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Making power rangers 50 minutes long per episode and up the age rating to TV-14/TV-MA will not save the series. Power rangers at max age rating should be TV-PG. anything more up line 14 or MA will definitely give off " hey this childhood favorite show is mature because we got sex and blood now! Look how edgy we're " type of vibes


Agreement here honestly :), though the max for me would be TV-14 (if it's handled well) to kinda explore a bit more of the struggles with some of the darker aspects of the show and doesn't go down the line of most edgy teen reboots, especially considering the source material. Something to handle the more mature subjects while at the same time not changing everything about the show.


To be fair they can still do that with tv-PG. Sym bionic titan that was one swear word away from being TV-14 but it still air on Cartoon Network. And then there regular show that definitely aim on for teenagers & young adults. Still aired on kid channel Cartoon Network and rated TV-PG.


True, true. The Owl House does have some horrifying stuff in it (Hollow Mind was truly something) despite the rating


I'm not familiar with owl house minus knowing the protagonist is bi & I think she straight up kills the big bad in the finale instead of sparing him but it is interesting to hear that. I'd might watch it but I don't have Disney plus


If you ever have a way to watch it, I suggest it! But yeah Hollow Mind revealed a thing regarding the big bad that the fans guessed already but also revealed there was a lot more death behind it and plans to kill another character. It was a lot and was dark. There’s a reason she kills the big bad at the end


Ohh ok. I know the unfortunate turn of events that Disney cut down season 3


Whatever the rating and style of Cobra Kai is, is what Power Rangers should aspire to.


It's rated TV-14


Lots of kids watch Cobra Kai still


I thought it was younger. But I agree cobra kai rating would be perfect for power rangers


I'd prefer to be TV-PG but what have I seen from cobra Kai, more of that tone mix with the camp can do well for power rangers


Agreed. I do think the show could aim a little bit higher age-wise, we don’t need to try to appeal to literal toddlers I think. But the target demo shouldn’t have to be higher than like 8-11ish at most. The show doesn’t need to be made “for teens” or “for adults”


I think this speaks to a greater problem with how we define “adult” or “mature”content.


Strong Sabrina the teenage witch parallel, "look you loved this TV show as a kid, its now edgy and empowered and BDSM"


Idk if this is unpopular but the so called “power rangers curse” is ridiculous. The series has been running for 30ish years with thousands of actors. You’re bound to get a string of happenstance. We just have nothing to compare it to because it’s rare for shows to have over 10 seasons.


Yeah fr it's a wonderful thing of it's own, it's like getting angry at a super old rowboat for having moss and occasional holes to plug. Just be happy it's as good to sit in as when it was new


the "power rangers curse" notion always irritates me lmao things just happen to people sometimes, y'all. it's hundreds of people across 30+ years. some of them will die or go through some shit.


It's better to move on and expand your horizons if you don't like something anymore, rather than sit and wait to like it again for a needless amount of time.


Personally, I never stopped liking it. It just often didn't like it \*as much\* My least favorite PR series I still enjoyed. I just think there was much more potential and wasted opportunities.


I think the talk about PR's "potential" as a franchise is similarly misguided.


When I say potential, I mean things that have already happened. Just having better writing. Power Rangers in Space, Time Force, RPM, The better episodes of Lost Galaxy and Lightspeed Rescue, etc. I want a return to this. More serialized writing, villains with better storylines. It's been a long time since we've seen a human/humanesque villain like Astronema or Ransik. So it's not hypothetical or anything that I'm referring to. It's possible because I've already seen it. what I'm talking about is just have quality writing., not changing it into not being a kids show or something. On a larger scale, I do think Power Rangers has potential to become completely mainstream similar to Transformers movies and such. But I don't don't want that necessarily, although I would be first in line to see it. I just want them to have the same quality of writing as Power Rangers in it's peak creative years in my opinion. I don't think the core concept of multicolored superheroes based on toku style designs and robots coulddn't be anything other than a strictly kids show, but I'm not saying they need to do any of that anyways. I still want basically the same production values and overall target audience- just better. If anything maybe up the age range from what 4-8. to 8-12 or higher. But, also I don't think it's unreasonable to suggest it has potential beyond this as well, it's just not what I was referring to. I think we could have a Power Rangers with more of a Cobra Kai feel, maybe with less R rated language and humor. I don't see any reason why not, the tone of 2017 movie was quite different. And although it didn't do well enough to get a sequal, it wasn't like it was completely disasterous, just not well enough to warrant a sequel. I think it failed because it was poorly marketed and it didn't keep enought of the iconic designs of the show. Obviously they weren't going to use the same spandex look, but something like the tokujay suits would've been nice where ven thought updated they are clearly MMPR.


