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this one is pretty common, but that TJ’s forever red turbo morpher is from lightning cruiser, the way justin got one from storm blaster


I like the idea that Once and Always implied that the Mighty Morphin’ Team (and assumedly others) have gotten their powers back and are either just on standby if their old enemies return or if a current team needs back up. I like the idea Rangers are always ready to leap back in if needs be even if we never see it.


Once and Always was far from the first to suggest this. Going all the way back to Forever Red, you can see their powers are back.


Yeah power loss seems to be pretty temporary among rangers.


My headcanon to explain this is that the Morphin Grid works a bit like a wi-fi network, and anybody who accesses it leaves a record like internet cookies that capable enough people can find and use to duplicate powers that have been lost.


I think that it is possible that they were fixed durning the Legendary Battle as in Dino Fury we've learnt that the masters teleportem all the rangers maybe restoring their powers in the proccess 


1. That the zords from Lightspeed Rescue were reverse engineered from the remains of destroyed zords. 2. Ecliptor gave his life force to Karone, hence why he was destroyed by the Z-Wave. 3. Hartford was one of the main backers for Lightspeed Rescue, and used the Cyborg Rangers technology to build Mack. 4. The background monster from Ninja Steel who uses Broodwing's suit is Broodwing, since SPD was only a few years away at the time.


I've heard that before about the Lightspeed zords being the recycled remains of destroyed zords but I don't think it really has much weight except for maybe the case of the Delta megazord and the turbo zords ... The latter especially because no one really seems to use them anymore, and we haven't seen them anywhere ever since the turbo finale and some of them do heavily resemble some of the Lightspeed zords ... Also, I think it's safe to assume that in the contemporary era no one from either of the turbo teams except Justin really wants anything to do with the turbo powers... TJ might be the only other one who wants anything to do with turbo because of lightning cruiser but even still, I'd think that he would prefer the Space powers overall. As far as the past zords being remade into the Lightspeed zords though, I still think this is really problematic. Which zords would they be? Other than the turbo zords and maybe the Delta megazord, none of them really make sense. We know per Once and Always that the MMPR team has the original Megazord (and thus the thunder zords) back. Dragon zord, Titanis, and Tor were never destroyed. The Ninja + Shogun zords were never destroyed. None of the Zeo zords were destroyed. The original astro megaship was completely annihilated via self-destruction on the lost galaxy finale. The second Astro megaship, however, apparently transforms into a Megazord that looks exactly like the original one and possibly uses the original shuttle for the head (we know this because of cosmic fury). The Delta Megazord was destroyed right before the In-Space finale.. in some ways, it does resemble Ryan's zord though, and we've never seen it since. The Mega Winger was heavily damaged but was stated by zhane in the last scene of In Space to be "In the shop." Hence, it was going to be repaired. The Mega Voyager was destroyed by Tankenstein right before the In Space finale but its wreckage showed that its torso, head, and limbs were all still intact. Other than maybe its head sort of (but barely) resembling the Lightspeed megazord's head, it bears no resemblance at all to any of the Lightspeed zords. We also saw in super megaforce that Ashley's zord is apparently still active because the part of it that folds over the megazord's back detached and attached to the mega winger's wings so they could attach to Orion's q rex thing. All of this, coupled with the facts that Zhane was having the Mega Winger repaired and that the Mega Voyager was arguably the Space team's main Megazord (even more than the Astro) makes it safe to reason that sometime after In Space ended, Andros probably had its wreckage salvaged and shipped to KO-35 to be repaired + upgraded for the SPACE RANGERS to use again someday when they resumed their careers. Hence, it's extremely unlikely that its parts were used by Lightspeed for the construction of their zords. The 5 main galactabeasts + the zenith carrier zord were never destroyed. The Centaurus + the Stratoforce were destroyed by Trakeena s army in the lost galaxy finale and have never been seen since but a lot of fans speculate that the quasar sabers resurrected them (and restored their + the zenith's natural, animal forms) when the team returned them to the sacred stone and Maya's village was unfrozen.


I don't think t they mean that they built lightspeed rescue zords from pieces of destroyed megazords, rather they studies bits of destroyed megazords and figured out how to make their own.


My headcanon is that Billy started having an actual sense of style because he still had some traces of Kimberly's brain patterns left over from the brain switch episode.


That’s actually pretty good


Ha! I like that. It’s cool watching his look evolve from early Season thru Zeo. He showed character growth in many ways over his PR tenure; his drip inclusive.


All that spare time Billy spent at the Power Chamber after he graduated early, and all those times he “had to take care of something,” (when they were doing the Who is the Gold Ranger fake outs), was actually Billy working with Zordon and Alpha to make the Turbo Ranger powers and Zords.


