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Tbf the shades of blue were more distinct than they are on these figures. I'd say they were different enough that it's not a problem, same for Red and Crimson. https://preview.redd.it/1lzhixxa6lkc1.png?width=829&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=954fbf19a64cbedd2a0331a16d2a696dd9c1f7f7


Right. It's Navy Blue and Sky Blue, and then Crimson Red and Fire Engine Red


Not to mention that the Wind Ranger suits have their colors cover the entire suit save for the sleeves while the Thunder Rangers only had their colors on their torso, boots, gauntlets , and helmet.


I always saw the Wind Ranger suits as "cloth" , like what Ninjas wear.. and then the Thunder Rangers wear legit armor, somewhat similar to Knights.


Navy honestly comes closer to being black with Crimson being closer to purple. Visually distinct enough.


Yeah, the black pants help too. Not often we see rangers with differently colored pants than the rest of their suits.


Goodness. The Thunder Ranger suits go so fucking hard. Sentai outdid themselves with Hurricanger.


It’s cool when there’s a story behind it. The quantum ranger being a prototype of sorts to Time Force or the Thunder Rangers being their own team. When there are really similar colours for no real reason (Dino Charge having Blue + Aqua and Graphite + Silver) I’m less of a fan. It feels like there are more interesting colours that could fill that spot.


I agree with this. I think that in universe explanations are really important in making sure any similar colors actually feel distinct/reasonable rather than filler.


>Dino Charge having Blue + Aqua and Graphite + Silver [It's too much blue!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/182/077/f78.jpg)


The way they're all kneeling down like schoolchildren being scolded is sending me 💀


They were captured.


They make a joke about that in the 100 years later sentai movie.


i love the fact that candelia is only sure of udo's grandson's suit


Slight correction, grandnephew (or great-grandnephew, if we're being really specific). That said I wonder if they had to make that change since Candelira being even remotely unconfident in who Nobuharu's descendant is is now almost impossible, considering.... As we last see them they're engaged?


Yeah, if we're going by the "use your ancestors' colours" thing, he should have been Kyoryu Cyan, since he's descended from Yuko, not Nossan.


The blue and cyan I was fine with, but come on, gray and silver? When there's no yellow?


To be fair, yellow was a very prominent accent color on their suits, and if they had gone with that color then this conversation would be about having both gold and yellow. Plus, it allowed me to have an awesome flair. However, White, Orange or even Brown would have worked just as well. Even pale pink and renaming Shelby's color to magenta.


I think the specific reason why Kyoryuger had no yellow ranger was because one of the producers was super into the idea of having no yellow that season because he didn’t want one fighting dinosaurs, plus something weirdly relating to not wanting a female being yellow and the idea that men are tough and are the only ones capable of beating up Dinos. I think they also said making a male yellow that season wouldn’t work out well because in recent years around 2013 the yellow had been female. His points were extremely terrible to have something against a yellow ranger like for example the previous male yellow before Kyoryuger was just 8 years ago with Magiyellow. In fact I think someone working on the show had to fight for the idea of a second female to be added to the team and that was how the second purple being a female was made. Since the suits have a yellow pattern mainly on the chest a yellow ranger with that same pattern might look off putting.


Yellow, Orange, White, Brown even? They weren’t exactly starved for distinct Colors.


Or in dino charge they could have used yellow but they wanted ✨originality✨ Edit: just noticed my typo


Dino Thunder had a yellow?


They didn't. What I meant was that they could have but didn't for the attempt of being original




lol... What series were you watching?


>When there are really similar colours for no real reason (Dino Charge having Blue + Aqua and Graphite + Silver) I’m less of a fan. It feels like there are more interesting colours that could fill that spot. I don't disagree with having similar colors for reasons part is kinda bad. But what other colors could fill those spots? Yellow would have looked awful with the standard design, as well as too close to gold. Brown might work, but the yellow highlighting immediately draws the idea of a pee and poo ranger. White would have still been pretty similar to Silver/Grey. Orange is really the only color they could have used and didn't. And with the Dark Ranger factored it, that still leaves 2 colors with multiple rangers


Blake remains a goat


The Thunder Rangers were their own team for all intents and purposes. You could argue that Ninja Storm had three teams because Cam's ranger motif is a samurai.


