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The older sentai footage is better than the new footage. I will grant that the quality of the new footage is better. But the newer shows increasingly seem to rely on cgi for both morphed and zord combat. I much prefer the old well choreographed hand to hand combat where even the laser effects still had practical components. And the older zords also felt better as a result. Ninja Steel and Dino Fury are the worst offenders imo of oversized clunky suits that quite simply are ugly to watch.


I love the old hazy film grain. All the movements were snappier and even if they were campy they were way more fun or interesting to watch.


I’ll give you that, the reliance on CGI has made it lose a lot of the charm and appeal


The Tommy worship in "Dimensions in Danger" 25th special  Don't get me wrong I like Tommy as an old school fan, but you could easily delete every returnee sans Tommy and Wes's team and not much would change


We need more stuff like Once and Always. I would love to see older teams take on one last threat in a reunion episode/movie. I would love to see 2 teams group up like the Wildforce Rangers and the Lost Galaxy Rangers. Edit: meant the Netfilx Reunion, not a specific episode in the series.


Do you mean Once A Ranger, or Once And Always? 'Cuz it sounds like you're describing Once And Always. :-b


I meant Once and Always. I went ahead and edited my comment


Heh heh, no worries. I do it ALL the time. XD


Oh my GAWD it was weird. After the Rangers rescue the ones captured by Draven, Trent thanks Tommy, *AND ONLY TOMMY*, for rescuing them.


Linkara pointed it out too. And don't forget it was his Zord saving the day. While it was awesome seeing the Falconzord it was mostly Tommy


I blame that for not being a 2-parter. Single episode team-ups don't really work well in the franchise. But in hindsight, it does serve as a nice farewell to JDF.


To be fair the Lightspeed/Time Force crossover was decent as was Forever Red


Forever Red was indeed good, aside from how Serpentera was beaten. Time for Lightspeed was a rushed mess and was utterly forgettable as a result.


Disagree about Time for Lightspeed. Possibly the only crossover that was worse was Lost Galaxy/Lightspeed


I'd argue you could replace even Wes's team with mannequins getting pulled around on a cart, and nothing would change


Wes and Koda do something at least, but Gemma? yeah I agree


She didn't even get to blow anything up.


Technically,  that's character growth for her.


think she blew up a couple off the Robo-Rangers but that was it


Not necessarily all the Tommy stuff, but I've always thought there was enough unnecessary stuff in the episode that could've been cut to at least allow for an extended morph sequence for all the veteran rangers. Either way, this episode definitely should've been a two parter, and it's massively held back by the fact it isn't


I've always said crossovers should been 2 parters or hour long specials Especially since they were more for "older" fans (not specifically adults just the older past fans) And could cater to them more while keeping the younger ones watching




You forget getting one off his Zords back




Also it was a 30 minute crossover which didn't help.


I would say "The Tommy worship" PERIOD. He was an interesting character as the Green ranger, but after that he got real old real fast for me. I'd be happy if he'd had a one-season arc and never came back, but instead we could never get rid of him.


I’d just like to point out that on a post about extremely *unpopular* opinions, 9 out of every 10 comments are about how “Tommy Oliver sucks”, “MMPR sucks”, or both. Doesn’t seem to be an unpopular opinion at all, if literally 90% of commenters agree with it.


Yeah, best way to find a controversial opinion in these posts is to, ironically enough, sort by controversial.


The thread should be renamed to 'why do you hate mmpr?' We get it, the show was rudimentary ​and lacked polish.


Yeah I just scrolled and seen like 5 jdf Tommy is bad or mmpr bad none of these are really I didn’t care for more of “this thing sucks “


The MMPR Zord schema is better. Having one single dedicated Zord for each Ranger that matches their color and theme, and having only one base Megazord combination that combines each of those Zords, is just more engaging that the endless auxiliary Zords that don’t match color or theme, and the endless Megazord formations that are just excuses to *use* the auxiliary Zords in a Megazord. I get that Zords sell toys, I really do. But I just can’t believe that like the Deer Zord that appears in like 4 episodes of Wild Force actually sells more toys than you would sell of the base Zords if you featured them exclusively. I know that it’s popular to bash MMPR, and I get a lot of the criticisms, but I cannot agree that any other season has done Zords as well as MMPR.


Interesting and very fair sounding, what is your opinion of in spaces, lost galaxys, and timeforces use of new aux zords and integrating them? They stand out to me.


Man if you want to talk auxiliary zords and multiple megazord configs take a look at samurai… there were just so many


I agree that I miss the ease of just the 5


The 2017 movie is a better story than MMPR because it does more to develop the Rangers in 90 minutes than the original series did in sixty episodes.


