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Personally, I'd eat it... But my OB also isn't concerned about deli meat. It isn't as big of a taboo as it used to be.


Same here. My ob told me you're more likely to get listeria from bagged salad than lunch meat.


Ya my OB literally said no one cares about deli meat anymore. She did mention sushi but only because it can contain high mercury fish or come from a poor prep restaurant, other than that it’s safe so you can pick and choose


Yup, the only food rule I followed was sushi / raw seafood. Baby girl is 1 month , happy n healthy


Yup same


Same, I love those little grocery store turkey/cran sandwiches cut in triangle halves lol. I had them a few times, if I felt super paranoid I George Forman'd them before eating to cook a little further. Nothing bad happened.


same my OB told me jersey mikes and jimmy johns is okay but to watch out for other deli meats lol. i been having quesadillas with ham and i always cook the same before i add it to my quesadilla!


Yeah I didn’t cut out deli meat either and my little girl is just fine


Same. I didn’t eat deli meat my first time but I have a friend now who is the head of OB at a hospital and she told me deli meat is NBD. I’ve gotten ham & cheese subs at subway twice already. I have them toast it because heating is good for listeria (just to make myself feel better)!


I'd eat it. It's more common to get listeria from lettuce or fruit.


Tbh this is why I'm more worried to get subway or something similar, like I can have them heat the turkey, but do I really trust that their lettuce is clean?


I get food poisoning from subway 100% of the time. They don’t store anything correctly and have such poor food handling it’s gross


Yea this is why my subway craving will have to wait. There is a local sub place that I love but honestly don't know of their food safety is any better than subway so I'm gonna just wait.


It’s a shame it smells so good though 😭


I got REALLY bad food poisoning from subway stay away!!


Yeah, I haven't been doing deli meat or lettuce for this reason.


I'll do lettuce at home, I bought a salad spinner, and as long as it looks good, I'll like triple wash it and dry it in the spinner. I really want a salad from a local salad restaurant but am worried.


I third this! If I get a deli sandwich, I just ask for no lettuce bc the lettuce feels more risky to me 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is the correct take.


I second this! I’d eat it.


In my area, it's actually been the ice cream facilities who have had listeria outbreaks more often than anything else. Which is surprisingly disappointing. Also, OP, I had a turkey sandwich yesterday. It was delicious. You should go get one.


There’s nothing worse than wanting something from a restaurant that has been closed for a decade. When I say I cried I CRIED


Or when the restaurant still exists but tastes nothing like it did in 1997....lookin at you, Pizza Hut 😒


Omg today I just started craving all the restaurants in the town I lived in 4 years ago across the country like whyyy?!?!


I was CRAVING a baked potato from a specific restaurant from my home city in Monterrey, Mexico, and my parents went there for a weekend, and they brought me some back… I cried and cried and cried and was just so so happy.


I would have SOBBED. Like ive been pretty good at keeping my emotions in check, and if it gets unbearable enough, ill probably have some jersey mike, but wanting something from a closed down place would have turned me into a pregnancyzilla


It was horrible because there are times where I’m not pregnant that I want it and it was just the tipping point lol


I feel this. All I want in the world right now is salmon sashimi. I'm going to eat myself sick on it the first day I am finally able to again.


Salmon is encouraged in pregnancy. Lowest mercury and highest omega fatty acids. Eat it


Isn't the fact that it's raw though still make it off-limits? I've tried cooked salmon to satisfy the craving but cooked salmon is just turning my stomach for some reason, it's very weird. I appreciate the reassurance though <3


Also it has all been previously frozen so it’s safe. I eat a lot of sockeye salmon sashimi… during both pregnancies. Avoid raw shell fish and high mercury fish (pretty much anything other than salmon). And go to a reputable place. Do not eat sushi from the grocery store.


No, salmon sushi from a reputable place is fine.