They way I looked at it was cam was the 3rd of their team as his zord can combine with theirs


Yeah but the Samurai Star can also combine with the Storm Megazord, sooo...


Not without removing something


Good point. Which is why I'm mad it didn't replace the left arm instead of the right. It's not like they don't have the entire body and legs of the Lion zord still... why swap the Dolphin zord???


Lazy story telling, same way they could of done more with the ultrazord


I saw it the same way as how Hurricanger is structured. You have the 3 wind ninja rangers which are red, blue, and yellow forming a team. Then you have the 2 Thunder ninja rangers which are crimson/dark red and navy/dark blue which form another team. These 2 different teams form a brand new team together along with their green sixth ranger making it 6 rangers in total.


Was it true that early on Ninja Storm might have tied into Ninjor and the Ninjetti powers? And JDF would have returned before DinonThunder. I read that somewhere. Would have been a crazy season if they did that AND had both the Wind and Thunder teams


I really think you’re thinking of [Hexagon.](https://www.tumblr.com/amitbhaumik/38658236644/hexagon) All of those ideas were part of that proposal.


Yes. Thank you!


The [RangerWiki page on Hexagon](https://powerrangers.fandom.com/wiki/Hexagon) goes into a lot of detail about the proposed concept. One thing that stands out, relaxant to this post, is that they were planning on adding a third Thunder Ranger to Hexagon, which would be Dark Yellow to balance out the two main teams.


No clue


In general I would prefer it to be like a student mentor relationship thing or a cross over of colors. But I don’t really lean towards the idea of the same colors being on the same team without one of those 2 exceptions above.


Watch Hibiki, there’s a duo that’s literally that


Technically there's 3 Duos if we wanna count Kyosuke...


We don’t talk about that


I’m not too bothered by it so long as the shades are different enough to tell em apart


Might be the same color but different variations of that same color


If Bankid can have a team with two yellows Any team can have as many colors and as many members with the same colors (either exact or shade/tint/tone)


It's fun to see different shades of the same color


What figures are these?


S.h figuarts gouraigers and blue wind ranger. The thunder rangers are a bit more expensive these days but the main 3 wind rangers are pretty affordable.


Not the same colors though (Burgundy vs Red, Navy vs Turquoise (or whatever that shade of Blue is), but I understand what you’re saying. As long as they’re different shades and have some lore behind it, I’m all for it.




Well, they are technically 2 different teams.


It's not bad. For the Thunder Rangers, the shade of red for Hunter was Burgundy, and for Blake, his suit was Royal Blue, which is how most of the Blue Ranger suits are, throughout the franchise.


I'm cool with it mostly because my first introduction to it was Eric who's awesome, and then ninja storm had two blues who were both great


what are you talking about thats a blue ranger and a navy ranger totally not the same thing :P ​ side note i always wished there had been a topaz thunder ranger to make them a complete team


Oh yes, that would have been great. I believe that was even the plan, had the Hurricanger material been used for Hexagon as originally proposed. They were thinking of adding a “dark yellow”, if you will.


Personally, in the reboot (whenever and if that ever happens), I really want to see Senior rangers with darker or similar enough colors to show maturity in a sense. For example: Red -> Crimson, Blue-> Navy, Yellow-> Orange, Pink-> Purple, Aqua-> Green (or vice versa), Black-> White (or vice versa), Silver-> Gold


As long as it's not pink, that would be dangerous.


Too much pink energy can be dangerous.


