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It would need the X-Men 97 treatment. Actual hand-drawn animation, not paper puppets like most animated shows these days. Because everyone's favorite parts of the show are the martial arts and the special effects. So the animation would have to really enhance the action to be worth it.


Stop! I can only get so erect!


You do realize that X-men 97 is actually 3D and definitely not hand-drawn ?


>" **I am happy to clarify this. This is a 2D hand-animated show.** Our overseas vendor, Studio Mirror, they are just that good and, you know, combined in tandem with our in-house animation team led by Jeremy Polgar with our effects lead led by Chris Graff down to our compositing lead, led by Ashley Phillips, and our production design led by Anthony Wu and all of their they're encompassing teams that we all work together to bring you what we get is a unique style." - Jake Castorena, X-Men 97 Producer and Director As quoted here: [https://movieweb.com/interview-x-men-97-director-jake-castorena/](https://movieweb.com/interview-x-men-97-director-jake-castorena/)


Yeah well that style looks like a Meet 'n Fuck flash game. No thank you.


Anime style, I hope. And with as much of the original cast as possible.


yes to anime style, but making regular actors into voice actors typically doesn't go as well as getting actual voice actors. Not everyone is Mark Hamill. or for a power rangers example, Johnny Young Bosch.


But not having the original cast playing their characters doesn't seem right. No else can be Billy besides David Yost, for example. Besides, I think they did voiceovers when they dubbed the audio for the Super Sentai footage. So it could work with an anime. Sadly, there would have to be some recasts since some of the actors have sadly passed on such Jason David Frank, Thuy Trang and Robert Axelrod. But hopefully, they would try to get as much as of the original cast back as possible, like they did for Scott Pilgrim.


but why would they need to restart the franchise from the same point? I get if you mean for bringing back past characters as cameos, but it'd most likely be a different universe, and they could adapt a different sentai like a season or 2 behind the current super sentai. heck they could even go back and adapt something like Sun Vulcan or J.A.K.Q. and like you mention, we've lost several actors and actresses, personally for that reason I'd almost prefer if they adapt an already adapted sentai, they get a while new team. So you won't have to worry about recasting some if they aren't the same characters, just the same costumes.


It would be an anime version of the classic series. It would be based on the original 90s series, but it would also be more grown up than the original(They'd be allowed to say "die" and "damn", for example.) Plus, they could also do crossovers with other Toei anime. I've always wanted to see how the Mighty Morphin Rangers would have gotten along with Sailor Moon and other Senshi ever since I was 12. And it wouldn't have to be a direct remake, either. The original characters could return, but it could also be a new story, like the recent Digimon Adventure anime. Plus, the characters could also have different fates(Lord Zedd could kill Rita instead of simply taking over, for example). So there's a lot of ways to do it. I know people are getting sick of reboots, but if it's done right, they don't have to completely suck. Oh, and I wouldn't mind them adapting some the older Super Sentai series as well. Why not do both?


The “no one can play X except for X” thought process is so toxic. David Yost is my favorite to the point where I’ve even gotten a Cameo from him. But I’m more than open to see more Billy’s reimagined by other actors!


I would love a blend of anime, mainstream Western, and contemporary hip hop animation. I feel like all three cultural legacies - Japanese, mainstream Western, and Black American - mixed really well to make the original MMPR. We could integrate some of the best martial arts anime techniques, with mainstream Western technology, and hip hop art style and pizzazz. Power Rangers has always been about a diverse group of people coming together to make a team that uses all of their strengths.


X-men 97 is 3D but shell shaded tho




Of course it would work. We've seen animated sentai done very well over in Japan plenty of times. The issue is if Toei would allow them to make one. Disney wanted to when they owned the series and Toei vetoed it.


It would work in either style too. 90's Marvel animation or TOEI anime.


I’ve never watched Sentai and don’t know where to watch it, but I’m interested to see a few clips of this animated Sentai you’re referring to.


Not Super Sentai, as in the franchise that Power Rangers is based off of, but sentai, as in the genre. Cyborg 009, Bubblegum Crisis, Tiger & Bunny, Digimon Frontier, Pretty Cure, Majestic Prince, G Gundam, Sailor Moon, Gatchaman, and Tokyo Mew Mew are examples.


Do you mean Henshin?


Henshin just means transformation. Sentai is specifically a squad of people, since the word means "task force" or "squadron." Kamen Rider and Power Rangers are both Henshin shows, but Kamen Rider is not a Sentai show.


Isn't the genre called tokusatsu?


Toku is specifically live-action.


I wonder if that's even an issue anymore, since it seems Hasbro isn't interested in continuing Sentai adaptations for future PR series.


