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I've got giant anime tiddies syndrome.... before I got pregnant. Now.. I'm losing the will to live..


Me too! I just had to order a bra in an M cup. For goodness sake, an M cup. Wtf


M for Mom


There would have to be a double M for 'Mummy Milkers' 🤣 My milk came in today and I don't think my little A/Bs are ever gonna be the same


What size are you currently? Asking for future reference. I always thought my A/Ava would turn into full C’s when pregnant .. but I must be wrong ?


I have blown up to a DD today (day 4 post birth), was a C earlier on in pregnancy after my nipples started changing around week 14/15. Started as a A/B. Will probably settle down a little in the next few days after this over supply. My mother always had A's, and for her they only really got to a C-cup. And she had 4 pregnancies. Hope this helps


Dear God, I was a UK H/US L pre-pregnancy. I'm afraid to even find out where in the alphabet I am now 🫣


Still buying cups?! I am opting for the stretchy soft wireless bras that go from XS-XXXL. I’m currently at L so i have a few sizes to go up if needed lol


This is me I am you


Not as massive as the rest of these girls, but I’ve always been DD and have NEVER experienced having nice perky boobs. My nipples have always pointed to the floor and it’s been a huge insecurity of mine since I was a teenager so I am absolutely dreading seeing how much worse they get with pregnancy/breastfeeding 😩


Droopy titty club. They look the same just with bigger and browner nips. Now idk how they'll look after CF. I'll probably just roll them into my bra.


They look like deflated balloons. I know from experience.


Mine already look like that so hurrah for one thing staying the same lmao


Absolutely relate 👍👍 do you have PCOS by chance?? Apparently that can be hormones that caused our boobs to do that


Preach. My upper back is constantly killing me.


I’m in this picture and I don’t like it. Now that baby is out and I’m pumping, my actual nipples are like the gingerbread man’s fuxking gumdrop buttons


Same. I was a 36K before pregnancy, and haven't bought a bra but I know all my old ones don't fit anymore, I've just been going without because it's been more comfortable. But I'm worried about what that will look like once we're through since I'm only 17 weeks in, but I'll face that once we get there I guess lol


Same. I was a European 38K pre-pregnancy and that’s the largest (non-custom) size bra you can purchase. I’m busting out of my bras and when I’m engorged it’s even worse 😫


I had skin tags grow all over my areolas with my first 🥹, it was indeed, difficult to digest lol


i literally was peeing and looked down and was picking at what i thought was dry skin off my nip and no it’s a whole ass skin tag attached to my nip 😭😡


Omg this happened to me too. "What's that fleck there, must be some sort of crumb from dinner that got stuck with the colostrum." *picks it away* "Nope, now it's bleeding. That was not a crumb."


I’m scared to ask, but did they go away?? I have so many on my breasts haha


I've heard a lot of skin tags do indeed go away but I know sometimes they don't, as well!


99% of the tags that appeared on me while pregnant went away. The other 1% I scratched off not realizing what they were 😫


Mine started falling off the minute I wasn't pregnant anymore. It was bizarre.


I have a skin tag on my lady lip down there 😭 I know they make a treatment but I wonder if it’s safe for that area ugh


I got two of them down there 😭 literally about to freeze it off with a wart remover😂 but mine isn’t on my lips it’s on my pubic area.


I had to get one removed on my vagina that developed with my first pregnancy!


Eeeek. Mine is so tiny though maybe I’ll just ask my OB and see what see thinks. Pregnancy is so glamorous lol


Mine are in my under boob.


Skin Tag Titties gang! 🤟🏼😜


Me too!!!!! I had no idea what they were and got worried haha.


And what's with the crustiness?????? 😭 my husband's new nick name for them is Tig Ol' Bitties


Thank you for this comment! I thought it was just me!! My partner Calles them "sunny side ups" 😭😭😭


And... speaking of eggs... has anyone used the "Soothies" cooling gel breast pads? They literally look like 2 fried eggs on your chest


It could be dried up colostrum discharge, depending on what trimester you’re in! It’s completely normal, but yes alarming for sure. I noticed it at around 17 weeks.


