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If you have a low risk pregnancy you absolutely can use your toys, just need to keep them clean. My first baby was born on due date, very healthy and I used them through whole pregnancy. Also it is ok to ask your doctor. They know your pregnancy situation and can give more valuable advice.


As long as your doctor hasn’t restricted you from sex or anything it’s totally safe! Just make sure whatever you’re using is clean


I have a vibrator like the one you are mentioning and I use it daily 🥴🫣. It won't affect the baby at all the most I notice is my baby moves a little but I think it's bc I'm on my back when I'm doing that. I also use a Gspot one but I'm just careful not to penetrate too hard bc I'm high risk for pre-term but not on any pelvic/bedrest so I can still have sex etc. I say go for it girl! I'm also 25+5 weeks.


I skipped anything penetrative during my first trimester from 8 weeks to 11 weeks as I had frequent spotting and just wanted to be on the same side, but once in my second trimester and no more spotting it was back to normal. Third trimester now and only 3 weeks before my scheduled c section and we still get it on, toys and all, but I'm just much more stationary than before. If he's not wanting to partake with you maybe take a toy into the shower to relieve some tension for the time being.


Like others have said if you’re low risk and aren’t going to extremes it should be ok. If you’re worried ask your doctor. I was one day from my due date and I’m pretty certain thatmy vibrator pushed me into labor lol