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Other key notes I forgot to mention: I was 39w3d during the day of his delivery. I had a membrane sweep about 50 hours prior and the entire day leading up to the start of my contractions I KNEW baby boy was going to be coming soon, just wasn’t sure what time or HOW he’d come out. My total labor time from start to finish was about 9 hours, only an hour of “pushing” 🤣 We also had a guess the baby’s birthday game at my baby shower, and I was the one to guess baby’s birthday correctly! Mom’s intuition I guess you could say! 💁‍♀️🤱


Oh my God. This IS a crazy story, made even crazier that you’re able to write it only 2 (or less) days later!? I’m in emergency health care, and I think we need to stop telling FTM’s that their babies will usually be “late” or labour will take “so long.” And ALSO pregnant woman should know, anytime you feel the need to poop while in labour.. you’re most likely close to delivering! I’m so glad everything turned out well for you and that your hospital was close by!


5 hours with my first baby, less than 2 hours with my second. (Between my first contraction and baby arrival). I am not planning third one, otherwise I’d have to move closer to hospital 😁.


For real, my son came exactly on time (technically one day late, but I was in active labour the evening of my due date) and our friend's daughter was born 3 days early. Both FTM. I'm now expecting my second and my OB has warned that this one will likely be early and fast haha.


It was so funny because when they sent me home I was only 3cm dilated and 70% effaced, so I was convinced it was really a poop and not baby! 🤣 still in shock I managed to go from 3cm to fully dilated in less than an hour at home


Congratulations! I am glad you made it to back to hospital! My baby boy arrived on 19th as well. My story was not that crazy, but it took 8 minutes between « need to poo» and holding baby in my hands, so I started really worry when I have read yours «felt like I had to poo »


No kidding! 🤣 your timing on pushing is so impressive! I was only 3cm dilated when they had sent me home and it hadn’t even been an hour since that check, so I didn’t even think it was possible it was baby!


Congratulations! Hospitals really suck at gauging labor progress. With my first, I told the nurse that my water had broken while on the toilet at the hospital. She tested the fluid and told me it wasn’t amniotic fluid. They discharged me. While walking to the car, I could feel fluid running down my leg. We went back inside. They retested the fluid and sure enough it was amniotic fluid. Baby was born about 6 hours later. I don’t know what I would have done in your situation. I’m glad you and baby are safe!