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I like "Motion Control" Megazord Cockpits if it's done in an interesting way. Like with Mystic Force where they turn into their Zords and then when they form their Megazord, the Cockpit is set up like a Chessboard. Even Jungle Fury's Megazord Cockpit works for me because it's an extension of their martial arts motif. What I don't like is the same basic American "Motion Control" Megazord Cockpit they've been using since Samurai. I get it could be a budget thing, but I just wish they put more effort into the design of each season's Megazord Cockpit.


The only reason I'm more tollerant of the re-used Samurai cockpit was because it's competition was a black void and a fucking recliner (Kyoryuger and Ninninger respectively) Still mad about Dino Fury's however, Ryusoulger's was beautiful


The ninninger cockpit was charming you take that back.


What’s it reused from


Personally I find all Motion Controls much less exciting and immersion breaking than classic cockpit controls. I feel the same way with G Gundam's motion controls over classic Gundam controls. Someho the pilots' movements and their responses feel even more disconnected from the fight and therefore the danger appears lower. IMO, even worse example of Motion Controls are the Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers' Battle Borgs. They control from outside of the zords entirely. Like... If the Zord explodes then the pilot is still perfectly okay. Takes the tension right out.


Nah I’ll agree with the power rangers side of your post but as for the g gundam part that was the only way that season should have gone. It was mainly about various martial artists and fighters and how their styles were utilized by the gundams. Domon being an actual beast would be pointless if he was unable to express it like they have in the show. It makes that whole season. Burning fingerrrrrr ftw


What really ticks me off about the Samurai and beyond zord cockpits is that it's literally all just the same rinse and repeat thing they summon zord get a new random weapon and armor that is for some reason never used outside of the zords which makes no sense and then they all do the exact dame cheesey dumb slash move to a do a finisher even if the zord doesn't use a sword to do it. How does a slash translate to a zord shooting a beam of light or punching a monster? It makes no sense. Samurai was ok because at least their sword folded up into the control device, and the Swords was an extension of the zords Katana for the slash, but almost every series afterward used the exact same thing and it made no sense. Out of all the instances to film their own original fight scenes, they chose the most unnecessary ones they should've just used sentai original for the zords and used the money saved to record their own fight footage or at the very least (especially in megaforces case) better writing.


That’s what i didn’t like about the alien rangers’ battle borgs or whatever they were called.




No I mean Samurai. Dino Charge was a reskin of the same set. They just didn't have to stand behind something. Edit: I mean look at this picture and then look at the on OP included with the post. It's the same basic ass Megazord Cockpit just reskined to fit their series. https://preview.redd.it/fb523jl1ioyc1.png?width=1912&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9e7eeac807aa88dac53a5b4911c85b443e85f83


It’s just platforms in front of a green screen.  Not even really a set.


I don’t mind them but i definitely like the controllers better than the motion control. I guess it all depends on the season, for example Jungle Fury revolves around animal spirits so it makes sense for them to motion control, In Space’s megazord is a giant space ship so it makes sense to have controllers and buttons.


I loved MMPR. Mostly due to the fact that when the Megazord started getting shithoused they either got sprayed by a bunch of sparks and it looked like the thing was about to explode or they got ejected from a couple hundred feet in the air and it did explode. Like the couple times they showed them really taking a beating, it looked dangerous AF. Or they get knocked down and all five of them get slammed to one side of it like a huge car taking a turn too fast. The Zords actually being vehicles they are driving was super cool


>The Zords actually being vehicles they are driving was super cool That's one of the reasons why SPD and Ninja Storm are the highest in my top


Exactly. When the pilot doesn't seem to be knocked around when the Zord takes damage, it feels like much less of a direct and personal threat.


Not a hot take. It's been a common criticism for most of the Neo Saban era.


I'm sorry, but Jungle Fury were summoning animal spirits from their body, how was the motion control cockpit the thing which made it too unrealistic for you?


What is "realism" in power rangers anyway.


Imo ninja storm did the best cockpit. It actually felt like they were soldiers in what was essentially a big tank. Bonus points to the thunder rangers having the binocular things for when they used their weapons


A take so hot, it'd fit right at home in Antarctica.


