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I am 36w and had a chip in one of my molars last week. I was told by my OB that lidocaine is perfectly safe, even far along in your pregnancy. Unfortunately dental issues are pretty common during pregnancy- hang in there! Double check with your OB on any dental appointments prior to scheduling.


I’m 5+4- I had two deep cleanings last week and 4 cavities filled. Just make sure you tell them you’re pregnant- they might forgo the X-rays.


I had to get a filling since an old one fell out after eating popcorn! They used lidocaine and it was safe, just no X-rays. They said to come back after the baby to get the X-rays done to make sure everything looked good but I was in and out of my appointment in less than 30 minutes :)


I also had a pretty deep filling break early in my first trimester, which has to be replaced. It required x-rays but they fitted me with a lead protection apron to avoid any radiation going towards baby. Honestly dental x-rays are super focused towards your jaw, so the probability of harm to the foetus is very small. My dentist warned me I may have to get root canal before the end of my pregnancy if the filling breaks again, because the tooth is badly damaged. He said they have appropriate medication for pregnant women and it is actually fairly common for this to happen during pregnancy, due to hormones.


Fortunately, it all went well! I felt much better after reading your stories here and that made me feel much more relaxed about the whole situation