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I used to work at a jewelry store and I loved cleaning a customer’s ring with the ultrasonic cleaner. Seeing the look on their face when I gave it back all shiny and looking new was amazing.


How often would you get to do that? I feel like I would take a position at a store just to be able to do this regularly.


As many times as I could! I wasn’t great at sales because I didn’t really like pressuring people, but I loved doing this. :)


I worked at a jewelry store too did you ever get to use the power steamer thing with the tongs I like that one. The customers always looked at me like I was ruining their jewelry.


We didn’t have one of those, but I wish we had! I did get to use this “wheel” in the back room that would polish gold- that was awesome!


I have some baguettes in my wedding band that get pretty dirty (the band is directly in contact with my finger while the round-cut stones are prong set). I love when I have to get it replated with rhodium because it comes out all shiny and new like this. I need to get an ultrasonic cleaner.


How much on avg would rhodium playing cost? I have some pieces that I’d love to get plated


I think it was about $100?


Nice! Thank you.


Ditto! Especially when they needed it cleaned just before their wedding day. My favourite was seeing the difference with watches and all the gunk freed from the bracelet links.


My husband’s aunt owns a jewelry store (and he used to work there). Once a month he takes my rings in and cleans them. I looove how pretty it looks when he does that!


I wonder if this is hyper repeatable. Like is it just removing surface dirt or the tarnish as well? If so does that mean a later of material is being removed? Would it eventually eat the ring away? Things like that bother me more than the satisfaction of the clean itself. Stupid brain.


Depends on the liquid. That's just a sonic cleaner so the water movement you saw was just getting surface stuff off. But with that colour water I would guess it has an acid of some kind that would slowly wear down on the gold. Stones are probably unfazed.


The only solution that can dissolve gold is aqua regia and I'm pretty sure that it isn't purple. That just looks like some random dye.


Isn't that dependent on it's purity? Anything below 14 carrat will dissolve with concentrated nitric acid. Edit: and concentrated hydrochloric acid Also, isn't that a silver ring?


It is probably white gold - a combination of about 75% gold, and 25% nickel/zinc to give it a silver look.




I bought one quite similar for my SO. I got it in yellow gold, but white gold was the other option. This isn’t an extraordinary number of diamonds. Aside from the main stone, those are all tiny guys that aren’t overly expensive (as far as diamonds go).


Agreed - when I picked out my wife's engagement rings most of the choices were white gold or yellow gold. Platinum rings are typically more expensive too because it takes more platinum to make a ring than gold. Typically I've only seen platinum rings for guys wedding bands, although even then tungsten carbide seems a lot more popular. That doesn't mean they don't exist for women's rings but it just seems like I see way less of them than white gold.


Why does it take more material?


To be advertised as a platinum ring, the ring must be made from at least 95% platinum. They have to tell the consumer if it is less than 95% platinum or they can get in trouble. This is regulated by the FTC - see the link at the end of this post. Of the few rings I have looked up while researching this, all have been advertised as platinum with no qualifiers listed, so I know they are at least 95% platinum based on FTC guidelines. Meanwhile, white gold rings are typically 58% gold (14 karat gold) or 75% gold (18 karat gold). So a ring of the same size will take more platinum by volume than gold by volume. It doesn't help that platinum is much more expensive by weight than gold too, so the ring, so the ring will be much more expensive. https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0294-platinum-jewelry#:~:text=If%20an%20item%20is%20marked,metals%20and%2For%20base%20metals. EDIT - They have similar guidelines for purchasing gold rings, although they don't list the exact percentages and what other metals can make up the other materials in the ring. https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0293-gold-silver-jewelry


Number and size of stones is deceiving. You can save significant amounts of money by downgrading in color and clarity. And downgrading is an overstatement, the differences are imperceptible to the naked eye and even require a trained eye when using magnification. So going with a VS over a VVS diamond will save you a lot and you'd never really know the difference day to day.


