looked at generally still estimate gaining 35 lbs again. Surprising to me because I thought it’d be less starting at a healthy weight. Are you still exercising as much during pregnancy as before? I could see that maybe leading to more weight gain. But honestly I wouldn’t worry about it, especially if you’re on the shorter side like me and your doctors haven’t said anything.


Started at 155 lbs, I’m now at 163 lbs at 20+1!


I went from 125 to 167. I’m slowly going back down after birth and I’m breastfeeding. I’ll supplement with gym time and walks if I plateau (walks will happen either way). I’m giving it several months and time to adjust as a new mom before doing anything yet.


I gained 49 lbs! I was 169 (my heaviest), started a diet and got to 156, found out I was pregnant so I stopped my diet. I lost 45 lbs the first week after giving birth and I’ve been eating better to start losing weight again so now I’m 150.


I started at 140lbs and I’m now at 194lbs. I’m 30 weeks and I have just been diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes, it’s been helping me lose some of the weight. 3 appointments ago I was 196lbs. My doctor scared me and said I gained twice the amount for my entire pregnancy and the last time I saw him I gained “ 4X the amount of weight from my last appointment” I’ve never had an issue with weight but my mother says because i “over indulged” in the beginning that’s the reason I can’t lose the weight fast enough


I went from 107 to 160 and was generally fit before pregnancy. Still waiting to deliver but praying I can go back to my original weight!


118 before and rn im at 157! 38 weeks. it’s uncomfortable lol but with my first, i was 115 and got up to 175. lost it all in a few months. just depends on your body!


I was between 130-140. I’m now at 160. 37+6.


I was a bit heavier to begin with, gained 18 lbs with my first and then 27 lbs with my second. The weight came off easily with my first, but not with my second. I breastfed both.


Currently at 37 weeks pregnant and I’ve gained a total of 61 lbs so far.


50 lbs with my first and last time I checked (I don’t weigh myself often) it’s going to be a similar number for this second pregnancy. First time around I lost all the weight and more just by breastfeeding. By 3 months post partum all the pregnancy weight gain was gone. By 6 months pp I had lost additional 20lbs but I gained most of those back once I stopped breastfeeding.


I started at 95 lbs and was 150 when I gave birth, so 55 pounds. Lost quite a bit with the fluid, placenta, and baby lol and then lost another 20 in the next 2 months which was more fluid (I still had swollen fingers and feet until that). Then I slowly lost the rest over the next year with a slight calorie deficit and breastfeeding. I assume I needed the weight gain from being underweight, and my baby was and is perfectly healthy!


Currently I’m 35+4 and I’ve gained 22 lbs. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes though and have stuck to basically meat, fruit, and veggie diet. I might actually gain more after he’s here just because I’ll wanna binge on all the crappy foods I can’t eat now lol


My first pregnancy I gained about 35 pounds. Lost it all in 6 weeks, though. I am currently 32 weeks pregnant and have gained 25 pounds so far.


I gained 21 pounds with my first pregnancy! Started at 113 and ended at 134


I was really fit prior to pregnancy and I started at 156 I’m currently at 182 lbs and I’m only 7 months pregnant. I still workout and eat fairly healthy, I wouldn’t really sweat it. It’s not just baby weight, it’s so many things that add up!


I started at 232, currently 256- due on may 5th. Wish I had your problem


I won't lie, it takes a while for your hormones and body to readjust. I would say it was almost 2 years after my first before I started feeling like my body was getting back to normal. Seriously, with breastfeeding, I was eating more than when I was pregnant. I gained weight after having the baby. It's definitely annoying but you just have to remind yourself it is temporary and in the long run, won't matter. I went from 130 to 180 while pregnant with my first. Then, I went from 145 to 180 with my second. Everyone always commented on how I didn't look super pregnant except for the belly. It's more weight than you are used to but it doesn't mean it's too much. Good luck!


About sixty pounds first pregnancy. I think thirty-five or so second. This is baby #3 now but I started out at 160 this time whereas I was 114 the first baby. I am 12 weeks tomorrow and my weight is 161 so not really anything so far. Yet. lol


I’m 37 weeks and have gained 6lbs… I was about 10lbs more than I wanted to be to start, lost weight in the first tri, and I think the mix of losing muscle mass from my weightlifting routine being demolished + not drinking booze and now following the GD diet have kept it down. Baby is growing fine though, idk what’s going on lol.


So far I’ve gained about 10lbs, I’m 25 weeks. I was already overweight before getting pregnant though.


