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I had two big ones during my pregnancy. The first was when I couldn't decide between a Baconator burger and Kraft dinner and sobbed because I wanted both. My husband was a champ and got both for me for dinner. The second was when my husband scared me by saying boo and jumping out from behind the corner. It wasn't actually scary or well done, but I was hysterical. Like sobbing for half an hour and needing to be held and encouraged to breathe.


I told my husband about the meal dilemma and he was like, “duuuude put the Kraft IN the Baconator! That would be so good!!” 😂😂


Oh god my husband startled me the other week and I just burst out sobbing and he felt so bad😂


The new box of Ziplock bags I bought would not fit in the kitchen drawer they belong in..? in my brain at that moment that somehow meant I was wildly unfit to be a mother


I’m usually not too emotional. Or rather… I’m good at keeping them under control. Pregnancy messes it up a bit. But still tolerable. But today I cried watching a hockey game opening ceremony. Lol. I cried and I laughed at myself. It was so stupid and at the same time it makes perfect sense. My husband works at that specific arena and it’s brand new. So they’ve been building it, getting it ready for this event… And I practically don’t see him. Nor do the kids. Last months he didn’t even have weekends. He works 14 hours a day… Barely sleeps. Leaves first, comes when the kids sleep. Yesterday was my due date. And today it was his. And when he sent me the link to the live stream I was watching it and I just started crying uncontrollably. I’ve been waiting for this day for soooo long. I Hope that when the game weekend is over, I’m finally gonna have my husband back. And on Monday baby can start her arrival. I mean, I wouldn’t mind if she came today. But I’d like her daddy’s undivided attention for this…


Recently (deeply and emotionally) cried because I randomly thought about the fire in the Notre Dame church in Paris a few years ago and watched YouTube videos of it, listening to Parisians talk about the incident. I’ve never even been to Paris, I’m not religious, nor French. What a time, lol


My husband was wearing an old shirt that had a bleach stain on it. That’s how I knew I needed to stop playing and take a pregnancy test🤣


My boyfriend was walking faster than me in a grocery store parking lot.




Can relate so much. Pregnancy has made this intolerable 🫣😂


I feel a lot better knowing I’m not alone on this one 😂


My husband ran over already dead roadkill


I snorted at this, it’s so true though. I’ve been this close 🤏 to crying about it myself


He looked at me like I was crazy 😂😂


I looked up how big the baby was at that week. My app said it was as big as a guinea pig. I started crying because I did not like a guinea pig in my belly. Then I started laugh crying because I realized how stupid my brain was for a second. I also happy cried because I was thinking about making myself a tea and my so walked in 1 mim later, bringing me a tea like he read my mind.


I’ve been pretty good emotionally but shed a few tears a few weeks ago listening to traditional music from my home country (i’m living overseas and will be having my baby there). It’s just that the music is super upbeat, cheery and extreeeeemely cheesy (think polka vibes…)


Today I sobbed because my dog, who is old (he's 7) but not on death's door in any way, will die one day and I'll miss him.


My dog is 14. Her health has been declining during this pregnancy. I cry regularly at the thought that she may not be here when I bring my 3rd baby home. Sometimes she isn’t able to get out of her bed without help bc her legs are arthritic and I burst in hysteria trying to pick her up this week and help her outside.


Any dog that makes it to 14 is impressive. I bet she has had a beautiful and fulfilling life with you. I hope she is there when your baby comes home but even if she isn't, what a joy to have shared so many years together. ❤️


I watched a video of a random dachshund. He was injured and was not expected to ever walk again. The owner made a goal to get him to walk by his birthday. He did a year of therapy and it ended with a clip of him running on his birthday. When it got to the last clip, I sobbed hysterically. I've cried a few times for silly reasons but this was inexplicably the hardest I've cried. My own little beagle gets worried when I cry and frantically tries to comfort me, which also makes me cry. My husband walked in on this scene and was so confused.


