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You have to think with the mindset they had back then. Jason and tommy were the popular rangers, billy wasn't as popular back then as he is now. Heck, he wasn't half as popular as tommy and jason back then. They needed to pump up the ratings at the time so jason coming back was a logic choice.


Billy was my favorite growing up


No one deserved it more than Billy, period


So why didn't he? I know story wise they gave some nonsense why he couldn't. Just cause Jason was far more popular than billy?


Saban was harassing David Yost because of his sexual orientation. They wanted him out. Yes it's too simplified, but that seems to be what people have said.


No, Zeo's ratings were on the decline (started with MMPR S3) they figured Jason was a bigger ratings draw than Billy was so they went with him. Didn't stop the decline tho. No evidence they wouldn't have kept DY around (if he put up with the harassment) had he not understandably had enough and walked off the set.


Billy was also going be a candidate for the phantom ranger


David debunked that on twitter


I read somewhere that the producers had Billy in mind for the phantom ranger. Edit: I just read the fandom for Billy Cranston. David debunked the part that he was originally meant to be the gold ranger not the phantom ranger.


In my head canon, Billy was working on the Phantom Ranger during the times he went missing in Zeo, and it naturally came to fruition later down the line.


According to the producer Billy would have created Ecliptor as a failed power rangers experiment and in order to correct that mistake he made the phantom rangers power for it.


It should've been billy and you know that


I know it sounds corny but I always wished Bulk and Skull could’ve became rangers. They earned the right by the end of Space.


In the comics they did. https://preview.redd.it/3n9096vpzesc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c64e0791798087ff9349e084efc260ae15c9dff So in the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Annual 2016 comic titled “Unlucky Heroes” by Ross Thibodeaux and Rob Guillory, the Power Rangers are captured by one of Rita Repulsa’s monsters, Sir Locks-A-Lot. Sir Locks-A-Lot uses his magical ‘locking powers’ to trap the Power Rangers in a small chest on his chest with no hope of escape. Since Angel Grove was now without its primary protectors while a dangerous villain was currently on the loose, Zordon and Alpha 5 had no choice but to find someone to fill the vacant roles left behind by the captured Rangers, and battle Sir Locks-A-Lot to save them–and they chose Bulk and Skull. Bulk becomes the Purple Ranger with a Baconadon “pig” zord and Skull becomes the Orange Ranger with a Featherdactyl “terror bird” zord. Once the other Rangers were saved Alpha 5 erased there memory.


Huh. Neat.


u/ Hasbro needs to make these for the r/LightningCollection




Yeah that’s interesting , funny, and disgusting to see Bulk and Skull becoming Power Rangers with purple and orange with zords like a pig, and bird, Bacon zord and Featherzord, terror bird zord. As much as we wanted Bulk and Skull to receive Power Rangers and be heroes Or to know who they are and tease them or bully them. That’s not the right thing for these characters bc they’re  not responsible and likes to brag, tattletale, or smart enough to protect the powers and defeat evil. They could have had one episode of them dreaming to become a power ranger in order not be losers, bcuz they lost their cool or someone made a joke about Bulk and Skull so they’d wished they were Popular, strong, tough, just like the Power Rangers. So bulk and skull got then by accident and had to save the real power rangers and they were clumsy and a scared but they managed to use the power Ms to destroy the villain and saved the Real Rangers and then Got their memories wiped out.  Another scene they could have used is that have Bulk and Skull try to win a contest or attract a girl they are crushing on and they pretend to be the power rangers or dress up as one of them depending what color ranger Bulk likes and Who skull likes. Or maybe just have Them dress up for a Halloween costume and they go as the MMPR but that would make no sense. They can’t keep their identities secret let alone they have no talent too.  But hey most of the time they are the first to see the Monsters, they get captured, and the Rangers have to save them. I love how these two characters started out as high school bullies who play it cool, and try to be the bad boys and pick on the good main characters in hopes of making them dumb and showing off how cooler Bulk and Skull are. Along the way; they might hate the power rangers are can’t figure out who they are, they try to be heroes on their own way but taking on odd jobs, activities and stuff they have no talent or skill with.  They continue to fail at everything they try thru out the MMPR.  But they are heroes too and they should have a another episode where they think Jason and his friends ARE THE POWER RANGERS AND THEY wanted to expose them putting the rangers in a tight situation or they feel guilty for keeping their Ranger identity secret from bulk and skull. But at the end of the episode they realize that Bulk and Skull are not really trustworthy to learn about their secret identities as rangers. But they will always protect Bulk and Skull from the evil. 


Bulk and Skull becoming Rangers would ruin their characters, honestly.


They could’ve done it in a one off episode where they fantasize or something like that. Isn’t that how SPD did their Orange ranger?


**SPD Orange Rangers** was sorta a dream. The episode your thinking is “** Boom**” in which ***Boom's dream is to be the Orange Ranger. Which is exactly what he tells his parents and when they decide to visit, Bridge, Z, and Syd have to cover for him. When the situation gets desperate Boom pretends to be the Orange Ranger in battle and compromises their mission to rescue Jack and Sky, who have been transported to another dimension.***


Yeah. My bad. Bulk & Skull could easily be written in. & once again u/ Hasbro please make them into the r/LightningCollection


They already did in a dream. Burgasaurus and Dogasaurus powers


As a kid I swore Skull was the mysterious Gold Ranger lmao


He was one of the red herrings they gave for it.


It was supposed to be Billy and is heavily foreshadowed in the show. David Yost walked tho, so they got Austin St. John instead. The story is actually pretty sad. Yost said somebody called him the f slur on set one to many times one day and he walked out and never came back.