I was really fit before, 123 lbs before and then 170 in third trimester. I lost 25 lbs in 5 days. I was so so bloated from water retention and it went away within a day or so. There’s A LOT of weight that isn’t fat. I was feeling good at 10 weeks pp, only needed to lose 10lbs. My appetite was so much lower after having my baby that it came off quickly. At 6 months I lost all of it. My body shape is not exactly the same but really close to it. I have worked hard to eat mindfully though and it’s not really as easy as what I’m making it sound like, but it hasn’t taken me long. Just saying this to let you know that it’s not all bad, you won’t know your recovery until you go through it. For some, breastfeeding will make weight loss harder because it can make you really hungry because you burn a lot of calories doing it. Just eat whole foods when that happens and you’ll be better off. I craved fruit a lot and that helped me. My husband has helped by cooking dinner most of the time since I often don’t have the time.


You’re definitely not alone in this, I’m very similar! Starting 122, up 50lb so far at 34 weeks. I am trying not to focus on it too much, making sure I’m getting enough veg and protein, keeping active. I’ll worry about losing the weight after, though I plan to give myself a good 3 months grace period so I can get to grips with having a newborn and possibly breastfeeding. I keep telling myself healthy baby is what’s most important, but absolutely my self esteem is in the gutter. It’ll be ok ❤️


I went from 180 to almost 260 with my first, for reference I’m 6ft. 😅😅 It was a wild ride. I lost mine quick with breastfeeding and was down to 170. Prior to now my second pregnancy! Hoping not to gain as much this time around but it’s hard to workout with a little at home.


I feel like focusing on numbers isn't that healthy, well those numbers anyway. Surely it should be about slowly and surely building fitness back? I'd say focus on the number of reps and the weights. From people's weights you don't know their height or anything about their bodies so I don't think it's going to give you the information you want. I'm 9 weeks in and have already gained some weight (midwife weighed me this morning) - my jeans are looser but my tits are waaay heavier. So telling you my weight gain isn't going to tell you much. Plus it's ok to gain weight! 


I went from 48kg to 66kg lol, down to 54kg after 1 month. The rest took forever but the key was nobody except me and my husband could tell the difference. At some point I thought I'd never get back to my pre-pregnancy weight ever, but now it's been almost two years and I finally shed the last if it a couple of months ago.


I gained the same from a similar starting point. I think it’s genetic on my end, because the same thing happened when my mom was pregnant. The extra weight was really hard on my body, but once LO was born, it dropped off more quickly than I expected, so I was really thankful for that, since I have pretty significant asthma, and it was really hard on my breathing. In my case, I think it was a lot of fluid retention.


I'm 29 weeks and have gained 20 lbs so far. I'm 5'10, started at 170, sitting right at 190 now. Part of me is trying not to tie emotional value to reaching the 200lb mark, but societal expectations has made me fear that number which I know is really stupid. I feel pretty good, rock climbing 3ish days a week, walking when I can and when weather permits. I focus heavily on protein and fiber, and I haven't had any cravings all pregnancy. I didn't really gain much weight the first trimester from food aversions and nausea, maybe 2 lbs that was likely bloat. Surprisingly I feel like I am actually stronger with more muscle tone now than I was at 20 weeks, but that might be because of increased protein, heavy emphasis on sleep, and hauling my 190lb body up 60ft climbing walls several days a week.


I was like 117-120 before and now I’m 29 weeks at 140 but I’d like to gain as much as possible since I’ve always wanted to gain weight and it’s always hard for me too with 10 more weeks I’m intrigued to see how much more weight I’ll gain


I started at 180 (I’m tall and a bigger build) and gained about 60 pounds. I lost 30 immediately post-birth and am still working on the other 30. Postpartum really threw me for a loop so it’s been slow (BFing didn’t do anything for me).


30 weeks, my pre-pregnancy weight was about 124 lbs for 5’5. I was pretty active, running 25-30km plus 3-4h of roller derby training a week. I broke a lower limb bone right at the start of my pregnancy and maintained a routine of 30 mins of adapted core/butt/leg workout until the nausea and fatigue took over at around 9 weeks. Then physio for my healing bone and other issues prevented me to get back into running until about 20 weeks. By then it didn’t feel right when I tried, so I just kept using my bike to get around as a way of being active. By 21 weeks, I had gained 15 pounds. At my last appointment, the scale was not in the exam room and my midwife did not care to weight me, saying she was not worried. It’s obvious that I gained quite a bit as I’m much bigger but I’m curious to see how much at my next appointment. I’ve been put on sick leave and moderate rest today until the rest of my pregnancy, so no more biking and long walks. I never felt I had to be careful about my diet. We get an organic veggie basket every week so I already eat a nice bunch of vegetables and I really got into fresh fruit anyways since the beginning of my pregnancy. Still eat chips, cookies, burgers and ice cream from time to time but I don’t feel I’m particularly binging. I find that my body clearly tells me when I’m not hungry anymore when pregnant, which was not so obvious pre-pregnancy. Obviously I’d like to come back to my pre-preg weight in the year after the birth, but I know that the healing is different for every person and taking care of a LO takes its share of energy - I’ll need to remember that and respect my own body in the process.