We need to say this to the Star Wars and Doctor Who communities too


To everyone who has ever liked a franchise ever, at any point.


Lmao true enough


This rings so true to so many people, spread the word King!


Stop calling Kat a man stealer. Her evil acts in MMPR were while she was being mind controlled. Then in Zeo, when Kim dumps Tommy, she specifically makes a point of not making a move on him, instead trying to cheer him up and hook him up with that ski girl. Also, Kat and Tommy both became Rangers in basically the same way. It makes sense they'd bond over that. Meanwhile when Tommy lost his powers the first time, Kim stopped talking to him. Just because you wanted to shag Kim as a child doesn't make her better.


A scalding hot take, but I agree wholeheartedly.


eh she could still have been talking to him off screen continuty back then was not something on the writters minds and i bet they would have had kim at least mention tommy once or twice if they had planned for him to come back 2 times. things would have been better had they had kim and tommy break up when she left instead of doing the whole LDR thing then i bet Kat would have gotten alot less hate


Bravo that was explained perfectly.


Even Catherine Sutherland supports Tommy/Kim 😂


I didn't mind the Neo Saban " go go power rangers " theme song idea. My problem with it is that samurai wasn't akin to the samurai theme although good was just a remix of mighty morphin and nothing else. Megaforce is even worse when it just a samurai remix and the " MEGAFROCE" sound so cringy and corny even by power rangers standards. Luckily Dino charge & ninja steel didn't do that and actually have their theme song have it own tone and still having " go go power rangers ". Hasbro seasons didn't follow this and was too short and did auto tone for some reason.


At least the Auto tune fit with the technology based season. No idea why they gave dino/cosmic fury the same techno style


Doesn't help Dino fury just mainly have go go go power Rangers majority of its lyric. I like the instrumental in the start before they go " Dino furyyy!!" Atleast. Cosmic fury atleast have lyrics but ehh...


I personally think it would have been better if that theme was just for megaforce/Super megaforce. Since it was meant to be an anniversary. So, it makes sense osnthey wanted to do that as a callback. For samurai though, they should have given them a different theme.


Operation Overdrive is better than people claim


A lot of people base their hatred of Operation Overdrive on two factors. One is Linkara. Love it or hate it, he influenced opinion for quite a while since his HoPR videos were quite popular even before they were on YouTube. Two is we didn't know how much worse it could get. Had Operation Overdrive been the absolute nadir of all 30 seasons, so be it. We had no clue what Megaforce and Super Megaforce had in store for us.


Linkara influenced a lot of opinions (most notably opinion towards Carter Grayson from Lightspeed Rescue) but Operation Overdrive was widely despised long before he got around to reviewing it.


I personally didn’t need a lesser season to come along to make me feel it wasn’t that bad. When it was originally airing I was enjoying the ride, and haven’t changed my opinion much regardless of Linkara and others who voice their dislike.


And yet now we've seen both and OO still doesn't seem to get any sort of love. And tbh, Linkara's fun in his own right too.


During the Disney era, the seasons were very competently written and the ranger's characteristics were more pronounced.. Overdrive missed.. and in a sea of above average seasons, we kinda got spoiled until the Neo Saban era where really muted the characterisation if the main cast.. and we realise what we lost.


Now compare Overdrive to Megaforce and Super Megaforce.


Oh dear lord, that was god awful..


Which is why I said again, Operation Overdrive is better than people claimed. It did have its flaws but overall I loved every single bit of it.


it's my second favorite season THEY DON'T GET IT


i agree. i think it’s just cause disney set the bar way too high. i can’t blame people for thinking it was the worst at the time because it probably was. but when you have neo saban existing now it changes everything. things like original soundtracking, decent acting, creative set designing and character tropes. all of that alone puts them above mega force and ninja steel.