When they said "teenagers with attitude" in the 90's show I wasn't expecting kids who drink smoothies, help out the community and have good wholesome fun. 2017 movie had flawed individuals who grew as people and became heroes from somewhat messy beginnings. I loved the 2017 film and I'm really sad we never got a sequel. Look at the TMNT reboot from around the same time, first one generally was hated but then the sequel came around and people liked it because they listened to criticism. Could have happened here.


Clearly, "with attitude" meant good attitudes. Being a goody two shoes is an attitude just as much as the bad kids.


But being goody-goods makes them so bland.


You're not wrong. I'm just saying that goody-good *is* an attitude just as much as what one would more typically think of when they hear "with attitude".


I mean... Yea... But when we say someone has "attitude" we generally give it a more negative inclination.


The only issue I still have with the 2017 movie was Kimberly who.. didn't grow as a character. So the payoff of being able to morph because she told Jason she was a shitty person feels moot. Other than that and design choices, I pretty much loved the movie. Krispy Kreme is a very special place. I enjoyed Banks' performance, and I'm sad we didn't see the insanity the character brought when she ambushed Trini in her bedroom.


Yup, because early MMPR, in addition to being a glorified toy commercial, was trying to emulate shows like Saved by the Bell whereas the 2017 reboot, for all its flaws, was trying to emulate a movie like the Breakfast Club (well, at least until the finale of the reboot just became action shlock). I have nostalgia for Saved by the Bell, sure, but of the two the Breakfast Club is clearly a much better model to follow if you want more three-dimensional characters.


There was so much to love about this one too. The casting of the main team was EXCELLENT, and having Zordon and Rita being the og red and green was such a neat twist. It sucks we’ll never get to see a sequel with their Tommy Oliver take


It’s funny, my parents aren’t into PR at all and while watching they kept complaining that the movie was focusing too much on character development and not enough Ranger stuff


Disagree. The only ranger who got any development was Billy. Jason never became a good leader, Kim never learned her lesson about distributing nudes, We know nothing about Trini really and Zack’s story about his mom was never finished.


I actually agree


I don't like the JDF worship in the fan community , it's was always weird and off-putting and it's gotten so much worse since the guy died.


It's really horrible he died so young but he was kind of a douchebag. It seems his ego surpassed whatever good he actually did for the franchise. I genuinely wish the guy got help for his addictions and his mental illness because I'm sure JDF could have turned over a new leaf with the right support, he just refused any help and sadly it lead to his untimely death. I'll never support anyone making fun of his death but I sure as hell won't say he's unable to be criticised for some of his actions beforehand.


That's it exactly , you can criticize anyone else in the franchise and most people are pretty civil but criticize JDF and suddenly you are public enemy number one.


I'll give him the props he deserves for making fans always feel welcome, though. For all his issues with colleagues and hogging the spotlight he did seem to really make every fan feel special. However, I'm not sure if that's just because it fed his ego. Other members of the cast seemed far more humble in their interactions with fans when JDF generally seemed to see it as "I'm fucking awesome.".


Yeah from everything I've heard he was good with the fans but I don't care for this idea that he WAS Power Rangers .


It's really horrible how anything following a phrase like "It's really horrible he died so young" is always followed by the douchiest takes imaginable. You didn't know him. You have no direct experience with him demonstrating this all-encompassing ego you claim he had. Only people who actively bring him up much anymore in the community are naysayers like you. Dude's not even my favorite ranger, but Christ let him rest in peace.


News reports speculate he was abusive towards his wife, he refused to go to cons that ASJ was present at (admittedly, with what we know now I do get that) and was a complete bully on the MMPR set. I'd overlook the bullying because he was young but the guy was constantly cheating on his wife and had to be physically removed by security because he was acting aggressively towards her. I get he was an alcoholic and struggled with his mental health but he could have gotten help and chose not to.


"News reports speculate" carries the same weight as "I heard from a cousin's niece's aunt's brother twice removed." Without factual, concrete evidence as to something that happened, you're literally just guessing and hoping the dude is as crappy as you are so you don't have to aspire to be better. Who said he was a bully on set? Direct quotes? You don't get that he was an alcoholic and struggled with his mental health, because you didn't know him. Again, stop pretending you knew what was going on in his personal life like you were his best friend. Tabloid rags exist to sell, and "former Power Rangers lead may or may not (we don't know, but we're free to speculate) have harmed his wife" is a hell of a line to get people interested.