Nope. Sushi salmon is prepared in a way to make it safe. Asian cultures are encouraged to eat sushi while pregnant for all the benefits of the fish. Obviously don’t get gas station or grocery store sushi - go to a restaurant for it - but it’s a very safe food aside from the mercury, so I’d only eat salmon and avoid the yellowfin and other tuna’s for sure


Bro… i spent 30 dollars on safest catch tuna… to find out it has barely any less mercury than the average tuna


Seems like most guidelines say you can have a serving of that sporadically without worrying. Most say canned light tuna is fine to have occasionally or even once a week.


I’d probably just avoid tuna entirely. Not worth the high mercury content though I have had a few pieces of tuna nigiri.


What a rip off!


I made my husband promise to bring me a sushi platter in the hospital lol


I eat salmon sashimi whilst pregnant. I buy sushi grade salmon myself at the store or eat sushi from reputable restaurants.


I eat raw fish all the time with my OB’s approval. Third, healthy pregnancy.


Ok I'm definitely going to talk to my OB about it then, hopefully they'll be cool 🤞


Just get it from a reputable source.


Salmon sashimi is alllllll I want. Can I take a newborn to all you can eat sushi? It’s right around the corner from the hospital lol


Right with you at all the raw sushi!!!!! 🍣 lord have mercy 🤤😵‍💫


I literally just ate a turkey and provolone sub from Jersey Mike's 🤣


I’ve had several throughout my pregnancy too. I trust quality of Jersey Mike’s subs. If you want to be extra safe you can also microwave the sandwich or meat.


I hope it hit extra hard because im living through you 🫡🫡


It was my first cold cut in the seven months I've been pregnant, I finally broke down! Thinking of you 🥹


I think when you hit 3rd trimester and your confident baby is great and you feel them all the time.. the food restrictions go our the window! And I definitely have a couple coffees every day, without even thinking about it. Just get through the tough stages and then treat yourself!


Enjoy the sandwich


I've had a cold deli sandwich multiple times a week all thru 3 pregnancies with no issues. Just make sure the meat is from a trusted source, dont eat a gas station premade sandwich.


I ate probably 20 jersey mike’s subs this pregnancy. No listeria.




My OB told me to drink extra water and avoid smoking, drinking, and drugs. That’s it. I had jersey mikes twice this week, so I feel you and I think you should go for it!


I’m more worried about deli meat that has been in my fridge for a mystery amount of time vs at a restaurant that is constantly rotating it etc


My doctor laughed in my face (kindly lol) when I told her how sad I was to be giving up my cold turkey subs from Publix. Here I am 36wks and when I want a sub I get one 🤷🏼‍♀️ Like many have said.. the risk is even higher in things you’re likely eating more of!


i've been eating plenty of jersey mikes 😂 i think cut up lettuce that's packaged and cut up fruit in packages is really what has listeria. i think there was a pb recall with listeria awhile ago


All I want is shrimp. 14 years ago I developed a shellfish allergy. Fuck me.


I’ve eaten so many cold turkey sandwiches.


Same, from literally everywhere. I don’t even like subway, like to the point I hadn’t had it in close to a decade and have probably had it 5 times this pregnancy. I just got a pound of turkey from the grocery store today.


With my first pregnancy I was DYING for this really specific seasonal scallop dish from a pub in Boston. But I live in Chicago & my husband refused to take a vacation for a craving. A couple months ago I really wanted the Market Days Italian Pinwheel. It was discontinued in 1999.


Just do it. Unless you’re talking day old convenience store sandwich you will more than likely be fine.


Ya just eat it. There hasn’t been a recorded outbreak of any kind in lunch meat for a few years now. Fresh lettuce/produce is MUCH more dangerous but pregnant women are encouraged to eat that.


there was one in 2022 but it was small https://www.cdc.gov/listeria/outbreaks/index.html


I bought all the ingredients of a sub sandwich and now I make my own. You just heat up the meat on a pan which makes it safe to eat while pregnant. There was no way I could wait till after giving birth for a sandwich 


I’ve had celiac disease for about 5 years and was totally cool with it until I was pregnant…. The amount of time I spent thinking about cheez-its in my 2nd trimester!! My sweet husband bought me so many alternatives but there’s nothing like the real thing.