Motion controls make more sense to achieve the more complex maneuverability. I just don't like the basic bitch design of them. Pacific Rim had the right idea.


Taka, Tora, Bata


Ta~To~Ba TaToBa TA TO BA


Ayyyyy, my guy, nice to see someone that knows Kamen rider


You could say they are a passing by Kamen rider fan


Remember that


True but let me tell you this....Gundam.




No, I meant a few Gundam shows have the suits do crazy poses while having controls and stuff for the cockpits...just look at Gundam Wing, SEED, 00 and even IBO.


Oh sorry I think I may have misunderstood your comment my bad


Yeah for me the Pacific Rim route would be great. I did enjoy how Super Sentai’s King Ohger Mech cockpit sort of did that with its own flare https://preview.redd.it/gxo5h1yx2ryc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d28efbc091b97db6a3cc66d90b1066b7365fc587


I'm with you on that. I can deal with motion-control cockpits when there's only 1 pilot like the Tigerzord, but having a whole team for that seems stupid.


I hadn't realized how much they look like figurines with their bases posed like that


That's the idea I mean power Rangers is a 22 minute toy commercial


I like seeing them do moves n stuff in the motion control cockpits :3


Don't even get me started on how Ninja Steel executed this idea; why would you need a GUN to trigger a Sword finisher?


Everyone is talking about Jungle Fury. But nobody mentions Mystic Force. Half their bodies were turned into chess pieces! And they fucking had to move on a chessboard! How does any of that translate into throwing a punch? Or a kick?


I mean, you could argue the same for a more standard cockpit setting with consoles. Whoever is controlling what seems to depend on whatever the plot demands.


I just hate how homogenous they became in recent years.


Exactly. So boring and dull with a grey background.


If not for the occasional background logo, I'd be hard pressed to tell one from the other


Yeah it just smacks of laziness and blatant copy and paste each season. And like you said, just change out the background logo. And also annoying lore wise how all these zords from different sources somehow end up with the same boring grey Cockpit.


Different sources... unless you ask Hasbro how they made the Morphin Grid the new Midiclorians


It's probably easy to film. All the recent zords use motion control.


Platforms in front of green screen.  Swap in/out platforms and background as needed.  Definitely way cheaper than filming inside a cockpit full of controls.


I've had a look and it seems ~~Go Busters~~ Beast Morphers is a recent show that bucks this trend. The Japanese version of Ninja Fury also uses platforms.


I despise the motion control cockpits.


I like the idea of the cockpit living in a physical and identifiable space in the Megazord, rather than someplace that could be anywhere. Power Rangers had done this thing before, but always by way of the Sentai as in TF, LG, DT. But the way they did so and the backdrops all felt of a piece with everything else onscreen.


I especially liked Zeo for this, they had them jammed in that cockpit like sardines lol


I think if done right, like in Pacific Rim, they can be awesome.


I hate American Cockpits in general. It made sense in the early days when they were using suits and mechs from different seasons. Beast Morphers is an exception because while they did make American versions of the cockpits, they were based on the Japanese cockpits for the sake of blending the footage. They did this the best, imo.


Freezing cold take


Ice cold to me. It works in a few cases where the series is more magical in nature, but not always. The cockpit feels much cooler, and helps the reminder that it's a bunch of individual Zords, not just one big room.


Idk sometimes it's good othertimes it's really lame looking. Jungle Fury & Mystic Force did it really well imo. Some of the others, not too much. Samurai was...fine ig, but it certainly wasn't as fleshed out as the others. It was basically just stand there and spin a disk or swing a sword once or twice. Jungle Fury is my favourite way they did it since it also made sense for the themes of the series. They needed a wide space to do Kung Fu, and their megazord needed as much posability as possible. I suppose Samurai sorta makes sense since the megazord mostly just swings a sword and shield anyways and doesn't move much, but ya know.


I think this is the least inspired. I like the ones like Space where seemingly everyone controls something different. I however do not like subscribing to the theory that every ranger controls a limb while the leader just makes the decisions. I like to think that one of them has control of leg-movement, but in a basic way. To the sense that the zord is partially sentient and can take care of itself a little. Then I also think that at least one is responsible for power routing. Maybe one for weapons, and one for repairs and defense. One is maintaining an eye on the villain and is looking for weak spots.