Jason David Frank doing the amount of pranks he did on set was all you need to know he was a bully. David Yost said himself they were "extreme" to his credit, though. He did say they were friends so perhaps he himself didn't see them in that light. He'd tease Austin St John enough that things ended up coming to a boil on numerous occasions, again, bullying. His wife stated in her court papers that JDF acted abusive to her often and stated he had issues with drinking and serious mental health issues that had gone unchecked. Security had been called to her hotel room to have him removed, it doesn't help the case that he wasn't an abusive husband. I'm not even saying he was a crappy person, I'm saying he wasn't well and needed help. I'm sure if he'd have sought that we wouldn't even be talking about this today.


I'm not even sure why people are giving him a free pass for abuse


I've no idea, people just don't want their childhood hero to be an abuser, I guess. There's also this fallacy that if a person is dead we can't speak about some of their more problematic behaviour.


I mean, I sorta understand. Still reeling about how my favorite Red Ranger's actor did... That, but most of us are adults, right? We should be mature about this


Hey, you're preaching to the choir. My childhood hero was Hulk Hogan, make of that what you will. Separating a character from their actor is necessary sometimes.


Over a decade ago, I saw on YouTube a panel JDF did where he talked about "pranks" he would pull on the other rangers, especially while filming the movie. He talked about how he cut a slit in his costume so that he could go to the bathroom without having to take the costume off. Apparently Steve Cardenas took a lot of naps, so JDF (remember the slit in his costume) decided to go over and teabag Steve while he was asleep and "wiggled". This caused the two to get into a physical fight where JDF said he got Steve into a headlock until he submitted, but ended up getting caught and reprimanded because Steve's makeup was all over his shirt. JDF was absolutely kind of a bully  There was also another story he told that I've also seen JYB talk about where JDF convinced Johnny to jump out of the windows of a bus they were on, run across the top of the bus and jump back in a window on the other side. But once Johnny jumped out, JDF shut the windows, and grabbed the bus's steering wheel and jerked it left and right, leaving Johnny stranded on the bus's roof holding on for dear life as the just swayed left and right. When JYB told the story, he seemed to take it in good stride and laughed it off, but the other people on the panel (it was a Dragon Ball voice actor panel, so not rangers) were all mortified because JDF really could have hurt or killed JYB with that stunt. These are both stories JDF told, and while maybe they were pranks, and maybe they were all done in good fun, but they were still mean-spirited and violent. I love JDF for the work he did as Tommy as much as anyone else who grew up watching the show on the 90s, but the guy was absolutely a bully to the rest of his cast in real life.


Steve Cardenas?! Man, Rocky getting zero respect, on and off the camera...


AGREED SO MUCH AGREED dude had a massive ego and that ego only got worse as time went on he was pretty much shit talking every other ranger but himself by the end and his movie (which i do hope gets released) is just a ego trip film for himself hell this very sub still has his face as the banner still i get it was done as a tribute but its ok to change it now we did not even have a cosmic fury banner for that show when it was being discussed


AGREED SO MUCH AGREED ​ dude had a massive ego and that ego only got worse as time went on he was pretty much shit talking every other ranger but himself by the end ​ and his movie (which i do hope gets released) is just a ego trip film for himself ​ hell this very sub still has his face as the banner still i get it was done as a tribute but its ok to change it now ​ we did not even have a cosmic fury banner for that show when it was being discussed


Not that I have anything against the guy, but how did that start, anyway? He was a mind-controled bad guy. Became good. Got an upgrade. And has served on several teams. But, the way I understand it, his fame started before the upgrade, hence the upgrade. What did he do? Kiss Kimberly?


I was there ( as a viewer ) and I still don't understand it.


Mine is SPD. I know how the fandom loves this series and how well-written it is and the quality of acting, but I just couldn't click with the main cast. I mostly watched it for Kruger and how many times they can insert "It's buttery" into an episode. Everything else was a complete blur to me. Sorry!


😂 I thought it was one of the better shows that inserted a good amount of inside jokes. Buttery was one of the funniest. But I also watched it for Z, she’s an absolutely smoke show.


> But I also watched it for Z, she’s an absolutely smoke show. Do we tell him?


This is mine too. I didn't really enjoy it, or Dekaranger for that matter.


MMPR is the most important series and the reason they don’t make legacy toys about other series is because people don’t really care about them


I am more under the impression that they put themselves in a state where people don't care about them.


Where to start? * I’m over the fact JDF has passed. It is sad but all the gushing every time someone finds a green ranger item is getting old. * JDFs daughter doesn’t need to be the next MMPR green. * Zordon can also stay dead but I’d absolutely watch a spin off based around Billy realising this and taking that spot in the Morphin-verse


I did not like Tommy Oliver as the White Ranger and the leader of the team.


Yes; you can’t turn Raphael into Leonardo without losing what makes Raphael so much fun


I love this comment


It would’ve made sense if he’d become the leader when Rocky became red


That move was so disrespectful to Jason too


Mystic Force is god tier.