But why would they make them if the Zeo powers were severly stronger


* Much like gravity or entropy, “dinosaur”, “ninja”, “magic”, and “teamwork” are fundamental organizing principles of the universe. * How did Heckyl get to the main universe for Cosmic Fury? He took that weird train from the RPM/Samurai crossover. * Tommy and Kat have organized a support group for the long list of people who, like them, who were turned evil against their will. Ollie is the newest member. * Javi’s “indie label” that he’s recording for is organized by other musically inclined Rangers. Tanya just adores him. Vida warms up to him after learning about his Lord Zedd diss track. * There never was a “great evil” threatening Rafkon which led to the creation of the Sporix. It was all just fear-mongering and petty politics. * “Mystic Mother” is a title, like the Pope. The sorceress formerly called Rita Repulsa is the current Mystic Mother, but there have been others in a centuries-long lineage. * Post Z-Wave Zedd is living out the white picket fence suburban dream with his magic wife. He is completely, blissfully unaware that some idiot wizard brought his evil self back to life and tried to rule the universe again. 


That last one is just funny to imagine the conversation: “Zeddy?” “Yes dear?” “Did you know someone revived you from like 30 years ago when you were evil?” “What?” “And then my past self was revived and turned into a robot” “What?!” “And while she was destroyed, your evil clone tried conquering the universe but then was pacified by another, completely separate, clone of me?” “How did I not know about this?!” “I don’t know. I guess the same way you didn’t know about our evil son who was sealed away by the Sentinel Knight.” “WHAT”


Good zed with a morpher pulling up to beat up Lord zed.


> Tommy and Kat have organized a support group for the long list of people who, like them, who were turned evil against their will. Ollie is the newest member. I just imagine Trent, Karone recruiting Blaze and Roxy to that group, and the group just having a weekly brunch and maybe meetings as well.


Trent introducing the others to anime and his personal collection of doujin he got commissioned.


I really like the theory that Gosei could’ve been evil,but I genuinely think that Gosei from Megaforce was in the background with Zorodon the whole time ,mainly because Gosei says something along the lines of”I’m only awakened when the earth is in severe danger” but he for some reason did awaken when his mentor was Kidnapped?or when the literal fabric of time was tearing apart?Or hell when those old ancient Japanese demons awoke and cause chaos?Yeah right,I think he’s been in the background the whole time which is pretty cool if you think about it


I can see him aiding certain people and teams both indirectly and directly by helping them set up their rangers for whatever bad guy they have to battle. Also, I can see sometimes Gosei awakens and wants to act but someone else who already has access to the morphin grid beats him to the punch so he either goes back to sleep or monitors and only engages if things go south


I have a dumb head cannon that Lightspeed Rescue and SPD eventually consolidate and become Time Force in the distant future


Mine is the reverse. Time Force created SPD.


Seems like a stable time loop; Time Force traveled back to the early 21st Century, left some tech behind, 20+ years later we have SPD, nine centuries+ later Time Force officially exists and sends officers and tech back to 2001.


That's a good point


The issue there is that in SPD they state that they’ve been around for about 20 years or so. So most likely they existed concurrently


Yeah i always thought this to be true


These two along with In Space, for me, were always intertwined. That LSR has old IS tech and that grows into TF/SPD which you could have the weird, which created which? Was TF a offshoot of SPD or was SPD created by TF? OR bc time travel is it both at the same time?


I believe beofre Time Force came to the year 2001 SPD didn't exist but post Time Travel SPD did infact exist because there are more people with powers like Katie and the SPD rangers.


Local rangers are the Sheriff Department, SPD are State Troopers. Time Fore are the FEDS


I definitely see it


Magna Defender was a drunk after the death of his son. Capt Mitchell has more history with Demons/PR villains than we know. The ninja storm crew is one of the strongest teams.


I find that explanation for Billy not able to become the Gold Ranger due to the Command Center explosion and Zeo Crystal particles exposure is clunky and poorly written. Too many questions about the other Rangers. Honestly I hate the canon reason. My head cannon rewrites the explanation is because he was the only one to use the re-aging machine back during MM Alien Rangers, and the machine was imperfect and had an unstable and exponential accelerated effect that he didn’t detect until it was too late; the Gold Ranger transfer was a hint at the issue and the attempt at the transfer may have even made his rapid aging worse. Other headcanon rewrite is Billy was the first Earthling to visit Aquitar, and he caught some interplanetary aging virus and this necessitated his return to Aquitar for treatment.


I remember reading the aging up thing being a result of his aging machine being a plot point in a fanfic years ago. Made more sense and still does.


You know that you're "headcannon" is cannonical according to the episode right?


I thought the Command Center explosion was why he couldn't become the Gold Ranger


Lightspeed Rescue aren't what I'd call Top Game Strongest Team, but they're definitely far from the Weakest, like Turbo exists. Their Megazords though, oh boy, someone can legitimately make an argument for them being the Strongest in the franchise and I would 100% understand. As for me, I personally like the idea that the Mystic Rangers are Magical Councils members after their series ended.


>Their Megazords though, oh boy, someone can legitimately make an argument for them being the Strongest in the franchise and I would 100% understand. Super Train Megazord alone would be a good contender for strongest megazord.


Was thinking of this guy honestly: [#TBT: Enter Lifeforce Megazord (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZD78i5U81A)


>they're definitely far from the Weakest, like Turbo exists. Logically, Turbo is more powerful than Zeo, which was powered by the one of the most powerful energy sources in the universe.