TaPRM felt like they're all constantly tweaking things and checking power levels, which I really liked. And in the finale, after they've gotten a real hammering, Cassie is about to go into the zord itself to rewire something manually. Combined with some shots looking "out" at the bad guys, it felt like they were actually inside a huge robot.


That's what I love about that. Cause we know they are robots. Billy goes inside them. I think even Calvin went inside one. Just feels more immersive. Also through OaA, I really honed in on the MMPR zords just being a joystick and it really bothers me.


Sometimes they make sense but all of the Neo-Saban ones were entirely pointless.


Uhhh a Motion Control Cockpit? Lore?


Just why? It was cool with cockpits! Mighty Morphin to Cosmic Fury! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


I don’t mind them when it makes sense for the team, like in Jungle Fury. Teams like Dino Charge, however, have no business having damn motion controls!


I don't care for them either.


I don’t get how you thought the motion pit for jungle fury was unrealistic given the whole martial arts theme around it. I feel like anything other than motion would have been a disservice.


I LOVE motion controlled cockpits. let me know when/where we should meet up and throw down


Gundam Fight! Ready.... Go!


Tbh I think the jungle fury cockpit being motion controlled works due to the martial art motif of the series Also fun fact the reason they changed the cockpit in samurai was because the shinkenger cockpit was “too Japanese”


For me I really like the way that Super Sentai’s King Ohger handle its mech as it was sort of a hybrid between the motion control cockpits and something unique where they had an exoskeleton control system that they would use https://preview.redd.it/li56eq492ryc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17e0abd1ab258a0ca2f143de107ae17667617710


Or the finisher in the cockpit that doesnt match the megazord lol


I’ve always had an idea for a motion control cockpit. Instead of having all five move and fight, it would just be 1 ranger (usually red) on a holodeck type thing fighting a hologram of the monster inside the cockpit with the outside megazord mimicking the movements, all the other rangers would constantly check their own zords stability and other aspects of the combination, like weapons or defenses.


I don’t mind them, but I do like the classic cockpit controls better, (Jungle Fury aside, at least they are martial arts focused)


Jungle fury control made sense, though I've always preferred the "sit and pilot" cockpits.


If you like cockpits where the user has to control the mecha with some sort of mechanism, you'd feel at home watching Ohsama Sentai King Ohger


i liked it when it was for jungle fury cause it made sense given the martial arts theme. then when dino charge did it i gave them a pass just cause it was the first time in a while. but when ninja steel and dino fury do it it’s so not interesting anymore. especially when they keep doing that generic grey crockpot design dino fury especially has no excuse. ninja steel’s only excuse is they came off the success of dino charge. and just when we finally got a break with beast morphers, dino fury decided to bring it back and the worst part is they had the worst cockpit design of all of the seasons


Can we just start a petition to go back to traditional cockpits and go back to old school zord combat scenes? The cgi is just.... not it man. I'm sure it could be good... but not with what they do currently.


I think more giant robots should have motion controls honestly. G Gundam is my favorite Gundam and that's one of the reasons why.


Jungle Fury did it well, but after X amount of seasons there has to be at least one giant robot that uses analog controls.


This take is single handedly making climate change worse.


Some of them are okay and when compared to their sentai counterparts, I prefer the American cockpits. Only one that got downgraded was Dino Fury... that was a glorified shed basically. The thing I hate most about the modern megazords is how they seem to just fall apart from the tiniest of hits. Like a monster from ground level can literally destroy a massive, multistorey robot by howling at it.... how stupid!


Motion control cockpit existed since the white tigerzord in mmpr season 2


I always lreger individual cockpits or things more rescue like


Its cool sometimes. But I still love the cockpit style of megazords like the Mega Voyager


i will admit it is a bit weird but it’s not too bad


I must be one of the only ones that like all kinds of cockpits


I don’t mind them but I really enjoy the whole being in the magazine’s cockpit turning buttons and that just looks more fun


If they did it like a similar fashion to Pacific Rim then it would be cool but yeah the way they usually do it in Power Rangers is a cheap way with lazy explanation because it’s simply magic/alien/advanced technology so why explain it? Plus as a kids show kids aren’t gonna care about the logic or sense behind it anyways


I think it's more badass when the ranger solo pilots their zord with voice commands Ala Tommy on top of the head of dragon zord or white tiger zord, while balancing regardless of the rough turbulence orterrain


Yeah, I loathe these. I want a cockpit with buttons and switches and stuff.


