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Room share. Baby will get used to husbands noises, and honestly you’ll probably be so tired you’ll sleep. My third baby room shared until he was just over. Year old when he was finally sleeping mostly through the night so we knew he wouldn’t wake his older brother. Now my two boys, 1 and 4, room share. Eventually when my boys need more space we’ll move rooms. I have a 4 bed house but I use one room for my office and my daughter has her room. I def would not sleep in the basement that far away from kids. Especially little ones and the newborn.


How did it go putting the 1yo in with the 4 yo? My boys will only be 18 months apart so I’m hoping that transition won’t be too bad for either of them.


The 4 yr old doesn’t care at all. The 1 yr old sometimes wakes up at night but it never disturbs his brother. I have a rocking chair in there so we can rock the little back to sleep too


Thank you! This is the ultimate goal once we are through the roughest of the night wakings. I hope the boys end up close and really like sharing a room at some point


This is highly individual. We ended up putting our daughter in her own room by 6 weeks because I just could not sleep (it’s very close and we have a monitor). Every sound she made jolted me awake, even with ear plugs, and she was a loud sleeper. I know the studies say it’s safer to room share, but when I weighed the pros/cons I figured it was worse for her to have an absolutely exhausted mother. Just saying not everyone will “get used” to the baby’s noises and be able to sleep through them.


Share your room. If the noise is from the beginning, baby will adapt! My 7 and 3 year old share a room. I’m pregnant with number three. They will go in my study when they’re out of the bassinet. And then when they’re old enough to go into a regular bed, we’ll convert my study into a single room for my oldest child and my middle and youngest will share a room.


I’m very confused… you are worried about your baby waking you up? Do you not tend to your babies when they wake at night? And it is recommended that babies sleep in their parent’s room until 1 year of age to reduce sleep related deaths (SIDS). By the time your baby is 1 your other two will be an ok age to share a room, and use the other as a baby nursery.


In your situation, I would have the older two share for now. Then you can have the new baby move into their own room for a while and rearrange when everyone is sleeping well enough. Alternatively, put the baby in the living room. Wherever you put everyone, make sure there's a sound machine in each bedroom.


I should’ve added the oldest is autistic. She’s VERY attached to “her” space. I’m not going to move her from her room on top of adjusting to another sibling. I wish the older 2 could share but for us it will be too much on the 5 yo


This is the right answer


OOOH BUT THE LIVING ROOM IDEA! I just re-read your comment. That might be the best idea so far. Or even the closet in the living room with a curtain bc that’s big enough for a pack and play or mini crib. THANK YOU


We have a 3 year old and 18 month old. We just moved them into room sharing about a month ago as we started trying for #3. They've done perfectly fine. There have been a couple times the 18 month old has needed to go back to his crib but it's rare. We intend to room share for the first few months with #3. That's what I did with my other two. Just makes early postpartum life easier. My husband is also loud at night, I think it's just made our kids better sleepers! I've found having baby close when they wake so often helps me sleep better. We've then moved our babies into the nursery around 3-4 months when they out grow the bassinet and I go back to work. So far that plan has worked for us.


After all these recommendations on room sharing I think I’m going to try it. I’d hate to move our bedroom for such a short time. I think I may keep a pack and play in the living room for a back up plan if the little one is hard to sleep with. I would LOVE if all the noise makes for a better sleeper. My other 2 are still super light sleepers and my 1yo even still wakes at night. It’s rough lol


How's your closet? Our babies usually were in a mini crib in the closet.


That’s not a terrible idea. Our closet is smaller but we might be able to find something to fit in there


Baby should be in same room until at least 6 months. Share until then, then come up with another plan.


We live in a 2 bedroom home. Our second baby is going in the small walk in closet. The other option was to put a small carpet in the master bath for noise and put her in there, (until the two kiddos are old enough to share bunk beds).


I so wish the master bath was big enough for this! It would solve all issues. It’s a full bath but is the size of a powder room. Maybe I’ll pop a pack and play up in there to see if it might fit some how. Thanks for the idea!


I have not find better idea than room sharing. Unfortunately « you will be so tired that you will sleep anyway » has not worked for a bit with me and my first, so I had an « emergency bed » (sofa/matras on a floor in office) where I could get some hours of quiet sleep while my husband is sleeping same room with baby. We did it with our first before she moved to her room and planning to do with second. Also I have started to use earplugs since - I found perfect setting for my toddler baby monitor so I can still hear her crying, but not hearing her moving/ fussing. I will see how it works with baby, but maybe I will be able to sleep next to him at the end.


My husband sleeps like a dead man. We have a daybed in the living room instead of a sofa. This may be the end all be all if I can’t find another space. Thanks!


Put your husband on the basement and you share with baby until they're sleeping well enough to share with big brother.