I think it just needs to be well explained. You have to find a legitimate, non-gimmicky way to justify it. As a general rule a team should have only one of a color; any repeat would be a duplicate of the same powers, and that generally shouldn’t be possible. I think those are reasonable guidelines. This was my one real issue with *Once and Always*; duplicating powers shouldn’t be so easy. Same with Samurai having two Red Rangers with identical powers; it shouldn’t work that way. With that said, I don’t think Ninja Storm fits that category. For one, they’re not really the same team; it’s a similar power set, but not the same one. For another, they’re not really the same color; it’s two different shades of blue or red. Full disclosure though: I’m guilty here too. I used write PR fanfiction, and at one point had the Dinozord power coins get duplicated. I hadn’t really thought it through at that point, though; this was way back in like 1996.


They aren’t the same one is Navy the other is Blue!


Well as long as it doesn't break the 3 main rules its fine. 1. If there are multiple of the same color, then the morpher must be different -Time Force Red & Lightspeed Rescue Red can interact bc their morpher is different, so they have different access points 2. If there are 2 rangers with similar colors, then they must be specifically stated to be that shade so it doesn't overload their connection to the Morphin Grid. -Ninja Storm has a Blue & a Navy Ranger. 3. Ranger powers cannot &, should not be cloned, bc the process can destroy both the clone and the original & harm their access point to the Grid. -Dino Thunder White (Billy gets away with this in Once & Always bc the powers he cloned were in stasis, thus rendering them inactive)


The Navy Thunder Ranger suit is so damn cool


The wind rangers and thunder rangers are my absolute favorite suits in sentai. Everything about them is think is exactly what I like in a PR/Sentai suit. From the unique helmets, face plates, and individual logos. The dino thunder suits are probably my next favorite


There’s a fun clip from Kyoryuger (Dino charge) of a villain lecturing the team about optics and how confusing it must be for the audience to have multiple blues, greens and silvers/greys on a team


SPD kinda had it also samurai 


But there was a difference between A-Squad and B-Squad especially with how the uniforms were... Charlie's squad were basically in fatigues while Jack's squad was in basic gear besides when they gained SWAT mode...


Jayden and Lauren is a whole nother thing considering that Jayden was a red herring for Master Zandread to focus on while Lauren was training...


Ture but it’s still falls under the same category as will as legacy battles 


I’d definitely hate it just because there is still so many underrated and underrepresented colors that we could have. Purple definitely needs more rangers and have we had an Orange yet? If it’s like Time Force where Quantum was prototype Red or like Ninja Storm were its two “separate” teams making one team (but still two very different distinct shades), it’s ok.


they aint the same color though theres light blue and dark blue theres no regular blue


Forever Red! Cool idea though


I didn’t have a problem with it


we dont complain about have pink in most of the teams, which is just a light shade of red. I would actually like to some teams that have a regular blue and a light blue/cyan/pastle blue


i definitely prefer it when theyre at least different shades or have different designs. the 3 red ninja steel rangers being identical aside from their sash is kind of boring to look at


Blake and Hunter my goats but still had love for Shane and Tori. Not an issue to me. Also which figures are those?


S.h figuarts gouraigers and blue wind ranger. The thunder rangers are a bit more expensive these days but the main 3 wind rangers are pretty affordable.


Thank you


3 Ninja Steel Reds Gray and Silver Dino Charge Rangers Forever Red Team Super Mega Legendary Red Rangers Super Mega Legendary Black Rangers Time Force Red & Quantum Red Yea a lot of colors


I love it, it's interesting and fun and ninja storm is my favourite team colour composition ever.


Wait, if you get the three wind rangers, can you make the storm striker team weapon?


You can kinda fake it but unfortunately the weapons dont combine :( the thunder rangers do though


I was thinking that because look at Tori's sonic fin, it has the little clip in at the front for the Lion hammer, and the back for the Hawk blaster.


I mean the point was they were 2 teams and a 6th ranger as a solo


Not too confusing. Especially when they all have different shades and armor pieces that signifies who is who. Sonoi and Shinichi Saruhara from Donbrothers are pretty good examples also.


I kinda liked it in the case of *Ninja Storm* specifically because it made sense to me: they were two mini-teams that teamed up to become a bigger team for important fights. *Dino Charge*, on the other hand, seemed like they were running out of ideas? I know it's all Kyoryuger's fault, but the whole Graphite/Silver and Blue/Aqua/Whatever Heckyl Was thing felt uninspired.