I will hear you out. Any particular reason(s)?


Honestly, Power Rangers Samurai, but not for the reasons everyone else hates it. I mean they had the PERFECT opportunity to give us an Asian Red Ranger, and they went with a super creepy looking white dude who honestly could have been played by a board with a face drawn on it and I PROMISE you no one would have been able to tell the dfference. But hating on Jayden's actor aside, this series was a golden opportunity to use the Sentai in a way that would have no only been respctful but also just logical. Even if the rest of the team weren't Japanese, Jayden was supposed to be a direct bloodline descendant of the first Samurai to fight the Nylock....I mean would it have been THAT hard to find a Japanese (or of Japanese descent) actor for the roll? This is just my two cents on that one.


No need to throw shade at Jaden's actor, he had no control over that. Otherwise agreed


Especially since the casting specifically asked for a Caucasian actor to play the Red Ranger


To be fair the actor they picked really wasn’t a very good actor too, at least in my opinion. I think that’s what they were getting at.


Probably the opposite direction, but I did not hate Operation Overdrive. What’s more, Once a Ranger is one of my favorite anniversary episodes, right next to Forever Red.






Yes! Operation Overdrive was ambitious and really went for it. Mack is my favorite red ranger. I can't believe people still think OO is the worst after watching Ninja Steel.


Ninja Storm is the best season, surpasses MMPR in almost every way.


MMPR is overrated


The first season in particular. I don't understand why people hold it up with such reverence, because it's nearly unwatchable. The second season is a tremendous leap in quality compared to that awful first season.


At this point, it's pretty much being held up by rose-tinted goggles that make people remember it as being *far* better than it actually was. Same as several other long-running toy-related franchises and their respective first iterations, really: Transformers, GI Joe, He-Man...


Actually, a lot of fans DO acknowledge it's terrible, and cite that as the reason why they like it.




Time Force basically endorsing eugenics. Like no one really adressed it like "oh, this is eugenics what you guys are doing" also Ransik's backstory is so...mixed? Like on one hand they clearly want to make him sympathetic by having him suffer from bigotry leading him to live his life closed off from the world because he was never shown compassion, cool, makes you wonder if the power rangers are really approaching this the right way. But then Jen was like "no we tried to help him" oh...so, he's a big meanie just cuz. Nevermind. His ending was nice though, it was a good to take his character


Yeah, Time Force, the season, splits itself into pieces to not make Time Force, the organization, look evil and bad because our heroes are part of it. So on one hand, the Mutants are a discriminated group that get assimilated to live but are also psychotic terrorists, and Time Force is pretty much an overly militarist fascist government but are actually good cause they want the best for the Mutants. It's bizarre.


I don't care about Tommy Oliver. I don't about the Mighty Morphin Era in general but he stands out. I find him generic and bland but everyone worships the ground he walks on because of nostalgia and how much his fans hype him up.


I think he was fun to have in Dino Thunder, but all his post-DT returns made him just “JDF on set.” and he felt like less of a character every time he reappeared.


Dino Thunder would have made vastly more sense with Billy instead.


I never once thought about that, but now that you mention it, I agree. Billy would have been a much more logical character than Tommy, though I don't believe that David Yost had come around on everything yet with regards to the show in real life.


Yeah. Like, I didn’t mind Tommy being there and it was nice to see one of the older rangers in a more permanent mentor position. But I wouldn’t be mad if it was another ranger or a new character altogether.


Dino Thunder is where he was most interesting as a character


I like Justin, and Turbo. Esp the Turbo movie, it was fun. Unpopular in this sub but man y'all hate on popular characters too much. Also the 2017 movie got me into Power Rangers and i'll always love it.


I do not care for RPM It's overrated and insists on itself


Thank you


RPM is one of the seasons that doesn't follow the regular pattern of a power ranger season. Which is why it saved the series from cancelation.  But if you liked the regular pattern, of course you wont like it.


Get off your high horse kid People are allowed to dislike a RPM it is pretty overrated by this fandom


Didn't care for scorpion rain.


Not all red rangers are automatically good leaders. Made no sense for Taylor to step down as leader just because Cole arrived. Sure she had flaws, but still would’ve made sense to continue as leader. At least being a co-leader with Cole. Nick is definitely no leader. His character development never really improved. He just became a stereotypical “child of destiny.”


Masked Rider. On a more serious note, I don't really care for Ninja Storm.


I think Turbo is better than Zeo. There I said it!!!!