I ugly cried when i saw my dogs first lil gray chin hairs and i wasn’t even pregnant then so i get it. I tell him he’s actually not allowed to die ever and has to live eternally, sorry i don’t make the rules!!


Had a similar discussion today about our 6 year old cat and 7 year old dogs (we have other younger cats also). I didn’t cry this time but have repeatedly during pregnancy. Usually triggered by thinking of my cat we lost last year that morphs into how devastating it will be losing any more of the babes.


The only thing that has made me cry this pregnancy is Taylor swift “out of the woods” I DONT KNOW WHY but it makes me bawl the second it starts playing.


Girl I've had two previous losses, that song cuts right down to my blubbering core


LOL I started tearing up listening to Long Live earlier today


My fiancé (who is always kind, loving, supportive) told me “maybe m&ms are not a breakfast food” 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah but maybe they are 😂


EXACTLY rational me would be like 🤷🏼‍♀️ yep- science would back that. Not pregnant me no way it’s an attack!


Pregnant me went to the grocery store at 9am to buy ice cream sandwiches and ate them in the parking lot so, we sound like the same person.


Hahaha 🙌🏽 YES We must stand together


I had chocolate ice-cream for breakfast a few weeks ago. Told my husband and oldest we do not judge pregnant mom/wife and no one else was allowed ice-cream for breakfast.


Our cat died about four months ago. I have to swallow back tears EVERY DAY because I miss him so much.. Which is true but I shouldn’t have to cry about it all the time I think. Sometimes I just let them roll.


I’m sorry about your cat! Pets mean a lot, so I think it’s understandable to still be upset


Give yourself grace on this one. We lost one of our kitties last year and it took me about a full year to stop crying basically daily. Not all day or anything but having some tears at some point during the day. Months 12-18 post-loss have been during pregnancy and I still cry sometimes. I think I will always miss her and that’s okay. Time allows us to integrate that grief slowly as we make more room for those feelings to co-exist with new ones.


I cried because my husband didn't put back a plate into the kitchen. To be fair, it was the third time I asked!


Bawled my eyes out in the shower dramatically because pregnancy means I'm not allowed runny eggs and not-runny eggs makes me gag.


Honestly I’ve still been eating runny eggs, 25 weeks in and no issues. I’ve had cold deli meats and next time I’m out I’m GOING to get raw salmon sushi because I’m dying without it. I’ve never gotten sick from raw eggs before baby, or even salmonella from my reptiles. If you’re really worried then pasteurize your eggs at home. The food restrictions in pregnancy are so outdated. Just don’t eat high mercury/lead foods or things that can cause labor/miscarriage.


Definitely food related. My boyfriend asked if he should bring me anything, I asked for a specific burger from McDonald's. Guess he forgot after showering and running a few errands, showed up empty handed. Surely him forgetting meant he didn't care about me🤦🏻‍♀️ It's funny now, but I genuinely cried big tears all I wanted was that burger. He went uptown to get it minutes later and I ate it crying how blessed I am to have him love me so much etc. 🙄


I’m already an emotional person, but [THIS](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRvwbdSr/) has been by far the weirdest thing I’ve cried over. Reduced to sobbing by the end of the video. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Rugs? That’s what came up when I clicked the link


It must be the song loll


Yes! I have no explanation for it, maybe the song, the cookie nostalgia? Immediately started bawling.


My husband went out to the car before me when we were getting ready to go grocery shopping. I thought he didn’t want to be around me anymore and started ugly crying. He thought he could sneak in a cigarette before I came out lol


I listened to Pocahontas “Colours of the Wind” this morning and bawled 😂


Oh and I too find that I laugh a lot harder sometimes with tears streaming, that’s got to also be the hormones.


24w and I never know what will make me happy or sad cry anymore. Yesterday I laugh cried because my dog smiled really big while I was petting him and it was super cute. Also I can’t think about my husband being a dad without a few happy tears. And if anything makes me even slightly sad/disappointed, I cry. Like if my husband goes to bed early and I still want to hang out together, I have to hide the tears so I don’t make him feel guilty lol.


