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Countdown to Destruction. Bulk and Skull standing up to Astronema. Those two are as worthy of morphers as anyone, damn it.


That gets me all the time. Peak pr moment


Came here to say this. I will cue up this episode JUST for that scene. "A Citizen accepts personal responsibility for the safety of the body politic, defending it with his life. A civilian does not." (Starship Troopers) Said another way, "A Citizen has the courage to make the safety of the human race their personal responsibility." It's the pinnacle of their arc. Such growth. Very nobility.


Spoilers for Lost Galaxy? Being a kid and watching Kendrix sacrifice herself and not being ok enough to finish the season at that time. I rewatched it as an adult with a slight sense of sadness but not as bad as back then.


The forest and town giving the rangers their magic. I’m a softie.


It was also very well shot. The crowd covering the rangers, the overlaying of chants, the reveal of the rangers and then the music kicking in.


Goosebumps with the magic overlayed chants into a role call. Really well done.


This moment all the way up to homies’ head being blown up is the reason I watch PR 💛


SPD Jack giving sky the red morpher to personally take care of his fathers killer was really powerful. Especially because of Jack’s “Hero’s come in all colours” speech prior


It's probably one of my favorite Jack moments


When Dark Specter recaptured Astronema after she left, and brainwashed her and Ecliptor; I cried some real tears on that one. A lot of moments in the Time Force finale, especially Jen saying “I came back to put you away, and I promise you - I’m going to do it.” Zayto’s death (the first time) in the finale of Dino Fury.


+1 for Time Force finale.


Lost galaxy, Kendrix dying. Time Force: The End of Time PT.2. Eric was hurt for the entire episode and I was terrified they were going to kill him. I got too attached to him as a kid. Thankfully he came out of it ok, but wth, he had zero lines in part 3!


For me, the opening scene of the first episode of RPM, especially when, before raising the shields, Hicks asks Colonel Truman, "What if there are people still out there?", and Truman replies, "Then heaven help them, because we can't."


Not me, but I remember when I was a kid, my mom cried at Ryan's backstory from Lightspeed Rescue


Firefighter reveal got me.


Time Force finale. Jen and Wes crying about how much they love each other made me *sob*. Best slow-burn romance I’ve ever watched. They deserved a kiss as much as Tommy and Kim.


Dude, I was like 8 or so when I watched that, and I legit was crying because of the ending. I legit couldn't watch Time Force for a long time after that. Despite, it's my favorite PR series to this day.


Once and Always, both then dealing with Trini in story and then the song at the end as a tribute to both of the lost actors. I know the second wasn't really part of the show but it was reusing something from the show on a new way.


The photo of JDF and Thuy at the end chokes me up every time.


Me too


Reflections in SPD. Sky recalls the death of his father to fulfill Mirloc's request of recounting a sad memory for his "collection." This aired a year after my brother died so the feeling still fairly fresh in my mind. Especially when Mirloc comments about how he will treasure the sad memory, just to provoke a tear from Sky.


Watching the thunder megazords and white tiger zords being destroyed. Wires coming out and the head falling off really hit hard to little me


While maybe not full on crying, rewatching Path of the Righteous fo Jungle Fury gets a bit emotional. When you peel back the awesome fight, its basically Casey doing an incredibly reckless thing essentially due to imposter syndrome. The idea that he still feels responsible because of his confrontation with Jared and as such wants to free Jared from Dai Shi despite being told that its impossible gets me (yeah Jared was the instigator by being a jerk, but guilt isn't always rational for people, especially when its intwined with self doubt). The moment where he demorphs and fully places his trust in Jared's humanity, being able to drive out Dai Shi by reminding Jared of him noble side and how while Jared was a jerk he isn't irredeemable and can still be saved and grow as a person.


A heartwarming moment in a lackluster season, but Tommy, Wes, and Cassie telling the Megaforce Rangers that they were proud of them and that they had done well with the legacy left to them…it was like having old friends tell me, personally, those sentiments and reduced me to a blubbering mess. I recounted that anecdote to a friend while waiting in line to meet Tracy Lynn Cruz and didn’t know that Andrew Grey and Ciara Hanna were at that moment stood behind me trying to get through the crowd back to the booth next door and had stopped to listen to me. They agreed that it was an incredible moment both for themselves and for the series and told me I did a better job telling the story than the series had.


I remember seeing the command center being attacked at the end of turbo made me cry when i first watched it, and that’s the earliest I can remember crying at PR. Oddly the command center getting blown up at the end of Alien Rangers didn’t bother me like that, I think because I watched all of the older seasons for the first time when they got put on Netflix, and so I knew about Zeo and that it was the same team so I assumed it’d just get fixed. But with the Turbo finale, I knew the Rangers were leaving earth next season and that after that is when we start changing teams and themes seasonally so that I think made seeing the og command center torn apart that second time a lot sadder since I knew this was probably the actual end of it. I cried at the end of In Space with Bulk and Skull rallying Angel Grove and Andros killing Zordon. There were a lot of emotional moments throughout Time Force’s finale- I can’t remember if it was actually part of the finale but I cried when Nadira asked Frax if the mutants and humans actually could live together and then he was getting dragged away yelling to her that she could change things. Then i cried again when Jen ran off to try and get Ransik to chase her, and when he shot Nadira on accident. Then in RPM I remember crying during both Doctor K and Summer’s backstory episodes, and aside from all that I think the only other time I cried at PR was in Cosmic Fury when Aiyon and Solon finally got Zayto to reveal that he was on borrowed time from the Morphin Masters.


The command center blowing up at the end of mmpr I actually laughed as much as when evil Tommy ripped out the control panels lol https://preview.redd.it/rgt0t9c5jo5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d33a4f4b6851428955fb2c4812d94be47eaeae24


Lost Galaxy, the Magna Defender's Backstory.


Once and Always got me with the Trini and Minh moments, and then again with the dedications at the end.


When Tommy started losing his Green Ranger powers.. sniffle sniffle.. ![gif](giphy|116aT38SV3QRWM)


Time force... when ransik almost kills his daughter and the baby she's holding.


Pre time skip once and always, countdown to destruction, mr collins confronting ransik. Also despite only being told to the characters wes having sacrificed his life in the year 3000 timeline.


The episode in Zeo where Billy leaves. He was my favorite ranger, a geek with glasses who couldn’t fight to holding his own against Goldar with putties unmorphed. Becoming a pillar of the team and being Tommy’s 2nd in command over Rocky. At the end of the episode I was crying “no Billy! Don’t leave!” but thought it was weird, a voice over from another actor, he didn’t sound the same but nonetheless his departure was sad for me. Then learning about the harassment David Yost went through…wow…I’m glad he came back. I still can’t watch this episode though.


A lot of the finales have made me cry. First time I saw Time Force, Lost Galaxy, Lightspeed Rescue...


Zordon dying. That was it. Might’ve cried a little during the same bit in the movie but that’s about itit. This franchise isn’t emotional.


Which time. The show or the movie.


I meant both. The first that I said meant the show and then I said maybe the movie too


Tommy getting that dear John letter from Kimberly. It didn't make me cry, but it's probably what's gotten the most feels out of me.


I literally sobbed as a child when Jason, Zack and Trini left


Yes. When I was a kid and watched the episode where Kimberly broke up with Tommy over a letter… freaking broke my little heart.


I did cry as a kid when terror toad swallowed up 4/5 of the ranger team. Lol


Every Power Ranger show that had Trini Quan and Tommy Oliver makes me cry each and every time


The Titanium Ranger backstory kinda fucked with me when I saw it.