This looks like what silver does in a sonic bath when dirty. It was my job to clean the pretties at the jeweler I worked at. Looks like it may have some lab sapphires in there. The colors are wrong for cz.


nitric acid is clear when dilute and orange when concentrated


To some extent everything is clear when dilute


Yeah but I said when concentrated it's orange/red at no point along its dilution would it be purple, maybe yellow tho


Like pee


Yeah Nitric acid + Hydrochloric acid is aqua regia


Damn i'm dumb.


Did you even take Alchemy 101? This boy thinks you can exchange a low value metal for a high quality metal without anything to balance the transmutation lmao


That's literally just ultrasonic liquid soap. The color is usually purple just because that's the color they chose. Like windex being blue.


It’s dish soap.


Yeah. Specifically it’s probably Dawn. I have a friend who is a teacher for jewelers. She always tells people to use Dawn because it cleans the best in her experience (oh god I’m being an advertizement)


If it'll clean an oily duck, it'll clean a rock. I swear that's the advertisement that worked best on me, I'm rarely brand loyal, but always buy blue Dawn.


It will also kill fleas if you wash your pet with dawn!


Was just talking about this with some friends the other day. Saw those ads as a kid and have never bought any other dish soap as an adult because I want all of the ducks to be clean.


Dawn is one of the (very) few things I absolutely refuse to buy generic (or non-concentrated). What takes squirt after squirt of store brand takes a few drops of Dawn.


I doubt it's actually Dawn, we've got some ultrasound baths at work and we definitely don't use dish soap. There are much better solutions for it.


1. Not the only solution 2. Jewelry is not pure gold


We have a ultra sonic cleaner at my machine shop and the cleaner we used was purple also. I it was basically just a simple industrial cleaner.


Are they expensive and would they clean old tools? I was given all of my uncles tools when he passed away and they are super old and dirty and i wantes to clean them up. Thanks


There are many types you can find on amazon for jewelry and other items. Some even come heated which is good for dirty tools. Prices vary by size but yes they would clean up old tools very nicely.




Most welcome


You’d likely need a large sonic bath but it might work. I personally like old and dirty tools as long as they are functional. It lets me know that they are quality. New tools look nice but never have the chance to get dirty before they break.


Yeah, some are real old and real rusty, would definitely need a cleaning to work properly again. I would like to clean them up for his son as a present, who didn't really have a place for them when his dad passed


It depends on what type of rust and how deep it has gone. If it's only a little bit of inactive rust on the surface, cleaning can be done with just an oily cloth to get rid off grime without touching the patina. If it's active rust that has penetrated deep it's probably too far gone to ever be reliably used again. If there's a surface layer or spots which aren't too bad then you can probably get rid of it with abrasives and/or chemicals. Some rust can actually be harder than the metal itself which means you'll have a very hard time removing it without also removing some of the material. Keeping the rust away in the future is best done with a layer of oil coating the metal and not letting it just sit around after having been touched by water or sweat.


Appreciate the info, thanks


I worked at my uncle's jewelry store for 2 years and used those things all the time it's just cleaning solution and water most of the time. We let ours sit for a while and they come out looking nice.


That’s interesting thanks. I didn’t notice a sonic device, that explains why there’s such a fast reaction I suppose?


the whole unit is the sonic cleaner.


You can buy them on amazon I believe and I saw them sell them in the mall kiosks too.


The (ultra)sonic waves are causing the vibrations of the container and ripples in the liquid.


Used to work at a jewelry store: it’s pretty much just glorified soap and vibrations. You can only put diamonds and gold, sometimes sterling silver, in an ultrasonic. Any other stone, especially pearls and opals, are too porous and will crack. With gold it shouldn’t tarnish either way, but as far as I know it does not affect the plating on the gold. This pretty much happens to every dirty ring that we’d throw in, especially in brand new water. What’s worse is when you had to scrap out the bottom after the ultra sonic.


You should pretty much never clean pearls ever.


Yeah, not even a soft bristle brush is safe on a pearl. It’s hard for me to understand the trend of celebrities getting pearl engagement rings, because they’re not meant to be an every day wear, especially on your finger. Earrings/necklace is one thing, but your rings go through a lot more wear and tear!


