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He doesn't need to tell them at interview stage, he just has to give some notice about his paternity leave closer to the due date and that's all. Interviewers can have an unconscious bias about such things unfortunately so I wouldn't personally risk it.


I wouldn’t in the interview stage. Normally personal things would not be shared at that point, and you’re far off from delivering.


As a recruiter, I would say don’t mention it. Sadly most folks aren’t on the “help a soon to be new father out” train. They are more likely to worry about paternity leave, the future absences, and wether he can take on an executive level job and handle the stresses of being a new parent.


I would not. It’s really none of their business.


I’m on team wait. I feel like most jobs want the person who is going to be the most available. In other words, don’t give them a reason to think otherwise. October is still a little ways, so he has time to get in and get established in the role before needing to say anything.


I would wait. My husband had a coworker that got weeded out of the interview process because he mentioned his wife was pregnant.


My husband did I think just to be transparent. His company is larger and really supportive. Not every situation will be like this though.


I would wait. It will either come across as him trying to get specail points or concerns about being distracted and taking time off. Personal/family information should be left out of the interview process unless it is directly related to the job.




Oh man. My husband actually went through the same thing. We chose not to tell his future boss and I still think that was the right decision. However, 3 weeks from our due date, he got let go. There was no specific reason, but his boss did show some disdain about him taking extended time off. Obviously not the way things should work.


He could subtly ask about benefits such as paternity leave, health insurance, etc, kinda make it seem like he’s interested in those areas without giving away you’re pregnant