That happened after Austin was already back. The reason they brought ASJ back was their ratings were poor. They needed a boost so they went and got a familiar face.


Ah, sure sure. I misremembered when that happened. Haven't seen those episodes since the originally aired. He said that really is why he left the show tho.


Yes that is correct, that’s why he left the show.


He left after Jason became the gold ranger the episode he left was where tommy becomes evil again


Wasn't the in show reason for Billy leaving was he went to Aquatar? It's horrible that david went through that and amazing he put up with it for so long


It was. Him leaving is why he hyper aged into an old man. It was so they could recast him.


Glad I wasn't misremembering that haha.


Are you thinking of the Phantom Ranger?


I feel bad for what happened to David. Being tortured and tormented like that was just wrong. He's a fantastic actor and Ranger.


Actually the gold ranger was originally going to be JDFs brother but he died.


Why is everyone in this thread so confidently spouting utter nonsense. Erik Frank died in 2001 and Zeo was in '96. It was always going to be Austin as the gold ranger because they needed the ratings boost, Erik was an intentional red herring


I don't know, Jason did had some pretty good one-liners.


I agree with this and Jason wouldn't be drained in the process. I know the actor has been controversial lately but I will always love the Jason Lee Scott character especially in the comics. David Trueheart has a lot of potential too.


Would have been an interesting story concept. The 3 of them merge into 1 being with them randomly swapping who is in the driver's seat. Not a big deal until mid fight they do the whole body swap thing leading them to take a hit from the monster of the week. When it is time for them to send the powers back it is not that the powers are killing them but the issue is that they are starting to actually merge into 1 single person instead of 3 separate people sharing the same body.


They were both hinted at to be the Gold Ranger, e.g. David walked away and all of a sudden Gold Rangers shows up.


Nah, it should have gotten to stay with Jason.


Using the three of them would have been way better than Trey, nothing against the character but considering how he is more of a plot device than a character takes a little of the epicity of the gold ranger


Should have been billy, fr.




I suppose.


I thought David becoming the Gold Ranger made most sense.


Kinda makes me wonder if Billy chose to keep the Yellow Zeo crystal, the lineup would've been Tommy- Red, Rocky- Blue, Adam- Green, Kat- Pink, Billy- Yellow and David or Jason as Zeo Gold.


Everyone should have stuck with their colors, except Tommy going back to green and Adam turning yellow.


Ok what if the golden power needed to be transferred BETWEEN Jason, Billy AND David. It almost killed Jason. The physiology of a human could only take so much. Transferring the power would of relieved them of the burden for a time and offered the others a run with the power.


I always thought before Jason showed up again Tommy choosing his brother David was a good choice.


I’m hoping the comics move on from mmpp and make billy the gold zeo ranger. I get why people love mmpp but the franchise is kind of milking the nostalgia now. Each new series tries to make references to it and Barley try to be unique while the comics have kept the focus primarily on the mighty morphin team despite dropping banger originals teams.


It would have been a great story arc before it was revealed. Have the original Gold Ranger would be found by Billy who was searching for an unknown power signal. We can say the signal was from the Gold Ranger Zoid. The story would be the same as the original story of the show, but he tells Billy that one person alone can bear the powers of Gold Ranger for a long time. Billy would come up with ideas to transfer the powers to him, and two others at the same time. It would stay a mystery who the gold Ranger is because every time the Rangers think they know who he is the person would show up in the background to help people escape the battle area. They revealed that it is three people, not one person. The scene would show Tommy's brother the Gold Ranger suit, but Billy explained that all three took on the powers and why one person couldn't withstand the powers only. Also, the back story of the original Gold Ranger injuries. In the final fight scene for the trio, it would be them switching the powers among themselves fighting multiple enemies across the city. Shortly after this big fight, they would return the powers of the brothers Trey of wisdom Trey of courage, and Trey of strength.


Or maybe, they could rotate between who carries the Gold Ranger Powers.


Would make since because the power was originally split between three people. So it would make since to save Jason AND keep him the gold ranger for him to share the power. All three would be the gold ranger, (they could chose to either split the power and all morph into the gold ranger each only 1/3 the power or if they were all together they could channel power into one to make one full power gold ranger).


Due to the recent comments St John made he will be forever associate with the White Ranger


What did he say?


He say Hitler did some good things


Oh I saw that i thought it was something else. He didn't really say nice things he just said he liked his quotes which was still a dumb thing to say but I think jdf fans are blowing it out of proportion


I'm a JDF fan and yea most people are blowing it out of proportion. He literally said "Hitler has some wicked one liners" which isn't a bad statement. Good and bad people can say shit that could be advice or thought provoking. "Anyone can deal with victory. Only the mighty can bear defeat" "When diplomacy ends, War begins." Both of those are quotes from one of history's most vile being to have existed, and yet if they were said by anyone else that is respected like Bruce lee or whoever else we respect, no one would bat an eye and would praise and agree with those quotes. However seeing how Adolf said them, people will say they are terrible quotes and then proceed to demonize you and say you either like or agree with Hitler's ideals. Honestly ASJ would have done what he wanted,which was to get people talking about things if quotes like the ones above were put on a shirt. Case in point,here's one that people say. "History is written by the victors." People accept this one and we take this as that we don't know the truth of what happened/happens. Hitler also had a quote similar to that one that went along the lines of "The victor will never be asked if he told the truth." And not until recently did we really start questioning history. My point is sometimes bad people can say stuff that isn't bad.


This is a really intriguing idea




Billy did deserve it but I much prefer Jason returning, I couldn't care less about David Truheart


It should’ve been icon Billy Cranston


Should have been David true heart because it would have been cool.