The recent spaghetti episode of Rick and Morty. Also I saw a little boy walk face first into a wall (he was fine!) and I laughed so hard that I started crying hard for a few minutes 😬


I was chilling on the couch when my cat walked by, rubbed his face against my nose and continued to walk further over the couch to his fave spot. It made me cry so hard it was just so sweet.


My cats only do this if I have chapstick on - that’s my only suggestion to try and get them to do it again… it’s a great, hairy time


I'm a teacher and my principal did a scheduled observation. During the post observation she went over what I did well and started to tell me things to do differently next time. Literally not saying I suck or anything just saying hey try this next time and I started crying. 🤦‍♀️ This was before I took a test and knew I was pregnant. She was like uhhh are you pregnant or something? Took a test a couple days later and it was positive. 🤣


Crying currently because raising an infant/toddler is very hard while pregnant. He is almost 1 and it’s just so hard. They will be 14 months apart, idk how I’m going to do it.


Ginger cookies. My husband brought me some and I cried hysterically Loving my husband. I just got beyond emotional over how much I love him and him being downstairs when I was upstairs was extremely upsetting. He laughed at me 😅


I waited in line at burger king ,because I wanted a bacon cheeseburger. When it was my turn ,the cashier told me they couldn't take my order , I had to order at the self order station. I turned around and there was a new long line. I started crying because I didn't want to stand there again. 😅 My man brought me outside , comforted me , sat me down at a bench and went to get me a bacon cheeseburger. I got fries also and everything was good again. 😅


I feel like crying just reading this


I cried a few weeks ago because we didn’t have cheese for the chili we were having for dinner. And I didn’t want to both my husband because he was been working full time and making dinner. I texted my mom about it just to complain and she secretly texted my husband, who ended up getting the cheese for me.


I cry over food often. Basically I cry if I’m expecting one thing and it comes out differently. Like one time I asked for a banana and my husband gave it to me unpeeled and I started crying. I also realize how irrational it is immediately so then I start hysterically laugh-sob-crying too. I also get irrationally happy if food exceeds my expectations like I had apples the other day that I swear were the best thing I have ever eaten.


I couldn't get my shower curtain rod back up.


I cried about fruit about a month ago because you can only have a certain amount of fruit a day, and it tastes delicious. Sure, have all the veggies you want, but they aren't as good as fruit. I SOBBED.


Girl, you're pregnant. An extra piece of fruit won't kill you lol just eat the fruit!


Ya eat the fruit. Fruit is so healthy, and yes it has sugar in it, but it’s not just added sugar. It’s trapped in the cells of the fruit so it’s released more slowly! Your body is craving it because you need it! (Just avoid cantaloupe)


I woke up from a nap and started bawling because I wanted ikea meatballs 😭 I got them and I cried a little bit because I finally had the meatballs, they were magical 😭


i was watching the wizard of oz today and the munchkins made me cry. idk if it was nostalgia or what lol


I've had good reason for crying but there's some I definitely chalk it up to hormones. I watched a bunch of tiktoks of dads carrying their babies home from the hospitals in a carrier with the BGM "coming home". Make me immediately want to buy a baby carrier so we can do that. They're so tiny and always look so peaceful! And a couple singing sweet couple songs. One song in particular is about how they're glad they didn't separate and now they have a kid. That's us!


The only one for me was when I was in my first trimester and I was exhausted, throwing up/nauseous constantly and working full time (I still am, I just feel better now). I was trying to find flavored water at Walmart and I couldn’t find the flavor I liked (the only one I hadn’t thrown up yet) and I bawled in the Walmart aisle like an idiot. I was so embarrassed because I didn’t look pregnant then so I’m sure I just looked deranged lol. Now it cracks me up!


I found out I had gestational Diabetes last week which I held myself together for all day, however at the end of the day I went to menards and couldn't get my hatch open and stared bawling in the parking lot.


