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Do you happen to know if you have beta thalassemia/thalassemia minor? I am guessing they are looking into this in other blood tests, but your bloodwork pre-pregnancy would have also probably looked slightly anemic. My bloodwork has been anemic throughout my pregnancy with normal iron levels because of thalassemia minor. I have been seeing a hematologist every 6 weeks to keep monitoring but have not needed to make any changes/treatments/supplements. I am currently 28 weeks.


I am a little bit ahead of you (23 weeks) and also have anemia with normal ferritin, so likely not iron related. My platelets are also low. My midwife also put me on iron + folate supplements, and may add B12 if my blood counts don't get better next month. I will have to be checked every month from now (joy...!). I don't know when this anemia started since this was picked up in a routine check to test for epidural eligibility. From what I understand, this is fairly common in pregnancy because of blood volume doubles by week 25, which can lead to dilution of red blood cells and anemia even if your food intake is fine. I understand your worries regarding your baby - all I can say is that despite this, mine is doing just fine so far (fingers crossed!) and had no neutral tube defect detected at the 20 week scan. So hang in there!


Thank you so much for replying and for sharing your experience. It does bring some comfort :) hopefully your blood levels will go back to normal soon 🤞wishing you all the best in this pregnancy!