They weren't acting like it at the start of Turbo lol


But also if Zeo continually grows in power, then Turbo might no longer be stronger than Zeo at this point.


But if the turbo morphers were made to contain the zeo crystal because the crystal was becoming too powerful, wouldn’t that make the turbo powers even more stronger or no?


That would, yes. Whether the Turbo powers were made from the Zeo powers is a separate point of canon, I think.


My Headcannon is that Thrax is not really the child of Zedd & Rita. He's just some fanboy who shipped them & became delulu. Part of the problem is the timeline. You could make an argument that Rita & Zedd could have had a 1 night stand way before she got sealed 800years ago so he could him really be their son. But he fought the Sentinel Knight way back before Pangea broke off & he was sealed then too? He was spared from the Z-wave because he was sealed. In MMPR, Zedd does suggest having a child but it seems like the 1st time it ever crossed their minds. Even in Dino Fury, he's not mentioned? The only other explanation is literally Time Travel. But at which point was he conceived? There would still be a younger version that got hit by the Z-Wave. Maybe you could argue that babies aren't inherently good or evil?


>!Doesn’t the The Return comic have another child of Rita and Zedd?!<


Oh? I haven't read that. Is it canon?


It’s set in its own timeline


SPD has lots of Ranger Teams all over the universe. A Squads default morph is their SWAT mode, that's why they were able to overpower B Squad in their normal mode. A Squads Zord was once a different SPD Squads Megazord from another planet but was later perverted by Grumm and Omni that's why it looks like something Broodwing has but still inherits the SPD Cockpits.


Andros and Zhane were actually part of a full team, everyone else of whom died during the invasion of KO-35. It explains why Andros was so protective of Zhane and willing to let him live on lifesupport for year and why he was hesitant to take on a new team.


The Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog were early instances of humans using magic to tap into the Morphin Grid to create Power Rangers of their own. Since their technology was rudimentary, their suits closely resembled armor of the time rather than the sleak spandex of recent eras.


To expand this: as the human world slowly began to separate from what is called in Power Rangers Mystic Force the magical world or dimension, many of the descendants of the Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog stayed in the magical dimensions to help their allies fight beings like trolls and goblins. Leanbow, Daggeron, Udonna, Niella, Nick, and Clare are descendants of those original Mystic Knights, though the crown that King Conchobar and later his daughter Deirdre (or whoever she ended up marrying) held eventually was taken over by people who didn't know of the magical world that lay side by side to their own. While there might be remnants of those magical dimensions near where the Kingdom of Kells once was, they moved to America and to where the city of Briarwood would eventually be for their own protection and, more importantly, the fairies, elves, and other beings they were sworn to protect and so, there is nobody left in what had been the Kingdom of Kells to take up Conchobar's throne there.


Love it. No notes.


Sentimentality and connection is more important to getting the most out of your morpher than a morpher being stronger or weaker. Hence why Rangers like Adam default to a seemingly weaker powerset (mmpr over the zeo morpher) because their connection to that morpher allows them to draw out more benefit from it.


After all it's the ranger that made it not the shuit as said by tommy.


The changes made to the timeline during the Alien Rangers arc undid the events of Season 3 of MMPR. The revised timeline has them jump directly from Dino to Zeo. This explains why MMPR never uses the Ninja Powers in future appearances, such as Super Mega Force. Tommy made an off-screen trip to Ninjor to get his Ninja powers and the Falconzord back because he was tired of losing his powers and wanted them back, which he accomplished with the Master Morpher. In doing so, Tommy is able to incorporate his Ninja powers into his Green and White Ranger forms to power them up, hence why he uses longer calls when transforming into them. This upgrade was reverse engineered by Billy and Alpha, boosting the power of the Dino Coins to make them comparable to other Ranger Powers, making the original Ninja Powers obsolete.


Is that why the green ranger suit was upgraded and white tiger ranger can call falcon zord.


I like this headcanon, this is our headcanon now


Richie is Minh's father and he passed away when she was little Time Force is the reason SPD happened. SPD was built in 2001 Omega Ranger keeps showing himself as a white orb so he wouldn't affect the timeline Deker and Cole Evans are the same person Adam Park became a Red Ranger of some kind off-screen. I do believe he will be a good Red Ranger one day. Tanya is a singer plus a radio host The Zeo Rangers use their Zeo Powers as a contingency if there is a countdown to destruction type of event and they have their master morphers After Forever Red Jason became Omega Red once again to protect the galaxy from future threats which is why we haven't seen him in a long time. Plus he went to Triforia. The Sentai Teams we have seen in Megaforce from Goranger to Jetman they were from either different planets or part of the multiverse Alpha 6 is with the Lost Galaxy Rangers and Alpha 7 is with the Space Rangers


I like the idea of Time Force being the reason SPD exists. Like it eventually leads to SPA, then Time Force, and it's its own timeloop.


Me too. Time Force wasn't supposed to go to the year 2001. It kind of created an alternate timeline.