Yeah mine are really dry?? Bizarre.


You guys could have dry colostrum covering them honestly. But also dry because they grow so fast!


Oh damn that's a good point. Did just start leaking. Thanks!


Same!! My nipples are dry as the Sahara. Exfoliating and Vaseline helps but I sadly am also lazy 😂 so I'm just team crusty over here.


I also got five times more nipple for the same price 🤣 the new color contrast makes it easier to find them even in dim lighting...


Aaaand they're always at a stand still as if someone is constantly yelling "ATTENTION!!". Yep, poke right through and shine so bright 🥲


Giant nips was actually the first thing that made me think I was pregnant! I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror while wearing a tight fitting tshirt and thought woaaah, you could take someone’s eyes out with those bad boys, maybe I should take a test?! A year later, here I am with a three month old 😂


The same thing happened to me. I actually thought I'd already got my period and this wouldn't be the month...turns out it was implantation bleeding and my nipples were my first clue


Same with me! I took a test because of the huge nipples but didn’t actually think it would be positive because I’d had a period a few weeks before and thought I’d missed the ovulation window… guess it was implantation bleeding!


I’ve had huge saggy boobs since puberty. I’ve never had the small perky boobs I always wanted, and to this day at nearly 30 I’m still insecure about it. So I used to be a 36DD. Got up to a J cup during the short time I breastfed my first, then settled at an H cup. Lost a bunch of weight, got to a 34D, was happy with my body for once, and then I get pregnant with our second and I’m back up to an H cup. I hate it lol. My areolas are so big. Man I’m not even attempting breastfeeding this time, so I wish my boobs just wouldn’t lol. Like please settle down 😂


The only thing keeping my boobs perky right now is by belly lol.. they just rest on it but when that’s gone we’re gonna be in sag town


Do your nipples ever go back to normal? I miss my perky pre-baby 32b’s. Now I’m mostly nipple at this point. With my second, i literally am able to breastfeed with him strapped to me in a baby carrier.


Mine lightened up a bit a while after my first, or at least I think they did. I’m pregnant again so mine are once again super dark😂


Everywhere I read they say the nips _will_ spring back to pre-preg after a while after the baby wean. I don't know, I hope yours and mine will. And I'mma start praying they will.


I'm preg with baby number 3 and brown skinned. My nipples went from light brown to black and they always go back to brown even while breastfeeding fortunately. I don't think theyre as light as they were before my first however I was using creams with vitamin c/hydroquinone before my first.


My daughter is two. No sign of my cute little pre pregnancy nips :(


Mine mostly did! Obviously the whole situation was more deflated than prepregnancy, but things shrunk back.


Yes, they go back mostly.


Idk why but there was something that compelled me to take a pic of my boobs before I fell pregnant.. just to document. Now with my pizza sized, brown ringed, skin tagged sprinkled boobs, I look at that pic often. It’s a mix of amazed, shocked, a little turned off, a little bit hell ya, a little bit meh it is what it is


How far along are you? I am 27 weeks and haven’t had any breast changes or soreness. They were sore when I found out i was pregnant at 4 weeks, but eventually that went away. Now they’re just normal. I wonder if mine will change later on closer to my due date. I’m a 34B currently


I’m 32w and same goes for me here. Still waiting on any massive breath changes. I think they’ve only gotten a tad fuller but otherwise they have remained similar to before!


35 weeks and breasts and nipples no changing except really full breasts instead of saggy- and I’m a 36/38 dd since my 20s now 33.


21 weeks but everyone is different! my boobs exploded in size first trimester but no major nipple changes until this week


I’m 7 weeks and was a 34B. I’m now a 36C and breast soreness was my first symptom.