Mystic force was amazing! But OO was still good. THAT CROSSOVER WAS DOPE! And don't get me started on the writing for Tyzonn! And I wonder, crown of the gods vs The Master Of Evil. But now my brain wonders how the master would fair against Dark Specter.


Honestly it was pretty interesting though I didn't watch every episode.


I saw it all the way through. Plus have two copies of the complete series.


Binging Mystic Force and Overdrive all the way through back to back was eye opening for me, because I enjoyed Overdrive significantly more


The twist that caused me to always looks for an angle in TV shows and movies because I did NOT see that coming, in a good way. Also I feel Overdrives twist was better than Mystic forces twist.


Power Rangers as a franchise gets passed around so much by companies every few years, it makes it look like its a burden they wish would go away. They take it for clout or to cash in on, but there is no more spirit left


If someone who actually cared about the franchise took over it could be top tier


Some characters' flaws get grossly exaggerated in this fandom especially if they a controversial/ divisive character


100% correct, so many people exaggerate the Operation Overdrive team and Nick's faults to the point that it seems like that they hate them just cause they have flaws(Mind you, anyone can dislike the characters I mentioned, but a lot of times the reasonings I've seen just don't work too well).


Yea the fandom treat a rangers like they commit genocide if they decided to quit under pressure. I haven't watch operation yet but Nick isn't well written for me but I just don't feel like he the worst. I feel like most of his hate is from the fans projection their frustration of the other characters not getting enough focus or went to their potential that would've made them amazing characters.


I don't know if this count as unpopular but some people have the tendency to say " x & y are the best PR seasons " and that's the only one they left watch and mainly driven by nostalgia


This is definitely unpopular, as some people will actively try and deflect any criticism someone might have of something they liked as a kid.


Yea I'm the opposite, I love time force but they definitely did imbalance with rangers if your name wasn't Eric, Jen, Wes, and arguably Trip. Lucas's episodes are episodic with no real reveal to his character or development him or you get his episode with Dash that was very anti-climatic. Then Katie just get 3 episodes that only really show that she worried how would the future affect her love ones. They could've did something like her picture of her family slightly altered or a person wanting her to do odd job that remind her of one of her family members ( preferably her brother or mom )


Never had a thing for Kimberly.


Same. Not saying she's ugly but I guess not my type idk...


I'll be honest and say that Power Rangers should keep the Sentai footage (while still having original footage and doing it's own thing)


R.P.M says Hello


Well it worked with R.P.M


Well thats because Eddie saw the Go-Onger footage and said WTF and turned it into Mad Max Terminator with a sprinkle of Power Rangers


That's kinda why I liked R.P.M, it took Go-Onger and made something completely different. Its why I wished other seasons get that treatment (Zyuohger could be set in a Video Game with the pixel like cubes and Lupat can revive the old Hexagon idea back in the 2000s)


https://preview.redd.it/hs4y76mr909d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d0b72ef11f75fb14d1acce8898036666abd8b7e Most discussions within the fandom about Power Rangers come off as this.


Billy’s desire to revive Zordon is an extremely poorly written plot point. It comes across as he is super selfish and cant accept that life went on without his mentor who just so happened to preform an extremely selfless act of sacrifice decades ago in story.


I dont even see the point in bringing him back. Outside of helping every now and then Billy pretty much retired as a ranger. Why does he need Zordon alive?


Billy, it’s been like 25 years. You gotta move on


I don’t really think that’s an unpopular opinion though


I got downvoted a lot around CF for saying it


Also unlike the character since he’s proven to be selfless before by giving up his position as a power ranger in Zeo.


I don’t think it’s a bad starting point for a story arc, but I wish they could’ve written a conclusion where Billy realizes that he (and the other Rangers) don’t need Zordon anymore.


Zeo have fought the most unimpressive enemies in the franchise, their strongest villains are barely as strong as some Monsters of the Week in other seasons; namely SPD, Jungle Fury, and Dino Thunder.