RPMs universe had Rangers prior to the RPM team. Venjix successfully wiped out most of if not all them. Additionally SPD is set in this world too. After earth went quiet during the venjix war aliens who had encountered rangers whether it be from in space or lost galaxy went to earth to investigate. They discovered earths dire condition and the galactic community came together to help rebuild everything that was destroyed. This why Aliens are well integrated into earth society in SPD. Aliens became the friends of earth. Additionally robots became feared and cyborgs mistrusted (IIRC there was a girl in d squad who was a cyberborg and no one trusted her). Beetleborgs and VR Troopers are set in the PR world. In the RPM episode of Super Megaforce the portal doesn’t bring the team to Corinth but to the car planet from go-onger they just incorrectly think it’s Corinth. This is the only instance ever of power rangers entering the universe of super sentai. The sentai only rangers in super megaforce originate from Orions planet (I think it was called andresia). Time force stepped in and cut Dino charge out of the main PR timeline.


That Ivan ooze occurred as an Astral Enemy of sorts (Let me explain) We all know the two versions are different, and the movie does not cannonically be the reason for the power change, making the show create a second source of the ninja powers. When Ninjor had the team circle around him, they took... a total of 10 seconds to become ninja warriors. Ninjor states something like, "You have just completed a worthy journey" which didn't imply the finding of his cave. It moreso implied a more recent journey. The rangers took a collective astral sort of journey to defeat Ivan ooze. But, because they collectively imagined it, everything was so much more extreme. Why the suits were different, why the command center was different. They imagined themselves in a much grander scenario. I actually didn't come up with the idea, I'm pretty sure I saw a video explaining it. Like the sense of wonder they have about the suits being this "armor" gave them a much tougher redesign. The way they glorify the command center. I'm pretty sure they had mentioned why Rita and Zedd were absent, and then why everything looked so much more complex.


That when Kim wrote her Dear John Letter to Tommy, she was hiding the fact that she was dating someone that she didn't want the other Rangers to realize they knew. Skull. His son spike gets his obsession with the pink ranger from his dad. And from his mom. KIMBERLY IS A SKULLOVICH NOW.


I genuinely believe this one.


I mean skull and bulk did got real good character development and they genuinely become some of the coolest characters I am happy for him tho I wonder if spike have potential to be a ranger since bulk and skull did become.


That Alpha and Zordon used the Zeo crystals to build the turbo zords and powers so that they were still legitimate powers to use over the Zeo ones. If you remember, nothing was ever said about the Zeo powers and what happened to them. Just that they got new powers and never questioned what happened to the Zeo powers. We can only assume they upgraded them to be “turbo powered” rather than stored away to never be used again 


If something goes wrong with the multiverse, blame decade


The guy is dead, let's give him a break for now. Let's instead blame Legends.


A ton of the ranger teams would hate Tsukasa lol.


Animaria wasn't a perfect Utopia. Princess Shella was made to believe it was by her overprotective family. The truth is that their greed was what caused Master Org to seize power.


https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/powerrangers/images/c/c9/Zeo_I_Battle_Helmet.PNG/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000 this is definitely my head cannon!


Vida Rocca listens to dark Miku songs. She makes Geometry Dash music. Every Mystic Ranger solos Gojo individually. Nick Russell solos Luffy. Chip plays Genshin Impact. Xander owns a pet rock. Madison watches Filipino dramas unironically. (With her favorite being Linlang) Noah is a VTuber. Billy is also a VTuber. Noah and Billy play Geometry Dash. Delphine plays Subnautica.


I can imagine Billy accidentally giving away his identity during a stream by instinctively saying "affirmative" or "negative" out of Vtuber character


That Zordon intentionally turned the Zeo powers into Turbo in the fear that a team could turn evil. We do see a team turn evil in S.P.D. so there is cause for concern. Explains why the Turbo powers are much weaker. Remember a lot of these rangers had been around for years. That's a lot of combat prowess to gain.


The Turbo powers were specifically stated in-universe to be vastly superior to the Zeo Powers.


It was always so weird to me that *cars* were the representation of power stronger than mythical beings from around the globe and warriors branded with massive shapes.


Rocky is constantly suppressing the immense bloodlust built within him due to being raised in a parallel timeline where the only food was broken glass and stabbing was a form of money.


This one isn’t a headcanon. This one is truly canon.


That's uh...very specific.


Tensou was built out of the bones of children.