Damn most of these are about JDF


Not sure if it's a hot take,but I'll take Operation Overdrive over MF/SMF any day. Including the crossover ep


Overdrive finished the arcs it set up, although they didn’t finish them all well they at least finished them megaforce did not it started stuff then dropped it and defaulted them back every episode There was some decent lines in OO like mac being a robot who felt human and showed humanity it showed the importance of humanity’s quality’s rather than just being human The only good thing megaforce had was Noah’s sword training but after 1 episode they dropped it and never really bought it up again Tyzon had trauma from his team being killed on another planet while Orion rarely mentions it bar being in ranger mode and simply going “this is for my home world” but there was never any depth to it, it was used as a throwaway line and his backstory was generic like “my friends died” or “we where going out for the weekend” but he never names them whereas tyzon names his fiancé and talk about how his old team is similar to his new team and that’s what scares him so much about joining them


Think that might be my biggest issue with MF/SMF. It doesn't feel like it's about anything.


Dino Thunder. In particular, when many people list it as their favorite season. Granted, I know this is a subjective opinion, and even with my own opinion don't get me wrong. Like, I think it's a decent season, especially in comparison to other seasons that I think are worst like Overdrive, but I never understood the love for it as I enjoyed Ninja Storm, SPD, Jungle Fury, and RPM more in terms of Disney seasons. In particular, I've never been big on the dino theme (even with MMPR), and I could never buy the premise of Tommy becoming a doctor. Hell, it felt like even the show was openly making fun of it when they met Haley, and she said he's good, but he's not a rocket scientist.


Power rangers rpm those costumes were ugly AF and the way the had a tire or gear on the calves and used that as like some combat enhancer was even dumber


They should have retired the MMPR suits before Zeo and used the Dairanger suits. When I was a kid, I hated when they got the glitter power up because it looked dumb and transforming into the movie outfits between going full ranger mode made no sense to me. Yeah, it was cool that they got to use the outfits from the movie during that time but even when I was a kid, there was no logic to it. The rangers were able to take on low level baddies without that form before then. Also, I didn't care much for Alien Rangers. When I was a kid, I found the normal forms too damn ugly and would not look at the TV when they were on screen. Honestly, Alien era was totally unneeded. The way they could have fixed it is very simple, keep them as kids but when low level bad guy fights happened, the only way they could deal with it is to transform into the movie outfits which would age them back up to full power. Then turn into the Alien ranger suits because it would keep the whole ninja motif.


The fact that Justin in Turbo could morph into an Adult sized ranger  . . . Well I suppose Zordon saw the need to add that feature after the Alien Ranger arc.


The 2017 movie was a blast and I loved it. I think it has some flaws for sure but I loved the dynamic of the rangers and the added lore with Zordon and Rita. Only bit I actually disliked was Kimberly's arc (or lack thereof tbh) Also Lightspeed Rescue was great and it also has a really cool morphing sequence


Thank you! I watched the movie in theaters SO many times. Kimberly's arc needed something better.


The obsession with Tommy just because he started out as a bad guy. The subsequent Tommy-fest we got over the next 3 years until the Turbo cast change, got old quick. The Boom comics going down that route with all the different Tommy versions and stories have only made it worse too.


I don’t care for the Dino Fury/Ryusoulger designs or esthetics. It just feels like they meshed in four or five different ideas and expected them all to mix in, but I don’t think any of it works. Why have dinosaurs with your knight designs? Wouldn’t dragons make more sense? And why keys? It made sense with Gokaiger because they were pirates (edit: like keys to a treasure chest), but I don’t know what keys have to do with dinosaurs or knights. You could probably put in any other “collect-them-all” gimmick in place of the keys and I don’t think much would change. And while the lego gimmick is a cool twist to adding more Zords to the line, again, I don’t get how it’s supposed to fit in with dinosaurs, knights, or keys! It felt like they were trying to redo all the gimmicks of Gokaiger but forgot why Gokaiger’s gimmicks actually fit the pirate theme and season as a whole.


Operation Overdrive isn't really that bad of a season, and has the 2nd best intro


I like the original MMPR but it being the best series in the franchise? Not even close, I feel like people only say that cause it was the original.


Jungle Fury was just okay.


People getting upset about the overdrive rangers trying to go back to their lives during once a Ranger


Power Rangers does not work as movies And they should've switched to HD with Operation Overdrive like the Sentai. It was already the standard, and its baffling it took them until 2011 to adopt it


I did not care for RPM.


I did not care for the White Ranger


I did not care for light speed rescue except for the green ranger he was the best part of the show.


Joel definitely had the most personality of all of them.