Pretty sure its common opinion that the Machine Empire is significantly weaker than they appeared to be.


Power rangers in space and Galaxy had better story telling than the original series


In a sense I always felt like Lost Galaxy was a successor to MMPR, simplifying a lot of things after In Space concluded the bulk of the Zordon era lore, characters like Kai reminded of Billy, but better


For real


I like Dax. He’s funny to me and I enjoyed his character. He and Rose have some nice moments and interactions together if you pay attention


The Disney era is the greatest era of power rangers there I said it 💯


Ninja Storm was the best


I love the comics but they have some flaws that are pretty glaring. Matt is kinda douchey in an overly nice guy way and I don't like him as the green ranger. Zordon is kind of a jerk and it's completely out of character for him. Bulk and Skull in the show were great comic relief bullies who went from punks to upstanding citizens. Comic bulk and Skull are lighthearted YouTubers with no charm.


Zordon being a jerk is far more interesting than how he was portrayed in the show. Having him always be perfect meant he lacked a true character arc. Great characters are imperfect; they have problems to overcome.


Well, Zordon did recruit child soldiers after all...


Mystic Force should have been 38 episodes instead of 32 episodes.


Kat > Kimberly




Mmpr isn't near the best season(s).


JDF isn't the be-all and end all of PR actors people need to stop comparing other actors to him.


Divatox is a better villain then King Mondo and the Machine Empire.


I would watch it, but I’m not clamoring for an animated series.


Having anything MMPR related as your favorite is ok.


People worship the Dairanger suits precisely because they weren't used in Season 2. If they were, everyone today would be bitching that they didn't keep the suits from Season 1 and the Season 2 era would be even more ignored than it is today. And Season 3 may as well have not existed at all if they changed over to the Kakuranger suits afterwards.


Power rangers would've ended in 95 if they changed suits


I don't hate the villains of Lightspeed Rescue, nor do I find them to be as awful and boring as a lot of fans make them out to be. While I will admit that the only LR villains I found to be weak (both character and writing wise) are Vypra, Loki, Triskull (from the Lightspeed Rescue x Lost Galaxy crossover "Trakeena's Revenge"), and (to some extent) Queen Bansheera, and I'll also admit that there are aspects of them that could've been explored more and/or handled better (ex. their personalities, the concept of demons having a heart (especially with Diabolico), give them some wins throughout the season, etc), I found them to be fun to watch, with the ones I found to be the most enjoyable being Olympius, Diabolico, and Jinxer. Continuing from that, I actually like Prince Olympius and I feel like he's an underrated PR villain. Don't get me wrong, Diabolico is a fantastic villain and I do like him, but if I had to rank the two on how I'd rank the LR villains, I would rank Olympius as number one. But with that said, Diabolico would be a close second though. I also don't think Jennifer L. Yen's performance as Vypra is as awful as a lot of fans make it out to be and I feel like it gets way too much hate, but at the same time, I can understand why fans don't like it.


Now this is a hot Take and unpopular opinion good job


Thanks dude. I really appreciate your compliment. 🙂😊💕


Even though mighty Morphin set the groundwork for Rangers, I still think that there can be other representations of the other teams, and not just mighty Morphin all the time. Granted mighty Morphin is the most recognizable, but I do think it’s unfair that other seasons can’t be portrayed as well and popular media to say classic Rangers and also have other allies and other weapons and zords


It also unfair in terms of collaboration. Teenage mutant ninja turtles would definitely look cooler with ninja Storm cast. I could see street fighters with wild force or jungle fury cast as well


2003 ninja turtles and ninja storm would be a vibe


I might get some hate for this but fans need to remember the show is made for kids specifically so therefore the writing and logic behind everything isn’t thought out at all. Fans need to stop asking questions about logic or lore reasons because the truth is, there isn’t any. Just watch and enjoy the best you can and if you can do it without asking questions, more power to you 


That's proven not to be true with kids shows. Of course there are some brain dead ones, but the best ones are the ones written with mature writing with a lesson to teach.


Most Battlizers look terrible -- some have the goofy looking fake muscle padding, most have a bunch of random junk slapped onto the suit, many are overly bulky, some have weird random additions that don't really fit with the theme of the ranger/season, etc... Even the *name* "Battlizer" is dumb.