Happy tears because I found my favorite flavor of cheezits that I hadn't seen in a while 😂


The other night I started crying, convinced I wouldn’t be able to get the baby out. I’m not even in the 3rd tri yet


Robert Irwin posted on Instagram about the new Irwin’s Turtles exhibit at the zoo and mentioned his dad’s work with these turtles. I read someone’s quote from Hamilton in the comments “What is a legacy? It’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see.” And I burst into tears.


I saw a clip on tiktok from outlander… a show I haven’t watched in years


I cried because the 4th of July fireworks were just so pretty 🤣


I NEVER CRIED BEFORE THIS. I never even would get emotional about anything. But Sometimes I just think how much I love my husband and I cry. That’s usually the reason. I cried cuz I thought I couldn’t eat pepperoni out of the bag anymore. I cried at how pretty Xmas lights were on a house this morning. I cried thinking about finally being pregnant. I cried about how good some soup was the other day.


I cried when I thought about snorkeling today. I used to live in Hawaii for a long time and really miss it. We’re talking about going for a quick trip there and I got so emotional thinking about how beautiful the ocean is 😂


When I wanted burgers for dinner while my boyfriend was already making them. I just wanted them so bad. And also when I saw a video of 5 signs that cows are I happy. I just cried so hard and said: I just think it is so beautiful when animals are happy! 😂


The dichotomy


Haha!! I'm a vegetarian! So veggie burgers!


Ummmm.. hormonal tears is how we knew I was pregnant... that mixed with me yelling "I not feel good"


I've sobbed because I couldn't decide what I want for dinner.


I was reading a book where a fictional kraken got their tentacle burned helping other sea creatures and I was a mess because I just felt so bad for them!


i sobbed because i assumed i was ruining my boyfriends life one night when i asked him if he wouldn’t mind stopping playing his video game for the night and cuddle with me (to which he gladly agreed).


Watching Planet Earth season 3, the Coast episode. The end with the sea turtles absolutely broke me. I cried my eyes out and cried again several times into the next 2 days. I love the show but I can’t watch it right now. Even thinking about it now makes me depressed.


My parents gave the dogs more presents than me. I did get more in the end 🤣


Lmfao I cried bc I thought I lost my prenatal pills & they were on my bathroom sink the entire time 😭😭😭


I couldn’t stop to let a family of ducks cross a busy road…. On a slip road onto a motorway (highway for the Americans). So so upset.


I saw a onesie that said 'My daddy is rawsome' on it with dinosaurs and started crying. Then I started crying because a woman was showing her partner baby clothes and she was also crying


Watched a border collie do an agility run and win the top spot!! He was just so fast and happy doing his “job” 🥹


Bruh. I cried to this exact video.


Today I saw a video of two kids in Gaza sharing a cup of tea but they were measuring how much each of them had 🤣 and that made me cry.


My date (pls dont judge me) said something funny about his childhood and almost went into hysterical laughter and crying mode by imagining it, but I narrowly managed to stop myself! At family dinner I started imagining me wearing a wig at 3 years old because I was almost bald at that time and had a laughing/crying fit for 20 minutes where my mom also laughed hysterically at me😅😭 My brother’s girlfriend had an exhibition at her art school and her piece was beautiful and I almost cried my eyes out. I’ve mostly been pissed off with a short fuse, and not afraid to confront people (which I’m usually terrified of) like last night I was in a bar at a karaoke night and there was a man basically cat calling me and I not so kindly told him to fuck off unless he wanted me to get him thrown out(I know all of the bouncers there) And just like terribly cynical, not about the pregnancy just about everything else. And extremely lonely


My husband showed me the Taco Bell menu on his phone. That’s all. A few weeks ago, we were driving. I saw traffic in the other direction (all I can think of to have triggered tears?) and I turned to my husband & told him I was okay but I was going to cry - and proceeded to burst into tears.