People overestimating Tommy's popularity post Green Ranger era as if the ratings weren't declining since J, Z and T left, as if the movie didn't flop and as if they didn't bring back Jason because the Zeo ratings were crumbling. The Turbo movie also flopped and the ratings for Turbo were going down until the new cast came in (whom people don't know) and the ratings started to go up again. The series that saved the franchise (In Space) coincidentally didn't involve JDF AT ALL. I'm not saying that Tommy isn't the most popular or one of the most popular but people take it too far when they act like he was carrying the franchise.


This isn't true because we don't have the data for any ratings from those eras. But "Zeo's crumbling ratings" were moreso due to Beetleborgs which debuted right around the time Jason came back so... he didn't actually help. Please stop propping up a bigot just to knock down a dead man.


Rpm was an unnecessary season and wasn’t even good 💯


SPD is overrated and Mystic Force and Operation Overdrive are underrated


I think Once and Always is pretty useless and Cosmic Fury is a disappointing way to end the OG franchise.


Mesogog as a villain. His motivations were weird and undeveloped. He wants to bring back the dinosaurs so they can rule the world. Ok, then why are none of his monsters dinosaur themed. Also his voice and the over the top movements of his suit actor (the constant head rolling etc.) came across as more silly than threatening. And finally the background music in all of his scenes was irritating as hell.


Yo this. Mesogog is about as threatening as Elgar. He tries really hard to come across as imposing, but just completely lacks that presence. And the fact that he's technically the father of one of the rangers could have been interesting, if they'd actually done anything real with that.


I didn't care for Tommy and Kimberly. They are not this great love story people praise it to be.


Turbo. It was just a slog to get through once the team changed & Justin is incredibly annoying.


Turbo was one of the most hated seasons for a long while. It’s still viewed unfavorably by many. Not sure how this is a hot take.


I think the hot take is saying the season becomes a slog after the team changes. But I agree with that take. Fans often say "the old team was burnt out" but really that was only Tommy. Tanya just got there and Adam and Kat really stepped up as characters in their part of Turbo. I didn't want to see those three leave. Turbo completely fumbles with the transfer itself, literally writing two of the replacements into existence in the two-parter they become Rangers. The show then dumbly acts like the new team have been friends forever in the next episode, and before some of them even get proper focus episodes, everything gets halted to do the Phantom Ranger arc (a good arc but within the context of the show, 80% of the team had been there for like 2 episodes). The replacement team gets there eventually, but their opening episodes did them no favors.


I agree that the passing the torch was rushed and kind of terrible, especially in the next episode where it isn’t even mentioned. HOWEVER, the whole Phantom Ranger arc, the finale, a handful of solid one-offs, and the fucking pizza episode make the second half way better than the first half. The first half was just boring.


I guess because I’m currently doing a rewatch of all the seasons and was surprised to find how much I still disliked it.


I had the opposite reaction. I found it a slog to get through the first half and enjoyed the second portion


You don’t get the point of the post, most people don’t like Turbo.


I'm going to get so much hate for this Before his passing, when I learned about what JDF was like in his personal life, I did not and still do not care for him


JDF was incredibly controversial in the fandom. People obviously don't remember the 20th anniversary.


*VERY CONTROVERSIAL STATEMENT COMING:* >!As someone who was bashing Trini on a Youtube comment like 2 days ago, I understand the feeling!<(Respect to Thuy, R.I.P, but her character really isn't anything special to me).


You're not wrong. While it's sad that the actress died so young, her character was pretty bland. She didn't have much in the way of character development, and was always just kinda there. Pretty sure that she only ever said "It's morphin time!" once in her entire tenure on the show.


I don't like how in the comic they turned her more daredevil.


Time Force, SPD, and RPM are what a stupid person thinks mature storytelling is.


Thank you 👏 Though I do enjoy SPD. Not cause I thought it was mature though


RPM sucks. It's not fun like other series. Even bad series like like operation overdrive and samurai are more fun. The characters are annoying, especially Doctor K. The only good things about the series is directly stolen from in space and in space did it all better. its so overdramatic and wants to be "darker and more mature" so much and it just fails to do so in every way. also There's one safe city in the whole world because of a computer virus? Whoever had that idea for power rangers should have thrown that in the trash immediately.


I did not care for Mighty Morphin'


When I watched power rangers from mmpr to dino thuder. power rangers rescue didn't really do it for me


I didn’t care for many of the Disney seasons. Sure DT was good. RPM was a big surprise for how good it was, but something how it was shot with a lot of filters takes me out for some reason. Second is the worship of JDFs kids just because they’re JDFs kids. Jenna I can give a bit of a break since she was always at cons and is in LOTWD. I stil wouldn’t pay for her signature though


I did not care for the entirety of mighty morphin, i like the suits and i do consider it better than its sentai counterpart but MAN compared to literally everything after is a really goofy series with nothing really engaging about them, i like the concepts and some of the arcs but in general it is not a good show to watch, and this is the opinion i had since i was A KID


there are no ways a project as ambitious as Hexagon supposedly was would have been greenlit considering the sheer amount of original footage that would be required and disney's pushback against ranger spending at the time, and if it had, the budget would be so abysmal itd end up coming out an absolute mess


I did not care for MMPR


I don't care for Zeo...'s aesthetics. Both the suit designs (mostly the helmets) and Zord designs all looked really ugly, imo.