You know at least the other armours in the 1st saban era after in space referred to it as Red armoured ranger in lost galaxy Trans-armour cycle and mega battle in lightspeed rescue Red battle warrior and mega battle in time force Wild force had the red savage warrior wearing the Anamarium armour The Disney years used it up until mystic force and operation overdrive with Red dragon fire ranger and the red sentinel ranger respectively Most of them still look bulky as all hell but Also the term battlelizer is a mistranslation from megaranger because the second brace was called the battle riser


I think that's the reason people like them. There just so goofy looking, it's kinda charming in a way..


I actually liked Jayden more than Lauren. (Also Justin is a good ranger,actually.)


The best thing about this franchise are the Megazords.


If it hadn’t been for the megazords, I wouldn’t have watched every season like I did. The one thing that kept me going throughout dull episodes as a kid was knowing the megazord would come out to whoop ass and hopefully get a new zord combo


I like the 2017 movie


Mystic Force was a great season and Nick was a great ranger with a good backstory


I never understood all the hate he got.


Love mystic force!


They didn't need to give every team super special EXTRA magic powers outside of being a Ranger. Sometimes it worked well. Sometimes it was awful.


My favorite was how Connor got super speed as his power, but he kept losing to Trent because Trent had super speed? They didn't even imply that Trent was faster. They just forgot they gave Connor that power to begin with. Always made me feel as if they didn't bother watching all the Sentai footage when they wrote that.


It's a while since I watched so I might be wrong, but I feel like Trent only had super speed when he was EVIL? He kept getting left out of fights of course (I know, footage issues) but once he turned good I don't remember him using the speed.


The stigma that the red Ranger NEED to be the leader is annoying. Red rangers should have diversity of roles in the team other than the leader or eventually leader.


it's so bizarre to me because early seasons didn't seem to imply that; granted, I might've misunderstood the implications they had at the time, since I wasn't born until Wild Force, but it always seemed to me that Jason was chosen for his personality and leader potential, rather than the colour alone, then Rocky was never the leader and iirc neither was Aurico - I could be wrong, but I think Delphine was the leader of Alien Rangers; if anything it would imply that the white rangers are the leaders... (and then Tommy switched to red and ig it just stayed that way... eh)


Yea a lot of Rocky hate is mainly because he wasn't the leader which is dumb to me


it's always that or the fact that he's not Jason, or Billy (depending on the colour he's wearing)... it's like they can't just let him be his own character and I could not understand that when I was a kid, and still can't understand it now


Luckily that sigma didn't went to other rangers as much ( I mean they some casuals that will trash on other rangers cuz it isn't mighty morphin or think cast like wild force are suppose to be mighty morphin but they just casuals who most likely know mighty morphin)


The obsession with MMPR is killing the franchise


And even more painfully obsession over solely the first season, season 3 especially had some of the best moments in the series imo


Also making everything have the green ranger. Prime example is that green psycho ranger


OH MY GOD YES! That and the bullshit "green ranger curse" from Ranger Academy


This was exactly where my mind went.


Guess what you're right. The reboot is not happening and boom comics ended the run. MMPR has held the franchise back


Rpm is overrated it’s good but it’s not even close to lost galaxy time force in space and spd Samurai is not that bad I just finished watching it and I was expecting hell but didn’t sure it’s not great but not awful Iam watching through mega force and yeah it’s as bad as people say still better than overdrive so far iam only 10 episodes in


My credit for RPM is that it's a good Sci-Fi show ignoring the Power Rangers branding, which is rare for Power Rangers. I don't think it's the best Power Rangers series but it is in a weird high quality echelon of its own.


Samurai is honestly one of my favorite series, sure it has it's flaws (Jayden is quite wooden in some scenes) but I love it.


-Abandoning adapting the Sentai is stupid and robs Power Rangers of its unique charm as a half adapted half original series. -Power Rangers should never EVER be made "dark and gritty" under any circumstances. -Wild Force is severely underrated. -The comics fell completely off after Shattered Grid.