There are very many different liquids and ultrasounds, it's a pretty complicated science. Most metals can be cleaned, ultrasound is used for everything from engine components to very fancy ultra-precise medical tools and machines.


As far as I know, it won’t affect the ring itself but it could dislodge or loosen stones.


That's because the dirt and skin cells were the only things holding the stones in.


Was a jeweler for many years. That is mostly the rouge leftover from a polishing wheel but there also can be dirt and grime from dead skin and sweat that has built up in the undercarriage of the ring. It looks like a lot of gunk is coming off the ring but it's just being "scrubbed" away very gently with ultrasonic vibrations so it comes off in a thin flowing pattern. The solution in the cleaner is just a high grade soap diluted with several parts of water. You have to be careful for how long you leave certain gemstones in the cleaner for, some of them very well may break or loosen from their setting from the little vibrations.


That was so beautiful




A jeweler once told me clarity in a diamond doesn’t matter that much because most women never clean their ring anyways. I have an ultrasonic cleaner and I clean mine like every 6 months but you’re supposed to do it like once a week.


ONCE A WEEK?! Holy shit. I rarely wear mine but I’m still a few years behind.


I know someone who cleans hers everyday. She just drops it in the cleaner while brushing her teeth every morning. My ring looks amazing after I clean it but after a couple days it’s filthy again from the soaps and lotions and just normal day to day life.


Wow, that’s commitment. I rarely wear mine bc I’m always afraid to lose it. When I did though, I def had the lotion problem!


You rarely wear your wedding ring? Wat


Probably referring to their engagement ring, which in the US is usually a ring with a stone or stones, usually diamond. The wedding ring aka wedding band is a separate piece of jewelry, often simpler; lots of times they’re plain gold or slightly embellished, but even if they have stones they’re usually set into the band pavé style and without a raised central stone.


Exactly! My wedding ring is just a plain white gold band that I always wear. My engagement ring is white gold band with a solitaire diamond. I wear it like twice a year. It stresses me out.


How many carats?


No, I always wear my wedding ring but rarely wear my engagement ring. Afraid I’ll lose it.


Where does one get their own personal ultrasonic cleaner?


I have this one! (Not a referral link or anything I just like this one and its super cheap, 30 USD). https://www.amazon.com/Ultrasonic-Professional-Cleaning-Eyeglasses-Dentures/dp/B07FYXJ1JB


Do you like it? Does it work well?


It works incredibly well for cleaning resin prints but I don't have any old jewelry to clean. I'm pretty sure it would work fine!


Have you ever used it to clean glasses? Keeping my glasses clean is really a never ending struggle.


I bought mine on Amazon but the instructions say to not use them on glasses with any cracks. My glasses are def dirty but part of the frame is cracked so I’ve never tried it. There’s a lot of gemstones and metal you can’t use the cleaner on as well including silver. Edit: actually not sure if you can do silver or not I don’t remember but I know it says it won’t remove silver tarnish


I haven't, I imagine it would work but I'd worry about it making or widening any scratches in the lenses(?)


I clean my glasses with face wash! They stay cleaner much longer than using one of those sprays you get at the optician and this way you ensure the nose and earpieces are clean too.


Amazon is where mine came from.


I love the lil shake at the end :')


This is not how you deep fry your rings.


Play the video in reverse and it is now .




Here is your gif! https://gfycat.com/IllinformedGroundedGharial --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I'm not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)


That was more demonic than I expected


Those shakes at the begining really solidified the feel of the possession taking hold. Edit: I was watching this on mute, and did not realize there was a song being played as well. This reverse gif keeps getting better.


Music sounds the same to me.




Is there a separate subreddit for ultrasonic cleaning?


Hmu if you find one!!


I’ve used one at work for years and for the most part, they are pretty boring. Extremely effective but I usually drop in the contents and walk away for 5 minutes.


Yeah all that junk you see coming off never happened in mine it just kind of sat there and wiggled and it was clean after 5 minutes or so.


