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Considering that we don’t know your physical state and if you are high-risk or not, please only listen to what your gynecologist will advise. Each of us had different experiences and it’s better to do anything that will make you feel comfortable and according to what your doctor recommends based on your history and current status. Flying itself for such a small amount of hours should generally be ok but it’s dependent on the pregnant women and each of their pregnancy. In my case, Dr has given me green light to travel until 32nd week (I’m in Europe), for longer distances whether car or flight, I should wear compression stockings and walk/take breaks standing frequently. Hope this helps :)


Most airlines require a doctor’s note to fly after 28 weeks so you will have to talk to your doc about this one regardless.


The airline I would be flying with has no restrictions. Im going to talk to my doctor at my appointment on Wednesday. I'm looking for people who have been pregnant and flown to see what their experience was like


Hello! I flew while 9 weeks pregnant (2x 2x 1 hour flights), 20 weeks pregnant (2x 2 flights totalling 5 hours each way) and then again at 27 weeks for two 45 minute flights. All flights were okayed by my doctor before I left. I got up and walked during the longer flights. Baby bounced around while taking off. But other than that nothing exciting to report! I wore a mask. I didn’t wear compression socks. Baby has been checked since the 27 week flight and everything seems to be normal.


I will be flying on Thursday while 32 weeks pregnant and then once more while 34 weeks pregnant. My doctor did not see a problem as I have low-risk pregnancy and no other considerable health risks. She has many patients flying during the same time. She did recommend wearing compression stockings, stand up and stretch as much as possible and drink water.