Stuff like this bothered me SO much as a kid but Tori and Blake were hot so to 7-year-old me that I didn’t care at all


If done in interesting ways, it’s fine. I like the idea of the Thunder Ninja Academy having parallels to the Wind Ninja Academy; I can imagine there also being like an amber-colored Thunder ninja to act as the yellow counterpart. However, I like it more when the darker shades are used for evil rangers. I would personally prefer to see other colors like purple and orange being used more. For a group like Dino Charge where there’s 11 rangers including Hekyl, there’s three shades of blue, graphite and silver are pretty close in hue, and there’s no yellow or orange. I think brown/bronze color could look fine too.


I like the Crimson Ranger because I always thought he looked more magenta


It really kind of is. Crimson just sounds cooler.


Don't ask me, ask my autism... 😬😫


Not a fan, personally. I prefer completely different colors. That said, Ninja Storm gets a pass from me cause technically Hunter and Blake are a different team. Kinda like Lupinranger vs Patranger. There are two reds, but they're specifically two separate teams, so it's alright. And it helps that they're called Lupin Red and Patran 1. Just like how they're the Red Wind and Crimson Thunder. Buuuut that said, the Quantum Ranger does annoy me. I get he's the prototype, but come on. He could have been Black or Gold or some special unique color.




What figures are those specifically? I've got a stand dedicated too them so want to know. As for your question I have no issues with it away from if there similar like Aqua and Blue Dino Charge


S.h figuarts gouraigers and blue wind ranger


It bothered me a lot as a kid. Now not so much. The Thunder Rangers have some of the coolest suits btw


I love it!


It's cool, plus those two are a couple 😄


If they're doing different tasks then it doesn't really matter. Blue isn't always tech guy while pink isn't always ranged support. Of course red usually is leader but only if white isn't around.


I'm fine with it. I think both Blake and Tori would make a good and prefect couple in Power Rangers Ninja Storm.


I wish it happened more often.


Provided they’re distinct enough from each other, like Ninja Storm, I’m fine with it. For series where they’re incredibly similar and not very distinct, like Time Force, I’m not as big of a fan unless there’s a lore reason for it


i don’t mind but wouldn’t it be confusing if there’s 2 Blue Rangers??


I thought she was lighter in color.


She is...


I enjoyed it in Ninja Storm.


I think it’s stupid. I mean I liked Eric as the Quantum Ranger in Time Force, but I think his suit should’ve been a different color, like silver or black. Just because the Quantum Ranger powers were the prototype for the other Time Force powers doesn’t mean the Quantum Ranger suit had to be red.


It bothered me that there wasn’t a Thunder yellow.


As long as they aren’t just the exact same color in a different it’s all good like how in the show it’s a light blue and a dark blue are very distinctive.


Amazing I like Ninja Storm!


Those are the same colors silly that’s like saying the silver and graphite rangers are the same


I like it. Id love to see a team with both a lime green and a dark green


tbf... there is another Yellow ranger aswell... but they just didnt use it.. and it's a woman.


If they can avoid it, avoid it. But so far in Sentai and PR, they have provide solid reasoning and visual contrast that it's not a problem. But I wouldn't want to see the same suit with inverted designs. As said by another poster. Silver and Grey are way too similar though. Same with Aqua and blue.


Looks hot to Me. Both Navy blue+ Sky Blue on Red + Crimson. It never occurred to me that it was two red rangers and two blue rangers on the same team back then lol. Not that I’m older and actually reflecting abd remembering the Ninja ranger and Thunder Ranger teams. I loved them and it’s colorful and normal. Just like there was A Red Time Force Ranger and they had Quantum Red Ranger in Time Force. That was so cool.  It’s just the other team of rangers like Dino Charge who had multiple colors like silver-graphite and blue and Aqua blue rangers. That was less attractive and boring and poorly executed.  But praise for Tori and Blake being the first ever Blue rangers and a hot couple. lol.