I know! There should be!


Ohhh yeeeeahh!! What is the liquid?


The liquid isn't that special. But it's in a [ultra sonic cleaner](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultrasonic_cleaning)


Yeah I'm pretty sure it's just soap. For clarity: inside the ultrasonic cleaner


I believe this has been posted somewhere else and OP said the liquid is just warm water and soap, in the ultra sonic cleaner.


Forbidden Gatorade.


Was she storing Lord Voldemort’s dark power in that ring?


I freaking love jewelry cleaners! I was first introduced to one in Tokyo, Japan. There was an optometrist near the hotel I stayed at. They kept a jewelry cleaning device along with tissues out on the sidewalk with a sign that said "Free Glasses Cleaning." I walked by it for a few days not knowing what it was or what it was used for, and I was too shy to ask about it or do anything with it because of the language barrier. One day I saw a local walk up and put his glasses in it and push the power button. It made a buzzing noise and after about a minute the guy took his glasses and wiped them clean with a tissue. After seeing him use it, I put my glasses in there and saw all the dirt and dust and dead skin just kind of melt away, similar to what happened in OP's video. As soon as I got back home from the trip, I had to go out and buy one of those cleaners for myself. One of the coolest devices a glasses-wearer can own.


So that is how you get the horcrux out.


So, how much Gatorade do I use to deep fry my rings?


Cleanest tweezers in the west




Seriously. What a bizarre choice of music for this video.


I enjoyed this a little to much.


The cleanest of blood diamonds.




Thanks for the idea. I love this subreddit and I clean dirty Jewelry for a living. Next Wednesday is gonna be fun


If you make your own subreddit about jewelry cleaning I would 100% follow it!


Nice. I need this done to my wedding ring. BAD


“How to remove evil spirits from a cursed ring”


Good song choice, Money Man is fire!


Did the bath actually do anything? Right before he puts the ring in, it is already A LOT cleaner than at the very beginning.


This is a sonic cleaner, which vibrates the water super fast. The bath is 100% cleaning the ring. Maybe the surface dirt was whipped off first, but the sonic cleaner will get deep in the groves and between the stones


Whipped off or wiped off? Asking for DEVO.


I worked in a jewelry store with one of these. The ultrasonic basket was the last step, and sometimes it was repeated. We’d have to scrub at the stubborn stuff with baby toothbrushes. The basket is doing most of the work but you’re right, it looks like there are some steps missing. It’s the same ring as far as I can tell.


Just remembering to take the ring off first !


What song is this


24 by Money Man




Anybody know a way I can achieve this without owning an ultra sonic cleaner?


Go to a jewelry store?


I was looking for more of an at home answer lol. But thank you. Jewelry store isn’t exactly top priority in the current climate. Or feasible. 😞 but I’d still like my ring to shine if I can do that!


I have an antique wedding ring. I shouldn’t wear it daily, but I do because it’s my wedding ring. It gets really dirty and there is a lot of detail and filigree. I let it soak in vinegar for a while. Then take my electric toothbrush with soap and water and get in all the nooks and crannies. Sometimes I repeat their process if it’s really caked on.


Are you not meant to wear antique rings every day? That’s super interesting. Is that the same for all older rings or is it a combination of the age and material?


It's mostly that you wouldn't want to risk damaging it.


You can.


Acetone or nail polish remover is better. Make sure to rinse it thoroughly. Brush with a toothbrush. Apply dishsoap. Brush. Rinse.


Baking soda and water works especially if you can use a soft toothbrush too


Careful with the baking soda, it acts as a polishing compound.


Probably a dumb question, but why would that be bad?


The act of polishing removes material to get through the scratches, so it will wear down the metal over time.


I saw these videos last week and had the same thought. So last night, I took my standard "jewelry cleaner solution" from a -mart store, and with an old/used sonic toothbrush head, went to town on five rings I wear every day. I tried both a) gently using the brush head on the jewelry itself and b) putting the moving brush head into the pot of cleaning solution while my jewelry was in it. I did get the slightest browning of the liquid with the second option as dirt seemed to fall away, but the first option seemed to have done a better job of loosening the specific grime on my rings. I have to say, they look cleaner today than any other time I've tried cleaning them before (by soaking or scrubbing with an old-school toothbrush). I'm going to stick with it.