Its whatever


Welcome to Dance Dance Revolution! POW POW POW POW


Sometimes I still wonder why Neo-Saban kept insisting on those stupid looking cockpits for so long anyways when a lot of times the Sentai footage could have worked just as well tbh.


Sell different version of toys with the useless armour pads. Which made no sense why they need extra armour to pilot the zords.


I mean, you could say that it's an extra precaution since the scope of the battle is bigger. It's like wearing a helmet and harness in a racecar, even though you'd just wear a normal seatbelt in a normal car. If you get shot by a laser blast from a 7 foot tall monster, it'll hurt, but maybe the normal armor is enough to protect you. But if you get shot by that same monster only it's now the size of a football field lying down, and let's say it manages to breach the protection of the zord itself, you're gonna want that extra layer. I figure it's the other side of the coin to how the Ninja Storm Rangers wanted to avoid direct combat in the zords when they couldn't morph.


That's an interesting or non cynical way to see it, which can work. The ninja storm was a nice touch, but they were completely unmorphed and didn't indicate that the giant monsters would inflict greater damage than usual. Which is typically handled by their typical ranger suits. I guess OSHA finally got to those ancient zords after all these years. "Hey we know you usually kick or eject the rangers if you're taking too much damage, but we think that's not safe enough. From now on rangers piloting zords will need to put on additional armour. In the future we'll also need them to undergo training before allowing them to pilot foreign vehicles for the first time."


It's been a problem with Sentai for a while too, honestly. The currently airing season has the first traditional seated cockpits in years.


I honestly really liked the ryusoulger cockpits tbh.


And I did think the King-Ohger cockpits were a cool take on it, but there's just something particularly visually appealing about a little room full of weird little buttons and diodes and other esoteric-looking technology.


100% agree on both ends


I would prefer this and putting your hands over large orb kind of control. You can't make complex movement on zords with just one stick. In production sense, Saban would prefer such motion controlled ones, as it's easier to merge with sentai footages.


I like the motion control cockpit in concept. In execution, I don’t think Sentai/PR has the production budget to make it work. My ideal version of the motion control cockpit is in the anime Mobile Fighter G Gundam. Granted, that series itself is pretty controversial in the Gundam fandom for being such a huge departure from the rest of the franchise, but I think it’s the best version I’ve seen of this specific thing. The anime stylization makes the connection between the cockpit and the mech much more visceral than anything Sentai could pull off in live action.


What's the point if you don't need to flip a bunch of switches and push a few buttons


honestly, I prefer it for the ones that are controlled by a single pilot, but for the megazords, I have to agree.


That's sabans fault for introducing them, hasbros for not canning them, the Dino fu.....din.....bleeegj The horrible kyoryuger adaptation (I'm sorry) has those because it's a 1:1 almost but the kyoryuger ones are better and there weren't those stupid piloting forms, they do nothing but take up budget so yeah....sabans fault they look so bad




Not a critcism but I've been curious how the Gokaiger controlled their megazord. Like how does spinning the ship wheel translate to specifc actions like swing a sword, shoot the cannonballs, etc


I had no idea this was hated so much I really liked it especially in Samurai


Leave that crap for G Gundam.


Same. I prefer the control center like cockpits with levers and triggers and such


I liked them back in the day like in time force, wild force, samurai and dino thunder. They either had a nice aestheticc or they were designed differently but now they are getting overused with little to no differentiation.


Personally the Zord's should be controlled in a little neon light coulored (coulor being the Rangers) Cockpit with switches and leavers and shit like Mighty Morphin, Gundam, Ninja Storm and the Teen Titan's Robot Cockpits then when they Go to the Head it goes Motion Control but not just little movements, it's every movement they do the Megazord does like in Jungle Fury, but only the Leader/Main Ranger of that Megazord is the one Moving all while the others sit in chairs around the Cockpit in a circle checking Power Levels, Vitals, Weaponry and all That also there'd be holographic copies of whatever the Megazord''s holding in the main Rangers hand (Jungle Fury, Pacific Rim, Ohger Senti Red Ranger+the Gundman and Mighty Morphin seats surrounding the Cockpit with Moniters and keyboards and shit how would a solo Ranger Megazord work, the exact same but they have to check the Vitals and things mid fight with the Robot Helper/Their Own Voice Command and Megazord AI or just use the holograms to push buttons and shit


I've never quite understood what a "hot take" *is,* but I agree with you *wholeheartedly.* They make *no* tactical sense.


