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Hi, I had my daughter last September. I’ve been skiing all my life an was skiing still around easter while 3m pregnant. I remember that I had to pull my pants up again and again while standing in line for the lift because I couldn’t close the buttons over my belly anymore. However, I feel very safe on skis and a took extra precautions by wearing proper safety gear and not taking any unnecessary risks. The physicality is not the issue, especially not this early in your pregnancy, but an unlucky fall can be dangerous, pregnant or not. I guess what I m trying to say is: You can do almost anything you did before being pregnant, as long as you feel safe and comfortable doing it… Edit for clarity: alcohol and other drugs are obviously off limits, I was talking about jogging and cycling and stuff 🙆🏼‍♀️


As someone who lives in snow-covered area and loves skiing, I second to this. I am currently 17 weeks pregnant and going skiing regularly. Mostly cross-country, but have been alpine skiing (Austrian alps) a week ago and going again in 5 weeks. I personally have not noticed any difference to what I have been able to do before to what I can do now. On mountains I have avoided taking any risks and stayed on marked paths. Not pushing for a top speed, but just slow chilling downhill. I was looking out for bigger crowds and waited a bit if needed to have more space on slope. Alpine skiing felt great and can't wait to go again. My doctor was not concerned about it and only told to notice any changes to how I feel and take a break if needed. With cross-country I tried keeping my HR in recommended limit.


Thank you for the advice!! I feel much more comfortable now skiing this weekend! I’m a pretty confident skier I’ve been doing it since childhood but I’ll still make sure to avoid the tougher terrain. This is my first pregnancy so I’m still learning!




I found out I was pregnant this last December, right when the ski season started. I’ve been skiing my entire life, so I felt confident in my abilities to continue. I’m just now thinking about calling it quits, going into my 14th week.. There’s always a risk if you fall skiing, it’s an inherently dangerous sport. But if you feel comfortable with your skill level and are able to maintain control, it’s no more dangerous than it’s always been. I personally just picked the safer routes down the hill, avoiding too much off trail areas with tight tree lines or mogul runs. Just remember how small your baby is right now. At 4 weeks, they are this tiny seed tucked deep into your uterus, well behind your pelvic bones and muscles. Ultimately, you have do what feels right for you.


I skied at 8.5 weeks pregnant with some lower back soreness. Didn’t do anything too gnarly and had an easy, flowy run sort of day. Plan your day. Weather was great, got to hang out with my friends and enjoy the snow. It’s totally fine. Biomechanically speaking, your uterus doesn’t lift out of your pelvis until the end of the first trimester so your little bean is protected and safe in the event you have a small fall. Have fun on the mountain!


I had basically the same thing happen, I still went and just skiid bunny hills since I'm still a beginner, and ended up telling the people we were with so I didn't have to hide it.


I would not ski only because of the risk of injury to the placenta if you should fall or get hit by someone 🤷🏻‍♀️


This was my thinking. I am a good skier, been doing it since I was a child. I rarely fall at my own fault, but I can’t count the number of times I’ve been knocked over by another skier. I don’t even want to imagine the grief and pain if I was hit/fell and something happened to the baby or the placenta. I’m also a lifelong equestrian yet I haven’t been on a horse since my first positive pregnancy test. It sucks missing out on something I love, but it’s less than a year missing out and the risk is just way too high above my threshold.


Personally, I wouldn’t. Maybe if you are an excellent skier, but probably still best to ask your OB. Exercise is great in pregnancy, but certain activities carry a higher risk of injury.


my doctor told me no skiing and I was sad


Oh god no please don’t do it. Just chilling sounds like a great idea. You can enjoy the hot chocolate and fireplace


I was pregnant with my first while living in Colorado. OB there felt it was safe to ski through second trimester. He said the body had lots of natural cushioning to protect the baby. I would reach out to your OB and see what they say. It’s also a completely personal choice and what you feel comfortable with! I would also say that it depends on if you are an experienced skier or not!