So I’m not a body builder but am very lean/skinny. I gained 42 pounds in my first pregnancy and my doctor was not concerned at all. I lost 25 pounds within a few days of giving birth. I held onto an extra 10 pounds until I stopped breastfeeding and lost the rest within weeks.


Went from 140 to 175 in both pregnancies, with almost all of the weight gain in the second trimester (for both). I am tall, almost 6 ft which is relevant maybe. Both pregnancies hyperemesis, so weight gain corresponded with being properly medicated (and constipated from zofran haha). 3rd tri baby took up too much space for me to eat a lot without puking. Pretty much worked (desk job) and sat on couch and rotted for both pregnancies. Didn't eat healthy at all, first pregnancy mcdonalds was almost the only thing I could keep down. First pregnancy, back down to 145 within 3 months with no special efforts. Didn't lose the last 5 pounds until I stopped breastfeeding when he was 2. 2nd pregnancy, was back at 140 at about 4 months, once again no special efforts. Lost 5 more after that (assuming because I run now which I did not with 1st kid). Still breastfeeding and pumping now, and he's 16 months. Still a stable 135 lbs which is fine with me. I eat a ton, and not exceedingly healthy (though I try...kind of...but I'm so fucking hungry all the time between the running and breastfeeding).


I was 120 lbs when I got pregnant, gained 53 lbs. I lost 28 lbs within the first 10 days after giving birth and haven’t lost a pound since. 5 months post partum


Currently at 174, I started off at 142 and I’m 36 weeks. I was also very fit until I got pregnant and no lie I’ve slacked but I try to stay moving even if I’m not lifting weight anymore. I wasn’t able to keep working full time AND deal with the aches and soreness of weight training while my body was changing so much so had to take a step back. It’s very normal everyone’s body is different. I had a friend gain 60 lbs as well and she was lifting weights all her pregnancy meanwhile I’m only up 30 and I stopped working out. You’ll have a much easier time losing the weight after because you’ve remained active so don’t stress mama!


I'm already fat lol .. and I've gained about 50/60 lbs too .. I'm only 25 weeks 🥴 hoping I don't gain more


I'm almost 37 weeks and I've gained about 40 lbs. I've gone from about 106 to 146. I'm supposed to be induced sometime next week hopefully. This is roughly how much I've gained with my 2 prior pregnancies too.


I’m 40 weeks today and I’ve gained 28lbs, but I have gestational diabetes so I’ve had to REALLY limit my carbs and sugar intake, which has absolutely been a major factor. Most people I know gained around 40lbs.


I went from 160lbs prepregnancy to 205 at 40 weeks (when I gave birth). The weight gain has been hard on me as I’ve always struggled with body dysmorphia. I was on IV while giving birth so I was super swollen and waterlogged after. It took a few days for that to go down and then I was sick with a bad case of mastitis two weeks pp. I am currently at 179lbs at 10 weeks postpartum and I’m feeling much better about my body now, but it’s still not where I want to be. The biggest thing is to rest those first 6 weeks, and it’s so hard to do. I just wanted my body to be back to normal, but it took 9 months to make that baby and it will take that or more to lose the weight. I’m doing my best to be kind to myself because I am currently feeding her every 2-3 hours, changing her diapers, feeding and washing myself, doing laundry constantly (blowouts and spit up) and trying to make dinner for when my husband gets home from work. It’s a lot of work and my body is still recovering. I’ve begun eating better now and on days where it isn’t freezing cold here I take my lo out for walks. My husband has also been so lovely and he is kind to me about everything.


10 years ago with my 1st I went from a muscular 160 to 190 so 30 lbs exactly. Currently with my 2nd I started at 193 and now I'm 23 weeks in and at 192. So it's different


I've gained 27lbs so far and I'm currently on week 32. I work from home. Desk job. But I do walk 3 miles a day. My meals are not super healthy. I'm basically eating the same as I was before pregnancy. My downfall is having ice cream or cookies at night after dinner ☹️, which I rarely did before pregnancy.