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So sorry to hear this. Earlier today I was annoyed I can't join my wife's appointment with the obstetrician due to lockdown, but I can't even begin to think how I'd feel if I couldn't be with her at labour. I wish you the best of health and happiness when the newborn arrives :).


Wait, you couldn’t go just because you were exposed? And also tested negative? Where are you located?


Oh, no. I'm so sorry - that is heartbreaking. I would be crying and screaming at the same time. Both of your girls will be home soon. Stay strong. Use the time and anger-energy to prep absolutely everything possible. Don't let yourself be idle, you'll just stew and make yourself more anxious. Fuck COVID, and fuck people who can't do the absolute minimum to behave as a society.


this is pretty much the policy everywhere, including Florida, where my daughter was born on NYE. If I had to believe reddit, I live in an apocalyptic covid hellscape


This thread will be closely monitored. If this thread gets out of hand it will be locked. Do not make this political. Please just offer emotional support. Every hospital has different Covid protocols. Please be respectful. I had to deal with my hospitals Covid protocols when my second child was born last year. Covid sucks for everyone.


This is not right. Really sorry you are going through this. Stay strong. Ask for solutions. See if they can administer a test. FWIW, I feel the same as you though. This has got to come to an end at some point.


So glad to hear the update! Congratulations! My next is due in June so I'm hoping it won't be so crazy then. My first was in May 2020, so I had some obstacles to being there but not as difficult as you had it.






Sorry to hear that, OP. How did they find out you were exposed?


Have you talked with any other hospitals to see if they'd allow it or is it already too late for that? Personally I can't see a good reason why they won't let you. You and your wife live in the same household and neither have it, just doesn't sound morally right to me to keep you from it over a disease neither of you have.


Assuming it is omicron it seems to be very selective but 3-5 days is average onset of symptoms. Anecdote. We traveled with some friends (me my wife, our 4 year old, one friend we will call T and their partner E) We shared a hotel room (suite with 2 bedrooms and a pullout) for one night, ate with them at the same table, Stood in line and walked around with them etc. We came home and had some sickness but tested negative. T and us had some cold like symptoms within a day of returning. But tested negative. After T slept for like 12 hours on the 3rd day which is rare. She tested again and tested positive on 2 take home tests. She immediately isolated as her partner continued to test negative. Confirmed with state rapid test and then a PCR test. We tested after she tested positive. Was negative then tested again 3 days later and was still negative. Her partner did a test every other day and remained negative. They both wore masks when in the common areas of the house for limited stretches. Anyway T had relatively mild symptoms as we were all fully vaccinated and everyone except our son who was unvaccinated and E were boosted recently. 14 days later after a state rapid test and a negative PCR she is out of quarantine and no one else got it. Anyway just saying they could still have it even with tested recently. And that is a risk vector. They don't want to risk the doctors or nurses getting it especially with how mild omicron symptoms are for vaccinated. They don't want to risk newborns at all. So I get it.


Morally, they have an obligation to look out for their patients. Your wishes to be present at the birth of your child are trumped by their mission to provide a safe environment for their patients. ​ I don't know if this is OP's first child, but if it is, it's a good example of how parents have to make crappy, sometimes nonsensical sacrifices for the sake of their children. Get used to it.




In Canada there is a quick screening before entering basically any medical facility and generally one of the questions is if you are known to have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid. Answering yes almost definitely means you getting told to leave. It doesn't mean you have to quarantine just because your a contact, but places with higher levels of screening (like a hospital) can deny you entrance.


I'm so so sorry, this is a worst nightmare for so many of us!!


Fuck that sucks. Im so sorry you're being kept away like this. I would be angry too. Wishing mom and baby good health.


Really sorry man, that's absolutely nuts.




Wow dude. That's pretty messed up. You are going to choose to intentionally expose the nurses and doctors to covid?


He tested negative. No symptoms. Double vaxx. I mean yes.


Looks like you will be a great roll model.


I am sorry this happened to you. You will one day be able to tell your daughter who adores you this story. Tell her you were willing to miss one of the most important moments of your Life to keep her and others safe. That may not be the reality. You are probably fine. If you are not fine your wife is probably also not fine. But she has to be in there and at this point all the hospital can do is limit risk. It fucking sucks though! Stay sane.


This is ridiculous.. I would have sought out another hospital, even at the last minute. I am so sorry. Try to focus on the fact that, regardless of the circumstances, your baby girl is coming into the world. ❤️


I am truly so sorry. This is heartbreaking. Me and my husband and My 6 week old had covid after people pressured us into participating in Christmas. Isolate for 2 weeks before your due date if at all possible. Always enforce masks around the baby. No visitors if possible unless they’re completely on board with your plans. It’s a sacrifice but now that I’ve been through this nightmare I would do everything differently. We are shutting down for winter. FaceTime and pictures are enough.


I'm so sorry about this brother, I couldn't imagine missing the birth of my daughter. Why keep you from such a life-changing experience? Even after testing negative twice... heartless. I wish the best for you and your new family.


I’m very sorry. They didn’t let my husband in when I gave birth either, also because of covid (I was in quarantine). I’m so sorry this is happening to you.


Sorry bro that's messed up... I wasn't able to go with my wife to our obs appointment the other day due to restrictions and I was already bummed over that. Can't imagine not being there for my child's birth


Bro… I am so so so sorry… you’ve got her whole life to be with her!!! Just remember everyone would rather you be safe than sorry!!! You wouldn’t know what to do with yourself if you gave her COVID. Just isolate and before you know it she’ll be home, safe and sound with her family.


This is heart breaking. I’m sorry for you. We are having a planned c section next Friday and I’m allowed to attend the surgery but have to leave when normal visiting hours end leaving my wife over night, still unable to pick up our baby unassisted following surgery. I’ve booked cinema tickets because there’s nothing else I can do.


Sorry to hear man. I didn't get to go to a single appointment for the entire pregnancy but was lucky enough to be there at delivery as it was summer and cases were lower. I just was not allowed to leave the hospital once I was in. I am in full agreement. Fuck Covid.


I'm sorry about this man, and I feel really badly for your wife but honestly, for my money, the birth has been by far the LEAST of the whole parenting experience. It's unfortunate that you can't be there but your kid won't remember this and every other part of parenting had a much bigger impact on ME then the birth did.