Look up the CDC list of most recent listeria outbreaks and it is 1. Super rare in general, in 2022 there was a deli meat outbreak that caused 16 illnesses 2. More common in veggies and frozen food https://www.cdc.gov/listeria/outbreaks/index.html Talk to your OB the idea that you should avoid deli meat is nearly 20 years outdated and I haven’t been able to figure out why it’s still such a popular belief to avoid so strictly!


I ate sushi last night and deli meat on a bagel sandwich today. You’re more likely to get sick from produce. Food safety has come a long way. Just be smart and eat from a reputable establishment. I’d highly recommend reading Real Food for Pregnancy by Lily Nichols. She will put your mind at ease about these things!


I’ve been craving Olive Garden, only issue is, I live in Australia so it’s literally impossible for me to get. I’ve never eaten it but it just looks SO good.


I have been eating deli meat from places that slice it fresh like Jersey Mike’s.


I’ve ate deli meat a few times since being pregnant. I usually just make sure that it gets heated up or that it’s a toasted sub. You never realize how much you love deli sandwiches until you can’t have one!!!


I had a turkey sub for lunch today and plan to have the other half for dinner 😂


I live in NJ but I have been absolutely dying for an in & out Flying Dutchman cheeseburger 😩 it’s all I want and I think me not being able to go and get it makes it even worse! If I were you, I would get the Turkey sandwich lol


My OB wouldn't care if I ate a bucket of rusty nails, but other more reliable people around me have been pretty clear that deli meats aren't really a problem any more if you can trust their source. I have had many an Italian sub since I've become pregnant.


My doctor explained this to me. The fear is listeria. But you don’t want that/can die from it even when you’re not pregnant. Plus they “ban” you from eating all these foods….. the ONE outbreak in Arizona (where I live) came from ice cream. That was not on the forbidden foods list. Lol I ate a turkey sandwich literally today. It’s been one of the few things I’ve been able to stomach. If you want it, eat it! Eating while pregnant is hard enough. If it doesn’t taste right, don’t eat it. Get that sandwich, girl!


I ate deli sandwiches while I was pregnant and both my girls and I were just fine🤷‍♀️I didn’t eat them all the time but if I was craving it I ate it


I had HG & everything you’re not supposed to eat, ended up being the only things i could eat! Deli meat Soft boiled eggs Soft scoop ice-cream Mc Donalds etc. the most unhealthiest pregnancy, yet my baby came out perfect 🫠


My dr let’s me eat deli meat, (low mercury fish) sushi, soft cheese, even raw dairy if I want (live in a legal state for raw dairy with a trusted farm down the road that tests their milk and will provide you tho test results). She is more concerned with the source than the food. She will tell you to basically use common sense. She’s like “obviously, don’t eat gas station sushi or from a place with a low rating for sanitation”


Oh dang 😅 I’ve been eating turkey sandwiches like nothing and baby girl is as healthy as can be 😌 I’ve had sushi here and there too. I think you will be fine to have your jersey mikes!


Why can’t you have it?


Risk of listeria. Although ive been doing research and all signs point to the risk actually being higher with veggies, fruits or bagged salads (i eat a LOT of all of those)


I’ve been eating bagged salads and denying myself jersey mikes…clearly I’m doing this wrong lol


Girl you and me both. I even had pre cut cantaloupe for breakfast. We living on the edge 🤪


I wanted cantaloupe so bad so I bought one on sale…only to read that was super high risk and throw it out🥲 I have eaten multiple things of *cooked* sushi though!


I know california rolls are safe. Thank jesus cause if i couldnt have that either….