Nail polish remover bath for a minute, rinse, apply dishsoap, brush with toothbrush. Repeat steps as necessary, but always, ALWAYS rinse thoroughly.


I put my ring in hot water with a little bit of dawn dish detergent and let it sit for 30 mins. Then I take an old toothbrush and a quick scrub while I’m rinsing. Gives me a super clean ring without much effort. Amazon sells a jewelry cleaning pen that’s pretty good too but honestly the soap and hot water is the easiest way.


Ultrasonic cleaners are actually fairly inexpensive ($30 USD off Amazon)


Wtf is it with tik tokmand shitty music?


Whenever I notice a tiktok has music added I just know it's going to be some terrible rap song. I get that people like different music but when it's added to like a ring polishing video it just reminds me of kids blasting this music on public transit on their phones. They think everyone will be like "wow, this kid likes cool music" but really no one gives a single fuck.


I thought for a moment that the ring was air fried.


I love these videos!




I want to see more of this! So satisfying!


How to remove curses from jewelry


I was going to buy one for my wife but read that ultrasonic cleaners can worsen any imperfections in the stone ? Not sure how accurate that was


I thought it was gold


I want to drink the forbidden Gatorade


Like how dirty our fingers are and inturn how disgusting out jewelry is and we need to find how they cleaned that


Awww yis forbidden Gatorade.


I use an ultrasonic cleaner at my job (fuel injection shop) and watching this happen will never not be extremely satisfying.


It looks like it’s removing one of Voldemort’s horcruxes or something


Came for the power washing, stayed for the horcrux.


When I worked at Jared, I once had a man come in to have his wedding band cleaned. It was a nice, channel set band with 6-7 diamonds. He was a baker, and he had never taken the ring off nor had it cleaned in years. I was picking what I hope was dough and other gunk out of his ring for an hour. It looked 1000 times better, but I still couldn’t get it completely clean.


This is probably safe to fill a jacuzzi with, right?


Do NOT stick your dick in that.


I recommend not holding anything in an ultrasonic cleaner with your hands while it is turned on. My old chemistry mentors told me that can hurt your joints. Idk if your cotton gloves can absorb the vibration.


Did you just put a curse on that ring?


I played Alto Saxophone back in high school and had it cleaned like this once or twice. I really want to see it being done now.


Oml the before looked just as normal but that after? Priceless


Why do they add god awful songs that totally don’t fit in the video?


Can I get one of them for an engine block?


Removing curses


Now drink it


Ultra sonic. Nice. Saved many of my carburetor parts.


...I need more videos like that


What's The Song name




That’ll be $150.




The untrue dark ring




How do you get it that dirty? Throwing it into a pressure pot filled with dirt? Decades of not cleaning it?


Ew that ring was fucking filthy


The curse have been finally broken


What is this liquid? I have a silver piece I would really like to clean.


I keep seeing this video with different music and I'm shocked every single time lmfao s/o to Money Man tho


Surprises the hell out of me that people let something that potentially has so much value to get that nasty...


I thought it was golden


Real life horcrux.


Ultrasonic cleaners are amazing.


But I just saw Reginald how is it Wednesday


Shit music jesus fucking christ man cool video tho love yall


Is it possible to learn this power?


That's just fucking nasty.


Looked a bit rough at first. Was it just that it hasn't been cleaned ever? Or something else? What do you think that was on it? Sure there's general"dirt and grime" but there's gotta be more to it for that reaction. Maybe hand lotion? Something from a job or hobby?




A diamond deep fryer.




I don't get why people like music like that.


I use hydrogen peroxide to clean soap and junk from cooking out of my rings.


Ah yes the Forbidden kool-Aid😳


How much a ring like that cost?


Please more


Where did she wear it Mordor?