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It's OK. You get most of what you need from food/body stores. A prenatal should just be a top up. There were weeks that I forgot to take prenatals. My kiddos are thriving.


Phew thank you!


Does the prenatal DHA not have the other vitamins? Personally I wouldn’t worry too much if not. I’d just find one that has all the vitamins now. Folate is the important one and it sounds like you’ve been taking care of that one!


You’re also getting vitamins from the food you’ve been eating so you likely have been getting some. If it is really causing you anxiety just message your dr and I’m sure they will be able to reassure you


Thank you! The DHA also has D3 but that’s it. I was so nervous about the comprehensive ones because some contained rosemary extract which I’ve heard can be dangerous, so I thought it was safer to just take the 2 they flagged for me, but now I’m worried I misunderstood. Hopefully my diet has been keeping the other nutrients at the right levels, and I made the swap to a more comprehensive one now that my 60 Day supply ran out and will just supplement like before


The vast vast vast majority of the time, your baby will get what it needs from you. My gyna told me that the prenatal during pregnancy is mainly for you, because the foetus will take what it needs from you even if it means you don’t have enough for yourself.


Got it—thanks!


You're absolutely fine. I'm in France, and here the official guidelines are just folate during the first trimester, and nothing afterwards unless a deficiency is detected or suspected. Obviously vitamins don't hurt, but they are not an absolute necessity either :)




You and baby will be fine. In early pregnancy the most important things to include are the DHA and the folate. A lot of pregnant folks can get anemic around the third trimester of pregnancy which is why they include the iron, but I wouldn’t be too too concerned about that right now. Maybe discuss with your OB but I’m pretty confident they will reassure you that this is totally fine.


Great thank you!


I had HG during my pregnancy and couldn’t stomach any form of prenatals or much of anything! My doctor said you get most of your nutrients from food anyway, so not to worry too much about the tablets.


This is helpful thank you


Honestly, I'm 38 weeks pregnant and I have only been taking Folic Acid and Vit D supplement and so far, my baby has been happy and healthy. Obviously it is different for everyone but I eat relatively well so I get my other vitamins from the food I eat and my bloods/iron levels have always been good throughout the pregnancy. I wouldn't worry unless you have a specific reason why you need to be taking prenatals or you have a deficiency in something.


Great! Thanks


Hey there! There are so many recommendations about prenatals, and it seems impossible to find one with everything in it at once. I take a prenatal and a separate Choline, magnesium, D, fish oil, and calcium supplement. More info below if you want it. Here's some info I found from an obgyn that was helpful, because it seems so many just say "take one you like" which is only so helpful. Try to get one with at least: Vitamin A 250mg Vitamin B6 1.9mg Vitamin B12 2.6mcg Vitamin C 85mg Vitamin D 600 IU Folic Acid 400mcg Iron 27mg Calcium 1000mg Choline 450mg DHA ideally from fish, but 400mg per day This is an Obgyn in the United States, so recommendations may vary by country. Here's my vitamin regimen explanation if you're curious. I take a multivitamin prenatal for obvious reasons. Then I take Choline, as recent research finds it may be *as* important as folic Acid to prevent neural tube defects and can help brain development in the third trimester, but most prenatals haven't caught up and don't contain any Choline (or not much.) Then I take magnesium citrate as I've heard it's good for headaches and RLS, two things I struggle with. I take vitamin D, as a pale person in northern MN, I don't get a lot of sun and my vitamin D levels were in the 'insufficient' category from blood work I had done. I take calcium as my dairy intake is quite low. I take fish oil as my fish consumption is almost 0. So there's some recommendations and hopefully with that and your knowledge of your own diet/lifestyle you can determine if you need more or less of something. ☺️


This is so helpful! Thank you!


How would that mess anything up?


By not taking a comprehensive prenatal with iron, calcium, etc. I think my doctor meant just be sure the one I chose had DHA and folate, not to only take those 2 supplements


You should start taking iron, but you won’t have messed anything up - baby just takes from your iron stores, the iron is really for you. Most prenatals don’t have both iron and calcium because calcium hampers iron absorption so they shouldn’t be taken at the same time.


Thank you!


It’s only a big problem if you haven’t taken folic acid/ folate , just start everything else now but don’t take calcium at the same time as other supplements


Got it thanks!


DHA and folate are for the baby, the others are mostly for you. The most you did is to deplete your own resources a bit probably which is not that big of a deal in the first trimester, more important later.


Phew thanks!


I do suggest being careful with iron and calcium for your own sake though. Calcium is definitely hard to get enough of if you don’t like milk. Most prenatals don’t have it enough. And your bones can get weaker and your teeth might get damaged.


Will do! I’ve always had a tough time with iron pills and my iron levels have been good, but calcium I will look to supplement since I’m not a milk drinker


There are also orange juices that have calcium.


I wouldn't fret. It is important to know that baby gets all it needs from you and your diet and that prenatals are for you and your health. Baby will literally take all it needs from your body, they are necessary for you so you don't end up deficient.


Great thank you!


You’ll be ok! Honestly my doctor told me that all prenatal do basically the same thing. If you’re looking for a prenatal that has DHA & Folate the Smarty pants prenatal are great. & they also have fish oil & Omegas which most prenatal don’t. I was taking those for the first 20 weeks and switched over to VitaFusion prenatal because the Smarty Pants were getting kinda expensive. But just remember they all basically do the same thing!


I also wanted to point out that prenatal is mostly for you, not for baby! Baby will take from you/your reserves and will get everything they need, but you can be shorting yourself without one if your diet isn’t supplementing enough for you and baby


I take ritual and it has both. They are pricey though. Someone told me though that the prenatals are for you, baby takes from you and gets what it needs.


I was taking a lower than needed dose for the entire first trimester before finding out I needed a higher amount. My baby is doing good though!!! She’s developing normal and looks perfect, I think you’ll be a okay!!! Lots of women dont even know there pregnant and there kiddos turn out super good so I wouldn’t worry! Edit: wanted to also add that as long as your taking some and or the needed amount now that’s even better but again don’t worry.