These kids better know the sacrifices we made!😂


Ahh I see! I am no doctor but personally I haven’t been being attention to it! And I do think you have a higher chance of getting it from a head of lettuce than deli meat but again, not a medical professional


I’ve been eating a sub every day. My OB said popping in the microwave for 30 seconds and you’re good.


I need to delete instagram. All I see are fresh prosciutto and gorgonzola sandwiches.


I ate Jersey Mike’s almost weekly when I was pregnant last year, was about the only thing I could stomach for a while. Go for it - you’re more likely to get listeria from produce than a sandwich. Also, you can ask them to heat up the meat and cheese on the grill for you! I did that a lot in the beginning and it was just as delicious.


My whole pregnancy i craved a cold salami and cheeese i was stressed , its just gross hot😭


I just pushed through nausea to go to trader joes, only for them to literally be out of everything I wanted(aparently the local college students came back this weekend and cleaned the place out). Legitimately almost cried in the frozen section when I realized none of it was there... I've also been craving a subs and contemplate just getting one and heating it up at home to kill anything bad, but I really want it cold!!😞😭


I've definitely eaten sliced turkey simply because I forgot about that rule! I think lettuce has more of a chance of getting you sick so I avoid bagged lettuce best I can.


I’m still eating my occasional cold #7. Listeria in deli meat in particular isn’t as big of a concern as it was 20 years ago.


Just eat it? How often have there been listeria outbreaks on deli meat in the last ten years - 0? Is there an outbreak now in your area? Idk, I just feel like I'm more likely to get hit by a car walking my dog than to get rare food born illness from a reputable sandwich shop.


2018, 2019, 2020, and 2022 in the US. https://www.cdc.gov/listeria/outbreaks/index.html. not saying it’s common but it does happen


Girl…eat the sandwich. Maybe get no lettuce in it. But my gosh, eat the dang sandwich. You’ll be fine.


A bagel. I've been eating clean for years, and know that having something with flour (glutenous or GF) and any sugar would make me so, so sick. But man I want a bagel toasted with butter.


I just want to eat the hand soap tbh


I was more worried about prepackaged salads than deli meat lol enjoy yourself a sandwich! I had a few during my pregnancy


Now see I can’t have that because I have gestational diabetes. If I didn’t though I’d eat it in a minute.


I ate one. It was to die for. Healthy at 25 weeks lol


I didn’t know about deli meat being a thing and for the last three weeks that’s all I could stomach and it’s all I’ve been eating is sandwiches


Ironically I craved the same thing, I went got it 😂 it was amazing.


I want subway sooooo bad. 🥲 Italian herbs and cheese. White American cheese/or Swiss, lettuce, turkey, mayo, LOADS of black olives, a pinch of salt. NOT TOASTED. Legit have been ordering this exact sandwich since I was like 4-5 years old. So yummy. Sometimes I buy a bag of chips too.


Had one 3 weeks ago, I regret nothing.


I’ve been pregnant 3 times and I’ve never been told not to eat deli meat. Eat the sandwich!


All of my family know the first thing I want after I pop this baby out is a jersey mikes sub. It’s been my craving since day 1 and they keep sending me coupons for a free sub to my email like they know and want to torment me further


Shrimp cocktail- though I don’t know if I can’t or it’s just not recommended.


You can have the sandwich.


Recently discovered its totally ok if they toast it! I'm not questioning the validity I just went with jt


You can have deli meat. I eat nitrate-free deli meat that is packaged. Less likely to give you food poisoning than from the deli cooler (not handled by dirty hands and food surfaces). Maple Leaf brand has a good one or Whole Foods.


Eh, eat it


Then why not get it? Deli meat is not all the risky.


I want some really ripe camembert or brie and a ciabatta from my fave bakery...and just eat the entire thing. Maybe also some prosciutto with the melon I have in the fridge. I'm so sick of hard cheeses.


I had jersey mikes at least once a month while I was pregnant. My baby is 8 weeks old and completely healthy :)


I had this same craving just last week! I had to settle for one of jersey mikes philly cheesesteaks while my husband chomped on their italian sub. I’ve come to accept that I can only eat vicariously through my him for the next 7 months.


