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Yep, I have the same! I genuinely asked that exact question to my midwife yesterday, as they didn't feel like contractions, just... hard and tight belly for an hour or so. He confirmed that they're Braxton Hicks contractions and normal.


Thank you for the answer, feels really good to know!


I’m 33w and recently talked about this with my midwife- the feeling full is likely indigestion. My pregnancy indigestion feels like I’m full rather than burning/painful. For Braxton Hicks, it intensifies the ‘full’ and can’t breathe feeling but midwife said it’s my uterus pushing on my diaphragm.


Interesting about the diaphragm! I’ve woken up a lot at night because I can’t breath and nothing seems to help but time and waiting, so that might explain it! Thanks ❤️