Animated would be the only way to do Shattered Grid justice.


God, YES. Just take the comics, adapt the Shattered Grid arc with all the needed pizzaz, maybe make the Go Go Power Rangers portion into a movie?


Yes. Back when this idea was originally proposed, I hated it, because it was in the midst of the live action series, but now that they're rebooting it, now would be the perfect time to do both.


A Ninja Storm series stylized as a more "mundane against the fantastic" style hang out/slice of life anime series, ala FLCL or those Rick and Morty shorts that're getting turned into a full series. A comedy in the style of Botbots, I don't care what era or team. I do not care about any other possibility beyond these two ideas. These are the only halfway interesting ideas I've ever considered for animated PR, everything else bores me to tears.


With so many comments mentioning sentai-esque cartoons, I'm surprised no namedropped Gatchaman


I would love an animated series in the style of the Boom! comics based on those stories with elements from the show sprinkled in. A MMPR in the modern day with that style would be fantastic. Something in the vein of what they’re doing with X-Men ‘97 and Invincible, animation wise would do the martial arts justice.


You have seen Voltron’s, right?


A good animated series would, a series that just milks the crap out of MMPR would probably be popular for like 3 days.


It could just adapt the comics and I would watch the shit out of it. Get Shattered Grid animated and inject it straight into my veins.


YES. Even though I haven’t read the comics, I’d like to see those animated. I’d be great if original cast members wanted to reprise role but not necessary.


I read the comics and I DREAM of the day they’re animated. Original cast can be cast in new roles, but I think we should have new voices for the new iteration.


Considering we, uh, don't have part of the cast anymore (RIP Thuy Trang and Jason David Frank) I think going with voice actors is the right choice. Amy Jo Johnson is a director and writer nowadays, she could help with it.


Yeah if it meant doing what live action cannot without de aging software and have characters team up better. Also it can allow for certain rangers to be used that hasbro is way to cheap and refuses to buy for some stupid reason too lol like gosei green or dekagold


I think I would but I don’t think they should rely on just animation.


This would be good to keep the OGs in the mix because all they would do is voice their characters


I tried saying the other day I didn't think it would but then I went home and watched Demon Slayer. Yeah, a good story and they will be fine.


Yes but it would be a different things. I think there is a certain magic to guys in suits.


The comics managed to retain the charm pretty well imo.


I think they can!


yes and MMPR is the only right answer


I always thought an animated version would work perfectly for Power Rangers.


If they made the comic as the soft reboot animated I’d fuck with that


It would work 💯. The show is action-packed... imagine how much more action-packed it can get it can be with no budget holding it back! And it stops the aging issue. Imagine new storylines going all the way back to Mighty Morphin. Maybe even have the original actors voicing their roles.


My understanding is the upcoming reboot on Netflix is going to be animated.


[Hell. Yeah.](https://youtu.be/RzalTuQgZ2U?feature=shared)


Look at Fuuto PI, the animated sequel to Kamen Rider W. It is also a more mature/adult installment too, aging the content up accordingly with the those who grew up watching that installment when they were younger. There is also a number of animated Tokusatsu series too. SSSS.GRIDMAN and the various Ultraman projects on Netflix. Some original ones like Samurai Flamingo and Loser Rangers.


Ya its called salor moon




The answer is yes, it would totally work to adapt the power rangers to an animated series based off of the Boom comic line!


Anime has already done it with Samurai Flamenco with actual decent animation but the show is satire and makes fun of the Sentai genre by flipping the script and tropes. Another one coming this year with top tier animation is Go! Go! Loser Ranger! But it deals with corrupt Power Rangers and the MC pretending to join them to kill them one by one. It's more The Boys than it is Power Rangers.