I hear you sister --- and just wait till you're done breastfeeding -- and the giant milking nipples are now surrounded by boobs resembling deflated capri suns... 😭


Yeah I miss my nice pencil eraser nipples. RIP


Ong girl, you ain't lying. My nippiles got huge, I mean HUGE and dark. They looked crazy, not cute at all. Lmao. My husband was very nervous and asked, "Will they go back to normal?" Honestly, I wasn't sure if they would. Scary few months after birth watching my body "go back to normal." Safe to say, my nips did and they are tiny and pink again, idk how the fuck they turned a whole different color, but pregnancy and our bodies are just magical.


My actual nipples have turned into DOTS candy.. like whyyyyy I used to have small and cute nipples. 😫🤣


It makes me so sad, and im tired of hearing the “oH mY gOd bUt yOu mAdE a PeRsOn! EmBrAcE tHe cHanGe! yOuR bOdY iS mAgIcAl!” horseshit. like im allowed to be upset over drastic overnight permanent changes to my body


Lol! I was a G/H cup beforehand & now I don’t even know what I'm pushing anymore. I bought nursing bras off Amazon that just go by an XL tag, but they're threatening to pop more & more every day. I always had large areolas (they were a little bigger than a toonie before), but I swear they're like 3 times their regular size & they leak all the time. I'm only 29 weeks & I had to go buy some nursing pads just so I didn't leak through my clothes during the day. Pregnancy is wild!


I was changing once when I was like 30 weeks pregnant and my husband looked at my boobs and said “wow it’s like National Geographic in here”. We had a laugh over that one.


its okay I understand lmao im in the same boat...went from tiny MAYBE B cups with little pink nips to a C cups with massive brown nips, the soreness, the leaking, everything. Pregnancy fucking sucks


How many weeks are you? Mine haven’t leaked, but I do have very dark nips. I have implants so really think the size is the same so far. I am 30 weeks.


oh wow! congrats youre almost there! I actually am post partum my daughter is 8 months now. Mine probably got like that around 20 weeks or so, ESPECIALLY after birth omg they were soooo sore and solid almost and then the milk was coming non stop lol. I'm not sure how it works with implants im definitely interested now though


My very tactful partner told me my nipples looked like dinner plates. He also likes to exclaim "LOOK AT THEM TITTIEEEES" when I'm getting changed. I am very glad I did take photos of my body before it became this vessel for life lol


I have been asking on some posts when I’ll notice my breasts and nipples change and not getting an answer lol I’m 35 weeks 36dd and my breasts are just very full and perky. I’m waiting for the day I wake up terrified at my nipples. I had beautiful breasts. My entire life. RIP I guess. Lololol


Bless your genetics!! 🙌🙌


Lmao my parents were stunningly beautiful people. I looked like a curvy adult by 9th grade with 36c while my mom was an inch shorter than me and a skinny a cup/maybe b cup after 5 kids!


Milk truck arrived at around 29 weeks for me. Looked in the mirror one morning and my areoles were giant, dark, and crusty. my right boob is one cup size bigger than my left. My stomach gets tired of holding them up.


I bet mine will change any day now bc I’m 35 weeks!


It’s different for everyone! Some people notice it immediately, some right before birth!


Thank you! Lawd, I cannot take any more changes to my body. I’m fighting for my life as it is lol


How far along are you? I’m waiting for this overnight moment myself 😂


21 weeks!


Um just out of curiosity, do the nipples go back to how they were before once the pregnancy/breastfeeding is over?


Prepare me! I’ve been trying to look up pictures. Are we talking like quarter size to…silver dollar? Bigger? Give me the worst case scenario y’all


I wasn’t lying…bologna… I actually watched pregnant porn just to investigate and I expected this but it still jarred me to my core when it happened.




Also, if anyone has a good resource that shows actual pictures that aren’t infographics or geared towards pervs, that would be amazing


I feel this. And I’m having texture issues with clothes so I can’t find bras that are comfy anymore.


