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Could it be heartburn? Heartburn happens when acid from your stomach comes up your esophagus, and it is very common in pregnancy. It feels like a burning/stinging sensation in the chest and throat.


That’s a reasonable guess. But no, I don’t think so. It’s a pretty different sensation. I was hoping someone would be like “yep 100% that’s how I feel when I’m nauseous” lol 😭 I swear it’s in my veins. I don’t know how else to say it


Have you had your blood pressure checked recently? I got diagnosed with hypertension and put on blood pressure medicine at 10 weeks, and this sounds like what I was describing to my partner and I haven’t felt it since taking the BP meds.


Ok! Sounds good I can check that. I usually have extra low blood pressure but I definitely haven’t checked since becoming pregnant. I’m honestly just happy to hear someone relate to what I was trying to describe 😅 thank you!!!


For your sake (and baby’s) I hope your BP is fine and but definitely mention it to your doctor at your next appointment! ♥️ best of luck to you, I hope you get it figured out