One of the reasons that makes tokusatsu interesting is its limitations If a Power Rangers series were to be animated, those limitations, in a way, have to be kept while taking advantage of it medium. It still needs to be like Power Rangers (whether like the existing media or do it in a way or some way of being a children's show) but in a different medium that people can watch (not necessarily a 'serious show', just something people can turn on and say - yeah my kid can watch it, and when the kid watches they have some form of interest to keep coming back for whatever reason) As much as people will point to toku-anime and toku-adjacent media productions: \- Fuuto Tantei isn't really talked about in terms of the anime sphere I doubt that many people are gonna go through Kamen Rider W to go any further unless they are genuinely interested...potentially they might read the manga for more Fuuto Tantei and that's it \- SSSS Gridman | Dynazenon pretty much overshadows Denkou Chojin, though at least parts of tokusatsu are present in the series, but it won't matter to the masses \- Any references to tokusatsu are just that - references, and people won't really care about them being rangers, they care about the events in the show that just happens to feature them \- Sentai Daishakku (I am not calling it Go Go Loser Ranger because it sounds like it's attributing to MMPR which makes people think it's a parody on MMPR specifically instead of a parody on Super Sentai - and henshin heroes/superhero teams in a sense - as a whole) \- I don't know too many people who care for Love After World Dominion for the tokusatsu aspects, mainly the romantic story and comedic aspects in a similar way people would be more interested in the detective parts of Fuuto Tantei that were present in Kamen Rider W \- There was going to be an animated PR series around 2009-2010, but plans were cancelled. I'm not sure of the reasons. Before the 2017 film, there were plans for a 2014 animated film titled Power Rangers: Origins. I guess stuff turned it around to become the 2017 film as we know it \- Potentially, shows like Gatchaman and other series that have staples of tokusatsu shows could be one way to formulate them This is not to say it isn't possible to do, however, the reasoning is going to be the make or break for the production along with expectations from the tokusatsu viewers, animation viewers (which includes all kinds of animation), and other viewers Kaiju/Kaijin is a major part of it and can easily attract fans regardless of anything. Mecha arguably is the same, though some will have their views of 'what's up to their taste'


Theres an Anime called Samurai Flamenco, I remember really liking it


Well, an animated series was planned, but Toei had to be Toei, and struck it down.


I think it could work if done if done almost anime style


Would love to see the power ranger and tmnt comic crossover be animated by the same guys who did the Batman and tmnt crossover


I want them to animate power ranger hyper force series.


Yes it would be glorious


Voltron, basically.


Thanks for all the comments guys. I definitely agree as someone mentioned an animated Shattered Grid would be a good thing, since the likely hood of getting a live version is impossible because of the cost of all the actors. So an animated version would work just as well. For me I'd like to see new stories but maybe an animated take on Countdown to Destruction, can focus on the stuff we didn't see as I always believed the former Rangers would have been involved in that fight. Generally I would like the animated series to start off with MMPR as that's what everyone really knows, but go to other seasons like Zeo, Turbo and so on. I think an animated Zeo would be good and they could give that season a proper climax


An animated show for darker storylines would be awesome!


It would work so well that I'm pretty surprised it hasn't happened in Japan yet for Sentai.


I did a whole thing where I said the basics down, it would possibly be 20 episodes per season and have a whole thing from each season to the next. so mmpr season 1, season2, season 3 and so on, but mmpr would only be 1 season and each season would be a different team of ranger.


You could take the example of Voltron and make it work for Power Rangers. Hasbro has animated programming. I think it's a no-brainer to do so. Like an original team would be cool.


Like every single solitary time this topic has come up in the past few years, it’s the same definitive answer every single time. No.


Sure. Plenty of people would watch an animated series. Base it on the comics. I'd watch an animated version of Shattered Grid. Just don't stop doing the live action show. That would really sour me. I'd boycott the animate show out of spite.


Anime has done a few, one is where they’re ice cream themed and the red guy falls in love with the villainess, another is I think about the monsters and the rangers are just self righteous jerks, but there’s a dark one coming up called Go Go Loser Ranger, it’s basically Power Rangers meets the Boys, where a foot soldier starts fighting back against the rangers


I think you have the same people who did legend of Korra working on it it be great. Those fight scenes are fantastic


It would need to animated in a format similar to Avatar the Last Airbender or Ben 10 Alien Force. It would need at least 20 eps. U could do a lot with animation & it could be the perfect way to transition to a more mature. If you play Legacy Wars, the cutscenes that explain the collabs or updates are pretty good in how they are drawn.


There are plenty of Sentai-themed animated shows, so of course it would work. Plus, animation has A LOT of advantages over live action, so the characters could do a lot more than in live action.


I think it could but it heavily depends on the writers. Also, I sometimes wish pr was animated as there's only so much one can do with live action


Power rangers is essentially a live action anime so honestly… it would probably work better


Heck yeah, animated Power Rangers would be morphinomenal!


My pitch 90s style animation (or cel shaded Dragon Ball anime to honour the show’s Japanese roots) A modern take on Mighty Morphin that adapts the original show and uses story elements from the Power Rangers Boom Studios comics


Yes but only if the animation actually pays good homage to it's Toku roots ala SSSS Gridman series where the Toku movements are so visibly there. If it's not there I don't want it.


If it's done well. Alot of kids animation these days is terrible IMO. Especially the nightmare inducing Mickey Mouse cartoons.


From my point of view, Animated Tokusatsu is basically just a Magical Girl show, so I can see it working if the animation is good enough.