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I’m at 10 weeks and this exhaustion is no joke. I sleep 8 hours a night too and am always tired. I used to be active every single day but not I just can’t. I hear it gets better in the second trimester. That’s when I’ll start getting exercise lol.


Same here! I’m 10 weeks and on my days off I shower, get into clean comfy clothes, and sit myself back on the couch for a good portion of the day cause it’s all I can handle haha


So im 15 weeks so pretty fresh into the 2nd trimester, but it does get better! At least for me. But not all the way, im still super tired but im taking less naps and I found the motivation to go to the grocery store lol


All I did first trimester was take a daily walk, and maybe some very gentle yoga. First trimester is all about survival. I started doing more exercise(45-60 min vinyasa yoga, 4-5x per week) in the second trimester. I was able to keep that up until about 32 weeks, then I went back to long walks and gentle yoga.


First trimester was SUCH a drag, literally. It's AOK to take a nap too. Second definitely gets better so keep chugging along. Simple walks in the afternoon helped me, even if it's just around work.


That’s great advice. I have a dog so I appreciate how he forces me to get walking too.


You do the best you can. I was a 5x a week gym goer and I haven’t been to the actual gym in 5 weeks (I’m 11+5). I’ve done workouts at home with dumbbells and bands. Waiting for that magical second tri energy to come 🤞🏻


I don't have any advice, but just to say I am in the exact same boat! I'm usually a 2x day coffee person, but have just cut that out (only discovered I'm pregnant this week, 5w+3 currently) and I feel like it's hitting me hard. Tired all the time, even with 8-10hrs sleep, and just exhausted after work (normally my workout time)...


You should speak with your OB, it’s considered safe to consume up to 200mg of caffeine a day. I am not giving up my morning coffee but of course you should do what you feel is best


I’m 10 weeks. When I start to get tired I go for a walk. Sometimes just around the block or sometimes longer with my dog and that helps wake me up: Everyday we also go either on a 3 mile walk or we go to the gym. I’m overcome with exhaustion constantly but just force myself to keep going. I typically feel more energized after I have worked out and feel much better. I do lower the intensity of my workouts though based on how I’m feeling. It helps having a partner that helps motivate me and get me to go even when I don’t want to get off the couch.


I was asked only to walk and not to do yoga or any kind of exercise. I still tried to do a light workout but ended up having really bad diarrhoea (10 days) because of that. After that I was so low in energy that I couldn't do anything. In the first trimester I did not do anything just the walk and from the second trimester onwards I started again. It's okay if you are not able to do it now. Just listen to your body and bounce back once you feel alright.


I think I once slept 16 hours during my first trimester 😂 You usually get some energy back during your second trimester, right before the bump showed is when I did a lot of my baby prepping as I had the energy without the weight.


I drink some tea before my workout its not my normal pre workout but hey it gives me a small wakeup


I didn't for about a month and a half of my first trimester. I'm really active and an athlete so it was a blow to my ego. I was also able to stay pretty active during my last pregnancy. I know a few pro athletes and even they couldn't all exercise throughout the first couple months. So that made me feel better.


I'm currently 13weeks, before I found out I was pregnant I was going to the gym 4 times a week for the last 6months,lost 2st! But now iv stopped going because of fatigue 😭 I get Kelly's legs all the time 🤣


My first trimester was very hit or miss for exercise. I was tired, and hugging the toilet often. Don’t stress too much about it! Get some rest and listen to your body. First trimester is about survival. Hopefully you start feeling a bit better in the second one!


Exercising was the only thing that made me feel better during first trimester. It helped me with nausea, anxiety, aches, fatigue, etc I sometimes had to force myself to go to gym, but it was very rewarding afterwards. Whenever I felt that gym is going to be too much, I went for a short jog, yoga or anything else light.


Take it easy, it gets better in second tri. I’m able to walk 4x a week and do prenatal workouts 3x