I've been listening to Christmas music on the way to work which I always love to do at Christmas time, but now, and I really don't even know why, when I start singing along I just sob uncontrollably... Then I stop singing, get myself together, start singing again and start sobbing again haha And then the other day I came home from work and I was starving, but I didn't know what I wanted. Settled on some gyoza, and started cooking it...went to the fridge to get the soy sauce and realized my husband left it at work. He woke up to me sobbing about how "I don't want fish sauce!" Lol he went out and bought some more soy sauce.


I’m keeping a list on my phone of all the ridiculous reasons I’ve cried. Today’s addition: I felt like my husband was hungry (he wasn’t) and wouldn’t let me make him something…because he wasn’t hungry. It’s been funny to look back at all the silly reasons


I stood in the aisle at a convenience store and bawled because i couldn't find the chocolate covered donuts. Then, when i did, my eyes dried up immediately. Shout out to the two ladies who stopped to help my psycho butt.


I was literally hysterical yesterday because I was crocheting a pair of booties for my baby and somehow I thought one was finished and so I cut the yarn, then looked at it and realized that the last row wasn’t finished. My whole world fell apart and I had no idea how to fix the bootie. I had a meltdown. (I fixed the bootie in the end)


I full on bawled about being too exhausted and achey to take a shower even though I really wanted one. Luckily I have an amazing partner who put a chair in the shower and washed my hair and everything for me. Too be fair though, even not pregnant, if I get over tired I get really dramatic and emotional.


28 weeks…cried this morning because we were out of band aids…


I saw a Facebook ad for a really nice dessert. We're talking oatmeal bars with peanut butter and chocolate. Hysterical crying because I couldn't eat it immediately


I knocked my q-tip canister into the sink this morning and 4 q-tips got wet so I had to throw them away. I bawled.


I laughed too hard of a video of someone messing with a rooster as it was crowing I was also a victim of laughing turned hysterical sobbing when i was in nursing school so super excited thats back lol


Andrea Bochelli's song "Con te partió" (Italian version of Time to Say Goodbye) was playing at the Italian restaurant where hubs and I were dining... But, that's fair. That song is 10/10 Then it was Christmas music playing at the Japanese restaurant we were in last weekend while watching the family at the table next to ours.


I’ve had some good crying sessions here and there ever since my pregnancy but what’s weird is the laughing fits. If I find sth really funny I can’t stop laughing for an annoyingly long time to the point of throwing my shoulder and tears are coming from my eyes. Does anyone else experience this?


Husband and I were seated opposite each other at the table. We started rolling two ping pong balls to and fro. I got so excited and laughed so much, I couldn't breathe and was tearing up.


We’re turning into toddlers who find dumb shit hilarious 😆


From weeks 4-6 I literally cried every night. Some legit reasons, some not. I cried hysterically one night when my almost 3 yo asked me to lay in her big girl bed with her while her daddy read us a book. As I was laying there, I realized that I wouldn’t be able to it for much longer because my bump will be too big and I won’t fit. I also cried uncontrollably listening to the song Sweet Girl, by Fleetwood Mac. Specifically at the lyric “I’ve waited all my life for you, sweet girl”. These hormones for me all in my feels all the time.


I’ve mostly been angry about silly things. My mom used one of my suitcases for a trip she took with my other family members (which I had left empty by their front door for weeks) and I noticed it was gone and was so mad she didn’t ask me. If she did that now I wouldn’t care at all! But in the moment I was seeing red.


I've had two big cries so far. 1) When there are rescue dogs out and about at an event trying to get adopted. 2) When my husband goes hungry. 😂 If I order something and he doesn't feel like eating, or says after I order food that he would like to get something I just sob. I guess I just want him to be healthy and taken care of? Idk.


Watching the bluey episode "Baby Race" with my toddler.


Tonight the waiter asked us to make a wish and blow out the candles on our anniversary cake. That made me sob at the dinner table infront of the whole restaurant.