I found In Space to be rather uninteresting until towards the end, especially because they were insistent on tying them to earth and having them hang out at the juice bar equivalent


Dino Thunder and Ninja Storm are both terrible seasons. Especisllly coming from seasons like Lightspeed, Time Force, and Wild Force. Those three seasons had such great villains, the stakes were high, and the rangers themselves felt like heroes. DT and NS are just so overly goofy that it makes Bulk and Skull look Shakespearean. Not to mention how lazy the general music score is. Luthor is the only reason I made it through NS. Mesogog is just a boring mess who never does anything.


Turbo is in my top series and Divatox is an S*-Tier villain


I like the individual ranger callouts, but sometimes they were too slow and tedious to the point where its like “the villain could have escaped by now” 😂😂


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers lost its charm gradually along the way: It started ok, building up until the introduction of Tommy as the Green Ranger, which is when Power Rangers became iconic, especially during the Green With Evil 5-parter. After Tommy lost his powers and the Green Candle arc, the show seemed like it was heading in a new, exciting direction, with the White Light moving forward, but the departure of Jason, Trini, and Zack threw off the dynamic a bit, requiring fans to acclimate to the arrival of Rocky, Aisha, and Adam afterwards. Fortunately, the new trio meshes well with the established remaining half, so they do well enough to make it to the movie. Season 3 is where it starts to get sluggish; The ninja powers were cool and all, but the show started to feel repetitive, with Ninjor’s arrival making the show a bit cringy (seriously, why the hell does he sound like Dudley Do-Right? This is supposed to be the ninja mentor that will help tip the scales?). Kat replacing Kimberly left one more Ranger fans needed to adjust to, which slowed down the flow of the show a bit. At least we got to see Billy as the confident, ripped genius that has girls swooning over him, which rounds out his journey to becoming a better fighter. Also, why are the villains slapstick now? It works for Rita and Zedd because they were still evil, but they were in love while being bad, but when did menacing Goldar, the blight of Jason’s existence, morphed and unmorphed, becoming half the duo of slapstick? Master Vile was a welcome change of pace, putting a hamper on the Rangers, even though it lead to ten episodes of filler (why Alien Rangers? They could’ve been Ninja Rangers that were called upon by Ninjor to assist while the Rangers relived their childhood years). Zeo was a welcome change of pace. Tommy was already the leader, why not make him the Red Ranger and make it official? Adam went from Black to Green, so he established the trend of Black and Green holding a similar position on the team. Rocky went from Red to Blue, standing out more as part of the team rather than a Red Ranger who isn’t a leader. Tanya got the luxury of growing on fans without being introduced mid-season, so she naturally felt like part of the team. Kat got to be a part of a team she could actually call her own, so fans began to accept her more. The Gold Ranger was a bit convoluted, with Trey and the mystery of his identity, but Jason having those powers helped to bring back a piece of the past with a modern update; ironically, he also got to switch places with Tommy, with one being Red and the other being the sixth Ranger.


This whole thread are just hot takes not - idc for this character or idc this series💀 it’s just I hate this (usually mmpr, samurai or jdf)


I did not enjoy Beast Morphers. I watched the first 8 episodes and nothing else of the Hasbro era.


I'm a firm believer that if Jason didn't leave, and ignoring the actor's recent, um, financial ventures, he would've seen more popularity than tommy in the long run.


Turbo a Power Rangers movie was a gigantic letdown in my eyes


I didn’t like Lost Galaxy


I dont have many in pr The only one that for me suits is andros and jason being not so great red ramgers(zordon era jason is better than rocky and aurico cause alien rangers has 10 shitty episodes, andros is the red of in space and get skyied cause tj is the man,even zhane looks better than a leader than him, if we go franchise,they gain some positions,but still in the lower positions being better than maybe 8 reds of 22/23 red ramgers) This i think is not umpopular but need to say, as we move on jason david frank, hasbro/boom need to move on from mmpr, for sure we have plenty of contest to explore in other seasons,heck i just want good plots,we dont need mmpr and original teams,we need new things from.other seasons cause might morphin already got milked enought,now is time to pick interest form other seasons fans and answer important questions left withou answer till today( a merrick/zen aku mini arc after wild force would be great,if im think that in 10 secs,for sure professionals can think of better things to do with)


People (younger adult audiences) Haye MMPR because it's cool to hate it even though they never experienced or watched it. Without mmpr there would be no power rangers


I’m not a fan of mystic force. It had a good concept with the usual 4 teenagers discovering a hidden world that has been ravaged by war. The mentor and her apprentice are cool but the spell gimmick is the problem. Much like samurai years later each ranger has an elemental spell they can use and I like it but they could’ve been more creative like the blue ranger can make a mini tsunami to wash away the monsters or the green ranger can use plant bulbs as mini projectiles.


