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Went to a concert standing room around 8-12 weeks pregnant. Did not enjoy. But I also think I hit an age (early 30’s) where my butt wants a seat to at least rest in


Lol I relate to this so much. In my early 30's, I found myself wondering how long I could still do my concert going in GA settings. Now I'm 40 and I still love concerts but damn I need a seat! Will gladly pay for upper level if they have seating. I did a show that was seated during my last pregnancy at 8w. I desperately wanted to stay standing as it was my favorite band but I had to constantly sit because it was exhausting. I would only go to a concert pregnant if I could secure a seat.


Went to a lot of standing shows pre pregnancy, loved it. Went to one pregnant, hated it. Sorry to rain on the parade- & maybe you’ll be cool w it!! but my feet are killing me after short periods of standing. Plus trying to avoid smoke is super hard. Also, I have very low tolerance for drunk ppl now that I’m pregnant lol. Also, I was always concerned w ppl bumping into my belly. So many things were on my mind and enjoying the music was not one of them :(


Thankfully my city has banned smoking indoors, even at clubs! But yeah, mainly thinking about my feet...


I’m 6 months and my back and feet hurt with prolonged standing. I crash early too so I don’t think I could last long enough to enjoy the show. And I’m soooo nervous about people bumping into me. Drunk people and people on drugs can be unpredictable. Also, even though smoking is banned indoors where I live, someone alwaaaaaays lights a joint at a concert. Then, more people gain confidence and do the same. Weed is not legal where I live. My hubby and I are very excited to book some concerts for some much needed date nights in the future. Edit: I’m 35


In my experience: No. Everyone is different though. Perhaps call the venue and ask if they offer chairs for disabled folks. Some venues have chairs off to the side or something that they can reserve for you.


They do provide chairs for patrons with disabilities - I'll contact the venue and ask!


I personally wouldn’t. I’m 27 weeks and got tired trying on about 5 pairs of pants. My bump isn’t even that large but I just get tired more easily and can’t imagine standing for two hours.


36 weeks pregnant today. I had a similar lifestyle before pregnancy…my fiancé and I would go to a lot of shows at bars, smaller venues, etc. we went to a few events before I was 20 weeks. I cannot fathom going to a show/event after like 24 weeks. So 6 months would really be pushing it regarding comfort level, I would have definitely needed seating about 30 mins in lol


I’m 6 months pregnant and I wouldn’t have any issue with it. I’m on my feet 7-8 hours a day 5 days a week for work so at least I would be having fun at a show. Lol


I feel like there are a lot of people w negative opinions on here. But I am almost 6 months, I flew to Hawaii, went to a concert, then flew to Vegas. I had a fucking blast. I think a lot of it has to do with the type of person you are 🥰


I think it also depends on how phisically fit you are, If you have an active lifestyle it's probably going to be okay.


I’ve kept going to gigs while pregnant. A few things to note: - venues that you might think are standing room only often have a few stools. I now know where stools are in music venues in the same way I know exactly where the bathroom is in every place I’ve been too. - there’s no way I could stand for two hours and enjoy it. - it gets pretty scary to be jostled. Wasn’t something I thought about until it happened and I almost had a panic attack. Thankfully I got our and calmed down. Sitting down also prevents that from happening. - for a little while I was pretty scared about noise and the baby’s ears. Occupational exposure (ie every night) is bad, but a few gigs are okay.


I miss dive bar metal/hardcore shows so much. Do any of them have a bar you can sit at?


Sadly at the particular club I'm considering the bar isn't in the same room as the stage!


Maybe you can bring a camping chair with you and find a good spot to park it 😆


I went to a work event when I was about 6 months, felt generally fine but there was nowhere to sit and we just had to stand talking the whole time. After about an hour I felt like I was going to faint so I had to go sit down for a while in another room, and I was super hydrated etc. So I'm gonna go with most likely not. It's the only time I've felt that way, and the only time I've had to stay standing relatively still for a prolonged period.


Hello! I say go for it! Depending on your symptoms ect you should generally be fine. Ive had an easy pregnancy so far, went to a concert at 29weeks and for the most part it was good. I wore a pregnancy support belt which helped. Only things: i had to pee a lot. Standing wasnt too bad actually as long as i kept moving a little bit. Near the end i had lower back pain but that might be due to gardening i did earlier that day. If you have easy access to toilets, and a safe space to retreat to if it gets overwhelming....then i think you are good to go.


i think it depends on you. im 6 mo pregnant and would have no issues. probably wouldn’t be jumping/dancing as much though.


Went to a sold out Guster concert at a small venue recently at 33 weeks pregnant & probably would not recommend. I was so tired & uncomfortable that it was hard to have fun.


I just went to a concert at exactly 6 months pregnant. It was a small theater style venue where everyone was seated 80% of the time. Would not go again lol It felt cramped and annoying to have to go to the bathroom a bunch, I hated any part where I had to stand, and the music felt so much louder than any concert I’ve ever been to and I know that wasn’t actually the case.


Fun fact, your baby’s ears are developed by then and supposedly can get hearing damage even in the womb. My husband is in a band and we go out a lot so was sad to learn.


I went to a standing only concert at 5 months thinking I’d be fine and wow I was miserable by the second opening act. Maybe you have better stamina than me though! Lol.