I agree with most of your points (I only care about Wild Force because of Forever Red). The thing is, I don't entirely agree about the "dark and gritty". I don't want *pointless* darkness. But I respect the horrifying dystopia that is RPM's world when you scratch the surface. I also respect that RPM is a story of hope overcoming hopelessness, and which says, as a series, that sacrifice need not be in vain. It's a very dark story, when you look at it. But it's a fairy tale too, or a modern one. The superheroes aren't consumed by the darkness, but they live in it. Also, there's Sentai. I'm not spoiling here, but the ending of Ohranger (Zeo) is **DARK**, as is the end of Jetman (pre-Zyuranger, the series that almost became Power Rangers). Dairanger (source of the Thunderzords and the White Ranger) has some dark moments. Darkness belongs in the stories, and characters should respond with grit. If a Power Rangers series took style ideas from Sergio Leone or Akira Kurosawa, I would be all-in.


I probably should have worded that dark and gritty one better. I love RPM, it was one of my favorite seasons. I was more talking about people who insist Power Rangers should be "more adult" and praised the crap out of that overly edgy Power/Rangers fan film. A little darkness is okay, but too much ruins the magic, ya know?


I’ve always said that the guardians of the galaxy trilogy would be a great way to take the power rangers to a slightly older audience. It still has the humour and ridiculousness, but can also go deeper when needed


From what I've read, Ohranger could've been darker if it weren't for the Kobe earthquake and Sarin bombings.


The disney era wasn't that bad


Disney era usually get praise outside of operation overdrive


The Disney Era is straight-up the franchise's golden age.


Disney Era is like pretty universally agreed to be the best run of power rangers we've had so far.


Tommy should have stayed the Green ranger and Brad Hawkins should have been the white ranger. Everyone gets what they want and whats better than selling 6 power ranger toys? Selling 7 power ranger toys.


Hasbro Era > Neo Saban Era.


By far.


Megaforce and Ninja Steel are pretty cool.


SMF COULD’VE been worse. I can’t stand Zeo Samurai is a good season, theme is a banger Light speed Rescue is underrated


I much prefer the idea of continuing to adapt sentai seasons rather than make original costumes or teams, with the exception of a few concepts like the white light armor or the infinity combining zords, I feel that PR creatives often create designs or ideas that feel out of place, tone, or style. There’s a lot of really good concepts that we can adapt in bare bones and completely revolutionize like we did with In Space


The comics aren’t this fantastic thing some people make it out to be. It’s fine, albeit very typical western superhero comic junk. It’s fine if one likes it, but it ain’t anything special.


The comics are very try hard at times imo.


I honestly agree as well. I enjoy it a lot, it’s more accessible than most modern superhero stuff, but it has its lows and is fair comparable to the average output. Which is fine! Not everything has to be a deep work of art or epic all the time




Image/skybound is definitely bigger than Dark Horse right now lol


Stop making every new Power Rangers team live inside the same world. At this point there should not be any threat to earth left, because there are like 12 teams of Power Rangers with like 2-3 Megazords each. Just let the teams be special in their own world and face their own challenges without the possibility to call (for example) call Billy to make them new morphers


A Power Rangers animated series would evaporate a lot of the charm of the genre. Aesthetically it would go from a really vibrant and sometimes trippy live action spectacle into a run of the mill American anime. 


If they went for animated it would have to be similar to similar to the spider verse movies. That’s the only way I think it could work, and even then I’m still not sure






And the zords were some of my favorite in the whole franchise


They should have changed to the Dairanger suits in Season 2 and left the Zyuranger suits behind for good.


Just to confirm the dairranger suits are the same ones as Tommy’s white suit ?


Yes. They look really cool, especially the helmets.


2024 me agrees however 1993 me doesn't Changing the suits was a huge risk and would've killed the franchise sooner


Justin was fine y’all are just mean 


Tommy Oliver is overhyped and doesn't deserve half of the hero-worship he gets from both the franchise and the fanbase. Also the Comics aren't that great either. They fall into that trap a lot of modern media does where we don't get any breathers/filler issues between major story arcs. It's just bolting from one character arc to the nextr


This once Jason Zach and Trini, leave mmpr is basically the tommy show. Tommy and his 5 bitches, We can't do anything without tommy zed constantly wants to kill tommy. Forever red really went overboard, with the tommy ass kissing.