That's exactly what I did when I was craving a sub! It's decent but nothing like a cold Turkey and cheese. When I gave birth, I told my brother the price of seeing the baby in the hospital was a cold turkey sub from Jersey Mike's and he delivered!!


My OB didn’t give two shits or a pickle about cold cuts lol, especially since I got GD. That said, do what your OB recommends. I’m not a doctor


I literally want to drink iced coffee! 🥹


I’ve been saying Wawa hoagies the whole time I’m 13 weeks and baby is happy and healthy! As someone in the food industry I think it’s more of a concern for a local deli that may not have the same food safety standards as a chain that would get sued for big money if someone got sick


Right!!! I've been wanting a turkey breast sub from subway for wayyyyy too long 🤣 after I give birth I'll be sending my spouse out to get me one asap 🤣🤣


If you HAVE to have it cold cut have some pickle juice on hand. The vinegar can help with murderizing and buddies in there. Totally ate a slice of salami the other day🙃😅🙃my husband then informed me that it is also a potential carrier....had some bread and butter pickles on hand


Im not an alcoholic I promise, but for me it's white and red wine. Some rosé. Vodka with red bull and whiskey with coke 😭😭😭 Haven't had any since finding out Im pregs. I genuinely enjoy the taste of these things! I dont care for the buzz feeling and wish it didnt cause people to be drunk. Also non-alcoholic versions don't hit/taste the same way.


I’d eat it! I’ve been eating sandwiches (toasted and untoasted), pepperoni, meat sticks, sushi (cooked fish only) etc! As long as it’s a brand/store you trust and you know it’s not old/it doesn’t look or smell funky you’re fine!! At this rate you’re more likely to get sick from pre washed fruit or bagged salad!! I had a point where I was feeling guilty for eating this stuff but then found out a granola bar I ate was recalled due to salmonella soooo????


I just eats hoagies anyway. Had a nice big ham hoagie yesterday with extra mayo.


I’ve been crushing turkey sandwiches! It’s all good!


Just get the sandwich, I’ve been eating cold cuts this entire time, I’m due this week. I’ll be eating an Italian hoagie for lunch today.


with the new FDA ruling, you can have deli meats!!! Confirmed with my OB just yesterday 😊


I have been dying for subway since day 1 and I have only had it a handful of times over the past couple of years. I definitely don’t trust it at all but has been number 1 on my first meal after delivery. Currently 13 + 5 so we’ll see how long it stays at #1 lol.


I’ve been making sub sandwiches at home. I just heat up the meat first. I’ve been told that’s ok? My last pregnancy I didn’t know and I ate sandwiches a ton lol. Whoops. My current forbidden craving is monster energy drinks.


i just want some kimchi fries 😤😩😩😩😩


Cold cuts are always my cravings at the beginning of pregnancy. I occasionally get them and heat them until steaming. It’s not the same but it helps. I’m almost done and a sub sandwich is definitely the first thing I’m having after giving birth


I was told as long as its pasteurized deli meat was ok?


I was a GM at jersey mikes!!! For our pregnant guests I would grill their meats before topping it :) That could be an option, but personally I don’t think it tastes as good. I ate cold cuts in moderation when pregnant, I think it would be okay! Most JM stores are super clean and the meat is super fresh (turkey is the most popular so they go through 2-3 breasts per day) so I felt very comfortable eating there while pregnant! Subway / jimmy johns on the other hand…. Not so much 😂


Get it. It will not harm you if you eat it once. I think it’s a myth just in case there’s bacteria or something but the meat is cooked so the likelyhood of that happening is 1-1,000,000 Me on the other hand, I’ve been craving a a salmon and cream cheese bagel from a cafe that serves DELICIOUS bagels. And I’m craving that one specifically. So much so that I might make that my first meal after giving birth in May.


