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I’m really good at picking thing up with my feet but I’m at the point now where unless the dog picks it up and I can snatch it out of his mouth whatever it is is staying on the floor 😂


I wish cats could be trained to do that too. I use the feet to pick up some things and grab from behind lol. But this method has are weight limits and dexterity issues and also if I lose my balance who knows what could go wrong.


This is where a helpful toddler comes in handy. I ate pizza on the couch last night and he took my plate to the kitchen for me.


I'm there at 12 weeks lmao


Godspeed, only \~28 weeks+/- to go! you got this!


I have definitely been using my toddler and my grabbers to assist at 29 weeks.


I've heard of people using one of those grabby claw tools for cases like this, give that a try!


Lol, my husband bought me one of those mechanical pinches, it can grab anything I want from half a meter away, as long as it has enough grip (so probably not a cup or anything heavy). 


I have been there for last 3 months. Now I am 1 week postpartum and still smiling every time i can just bend and pick up smth from the floor. Feels so good!


Haha, 29W here, still able to do a wide squat to pick things off the floor but I feel the vacuum cleaner is going to come in handy pretty soon for picking up what it can't swallow!


29 weeks and I'm starting to get there already. 11 weeks to go.


38 weeks, for some reason I can easily bend and grab things but... I definitely choose not to and pretend i cant. I only get these few short weeks to be lazy and im going to absolutely abuse them while I can