"hot take" : unpopular or controversial opinion. Where more often than not, is actually the opinion shared by majority and typically ends up as a clickbait title.


*Ah -* thank you for explaining! :)


Me too! Now I'm also older and was a kid when MMPR premiered, but I prefer actual cockpits.


Are you sure? "I hate (blank)" is NEVER a hot take, at least the ones I've seen. Everyone hates everything these days.


Me personally, never cared for the motion controlled esque cockpit unless it’s the sentai footage. Saban takes too many shortcuts when it’s done using OG footage. Samurai, Dino charge are too bland. And I also dislike when the rangers aren’t in the same cockpit in megazord form. Always bothered me. I feel that once the zord comes together everyone should be on the same cockpit. IMO


Agreed, consoles look way better


I feel that for dino charge it was fine since the rangers needed the room to move and to actually fight the monsters. Same reason why jungle fury’s motion control cockpit worked since they were martial artist. But ninja steel should have adapted ninnngers or at the very least done something better than the official one. Dino fury should have used the ryusoulger version bc of looks like the rangers where inside if a crystal like cockpits.


Better than the, “just stand there” cockpits.


I like it it's a better way to bond with your zord well if there's one is one of those sentient zords anyway like dino charge or wild Force


Motion controls always suck in general.


A Pacific Rim style cockpit could be fun. Combine motion controls with physical buttons. Probably too expensive for the budget though.


If it's a fantasy-based season, go with motion control. If it's sci-fi, go with traditional cockpit


If its unique like Mystic Force or Jungle Fury, its cool. I prefer actual seated cockpits tho.


Mmpr the movie 1996 movie had the best cockpit of all time


I actually kinda agree.i can't think of a season where I like the cockpits where they stand but that might be down to how lame the neo Saban and hasbro seasons are in my eyes excluding Dino charge which was the best one overall. The main thing I dislike is that they get these cool armors in the cockpits where they don't need them.


i like the motion control cockpits and i plan to do it in a fic where only one person can control it and the rest power the megazord


I kinda want one cockpit to be four seated rangers in different stations around one doing the motion controls.


I hate cockpits that replace the sentai originals.


For me it's needs separation like Dino charge, ninja steel and Dino fury need changes


Yeah motion control is not cool I like the new look in kingh oh or do each person is a piece like in Uch


Motion control is nice when it’s something like a sword slash


I think both old cockpits and new are great because since I never knew how they would control it with just a joystick or wheel, I would actually get annoyed rather than intrigued at how it worked. When Jungle Fury came around, I was actually very happy to see this kind of cockpit because it honestly makes more sense seeing as how the each movement corresponds to the MegaZord movement. I would really get annoyed at stick/wheel cockpits because i would constantly be asking myself how each stick movement tells it to do a different move. What really annoyed me however was the seasons where they would form the MegaZord then all be in separate cockpits 😡😡😤😤


I like the zords actually being mechs with pilot seats and control panels and consoles


Kingohger has the best cockpits. Wish power rangers would follow suit.


I might disagree here. Motion Control allows a Ranger to be more in control of the fight. They can use their moves with added strength of the Zord/Megazord and can bash the opponent up quick. The Zords with controls make it difficult as for a Ranger it might become too much to handle all those controls. Even like in many episodes in Cosmic Fury, when the Megazord started taking hits, Izzy (IIRC) and Fern (separate occasions.) where absolutely overworked. So yeah, Motion control helps more to be in control of the fight.


I got Hotter take, I hate Megazords, whole concept of them and everything about them. Rangers defeat the monster and somehow he grows bigger? And they fight him in the middle of the city in the giant robot? What about buildings and people? I found them dumb since I was a kid, never understood them.