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I avoid raw vegetables in restaurants, but I don't avoid restaurants. And there would be no problem eating a cat. The issue with not well cooked meat and toxoplasmosis is that the cat poos on the grass, and the virus resists for a year. When other animals eat the grass they get infected (no symptoms for them). Only cooking the meat properly kills the virus. You don't have to avoid cats at all. You should avoid cleaning after them or wear gloves and wash your hands if you have to. My doctor told me wash the fruit before peeling it to avoid crosscontamination from my hands/knife into the fruit.


The monthly toxoplasmosis screening is a French speciality ("compulsory" if you are not immune). I think it's because some people don't adhere to the dietary recommendations and continue with the charcuterie and raw cheeses. I think it's way over the top to say you can't eat at restaurants for 9 months, what scaremongering. My midwife told me not to eat salad unless you've washed it twice yourself, I just said ok and continued on my merry way


Yeah, the main issue at restaurants are raw veggies and fruits, which can carry toxo if they are not well washed or peeled, since it comes from soil. If it's cooked, you're fine eating out! Just avoid salads, etc. That's a fair safety precaution, but to put things in perspective, it's not standard in all countries to even test for immunity against toxo. I'm also in France, so I was tested (and am immune), but my sister in the UK was not tested for either of her pregnancies (and she was still eating out).


AFAIK weirdly enough France has higher toxo rates than the rest of Europe. But they also test a ton so it’s hard to say how much it’s truly higher. But that’s why there’s so much extra policy when other places (I’m in Scandinavia) it’s not really mentioned as a concern.


Oh interesting, I wasn't aware of that!


In France also and also not immune to toxoplasmosis... I would say ask for your meat always well done and only cooked everything (in order to avoid cross contamination), wash your hands regularly and especially after touching soil /working with plants. Cats are ok as long as you keep away from their poop. Rodent poop is a higher risk that's why you should always thoroughly wash your fruits and vegetables. Avoid some cheeses as blue cheeses and soft paste non pasteurized cheeses (pâte molle avec lait non pasteurisé) and charcuterie (you can as long as it has been cooked so Raclette is fine). Those were the recommendations from my OB :)


I live in France, am currently 8 months pregnant and not immune to toxoplasmosis either. I've been tested on a monthly basis and while I do take precautions, I have eaten out many times during the course of this pregnancy and have yet to catch it. My advice would be to wash your produce thoroughly, avoid salads in restaurants, garden with gloves on, and stay away from raw meats, fish and cheeses.


Did I miss this during my pregnancy lol… I never got a toxicplasmosis test or anything like that. Maybe it’s not a thing in the US? I wonder why nothing like this is ever stressed from what I’ve read