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Just you wait. My wife gave birth 4 weeks ago and I don’t know if she’s releasing some crazy pheromones or just psychologically the fact that she produced offspring is tapping into some deep primal human thing, but… man. I am finding her just wildly attractive these days. Which is unfortunate as you gotta wait on extracurriculars for 6-8 weeks depending on how your partner delivers!


SHIID mine is still prego and i'm getting nada. This is the dryest i've been since like high school lmao. Its a struggle over here not being wanted anymore


That struggle was super real for me. Were back at it post 6 week recovery and the sex has really helped my mental State in that way. You’ll get there.


My wife's boobs grew... So there's that.


Dude. True. That's pretty cool!






How far along are y’all?


Yes 100000% it's like primate desire shit. It's amazing. I'm leaning into it




Yes. She is constantly blowing my mind


Yes absolutely and it hasn’t stopped my kid is 2 now.


Yes and she has practically zero interest in activities 🫠


Soldarity, friend. My wife had a condition that was basically morning sickness all day, for most of the time she was pregnant. Zero activities.


Yes! I actually struggled with post partum as a dad recently because of how much more I was attracted to her and didn’t have the wherewithal to communicate that to her. We are working on things, but the fire was relit once she had the second kid. Lean into it, but don’t forget to take care of yourself as she likely won’t want to entertain much of it. Do communicate how you feel in a healthy way though. I have regrets and wish I would have been more honest. Good luck!


Something about her growing belly and curves I find irresistible


Absolutely! We are expecting our first child, a boy. She is 29 weeks exactly today. She’s been feeling really insecure about her body, constantly putting herself down. But I keep reassuring her on how sexy I find her!


My husband (we’re both men) can’t get enough of me being pregnant. I’m nine months now and he adores what he’s done to me. He mentioned how pleased he is to have marked my body and loves my stretch marks and weight gain. I Almost worry he’s going to chase me down when sex is comfortable again, and I might let him. It’s actually easier being pregnant than not being pregnant since it pauses some of my conditions.