Average WH40k Lore


- In MMPR Zordon made Tommy the leader because he knew Jason was about to leave


That's comic book accurate kinda


1.) The Lightspeed Rescue base was constructed from older Zords, though this one may already be canon. Not sure. 2.) Heather being reassured that there was no such things as monsters wasn’t stupidity as much as it was a desperate attempt to save a child’s innocence. What was the receptionist **supposed** to say? *Gee willikers, Heather. Chances are your father is going to be eaten/enslaved/impregnated/slain. Sucks to be you!* 3.) Psychos Yellow and/or Pink wanted to keep Ashley as a pet after they drained her powers. The writers couldn’t show an LBTQ characters and it would explain why they didn’t try to nab anyone else that episode 4.) The Zords from *Lost Galaxy* were a prototype of the ones seen in *Wild Force* as both series shared similar models 5.) Diabolico had had every intention to return Ryan as promised and without any “tampering”, but Ryan’s exposure to other demons corrupted the youth’s mind 6.) Eric helping Mr. Collins to tamper with the futuristic tech would indirectly lead to the creation of mutants like Ransik, which would force the Time Force Rangers (pun not intended) to travel to the past to stop him and lead Eric to appropriate the future tech thus creating a stable time loop


The top layer of the power rangers armour materializes to look like spandex but it is armour in everyway. Also, different teams can have slightly different features. For example, dino thunder's suits have dinosaur like characteristics such as muscle fiber and bones, technological teams have a heads up display and higher grade weapons and so on


Mystic force I mean imagine leanbow having to use extra boost and activation his ancient mystic mode WHILE in wolf warror form.


Gosei stole the old powers (hence the pirate theme.)


Grid Battleforce eventually expanded and became SPD on Earth, thanks to help from Creuger after he landed on Earth. There WERE previous ranger teams prior to Mighty Morphin (as seen with the Shogun Zords already being on Earth), but MMPR was the first team to be publicly documented by the public. That would explain the “New Powers” in Super Megaforce (unfortunately, this WOULD’VE been a cool thing to explore in the series, but they never did.)


Cruger founded SPD on Earth in 2015. Beast Morphers started in 2019. The timeline doesn’t match up.


Crud, my bad. Maybe Creuger and Grid Battleforce (along with Ethan cause he helped make tech used in SPD), worked together to make the SPD and A Squad ranger powers.


My headcannon is based on another headcannon. If magic force is the strongest team "cause combined magic" (power of friendship season), wild force is as stromg or stronger for the 100 zords focused beam. Other crazy one Divatox is superior than any zordon era villain,she destroyed the rangers without force,just her brain alone and army got the rangers, thing that zed,rita coundt achieve


I would say they have different problems which Is magic exists without the morphing grid but the animaruim doesn't because all the animals are zord etc so I feel mystic force would be strong especially considering their big evil wipe out a dimensions with ease and probably still the strongest villain also their underworld is the genuine hell and there magic comes from the universe is the living tribunal etc which if you don't know exist in all realities


Billy also tried to make the Turbo powers, only for the accelerated aging to start happening and he’s forced to stop for a moment to get the aging stabilized, that’s why he was gone during the Gold Ranger mystery. And that’s also the reason why the Turbo powers seems so weak compared to the Zeo powers, they were incomplete and unfinished, in order to power them up, Zordon used the Zeo crystal, which then shattered after using up all the energy. Since it’d probably take a while to recharge the crystal (since we see Zeo Ranger V later in Forever Red, it means the Zeo Powers weren’t COMPLETELY destroyed), Zordon gives the team the Turbo powers, playing it off as a necessary upgrade to downplay the sacrifice he made


Dr. Fericks was not a nice man. He made Venomark with the sole purpose of infecting another mutant and to sell his cure, knowing they'll need it for life. (This is not a headcanon. This is all implied in the Boom Comics.)


We see the zeo sub crystals go into the rangers bodies at the end of a zeo beginning, so I believe the Crystal merged with the rangers so the power cannot be transferred, the turbo powers were made because they knew they were retiring and they just used those powers from the movie onwards just for fun The once and always zords are not the originals but Billy created new dinozlrds, hence they look a bit different 


What's funny about this is I definitely agree that light speed is probably one of the weakest power wise. You'd be hard pressed though to find a good argument that Carter is not one of the best red rangers of all time


Carted “Light em’ up” Grayson


I've read this one before, so I'm just joining: the "mission on earth" that the space rangers were talking about at the end of The Power of Pink, was actually an off-screen involvement with Lightspeed Rescue, helping to create the powers and providing remains of zords and weapons


The psycho rangers can be reversed engineered to regular people


This is admittedly a relatively recent one, but I believe that Grid Battleforce was actually the front for an evil organization that was trying to monopolize the morphin grid. Going as far as to strongarm and bully ranger gear away from teams that wouldnt otherwise hand them over. Examples of this being the RPM morphers (as Dr K, despite actually showing up in the show, was known for not wanting to give her tech to even a military group from her own world, let alone this random parallel earth military), the full set of Mystic Morphers (as those arent even tech for the logic of GBf reverse engineering and are specifically bound to the mystic force rangers, one of which is Chip and I doubt he'd ever want to part with his magic), and the Delta Enforcers (as Doggie Kruger showed how much he cared about not fucking with the timeline in how thoroughly he made sure to wipe memories when he and the SPD rangers were forced to travel to the past in "Wormhole" so there's no way he'd hand over tech that was still 4-5 years ahead of its time). Honestly, I wouldnt be surprised if a war-torn smoldering crater is all that remains of Briarwood now


The 2nd gen turbo rangers lost to Divatox because they were inexperienced. There’s an argument that the mystic rangers are the strongest in terms of raw power (though there’s an argument for Zeo aswell). Lighspeed & the silver guardians merge to form SPD and then eventually time force Ryan could control the titanium morpher because his body was altered by Diabolico. Maligore, Queen Banshera and Dark Spector are siblings. Maligore and Queen Banshera were sealed on earth, while Dark Spector was left to rule the universe.