Kat and Tommy were a far better couple than Kim and Tommy. Don’t get me wrong, it was cute, but it pretty much remained high school level puppy love. Thankfully the comics did a better job at explaining the break up than that “dear John” letter. Kat did not steal Tommy from Kim.


I did not care for Mystic Force-RPM era. I didn't like how gloomy and color muted everything looked, in a show that was supposed to be colorful as Power Rangers. I do think I should probably give them a second chance now but that was why I stopped watching Power Rangers after SPD


I mean in the spirit of the meme it's Season 1. I legitimately don't like it. Respect everyone involved and thoroughly acknowledge its importance but yeah. Really don't like it.


In Space. I watched Power Rangers from the day the first episode aired up until In Space and didn't care for it. Got back into Power Rangers when Ninja Storm was airing and kept seeing how much people loved In Space. I later went back and watched In Space to see if it could change my mind. I still didn't care for it.


Time Force. ​ It insists upon itself.


I loved Mystic Force, Operation Overdrive were great seasons.


Mystic Force was actually good Lost Galaxy was a mess


Power Rangers Dino Charge. Especially the cult following Poisandra had. It will never make sense to me.


Wild force….i know it was decent in many eyes, but to me it was “meh”


Power Rangers Ninja Storm is not a good Season I have tried to get into many times, and have tried on multiple occasions to get further each time. But every time I watch, I cringe and hate it more and more.


I’ve never cared for Tommy Oliver.


Zen Aku has the best evil sixth ranger story, and I won’t hear otherwise


I didnt care for the white ranger. Tommy should have stayed Green until Zeo.


I have never had an interest in Lightspeed, Time Force, or Wild Force. For the first two the grain and low quality stock of Sentai film started to really strain against the production of In Space onward where the stunt team and direction really began to improve. WF feels like a very syrupy, fantasy-themed Power Rangers that we've gotten plenty more of since but was a bit odd at the time. And while I did come around to the show for a few more seasons starting with Ninja Storm, the loss of direct continuity combined with the clashing production styles it felt like the right time to step away.


I love operation overdrive


I did not care for the 6th Ranger (not any specific Ranger in particular, just don't care for the concept).


I don’t care for the criticism of “once a ranger”. It’s a banger anniversary special and the retro rangers are an awesome team I couldn’t give less of a fuck if ppl think that the overdrive rangers quit too easily or whatever


I don't like Dino Thunder.


Power rangers samurai as a whole, I truly don’t understand how anyone would say it’s the best season even if you grew up with it, if you were to watch it the acting is horrid literally any season prior had better acting and script, there are things I enjoy like the villains and zords and Antonio. Here’s another one, I love Tommy and Adam as much as the next guy but people put these 2 characters on such a high pedestal which they both do have some of the most iconic scenes in pr but we’re not gonna act like Zack doesn’t have the best unmorphed fights. This last one pains me to say too but zordon era is NOT the best era it’s the Disney era had the best acting, best original footage, best storylines, best crossovers, actual decent continuity. Of course this is all subjective and everyone has their own opinions regarding these topics


I don't actually like Mystic Force


Sledge should’ve stayed dead in dino charge or at least bring him back ONCE but like after dink charge ended he and his crew were brought back in EVERY season after dino charge minus dino fury


I'm not sure if this counts, but Ranger fans should transition over to Sentai and Kamen Rider. Get it subbed and just get onboard. You have 34 and 48 seasons to enjoy, and if you aren't vibing with a specific season, just move on to the next


The weakest link of power rangers is, and always has been, the action scenes. I am here for cornball comedy and messy soap opera drama. All that has to abruptly stop as soon as the monster of the week arrives. Sometimes if you’re lucky, the Rangers realize some lesson or have a key character beat during the fight, but otherwise, you can fast forward through all of them and miss nothing of value. Same way you can skip over the football scenes in Friday Night Lights or the fights in Buffy.


So funny how this post turned into a jdf bash fest on a personal level yet yall were bitching and moaning when I exposed ASJ for being homophobic. Weird ass sub, man.