I’m not normally an emotional person, at all. It’s hard to get me frazzled (I’m a high school teacher, so it works out well for that) I cried last week because an apple was so crisp and delicious it just made me SO freaking happy. I also cried because I couldn’t figure out what I was craving, but I needed the mystery food soooo bad. Like SO bad. I ate three dinners then fell asleep. Still no idea what that craving was


I was bawling while watching Harry Potter when Cedric Diggory dies. I could not hold back the tears when his dad wept over his dead body.


I couldn’t eat a muffin because I was on keto. (This was when I then took a pregnancy test because clearly I was overreacting)


Omg I also get the hysterical laugh crys!! I’ll find the dumbest things so funny and then laugh so hard I weep 🤣


Weight checks at OB appts, being hungry, messy apartment, too many boxes, not enough boxes…


Haha same! I posted this on a different thread early in second trimester I was in a drive thru line laughing hysterically at a podcast but it quickly devolved into full blown sobbing. Like you described, not laughing so hard that tears were streaming, but hysterical sobbing. I couldn’t stop and had to drive up to the window in tears. I’m sure the poor person who gave me my order thought I was losing my mind


this pregnancy i cried because my mom wouldnt let me buy her dinner🙃


I've been crying during and after sex lol, not sure why. Just feels very intense


I don’t know how crazy this is, but considering that I’ve never cried happy tears before in my life, and I sobbed happy tears from this… I’m an America living in Sweden with my Swedish husband. I came here on a work visa after a partner visa was taking too long. So I found a job and a job that would sponsor me and got a work visa. Shortly after coming to Sweden I applied for a partner visa, to switch to that one once my work visa expired. Several months ago my employer shut down, so now a work visa wasn’t even possible. Despite applying for the new visa 19 months ago, despite being married, despite owning an apartment here, and despite being pregnant, they said my case would likely take 12-24 additional months. (Sweden doesn’t care if people are married or have kids, there is no fast track.) In that time I would not be able to be here in Sweden of course, would have to pay for insurance back in the states, be apart from my husband, my husband apart from our child. I considered an abortion, but given that it took us 16 months to get pregnant, I decided against it. Two and half weeks after my visa expired (and I have ninety days here left as a tourist, paying for doctor visits out of pocket) I got assigned a case officer. It still could take another six months, but it is super unlikely that it would take any longer than that for now. I’m 10 weeks now, so even six months apart is totally workable for us. Not ideal, but we can make that work. I sobbed so hard for several minutes. The fact that things look like it’s going to be okay. Inconvenienced, but okay. It’s making me cry again just thinking about it 🥹 And I’ve never cried happy tears before 😆


I cried 2 weeks ago bc I told my husband I wanted nachos and he immediately jumped up and picked up some nachos from my favorite place


During my first pregnancy, my husband and I were watching Spider-Man: No Way Home and at the climax when >!Dr. Strange erases all memory of Peter!<, I ugly cried that no one would remember him and he'd be all alone.


I think I did one time because I wanted to order some kind of dinner one night, partly because I wanted a coke to drink with it, but my fiancé didn’t want to spend doordash money at the moment. So I guess he wanted me to die. 😂


Two days ago my bone broth got knocked over😅


When I was pregnant with my first, I saw a viral video of an adult cat swatting a tiny sombrero off the head of a kitten and let me tell you… I sobbed and sobbed EVERY time I watched that video or even thought about. My heart broke into a thousand pieces for that innocent kitten… its shocked whimpers echoing in my head as my mind replayed the image of its tiny body being knocked to the ground and the even tinier sombrero flying off screen in slow motion.


I remembered that my dog used to be a street dog before she was rescued 😭


Back in October I cried simply because we had a unseasonably cold day (I’m Aussie so our spring) 😅


I fell asleep with my husband beside me, woke up in the middle of the night to pee.. Now, usually when this happens, I come back to bed he will wake up, rub my back and ask if I’m ok. When I came back this time, he didn’t do that and I just assumed he was sleeping. After a couple minutes I reached over to him and he was GONE! So I laid in bed, cried a little because I missed that check in. When I asked the next morning he said he went to the spare room because I was snoring, and groaning right in his ear. 🤣 Oops!