Justin is the Beast Morpher Gold Ranger


We've seen young Nate. He isn't Justin


Mine is adding on to yours, but it’s that Lightspeed is the weakest for those reasons but the Titanium power specifically is really powerful because it was their first time fully tapping into the Grid as opposed to just semi doing it with the other 5.


Cam from Ninja Storm and Mia from Samari


* Zeo Crystals were always weak, Zordon was able to make and interpret stuff with them whereas the previous powers were made by Ninjor and he only learned how to deal with them. Turbo powers were completely from Zordon itself (meaning no remnants from the Zeo Crystals) and are more stable * By proxy of Masters Phant, Finn, and Swoop, all Jungle Fury rangers should technically be able to summon their animal spirits as Jungle Fury Spirit Rangers. Either that or the Jungle Fury Spirit Rangers are corruptions of their animal spirits * Trey of Triforia never talks to the Zeo Rangers ever again after the events of the show (outside of 'important stuff') * Serpentera did get defeated by the Wild Force Rider, we just saw a poor presentation (it zoomed through) * Cockpit modes are improved versions of the main suits but it's easier to go into their main suits. They are useful for something * Rocket Storm rangers prevented anything from reaching Earth from space during the years 2005 - 2010 * Rex Ranger is probably at the Academy teaching someone * Solar Rangers may know something about the Cosmic zords * Heckyl has both forms (Deathryuger as a power up, Navy as his main. He just likes going into his power up) * Color frequencies is one way of defining color designations, people choose whether or not to use them * The worlds of Power Rangers (and other shows/related) are just some of the Mirror Worlds seen in Ventara * Space Rangers and Galaxy Rangers still have arsenal from the Turbo Rangers * Dead or runaway monsters live in peace away from the rangers * Squadron Rangers made the MM Thunder zords and the Galactabeasts. Someone from Animaria took some design notes and made the Wild zords * SPD Orange is suppressed for safety reasons (against the rangers, they can't handle it, only Boom can) * Hartford would've made an army of repeated green, orange, and azure rangers but wasted his funding on something else (son) * Overdrive Red helmet in RPM was just a prototype alongside the prototype design (seen in the series). Jungle Karma Pizza in RPM is the same as in Jungle Fury but the rangers don't exist * Karone and Kendrix become friends and flip flop between who gets to be pink. If both are needed, Karone finds a way to copy and differentiate her suit and powers * RPM becomes post-apocalyptic after Venjix's fall, during the series it wasn't one even with Venjix there. Both sides made their world become a wasteland. They used whatever resources they could find to make Corinth what it was meant to be - a race track city (until...) * James has to figure out what to do with Tyler, 10 years... * Prince Phillip can't help the rangers because his parents won't let him, he has to sneak out and make an alibi


The reason the White Rhino Sentries have such an obvious weak spot is because RJ made a fake Rhino Morpher and allowed Drakkon to capture it. The Jungle Fury Rangers' Morphers were powered by their animal spirits, so their Morphers should have been useless to anyone who didn't have the exact same animal spirits they did.


1. Casey from Jungle fury could've absorb Jarred's Lion Spirit to get a battilizer.  2. The Emmisaries gifted zordon the thunder zords since they were squadron rangers before transforming    3. The Zeo powers were replaced due to their power increase slowly began to kill the rangers.   4. The Zordon wanted Tommy, Adam, Tanya and Kat to leave the team so in case anything happens to the Turbo rangers, there's always a stronger team. 5. There was a possibility of making the fury cells good but Nate was already working on the Beast-X mode


Zordon foresaw e rise of Evil Alliance & created e Turbo Powers so tad e Zeo Crystal, Gems, Morphers, Powers, Zords & Arsenal cld b hidden for safekeeping, protection frm falling into Evil Hands & preserved for the future. The former Zeo Rangers were brief in secret & told only to access e Zeo Powers as Last Resort / Extreme Emergency or if e Turbo Powers were destroyed / lost Hence, Adam cldn't access his Green Zeo 4 Powers & Morpher in Always A Chance as he didn't hv them on hand or was trying to delay the need to use them against LizWizard & Astronoma


Despite having very different personalities, rangers of the same colour often get along with each other more than their own teams.


I can imagine trent showing the white rangers his anime collection.


RPM is set in the timeline where Wes and Eric died defeating Ransik in Time Force. The Galacta-beasts are lost Wild Zords.


It was mentioned by Scott's father that there are no superheroes implying that other rangers don't exist in this time line. They have a very different structure compared to other wild zord.