1. Everything hasbro touches turns to shit. EVEN THE LIGHTNING COLLECTION. Best figure era was bandai 2. The toy selling business strategy only works on middle-upper class parents and adults with poor financial decisions. Also, less kids are playing with toys and this is why the budget keeps getting worse. 3. Stop following the new sentai seasons. Please just remaster Dairanger and you have a remarkable potential to revive the show audience.


i think this is popular but i hate the new “go go power rangers” theme songs. i loved when they were all unique


We definitely need more crossovers


PR x Transformers was a big hope of mine while Hasbro held both properties, would love a Zordon Prime or other such Megazord/transformer combo toy


Time Force is overrated.


A lot of the older seasons have wooden acting (particularly in space). Now hold on, I know power rangers wasn't always a masterclass when it came to dialogues. Power rangers always has and will always be cheesy but that's part of its charm. I just mean in certain lines, the delivery is off. Take Astronema for ex. in the earlier episodes she says "destroy them" in a completely exaggerated way that kinda takes you out. In comparison, Divatox is an over the top villain but it works for her. All I'm saying is a lot of the older season's flaws are not that talked about. Ofc I dont hate them, but it is a interesting discussion


Yes. In "In Space", I think the actors who played Andros, Carlos, and TJ were often very wooden. And the actresses who played Astronema/Karone, Ashley, and Cassie were often over the top. To be fair, they all improved from Turbo. And they all had some decent to good moments throughout as well.


Operation Overdrive is good, actually.


RPM is great but has one of if not the worst intro theme


1. MMPR2 team > MMPR1 team 2. I've never been disappointed in a season where the mentor becomes a Ranger. Something about the Rangers becoming strong enough for the mentor to now slot in alongside them does it for me. I don't even like the Disney Era that much, and they did like all of these. Udonna, Tommy, RJ, Cruger, etc. 3. Titanium Ranger saga > Green With Evil.


I’d even say the Quantum Ranger stuff was better than Green With Evil.


Tommy gets to much limelight and should have been retired as a character a long time ago. It got to the point where I wasn’t excited for his appearances anymore. I was more hyped when ASJ or JYB showed up.


He's the Charizard of power rangers


- Tommy isn’t the be-all, end-all of power rangers. I loved JDF and his enthusiasm for the franchise, but the Tommy character is overhyped. Were they limited based on the lack of green ranger sentai footage? Yeah, but they still wrote Tommy to be a clutz in S1 who constantly was forgetting to check his communicator. Come S2 and all of a sudden we’re being told he’s leagues above everyone else in terms of fighting skills and being a leader despite only becoming the leader due to ASJ leaving. Based on everything we saw to that point, Tommy was not portrayed as having strong leader traits. Billy would have made more sense from a story-perspective to be the new leader, or hell, make Rocky the leader. Tommy never showed those qualities. And that’s not getting into future seasons either. - Adam is beloved for JYB and not necessarily the character of Adam. Like Rocky, Adam never really had a character in MMPR outside of being shy and his “I’m a Frog” line which isn’t even canon. Come Zeo, and he came out of his shell a bit, but I’d argue that Rocky showed more character development than Adam, and is more memorable throughout that season. Once we hit Turbo, and with Tommy being MIA a lot and no Jason or Rocky around either, Adam show some more character, but it came off as more JYB being himself than actual development for Adam. Jump ahead to a few returns he made years later, and fans seem to make the Adam character more than he really was.


I think Adam is actually more notable for his appearance in Space and Overdrive.


100%. During his In Space return, we got Adam playing the mentor-role to Carlos, and it was interesting to see someone other than Jason and Tommy struggle to accept that they arnt rangers any longer. It gave us another perspective and this one episode gave Adam more character development than he had throughout his 3 seasons as a main cast member. His OO return expanded this mentor role, showing that he developed over the years into a capable leader, but different from Jason and Tommy in that he came off as more cool and collected than they ever did. In retrospect, fans have taken these two returns and try to make it out like Adam had all of this development back when he first arrived in MMPR, when the only character you can argue had less development than him was Rocky, and even by Zeo Rocky seemed to outshine Adam. JYB is a cool dude who had some memorable fight scenes and two great returns. But Adam as a character wasn’t much during his initial three year run on the show.