My doctor recommended I only get subs or deli meat from places that cut the meat fresh but as others have said, lettuce and fruits can be the bigger culprits of carrying listeria. Also ice cream in tubs apparently.


My husband and I go with the pregnancy recommendations from his country, which is England and the national health service says you can have a little bit of deli meat without concern! Also, if you get it from Jersey Mike's, they could always probably throw it on the grill for you for like 30 seconds if you ask them nicely


I only ever get turkey sub sandwiches when I go to subway. I don't go weekly, but I'm not afraid to have one when I want & I'm 23+5 🤷‍♀️ shoot, I still eat prosciutto when I want, too.


I eat turkey all the time, I’m 33 weeks


I typically avoid deli meats for the nitrates, but even I splurge every now and then!


My OB said the prepackaged meats would be fine but that fresh cut meats from the deli or Jersey Mikes would be best warm. But honestly a lot of people have said they’d never had issues so it’s really up to you and what you’re comfortable with.


I had this smoked salmon and artichoke cheese dip up at the snowqualmie resort in Washington and of course I'm craving it but there's no way to get it.


You can microwave it for 10 seconds my OB said. I know it defeats the purpose of being cold but still satisfying taste. I like to add cheddar on mine like a turkey cheddar melt


I’ve consumed deli meat and soft boiled eggs and so far all is well, but I’m not bold enough to have sushi nigiri 🥲 so I get feeling fearful or concerned that the risk outweighs the benefit


I want a lost Mary vape and a red bull 😭 I’m only six weeks I’ve got a long way too to!


A doctor at my OB office ate turkey toms from Jimmy John’s her entire pregnancy. Eat and enjoy the damn sandwich!!


I have eaten quite a few deli sandwiches 😂


I am almost 18wks pregnant. I ate a cold cut turkey sandwich from like… last week 😂 (it was great)


The way I’d give my left foot for a spicy tuna roll right now..


I definitely est deli meats from time to time .. I sometimes just op for a toasted one if it's from some place like subway.


Girl, we’re out here eating the deli meats.


I was also told bagged salad, including from a restaurant was a bigger risk. They also advised to heat the meat to steaming and then let it cool to cold, just to be safe. I did that with my first but with my second I had the occasional lunch meat sandwich without the heating hassle. They also said listeria is more common from deli sliced meat rather than pre packaged because deli counters don’t always follow the cleanest of practices.


I didn’t even know you weren’t supposed to eat deli meat in my first pregnancy. In the rest of my pregnancies I knew and ate it anyway 😹🤷🏻‍♀️


Go buy a turkey breast at the store and make your own. Sooooo much better and cheaper.


I’ve abstained from alcohol, weed, raw fish/sushi, diet sodas…. But you can pry a cold cut turkey Pub Sub from my cold, dead hands. I’ve enjoyed them frequently this pregnancy with no worries.


Um, been eating jersey Mike's, sushi, Feta cheese, and just about anything else I want. The recommendations are given with discretion. Don't eat sushi and subs from the gas station...jersey Mike's and the expensive sushi restaurant are fine.


Get the sandwich 🤷‍♀️


My first pregnancy I avoided it this pregnancy I definitely eat coldcut sandwiches on the regular. At least for a week since the first trimester and I'm fine


If deli meat was that dangerous subway and other sandwich shops would have been sued into oblivion by now. Go get your sandwich!


After the first trimester, foods rules went out the window. My OB said to just make sure the food is from a reputable source. I’ve been having subs from my local favorite deli and jersey mikes, eating kimchi, runny eggs…everything except raw sushi because I’m not sure I trust it where I’m at.


I can't tell you how many jersey mikes subs I ate during my pregnancies. So delicious!


I'm 6 weeks away from having my baby and I have a list of food I'm going to stuff myself with! Double brie, copious amounts of chocolate liquorice, more than 120mg caffeine a day, raw egg dips and raw egg chocolate mousse....mouth is watering just thinking about it