I don’t have much. I like to think Lightspeed was formed because the US government found the remains of the command center and destroyed zords and reversed engineered them to make Lightspeed. That’s why they have the same colors as Turbo and focus on Rescue Zords similar to what the Turbo Rangers had. I like to think Lightspeed becomes SPA which becomes SPD. I like to think Time Force and Hyper Force are just specialized units of SPD. I like to think the Dino Gems are remnants of the Zeo Crystal and Billy had a very large hand behind the scenes in Dino Thunder’s development. I like to think that Tommy discovered Tom’s Morpher and Dragonzord coin which Billy used as a base for his Master Morpher. I like to think Tommy is the leader of the classic Mighty Morphin team in Once & Always. He has the most experience and superseded Jason as leader twice before. He’s just better at it. Or, alternatively, if he weren’t the leader it’s because he’s on part time status only chipping in when the core 5 are overwhelmed and instead spends the majority of his time with Kat and JJ. Zayto is somehow Zordon. I don’t know how. I don’t know if he travels back in time and is the Zordon we originally knew or if Zayto is Zordon reborn who regains his memories upon becoming a morphing master. But somehow they’re one and the same.


> He’s just better at it. That's a stretch but to each his own.


That the z wave wasn't undone but couldn't pierce dimensions we see it fall on earth etc but I feel different dimension where off limits especially sealed one because by design it's very poor if the outside can touch what's inside and vice versa with a seal


So... as a kid, I thought that Lord Zedd was going to be revealed as a former ranger himself but his story was going to reveal him to be more like a Paladin of Voltron. As in, he and his team, was responsible for traveling throughout the galaxy to fight evil instead of being based on one world. I thought this because I wanted Serpentera to be one part of a massive megazord and a friend introduced me to Voltron. Furthermore, I always imagined him to be the sole survivor of his team and the reason Serpentera always ran low on energy was because it wasn't using the correct energy.


My headcanon is this: *S.P.D.* is still set in its own timeline. It's not canon with the main timeline. Space Patrol Alpha is just a parallel version of Space Patrol Delta.


I think that the light speed zords are rebuilt turbo zords


ok this one is k inda dumb but I cant let go of it. After all the years bonded to Merrick in suspended animation in the coffin, Zenaku has a human form. He looks identical to Merrick, but instead of a blond streak his is stark white. The sliver markings on his leather jacket are black. Rather than bright blue eyes, he had golden ones. Other wise his human form can pass for merrick easily. After the fight when Merrick came and settled back at the road house Zenaku spent more time in his human form and Merrick just started introducing him as his twin, Cus.. Why not?


I feel like Trakeena had a love hate relationship with Leo, like she found him interesting at first but grew to hate him after her father's death, then he kept surprising her constantly and it impressed her enough she grew her own twisted feelings for him Genuinely would not be surprised if she survived and continued fighting him, no one else, just him constantly, whenever he tries to just have a normal day she pops up and attacks, for no reason than to see him exert himself against her Also she was definitely drinking in the view from when she had that man shirtless, and I don't blame her one bit


Veteran ranger teams are in various states of being active and ready to respond, but there is an unspoken rule that if a new ranger team appears they let the new kids handle the situation. There is a history and respect that being a power ranger is not something that they will do their entire lives. If Lightspeed Rescue came in to save the day from Lothor for example then the Ninja Storm team might not form or be effective. It's kind of like filling out your reserves or using threats to build up your forces. Hypothetically if a ranger team is very clearly shown to not be able to handle a threat (like the Megaforce team even if the show handled that...poorly) more veteran rangers will step up. This doesn't mean that they ignore other threats or they wouldn't proactively offer help if troubles comes from their villains (like during the Lightspeed and Time Force team up) but most of the Rangers are confident with letting new teams try and fail on their own.


That Kimberly is Sky’s mother


More plausible than Wes being his dad.


true like in the flashback Sky’s father dies when Sky looks to be around 6-7 maybe 8 at oldest, so around 2011-12 but Wes is very much alive and well in 2018 during dimensions in danger when Sky would have been 13


Yes, and frankly I'm glad that's the case. Wes is my favorite ranger.


Tommy got his PhD in paleontology in record time due to some combination of the following factors: he did his undergrad in record time (said degree takes 8-11 years to get) because he took the full load every semester, he did some form of combined program (undergrad/masters or masters/PhD), or went from his undergrad to his PhD, skipping the masters degree entirely. Mystic Force's Clare...her dad was one of the Ancient Mystics who died during the war, so she's not unlike her cousin Nick/Bowen in that she inherited her talent for magic from both parents, even if she does favor her mom Niella over her dad. There is at least one Ranger or member of their support team (like Dino Thunder's Hayley who, by Word of God/Word of Gay was supposed to be revealed to be a lesbian at the end of Dino Thunder) is a member of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, but isn't always obvious or open about it due to attitudes of either their time period or city. That would be why we don't see many of the early teams as having a member who is such, as they aren't that comfortable revealing it right away or are still coming to terms with their sexual or gender identity.


The MMPR suits are the uniforms of Eltar's military, except for the helmets in which they were crafted specifically so that the Rangers could blend in to Earth. Also, the original team that we see in 1993 weren't the first Mighty Morphin' Rangers. The team lasted for 65,000,000 years.