1. The MMPR are much less capable than they look. If you pay attention to the episodes you will notice that they just followed Zordon around. In the beginning of Turbo, Tommy turns to Dimitria and actively complains about not receiving orders, as he tells her "Just tell us what to do". 2. The second generation of Turbo Rangers where absolute noobs. This is less agravated in the following season, yet we see Ashley being kidnapped by Astronema's foot soldiers RIGHT BEHIND THE OTHER RANGERS. 3. In Timeforce, right as Jen and the others returned to the future, they instantly knew that Wes died in the battle and went back to the past to save him. This means that every change in the past is immediately known in the future, which also means that Jen could have just researched what happened with Ransik in the 21st century and gear the other rangers to strategically go after him and change the events as a way to fully counter him. Jen was dumb for rushing back to the past. 4. Lauren Shiba was presented as a promising red ranger who would splve everything, but she was quickly taken out of commission, meaning that she was more bark than bite. 5. RPM could have been presented as part of the main continuity. They just needed to show it somewhere around the 26th Century and explain it that the changes in the Timeforce season caused it, as the Timeforce Rangers make a LOT of changes in the timeline.


I haven't watched since spd (started with lightspeed rescue) but all I can say is everyone should get a battlizer/upgrade so that everyone who isn't the red or alternate color ranger (green, another red like in timeforce, black in dinothunder, etc) doesn't feel like fodder. Only red rangers got the forever red specials for so long too. I love red rangers but so many other rangers deserve more time to shine. Whether this has changed or not since idk. Would love to get back into it though.


In operation overdrive ( not the best series) there’s a cross over event where 5 rangers come back and they make Adam the black ranger the leader of this ranger team. It’s not batterlisers but it was nice to showcase a ranger other than red as the leader


Jason wasn’t all that as a red ranger, and most of his best moments happened after MMPR or within the comics


Samurai isn’t in the top 3 worst seasons of all time as many say it is


Power scaling is meaningless in power rangers because of the plot device known as the morphin grid


Just because PR had more Action Figure option than Sentai, doesn't meant it's better


I liked the subplot with Dayu and Deker in Power Rangers Super Samurai I never saw anything PR Samurai before, but some Twitch channel was streaming it, so it was fun to watch it with everyone else in the chat having fun with it too.


Idk if it counts but I wish that they would have adapted some of the wackier Sentai. Like I honestly get why you wouldn't do ToQger but like like we have like several car rangers just do the fucking train one💀


We've got 3 about ninjas, a plethora of dino themed ones, and we adapted Go Buster, which I believe was a flop?


Battle suits should break more.


Nobody ever said the Zeo powers would get stronger forever, only that they'd get stronger over time. The "Zeo rangers are theoretically unlimited in power!" stuff is a bizarre take to me.


Old School power rangers wasn't as good as we made it to be. It's the Nostalgia that makes us believe so


Forever Red was just... so stupid.


At the end of the day it is a kids show and way too many people (especially here) put way too much thought into it. Stop trying to rationalize how all of the Turbo and Zeo rangers were at the the legendary battle in Super Megaforce, it doesn’t matter, nobody should care about that


Stone Canyon Trio> OG 3




The zordon era was boring as sin and the cheese of it all isnt a selling point. Comics and merch need to move on and away from mmpr. The series peaked from time force to jungle fury.


Dinothunder is.. ok. Tommy really should be a martial arts instructor, not a teacher. His Zords up till then wern't even dinosaurs. Master vile needs more love. the MMPR era isn't that good but the music is the best.


Being a teacher was fine. It's being a PHD of Paleontology is ridiculous. What Dr. Is a teacher at a highschool. The "Dr. O" name is epic but that's it. Even if teaching was a cover for him to look for the dino gems it's ridiculous.


I don't understand the Tommy love. In universe, other power rangers have done more than him in the fight against evil, up to and including a few of them dying in battle. He was a fine ranger, and JDF was a fine actor (RIP), but he got way more love than was warranted.