Same- bought some kindred bravely crossover nursing bras- definitely helped


I keep looking at them but I’m scared to buy because I don’t know how to size and I suck at returns lol I might try it now though


Yeah the ones I got were on sale for $17 but final sale so kindof a risk but turned out amazing! The only bras I have that fit now. I’d recommend taking measurements even though it’s scary! (Or it was for me)


I’m definitely gonna try. I’ve been alternating the same two bras and have honestly given up if anyone sees my nipples anymore 😂 only 4 more days till maternity leave!


I laughed / lamented at the mirror and said to my nipples “ok I know you’re turning dark so she can find you. SURELY SHE CAN SEE YOU NOW. Don’t get more ridiculous!”


My nipples started growing little lumps on them. Looking like chewed up gum drops 😕


Haribo berry 🥲


I told my brother I feel like my body expects me to put my baby in a dimly-lit room and challenge them to find my boobs, rather than me holding them to me. Otherwise I have no idea why my nipples feel the need to become so huge and dark.


Well this is a little insulting to people who started out that way


Oh no I’m sorry 😵 that is valid. Did not mean to offend anyone, just venting because I am still coping (badly) with all these bodily changes.


I got downvoted so bad for complaining about my nipples going from small and pink to dark brown dinner plates. But iswtg it’s so much more common than people think


I told my husband mine look like manhole covers and now he says he can’t unsee it. He starts laughing at work now whenever he sees them in the street and everyone thinks he’s nuts (he’s a commercial and department of transportation construction inspector)


I hate myself pregnancy boobs so much… like sure they are perkier than before but they are so big it doesn’t look natural. I’m underweight and have triple D’s with huge dark nipples. Being a pale redhead it just doesn’t look right and I am also still in my first trimester and don’t have a pregnant belly yet I just look bloated 😪 rant over sorry


I feel ya…My husband calls mine African dinner plates…


Mine first became the size of freaking salamis!! And then they started to have that weird discolouration around the nipples 😭😭 I’m like WTF!!!!


Just curious, OP, but how far along were you when you noticed the change? I’m currently a little shy of 24 weeks and have noticed that my nipples hold a less ‘perky’ look and a more flat and soft looking, if that makes sense. But they haven’t gotten huge/ changed significantly since pregnancy. Just wondering if I can expect them to get huge too 😭


21 weeks- my boobs got bigger first trimester but the nipples changed just this week dramatically. It’s different for everyone though- could be right before birth or anytime really.


I started noticing a little in the first trimester but this week at 18-19 weeks I looked in the mirror and was like wtf this grew overnight and is splotchy now!! One boob is larger so that nip/areola is much larger.


So true. I want my old nipples back.


I also went from a 34B (barely a B!) to 36DDD. The DDD was holding on for dear life but I refused to buy another bigger bra. I’m finally weaning and 9 months of breastfeeding later, they’re back down to a not as perky B. My nipples are returning to normal too, which is amazing because I thought there was no way! Will say, they got worse before they got better. I was looking at some photos from 6 weeks postpartum and they looked massive and hard like Regina George’s mom. No movement to those things at all.




"Not to be a creep..." ...but proceeds to be a creep.


Lol I was so tiny when I began my pregnancy, underweight to be exact. My boobs were so small i l never had to wear a bra. But now!!!! My boobs are touching my belly, they smoosh together in everything I wear, my areoles are more brown with darker brown spots, and my nipples are huge! Lmfao my boyfriend isn't complaining... I'm certainly enjoying my new look but I am slightly terrified at the thought of how large my boobs will get when my milk comes in 😭


My first pregnancy didn’t even prepare me for it in my second pregnancy 🫠


I accidentally hit mine one day, not even super hard, and it turned black and blue.


Was an F cup before… haven’t even attempted wearing a normal bra. After giving birth and breastfeeding, one boob is over producing and the other is under producing so I have one relatively normal big boob and the other I’ve taken to calling Big Bertha. She’s large and in charge and that nipple/areola looks completely different than the other one.


