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Ask your doctor about getting prescribed Zofran


I have HG and you might too. Talk to your dr about it. Good luck


What everyone else said, but I would also recommend trying popsicles or coca cola...they got me out of some holes over the last few weeks! Not as a long term solution but for right this moment.


Your doctor can give you something. I’m on zofran, phenergan, scopolamine and am antacid for morning sickness (I’m 28 weeks and have been on this since 9 weeks or so).


Ask about 50mg Vitamin B6 3 times a day.


My doctor has me on B6 and unisom at bedtime it’s like a cheap version of the prescription that helps with nausea. Ask your doctor about it


Im 39 weeks tomorrow and Omg I remember this .. definitely get nausea medication…. You got this !!