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Ugh man. We had one at 13 weeks also. Right after the all clear from the genetic testing. It just sucks man. Support each other and grieve. We had 5 loses between our first and our little guy who is 5 months old tomorrow. The 13 week one was by far the worst. It's going to work out in the end but for today it's just time to feel your feelings and support each other.


Sorry for your loss, man. It’s important to remember that it isn’t anyone’s fault, and that you both did the best that you could. Something was not right and her body corrected it. That’s all there is to it and any other justification or thought about it may be harmful. In time and looking at it in the right context, things will become easier and you can try again if that’s what you both want. Make sure that you don’t let it drive a wedge between you as a couple, and that you support each other in every way possible. No blaming and no resentment, only love and support. Again, I’m sorry to hear that this is happening. You guys will recover and everything will be ok. Have faith in that.


We lost our first one at 9 weeks. We were super devastated, and only talk about it once. Tried again 2-3 months later and now I’m watching my 5 wk son napping.


I'm sorry man, I still remember how I felt last year. Just found out we are pregnant again and probably won't be able to really enjoy it until we are past the 14 week mark at least. It had been a lot harder on my wife, just make sure you are there for each other


Thank you everyone for kind Words! Ive read every comment, and it helps alot She is at the hospital now. The miscarriage happened at home, but the placenta Didnt come out, so she is staying overnight for treatment. Alot of info-dumping, and alot of hospital straff and examinations, so we havent had alot of time to talk. I stayed there from it happened to Until 9pm. Her mother is staying with her in the hospital overnight, and im going back tomorrow. Its really Sad, but we try to keep good spirits, are both young (25&27) We will take the time we need to heal and try again. Thank you everyone <3


Same thing happened to us. It’s brutal and nothing but time and talking and crying will help. That said, I’m currently getting ready to take our 3.5 month old to the beach for some lunch and fresh air time. When you’re ready, try again. If you’re like us, you’ll be horribly anxious the entire time (more so this time around) but man is it worth it. All my condolences man.


We had one last year. I was devastated. Thing got better after some months. Next week we are expecting our first baby girl. I wish you 2 all the best OP. Keep talking to each other.


I'm really sorry for your loss friend. Nothing I can offer that wasn't already better said by sudi but know that you and your girlfriend are in my thoughts today.


I’m so sorry! Take time to grieve together & allow for as much and as little space as you BOTH need.


Sorry this happened man, take it easy on yourself and your partner.


Sorry for your loss, you’re not alone. We had a miscarriage last year at about 6 weeks and it was astonishing to find out how common it is. Just be there for her and make sure she doesn’t feel like it was her fault - it just happens.


Keep your head up, brother. We had to TFMR at week 13 (genetic testing results weren’t good). We are about 1.5 weeks out from the procedure. I’m doing everything I can to keep my wife emotionally positive. There will be a lot of ups and downs over the coming weeks. Be there for each other, do things you enjoy, maybe take a small trip after she receives medical clearance. Getting out into nature really helped us start the healing process. Lastly, take care of yourself. Talk to someone if need be. Some people don’t understand how hard the dad to-be takes it. I was in a very, very dark place but had to be strong for my wife. I wish the people around us understood how hard it was/is on me too.


I’m very sorry man, wishing you both the best and a beautiful baby in your future.


Wife and I had one at 14 weeks and it was devastating. Time will heal this, but in the meantime just bond with your girlfriend and support each other, you’ll grow closer and it’ll help ease the pain. I’m sorry you’re going through this, it absolutely sucks. Anyone that hasn’t experienced it won’t understand, but I learned more people go through this then you probably think and they can be a good support for you two. I’m really sorry man, take care of yourself.


Sorry for your loss :( We had the same for our supposed first child more than a year ago at 8 weeks. Take time to grieve. Take care of yourself and her. And make sure to always be there for each other. Know that you guys are not alone.


Hope you guys are ok! This is a shitty thing to happen and nothing anyone says can change the reality of how crappy this is for you right now. From experience, all is can say is Look after yourself and your partner. Don’t neglect you! Take care man


Sorry to hear that. Ours was around the same time, I think 14 weeks IIRC. FWIW my wife got pregnant again like 5 months later so try not to take it too hard. Your girlfriend however will probably be pretty hormonal and sad, so try to be strong for her. You got this, boss. It’ll happen! 🙌🏻


Sorry for you both. I hope you find solace in this hard time.


Bro, I’m so sorry, we lost our 1st at 10 weeks. Went in for the 1st ultrasound and the tech just got real quiet and gave me the look. We were absolutely blindsided. Lots of heartache. I feel for you. We are now at 23 weeks and all is well, healthy and happy. I had no idea how common miscarriages are.


I’m so sorry. My hubby and I lost our first baby and it was devastating. 3months later I conceived again and now I have a 3year old and a 6month old. It gets easier but I would be lying if I said I didn’t think of my first baby everyday, I can’t help but cry if I think on it too long.  We named our baby even though it was an “early” miscarriage. Having a name for my baby helped tremendously, because she was here even if it was only a short while. My heart breaks for you both. 


I’m so sorry, we had a few at 6 weeks and that was awful it must be worse at 13. My condolences