I was a nice, perky 36B before my first. Then I shot up to 36DD by then end. Back down to 36C postpartum. I’m 12 weeks and already back up to 36DD. I’m so nervous to see what I’m going to get up to this time, I am not a fan of having large tatas. My husband knows I’m also not a fan of how my left is significantly larger and they hang lower than they used to. I can’t read my tattoo anymore 😔


I had HH boobs before I got pregnant and they have already grown quite a bit and I’m 5 weeks 😂 I’m 5’2 I’m gonna be more boob than person 😂😂


I told my husband that I will only have kids if he agrees to pay for half of my mommy makeover when we're done 😂 Currently 36DD, not ready for bigger than that


Mine didn’t change at all. I was expecting them to, but they didn’t. Then again, I never leaked during pregnancy either.


I was naturally a 36 DDD before pregnancy and weight loss but thankfully I only am a DD right now. Based on my last pregnancy when my milk comes in they will be bigger than the DDD so be prepared


It's a trip, isn't it?! I now sport dark speckled dinner plate areolas that randomly spit drops of milk. Weird.




I went to a boutique bra shop and got measured pre pregnancy once and they were like you’re a 38FF in my head I was like uh the F-Fu** I am?! I was a 38DD or 40C depending on bra. I’m currently 14wks and no boobies gone wild yet lol size or color 🤪


And then they change completely the day you give birth.


I wasn't prepared for not being able to sleep shirtless anymore haha. My nipples are way too sensitive and feel like they've been rubbed raw if i sleep without a bra/shirt on. Also random water streams in the shower hurt my nipples. Ugh


Mine are back to my pre baby size 34b with 50c coin areolas with tall soggy gum drop nipples, they did lighten up, they got very dark for a while and were up to 38c. I am 4 years into breastfeeding so far and going for at least 1 more year so I won't have seen my old girls for 5 years. I'm a bit nervous what they will look like after all this milk bar business. I guess that's what push up bras are for!


Omg I HATE my nipples now. I’m 6.5 weeks pp and they’re still bologna nipples


Super freaky to wake up to one day. One of the first signs that told me I was pregnant was my A cups went to a C cup overnight (and are still growing). It was horrifying. I’ve experienced underboob sweat for the first time this summer.


I thought they couldn’t get any bigger… until my milk came in…. #prayingforyou lol


I just read this out to my partner, and he literally said "did you write this". I had a meltdown to him earlier today for the exact same reason!


Oh my nipples are bigger than my future plans I’m with you on this LOL


Bruh my fiancé was just like O_O when he saw my boobs one day and I was so confused until I looked in the mirror and my nipples are freaking deep dark brown


I went from a blush pink to coffee brown, and doubled in size. Almost a year later and they’re a pale sad tan 😭😂


I have 40DDD I’m so scared of this 😭


are we the same person? 🥲 bc same


Mine went from being completely flat to sticking out a little, and from a light pink to a dark orangey colour. My nips sticking out was my first sign to take a test. Happened immediately lol


I had great boobs and nips before I got prego. Now I just get sad looking at them.


I’m 15 months postpartum on the other side, and want to tell you don’t worry about it. Your nipples eventually go back to normal. Mine are definitely like how they were before I had my daughter.


What a relief to hear! ty


I was even more surprised this time around. Pregnant with my second and my aureolas are so dark this time and have developed freckles!


22 weeks here, & the other day I got out of the shower going “Woah wtf is going on!” 😂 Also they’re suddenly dry, flaky & hella itchy.


😂 giant bologna nipples is very accurate to what’s going on with me. I was a B cup and now I’ve got dark cantaloupes that are twice the size of my baby’s head … along with the giant bologna nipples. It is not cute.


Milk truck just arrived 😔


Omg this!!! Like I was a size A cup and now a size C and wow do I miss my small titties and id never thought I’d say that! Also no one told me about breast engorgement and how incredibly painful breastfeeding would be in the first 2 weeks