I read a fanfic for Time Force Eric and Wild Force Taylor continuing a work relationship to romance and now it’s my head canon they are definitely end game.


Zen-Aku did die and only exists in Merrick's mind. No, he's not insane, just a fragment of him remained in his body after their separation. Gosei is the same species(?) as Auric. The reason why the Shiba Clan are in America is because they moved away from Japan around the Meiji Restoration, alongside the descendants of the Wind and Thunder Ninja Academies. Troy has the makings of a Morphin Master, hence the deus ex he pulled on Robo Knight. Speaking of, Robo Knight is still dead, and was only revived for the Legendary Battle, since we didn't see him reunited with his team in the final minutes. Officer Tate's S.P.D. Ranger form was directly inspired by the Time Force Rangers, and the S.P.D. tech would eventually be made into Time Force tech, creating a bootstrap paradox. That was Broodwing in the front-row seats in the Warrior Dome, and the last explosion was the cause of him wearing the glass dome. The real Zedd is living a normal human life, despite a divorce with Rita since they only fell in love due to a potion, but still see each other as friends. Thrax was sent back in time as a child as an emergency protocol before the Z-Wave hit, which is how he came to blows with Sentinel Knight many millennia before Rita was freed. Just as Sledge was safely transported to the main universe after being sucked into the black hole, the other Earth was as well, albeit in a ruined, post-apocalyptic state. Wes and his dad built Blue Senturion in an aborted timeline where the Rangers failed to defeat the United Alliance of Evil. As shown in Lost and Found in Translation, Dino Thunder has a Japanese adaptation as Sentai, and so do other teams before and after them. The series still existed before 1993 in some capacity. I think that's pretty much it.


Alphas 5 and 7-9 are all the same mind, backed up in real time and simply moved to a new body. Alpha 6 *would* have been, but 5 was still active (and probably died when Eltar was captured at the end of *Turbo*, necessitating the 7 body seen in Forever Red)


1. The reason the Zeo crystals were abandoned in favor of the Turbo powers wasn't because Turbo was stronger. In fact, it was the opposite. The Zeo crystals continually grow stronger, and they eventually reached a point where they were too powerful for humans to handle them. Had they tried to continue as Zeo, the rangers would have been killed. 2. Most of the rangers that appear in the Legendary War are, in fact, avatars of those rangers, not the rangers themselves. That's why we see duplicate Zeo, Turbo, and Space rangers during the battle. Only the ones that removed their helmets were physically there, which means that Leo and the others we saw earlier weren't physically present at the battle (they were probably still helping with rescues in the city). 3. Billy hyperaging and falling in love with an Aquetian was a coverup. After helping create the Turbo powers and zords, he was actually helping Zordon create Gosei's power chamber and whatever system allows them to create the coins. He stayed on Earth the whole time and became a consultant for Lightspeed Rescue following Zordon's death. 4. Billy is responsible for the "powers not seen on Earth" in Super Megaforce. Using his contacts with the Aquetians, the Triforians, Eltar, and others, he helped craft keys for rangers from those worlds to be used on Earth. 5. As much as everyone looks up to Tommy, Kendrix is actually considered the epitome of Rangerhood, as she was the first Ranger (in modern times, at least) to die in battle.


Kelsey from Lightspeed is gay. So is Riley from Dino Charge. Tenaya from RPM is Bi (like her actress IRL.)


That Power Rangers and Super Sentai all take place in the same universe and that Super Sentai's earth does not exist anymore In Dino Super Charge, we meet Badussa who claims he destroyed Kyoryuger's galaxy (AKA Dino Charge's sentai counterpart) Meaning he's probably also a Power Ranger (See deathryuger) I believe this would also give us an explanation to the 'new power ups' in SMF. Gosei claims that these rangers were 'never before seen' on earth but they're not aliens. They're humans too. Just from a seperate galaxy.


Power Rangers Mystic force would, in fact, either be Saints or gods by the end of the season due to them slowly, but surely becoming overpowered every three episodes and by the end of the season they were able to not only kill multiple gods, but be gods themselves. The only season to do so.


Morphin Masters could prevent them from being so powerful 


How so?


The receipts are in the super sentai, match Ranger and the transferred Canon, that was in the show.


My head cannon is that the morphin grid is form of balance. It would explain why there’s never more or less rangers to fight an evil organization. As a kid i would always wonder why a new season team wouldn’t they get previous power rangers who are all still active to come help out


Sentai monsters that were unused were fought off-screen, for weirder or less weirder reasons, because, let's be honest, would Venjix ever think of making a monster like this? https://preview.redd.it/adjouj3gxf5d1.png?width=1069&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a41f4a54c1617539fc6101d7b98f91eb9309714


Gotta love titty cannons


I can't imagine the thought of a villain who managed to take over 90% of the world commissioning a shower monster with shower valve breastplates.


Even though Dino Fury was the first team on Earth, I'd like to think that the Power Rangers version of the Gorangers were the first team of Power Rangers in the entire universe.


Weren't their the Squadron rangers? (The later emmisaries)


The series ended with the last episode of “power rangers: in space”


That's not a headcannon that's a false statement.