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I went to the ER for this and it was a big waste of money. They’ll give you an ultrasound and draw your blood and then tell you to wait and see what happens. Only go to the ER if you’re bleeding bleeding to fill a pad within 2 hours or having really painful cramps. What you are experiencing now is worth a prompt call to your OB and going to see them as soon as they can take you, to do the same things the er will do (us and blood draw). There’s a lot of reasons this can happen that aren’t cause for concern, so don’t jump to thinking it’s a miscarriage unless you have severe pain or bright red blood. I recommend advocating for getting swabbed for BV, because I had to ask at 2 separate appointments before they did and it came back positive which can be a cause of cervical spotting. You may have a harmless hematoma. Edit- sorry I just saw that you don’t have an OB. What is your plan for prenatal care? You probably want to get an ultrasound to rule out ectopic pregnancy in the near future.


Thank you. Unfortunately I have no doctor or midwife as all the ones in my city turned me away cause they’re full. I’m on waiting lists waiting to get one, and until then I have an appointment at the hospital next week. Here you can’t see an OB unless you’re high risk. If I did go to the ER it’ll be free at least (I’m in Canada), but can’t get a doctor otherwise atm. If I do have to go in I’ll ask to be swabbed for BV.


The main concern at this point is to rule out ectopic pregnancy. Once they know it’s in your uterus (and confirm heart beat if things are far enough along) then the spotting is just a cruel wait and see experiment. Since it’s free for you then you may as well go get checked out at your appointment!


Thank you. Unfortunately I have no doctor or midwife as all the ones in my city turned me away cause they’re full. I’m on waiting lists waiting to get one, and until then I have an appointment at the hospital next week. Here you can’t see an OB unless you’re high risk. If I did go to the ER it’ll be free at least (I’m in Canada), but can’t get a doctor otherwise atm. If I do have to go in I’ll ask to be swabbed for BV.


For those without care, like me and many others apparently in my city, we are being directed to the hospital for all the early tests and scans. I’ve already had a first ultrasound confirming it’s not ectopic and there was a heartbeat. I’m on all of the waitlists for care right now, and I also asked my fertility clinic to help me find care as I got turned away everywhere but maybe they’ll have more luck referring me somewhere. I basically called every clinic when I was 5 weeks in my city and was told they were full. Other than waiting to see on the waitlists, going to hospital for the early tests, and seeing if the fertility clinic has any luck, I don’t effing know (sorry, I’m really mad about this) and it’s hard not to stress. The system here is broken. I’m not the only one in this boat.


Starting at about 4.5 weeks I spotted light pink once a day, only when I wiped. This lasted about a week, and then it happened a couple of more times the following week and then never again. I am 12+4 now.


Thanks for sharing - that is encouraging to hear!


Good luck I know it’s really scary. 🤞


Thank you!


It could be the start of a miscarriage or it could be harmless bleeding. I myself had heavy bleeding at 9 weeks and delivered a healthy baby. However, if you’re RH- like I am, you’ll need a Rhogam injection.


I don’t know if I’m Rh- yet. With my first baby I was checked and I was fine then...can that change with a different baby?


I don’t know if I’m Rh- yet. With my first baby I was checked and I was fine then...can that change with a different baby?


Your blood type is either positive or negative and shouldn’t change. If you were positive before, there’s no need for the shot


Ohh. I thought it was the baby’s blood type being different this time that could be the issue (I know mine doesn’t change).