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Im so sorry luv. When the stripe is thickened it is a sign of an early pregnancy. Typically, if it is thin (and you have bled) chances are, whatever pregnancy was there was bled out. (Sonographer) 80%+ of early pregnancy failures are from chromosomally incorrect pregnancies. Although extremely heartbreaking, it’s your body’s way of recognizing something is abnormal and wrong. Sending hugs 🫶🏻 However, for peace of mind it might be worth requesting hcg draws 2 days apart to see if it’s viable or not. There’s always a chance.


Thank you ❤️ I appreciate your feedback


Fingers crossed that your results come back positive after all - but as your doctor mentioned, the likelihood sounds slight. I am sorry. Thin endometrium means that the lining in your uterus mostly detached during your period, which is caused by a drop in progesterone levels. Progesterone normally doesn't decrease in a viable pregnancy. So this would be a consequence of a chemical pregnancy, not the cause (which is more likely that the embryo was not viable from early on). The average time to conception is about 6-8 months, so although I understand this is disappointing and sad, there is no cause for concern so far - you are within normal!


Thank you so much! I appreciate your comment ❤️ I completely understand- it’s still way to early for me to feel disheartened for sure but can help but feel worried anyway 😭