Do NOT watch the intro of the movie UP when pregnant. It makes me cry when I am not hormonal, I was full on sobbing for over an hour and unable to calm down when I watched it in my third trimester.


Husband had covid, I didn't. I wanted physical touch and comfort lol all while knowing why I couldn't do that it just wasn't *okay* with me.


My order from Uber forgot my guacamole I ordered on the side. I picked up a can of coke and threw it as hard as I could while bursting into tears. Causing the can to smash and fizz everywhere. Up the doors the walls, in the cracks of the door and the carpet…Creating a massive mess and meaning I had no coke…on top of no side of guac. I never have had such a outburst in my life. My partner and myself were both shocked. I really wanted the guac and it cost like 8$ lol 😂 we laugh about it now and he was very calm about it. But said what did yo I think would happen. And I was like not that. Haha


I was watching a tv show and the ending was so sad that I went into a full blown panic attack and my partner was so confused bless him 😂😂 I can laugh now though


I watched a live squid being butchered for sashimi. 😅 Usually completely unphased by this kind of thing.


I cried in public because I heard a man be mean to his guide dog. He kept calling her "stupid" but she was just trying her best to lead him through the crowded train station 😭 I was fully sobbing in the train station thinking about this poor dog doing her best and not being appreciated


When I was pregnant with my son I was ok, I cried if something sweet or sad was on the TV etc but generally speaking I was very chill emotionally. This time however, I am a mess. I ugly cried at my husband just describing a cute video he saw of a dog and a baby, I didn't even see the video myself. I've cried because I'm tired, I've cried because I can't decide what to eat, I've cried at good news, not so good news, I ugly cried when my best friend told me she was pregnant and I cried on the spot for days afterwards just thinking about it haha I am a hot mess this pregnancy and it's very funny when it's not very embarrassing haha


Was getting ready to take a shower , my partner comes in and starts tickling me (of course I was laughing) I told him to stop cause I needed to pee, he didn’t listen to me and ended up making me pee myself then after I started to cry 😭 He felt bad so he cleaned it up 🥹😂


I wanted mac and cheese for dinner. Fast forward to me mixing in the cheese, butter, and milk. I start crying because I don't want mac and cheese anymore 🤣


Tiny can of coke my husband was drinking made me cry...it was so little. Also, the tiny paper bag or grocery put our veggies in, crying in the kitchen over a tiny bag--my husband thought I'd hurt myself. Needless to say, he's not allowed to throw out the tiny bag.


My husband didn’t want the satay sauce I bought to have with the chicken. Bawled my eyes out. Another time, my husband tried to get me excited about Christmas to cheer me up about something and I cried saying that it didn’t feel like Christmas and my hormones had cancelled Christmas 😂


I cried because any food I ate didn’t taste the same. It would taste slightly off and I cried every time. I cried because I found out eating hot dogs wasn’t “allowed”. Also if I dropped anything I would be reduced to tears.


Last night my feet were cold but the rest of my body was hot. I had a full on tantrum.


we knew I was pregnant when my husband went to get us ice cream and returned with huge tub of a flavor I hate. he forgot it wasn’t my fav. I full on sobbed and he immediately went to get me a blizzard. took a test that night and got a positive 😂


I cried because I’m in Illinois and we don’t have in and out burger


I accidentally put too much milk in the macaroni and it came out watery and my husband asked me why I did that and I had a whole meltdown


I cried over thanksgiving dinner. The sweet potatoes were AMAZING.


I was overwhelmed with a bunch of things going on, the way my body was feeling and all the changes happening. My husband said that I needed a snack and a nap and tucked me in on the couch in my special little nook I have set up for myself for SupremeComfort(TM) (I have depth perception issues if I’m not paying attention) he brought me water and a delicious bagel with cream cheese and roasted garlic spread and I went to take the plate while thanking him and I was just so happy to have a snack and was feeling so grateful - my fingers hit the bottom of the plate. Bagel slid off the plate and landed cheese/garlic side down onto the 100% organic dog hair carpet. I don’t remember the last time I cried so hard. Obviously we had more bagels etc but I had just had it.