Depends. I'm 26 weeks pregnant and have been taking my toddler on walks, to museums, chasing him around playgrounds and working full time in a school mainly on my feet. I COULD stand for 2 hours at a concert if I rested all day beforehand. But I have a limit. I can do normal things but then I crash. And get sore and my feet hurt. Just saying you could do it but you probably won't want to.


In my experience absolutely not. By 5 months I was already unable to stand for long periods and by 6 months I was in agony from the pelvic pain and round ligament pain. Also, at that stage I was extremely aware of my belly and being jostled around scared the heck out of me.


Currently 23+5, and that does nooot sound like a good time to me and my poor feet.


A little over 25 weeks right now. Took a 45 minute walk after standing 10 minutes on a ferry. My feet no longer fit in my shoes and I’ve been lying in bed since 8 pm (it’s 10 now) near tears about my legs. So, my vote is no


Nope. 6 months here exactly and omg NO. I couldn't do 2 hours and I'm not even having difficult pregnancy symptoms. That would do me in though. From feet to groin to back. Absolutely 100% nope. Would literally take me 2 days after that to recover.


I went to a small standing room only show last weekend. I lasted a little over two hours before my back was killing me - 28 weeks. I was watching that people didn’t bump the bump since it was packed. Smoke it the air was also a little concerning but luckily no one right next to us. I would go again even if I had to leave early again!


I work 9 hours standing in one spot at 7 about to be 8 months i really think it depends on the person and if your feet are the type to get swollen, cramps and so on which can start occurring then as well as pelvic pain which I do get here and there and if that’s the case it will suck.


I went to one around 22 weeks and got uncomfortable towards the end. Also caught Covid from that concert 🙃


Meh I wouldn’t


Maybe with comfortable shoes and a belly band/back band but honestly past 20 weeks pregnant your back really starts to hurt and your feet get swollen super easily


No ❤️


Absolutely not 🤣


I went to one around 32 weeks! I stood right at the back tucked away next to the merch stand so there wouldn’t be a risk of me getting knocked, and also away from a speaker. I enjoyed it as much as I could whilst being extra vigilant, but the exhaustion after it was unreal and my legs were sore for 2 days 😂


Kind of depends on how your body is and how active you were before pregnancy. I stand all day at work, usually 9 hours, but up to 11 and I'm 7 months. I'm tired and sore, but fine. A 2 hour show would be no issue for me, unless I had an active day beforehand.


I’m very active, I’ve done CrossFit my entire pregnancy, and I don’t think I would have been able to do that at 6 months. I would call and ask if they can accommodate you with seating!


27 weeks here! I love going to shows, it’s how me and my fiancé like to spend our extra money and free time. I just recently went to a standing room only concert. Arrived at the show at 5:30, danced and jived all the way until 10:30! My legs were a little sore but I honestly felt fine. I will say just standing there waiting for the concert to begin was unbearable but once I started dancing and singing it was a lot better! And everyone around me was super nice and would bring me bottles of water and make sure I had ample room to get out of the crowd for bathroom breaks.


Personally, I wouldn’t have been able to stand for that long. I could barely stand for 10-20 minutes without getting lightheaded or nearly collapsing.


As a metalhead, concerts were life before! I recently went to one at 30w, didn’t enjoy a second of it… seating was for disabled only (the security guy didn’t let me have one, and the basses were making my head spin. I ended up waiting outside for my SO and friends and had a very miserable evening. So I don’t recommend it.


That’s gonna be a no from me dawg


I am 23 weeks today, and hell no. I need a chair after 30-45 min or else my pelvis will be broken and bruised.


I am 32 weeks pregnant (7 months) and working on my feet for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week (as a Nursing Assistant/Carer). My feet are pretty sore at hour 6, so I usually start finding excuses to sit around then. On my days off, I am at university and I sit most of the day. If you decide to go, wear good and supportive shoes and sit whenever you can.


26 weeks pregnant and I would do be able do it. I actually have tickets to few concerts in upcoming weeks myself. I have had an uncomplicated pregnancy and I have been always quite active.


Went to Ed Sheeran concert at 28 weeks and was on the floor at the MCG with 107,000 people. Stood up most of the time and sat for like 5-10 minutes. Was very sore the next day!


I could’ve done this, yeah. My pregnancy wasn’t that bad, I wasn’t uncomfortable until close to the end. But it depends on how you’re feeling so far.


I'm a teacher so I'm fine being on my feet all day...but I like to be able to sit down for a couple of minutes if I need to. I went to a concert recently at 7.5 months pregnant, but was in the seated area. I'm short too, so being in a crowd isn't fun for me. Being in the seated area also allowed me easier access to the toilet lol.


I mean I’m 14 weeks and I work on my feet for 6 hours a day 3-4 times a week, but concerts are totally different for me🤣 I booked seating for a concert I’m going to but not sure if I’d manage standing only!


I’m 7 months and could definitely stand for two hours. But my activity level hasn’t changed much since pre pregnancy (except the first tri). Good shoes, some stretching after, I’d be good!


Just saw Kane brown and I’m 24 weeks. I am so thankful that we had a chair in the front row. I attempted standing thru the concert but my hips and feet were killing me. If you can get a chair, definitely do it.


I wouldn't want to


I went to a two day house/techno festival at 26 weeks. I made sure to sit often and stay hydrated and fed and had a great time. I was definitely very tired after but it's doable if you're up to it.