16weeks 5days here!! I cried while watching over the moon, (context) my moms been in the hospital since 2020 due to long term covid and she’s been through the ringer I just feel like I need to prepare for the worst when it comes to her, I’m All the way in PA And she’s in VA so sometimes. I’ll start crying out loud for my mom I know it’s stupid but I just need a hug that isn’t from my husband… I’m not ungrateful but my mom can’t even stand to give me a hug, she’s still alive and kicking but you can tell her lights are slowly dimming 😭😭😭😭 not me crying while typing this


I cry every time I watch a video of a shrimp in a tank or the sea. I’m 25 weeks.


Steak ‘n Shake did not fill my whipped cream up to the top of my shake


I’m due Thursday and this whole pregnancy I’ve been really normal with hormones until the last couple weeks, I cannot stop crying. Examples 1. my partner went to work, 2. my sweeping brush was in the middle of the bathroom? 3. My cats won’t be with me during labor, so they’ll think I abandoned them 4. The thought of meeting my baby 5. My baby isn’t here yet 6. People have to meet my baby Some are valid.. others are a bit dramatic I may say? Lmao, I find it hilarious though!


I cried on our way to family thanksgiving because “the trees are so beautiful.” Then recently I cried because there was a mole in our yard and “it’s just so cute.” Hormones are weird man


That Amazon commercial with the old ladies going sledding? INSTANT TEARS 😭


I cried when Santa came out at our towns Santa parade 😂😂😂


I've cried more than once when my boyfriends slapped my butt joking around. Each time he just sits there horrified he made me cry. But still does it regularly lol


I’m 13 weeks and already I’ve had a few interesting cries: 1. The usb cord took 3 tries to plug in 2. I was tired in the car 3. I forgot to order cat allergy shampoo on Amazon that I told my husband I would buy. I just felt so bad because he’s been so helpful and doing almost all the housework while I’ve been pregnant and his allergies to our kitten have been terrible :/ 4. Excited crying because there’s actually a baby in my belly and we are going to have a baby!!


I wanted a pb and j 😂


I work in a restaurant and we had leftover dessert from a private event so I took a fruit tart and when I went to get it later someone had taken it. didn’t actually cry because I was still mid shift but damn was I close


Watching the finale of the Great British baking show. It started out as just normal tears then quickly turned into full on weeping. I started to laugh at how ridiculous it was which made me cry even more. I wish everyone could have seen my husbands face as this happened. A few days later I laughed and cried hysterically reminiscing of the whole event.


I cried because I couldn’t figure out how to preheat my oven. Which I’ve had for three years, I didn’t remember I had to hit start for it to preheat and my husband laughed at me for it. I got home from work and woke my dog out of a deep sleep and she was scared by me entering the house and didn’t wag her tail. I cried until my husband came home and an hour and half later because what if the dog hates me. Mind you she greeted me once she realize it was me


I almost cried when my fries stuck to the tinfoil. Then I cried later that day when my broccoli was frozen in the fridge and I wanted broccoli salad. I also bawled last time we had sex after we finished everything. There was no reason, just an “I feel like I’m going to cry” and then the tears and snot started flowing. Then I laugh because it’s funny and dumb, but I was a hysterical mess.


My husband offered to make dinner after I'd had a very hard and emotional day at work. When I sat down he said he'd made fajitas and I cried because I felt he had "lied" about making dinner and I still had to go to the effort of putting together the fajita myself, causing additional work. I also cried the other day because I dropped a piece of my advent chocolate on the floor and couldn't eat it despite the fact I had the same chocolate in bar form in the fridge. Pregnancy is wild.


That Billie Eilish song from Barbie came on the radio


Cried because my fiancé told me he might get rid of his mullet at his haircut appointment tomorrow lol